1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 698: .Seize the child (4)

  Although she was pregnant, she didn't gain much weight. Seeing the two legs piled up with jade snow above the knees, and the mysterious area hidden in the depths by black lace, his eyes almost went straight!

  The faint fragrance hit him, and he almost had to work hard to restrain his wild thoughts!

  At the thought of her leaving, his whole heart trembled!

  How could she go? Her first time was his, and she was his child's mother again, she didn't love Mo Shaochen anymore, she loved herself. . . . . .

  Thinking of this, his breathing almost stopped, but he paused again and continued to go up.

  Seeing her swollen belly, he was a little surprised.

  Strictly speaking, at this moment, Mu Qingyu, except for his lower abdomen, which is bulging like a small hillock, hardly has any obvious changes in other parts of his body. The legs are not swollen yet, they are still slender. Her arms didn't get thicker, her face didn't get rounder, at most, only her snow-capped mountains became much taller and straighter than before. Speaking of which, her slightly protruding belly is not only not ugly, but also has a hint of novelty, giving him a different kind of stimulation.

   Moreover, because her bust is more plump, it is a blessing from God, and his eyes are straightened.

   Soon this will be the hill that will provide food for his son. She is so thin, but the little guy in her belly seems to have practiced to absorb the stars, absorbing her energy and miraculously rising.

   Not daring to press her down, he moved over gently, no longer let her face get cold, but covered each other with the quilt, and only relied on his hands to describe her appearance.

  Cruising on her body, it has been five months. After five months, her body is still as soft and smooth as I remember, like high-grade velvet, which makes people love it.

  He didn't dare to use force, but touched gently, and finally came to her towering snow mountain. In the end, still feeling itchy, I gently put it on my lips.

  The taste like tender tofu made him feel refreshed immediately! It seems that all the blood in the whole body is flowing down the body!

  He was so focused that he didn't even realize that Mu Qingyu was slowly waking up under his clutches.

   She felt a little cold and a little hot in a trance. It seemed that something was gently moving around her body, stirring up small electric currents, beeping, beeping, and finally, gathered into a dense cloud, covering her head.

   She was confused until she felt that her heart was being dropped into a warm and humid place. Licking and kissing in circles, using teeth, caressing and devouring. . . . . .

  Afterwards, her underpants were loosely tied and slowly faded off. She was finally puzzled, and opened her eyes with difficulty. As soon as she opened her eyes, she only felt something sharp, tentative, but determined, to go deep!

  She woke up completely, and when she woke up, she found that the beast was sweating profusely, and she had already eaten tofu heavily by him!

  But, she can't believe it! She was still pregnant, how could he do this?

   Startled, Leng Yunlin also noticed that she was awake, and saw her staring at him with wide-open eyes, but he didn't have the slightest objection. He thought she was happy, and wanted to bow his head to kiss her, but was afraid that it would press her stomach. In the end, he could only express his thoughts with practical actions!

   Feeling that this **** actually continued to commit crimes, Mu Qingyu was furious!

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