1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 552: .About the plot (must see)

  Well, when Enen's matter broke out today, there was indeed a lot of discussion.

  In Xiao's original setting, he planned that Enen was the son of Mu Qingxi and Mo Shaochen. They thought, if Enen is really Leng Yunlin's son, Qingyu has no reason to keep it from him. After all, in the end, Mu Qingyu fell in love with Leng Yunlin, and Enen kept asking her for a father, so it was impossible for her to deliberately conceal who her son was, right? It was because this child was not Leng Yunlin's that she was entangled.

  As for the blood transfusion that everyone is talking about, there is no. Xiao only said that Leng Yunlin has type O blood, Mu Qingyu has type B blood, and Mu Shangen also has type B blood. This is possible. It can only be said that type O blood and type B blood can give birth to a child with type B blood. However, if Mu Shangen's blood type was type ab or type a, then Leng Yunlin could tell at a glance. Blood type is not the only basis for determining Mushanen's child.

  As for the title of the book, the so-called "Ex-Husband Is Poisonous" does not mean that Leng Yunlin will marry Mu Qingyu and then divorce. In fact, the original title of this book was "President's Hidden Rules: 10 Million Child Seizing Contract". It was only because of the penguin crackdown that neither "President" nor "hidden rules" could be written, so under the guidance of the editor, it was changed to "The Ex-Husband Is Poisonous", which is not representative.

  In addition, the total chapters of this book will be within 1000 chapters, and more than 500 chapters have been published now, that is to say, there are still 400 chapters left. Anyone who has read Xiao Shu knows that no matter how twists and turns the process is, the ending is sure to be perfect~~ According to the speed of 8-10 updates per day, it will end in October at most. Xiao swore that if you don't finish 1000 chapters of this book, you will chop your hands~! So, everyone can rest assured to watch~

  As for Enen's congenital heart disease, the cause of this disease is very complicated, there are genetic reasons and acquired reasons. It's not necessarily because of the birth control pills. As for the little baby in Qingyu's stomach, uh, this little guy is the medium for contacting her and Leng Yunlin. See you later~

  As for "seizing the son", it is naturally Leng Yunlin and Mo Shaochen. It seems that Yunlin is unlikely to accept Enen now. After watching, Enen will not torture him to death! As for Mo Shaochen, this is Qingyu's brother-in-law, and Qingyu's feelings for him also disappeared with the passage of time. As for Mu Qingyu, it can be seen from the front that she values ​​the feelings of her children more than herself. If they wanted to embrace a beauty, the most important thing for these two big men was to win her son's love! Not only Enen, but also the unformed little guy in her stomach. Whoever can win Enen and the little guy's love can marry Mu Qingyu back~! This is also the meaning of the title~~

  Well, having said so much, dear friends, don’t worry, and don’t curse, the future is bright, and the road is tortuous. I believe that Xiao’s followers can continue to follow, and Xiao will not let you down~~

  In addition, I would recommend Xiao’s series of sister articles, all of which have been completed. If you feel that the update is too tiring, you can go to read Xiao’s completed series: "24 Hours of a Rich Family: Kissing the Devil’s Ex-Husband Goodbye", "The Chief’s One-Day Love: Kissing a Billionaire Wife Forcibly", "Exiting Wife of a Rich Family: Baby, Marry Me Again", "Stepping on the Husband’s Bottom Line by Mistake: Sweetheart Is Hard to Parry"

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