13 Mink Street

Chapter 186: human face

Neo began to focus on clearing the white roses around the tombstone, and Karen stood with him for a while, then turned and walked away, leaving it to Neo and Eliza.

When walking back to the caretaker's hut, old Samant, who had just washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, was cleaning his pipe. When he saw Karen walking back, he smiled and said hello:

"Yo, come back alive."

Karen stood there, taking a serious look at the aged cemetery again.

"What are you looking at?" Old Saman said angrily.

Karen sat down on the steps, looked around, and said, "How long have you been working here by yourself?"

"Almost thirty years."

"really not easy."

"I don't think it's been a solid 30 years."

"Are you about to retire?"

"Yeah, I'm about to retire..."

"No children?"



"That's not true. Many people with children in their later years are actually more pitiful."


"What do you ask these for?"

"Pavaro Funeral Club lacks a handyman. If you retire here, you can go to work at Pavaro Funeral Club. The work is not tiring and the pay is favorable."

Old Saman immediately shook his head: "No, no, you are so old, you still want to squeeze my labor force?"

"Some old people have nothing to do after retirement, but they feel uncomfortable. I'm afraid you won't get used to it."

"Don't go, don't go." Old Saman shook his head firmly, "retire when you retire, take a good rest, and don't want to toss any more."

"Well, look at you poor, I'll come and cook you dinner every night in the future."

A smile appeared on the corner of Old Samant's mouth, and he turned to look at Karen who was sitting there, and found that Karen was looking up at the starry sky at night.

"Heh, the bedding is here, and you start thinking about the old furniture and old appliances in my house?"

"No, I just want to cook for you because my hands are itchy."

"I said you look so good-looking, how can you be so thick-skinned?"

"There's no way, I always have to refuse the ladies' showings of love. It's been a long time, and it's hard to be thick-skinned."

"That's right, it's really shameless." Old Saman wondered, "Is it the same for your parents?"

Karen thought of Pu'er's evaluation of the young Diess.

"My grandfather was like that when he was young."

"That's no wonder, hereditary."


"Now, is your grandfather still the same as before?"

"As you get older, naturally it won't be like this."

"Yeah, it's better when you're young. You don't have so many thoughts. When you're older, you seem to put down a lot of things, but when you want to pick up something again, you find that your back hurts so badly that you can't bend down at all."

"What do you want to eat tomorrow, I'm very good at making fish."


"My cat likes to eat it."

"Hehe, if you agreed when I asked you earlier, it would be more interesting, instead of trying to make up for it now, I always feel that something is missing. How can I put it, it's less natural and more deliberate."

"It's hard to cook delicious dishes without seasonings."

"It seems to be, but that one just let you go?"

"Otherwise? Do you think he will kill me directly?"

"I thought there would be a great possibility, because what you did is very serious, almost offending the majesty of a religious religion."

Old Saman still took the initiative to speak out.

"How do you know, I don't think you and Pavaro are very familiar."

Because there is no record of this old man in Pavaro's work notes, with Mr. Pavaro's rigorous work style, if he finds anything special about the old man, he will definitely record it, and the Lemar Ceramics Museum is recorded in the notes.

"I'm the property here, they're the residents here."

"But they're buried in the ground."

"Aren't the residents living in the apartment going out?" Old Saman asked rhetorically.

"This is like the line I should say, you also believe in order?"

"To a certain extent, yes, I believe in the beauty of overlapping spaces. Of course, orderly space is also a kind of beauty."


Karen suddenly thought of something.

Old Saman put his hands on his chest and said sincerely:

"Praise Pamireth."

Karen was silent.

"It seems that you know the Pamireth religion?"

"A great church."

"Huh?" Old Saman was a little puzzled, "Such words shouldn't come out of the mouths of people who believe in order."

"Does Neo know who you are?"

"Of course, otherwise why would he come here every night."

"Oh, that's how it is."

"Relax?" Old Saman smiled, "Are you afraid of me just now?"

"A little bit, but not too serious."

"Have you seen the wind direction too?"

"I just ordered a newspaper a while ago, and I read it from the newspaper."

"Yeah, I also saw it in the newspaper." Old Samman patted the dust on his trouser legs, "It's funny, if I didn't read the newspaper, I wouldn't even know that I was so dangerous."

"Maybe there is a turning point, after all, it's just letting go."

"It's difficult, since the wind has been blown up, if you don't get things done, you'll lose face."

Karen nodded, Mars has been shot, and finally if it can't be lit, the majesty of the Sect of Order will be damaged, and the reason why he wants to ignite this fire is to restore the majesty.

"So, what do you mean by retirement?"

"Not bad." Old Saman lit his pipe, took two puffs, the tobacco flickered, "That Neo, it's very interesting, you are also very interesting, yes, interesting people don't kill interesting people, but You still have to thank me well, every time he comes during this time, I often say good things about you in front of him."


"Let's make fish, I actually like eating fish."

"Okay." Karen turned her head and pointed to the hut, "What's in that house?"

"When the food you sent this time is exhausted, the refrigerator will be useless. Take the refrigerator back. It can still be used when it is plugged in, but the noise is a bit loud."

"You're old, you must not sleep well."


"My house has just been renovated, and a new batch of appliances has been replaced. I will have someone ship my new refrigerator early tomorrow and replace it with your old refrigerator, so that you can sleep well."

Old Samant just looked at Karen so quietly, his eyes fixed.

Karen still smiled back calmly.

"I'm curious, how did you manage to be so shameless at the same time?"

"You're always smearing my concern for you tonight."

"I've had a good temper over the years. When I was young, when I met a little guy like you, I'd probably throw him into a wooden barrel. When I was bored at night, I would lift the lid and let him chat with me to relieve my boredom."

"I think it can be moved to a more upscale place."

"You are really different from Pavaro. The guy who comes to eat every day is also different from Pavaro."

"Mr. Pavaro doesn't know your identity."

"Of course he doesn't know, but he has helped me mend the house several times. He looks greasy and doesn't seem to like bathing very much, nor does he repair the edges, but he has a good heart."


Cullen remembers the last time the tram bombed, Mr. Pavaro shoved Rael, who paid for his hospital bill.

"If he could be more like you, he wouldn't have to die so early."

"I take your words as a blessing to me."

Old Saman suddenly leaned over to Karen's side, and at the same time his fingers touched the two sound holes of the recorder in his arms. Suddenly, the harsh rhythm exploded, and everything around was isolated by the sound waves.

"Be careful with your captain, because I can feel him on the verge of being lost."

Karen raised her head sharply, looking at old Samant.


The rhythm dissipated, and the surroundings returned to tranquility.

Old Samant took two more puffs of the cigarette holder, spit out a puff of white smoke, coughed, and spit on the ground.

"I've obviously had a very boring life, but I haven't had any thoughts of dying, and I have to live more enthusiastically than before."

"Absolutely?" Karen asked.

"Of course not absolutely, but I can feel that I have this sign, I feel that I am no longer living for myself, but I am more proactive and determined than when I am living for myself, hehe, there is no confusion at all, Do you think I'm sick?"

"Can it be cured?"

"I don't know, I don't know, the residents who lie here don't need a doctor, and I don't understand, who can say for sure about things in this world, in case there is a miracle?

Of course, you can also think that I am sowing discord, and I do have enough motivation to do so. "

Karen shook her head.

"Hey, you trust me so much?" Old Saman was a little curious.

"Are you provoking me and him, are you too full to do anything?"

If you want to play provocation, you must at least do so between two similar bodies. The gap is too obvious. What's the point of provoking and being slapped to death?

"Hi... Yes, you are right." Old Saman smiled, "However, do you know what the clearest point is?"


"She's lying here, and you're sitting here."

Karen was silent.

"Of course, you can also understand that because she was lying here, she changed him, so that you can sit here, but this change is not just for you.

If it's like frequent inexplicable nosebleeds, it's probably not just a nose problem.

However, there is another possibility, a possibility that can exist only in theory. "

"What is possible?"

"It seems that she changed him, but in theory, didn't you show up when she had an accident? And you are really good looking.


A teasing smile appeared on the face of old Samant:

"So, could it be because of his contact with you that he changed him?"

Karen rolled her eyes at old Samman: "We'll have supper later, save yourself some appetite."

"Well, it's true, I don't like that one either, as I have the **** star posters all over my bedroom to prove to me."

Karen ignored him, but silently looked at the steps in front of her;

Old Saman also stopped talking, smoking his pipe quietly;

Until, Neo's figure came from the darkness in the distance.

Karen stood up and asked, "Captain, are you ready for supper now?"

"Yeah." Neo nodded.

Karen went into the kitchen and began to prepare.

After a while, Karen made it and brought it out. It was a very simple supper, three bowls of oil-splashed noodles. The noodles were brought by herself, and the ingredients were available in the kitchen.

Three people, sitting at a small table, began to eat noodles.

Old Saman took the initiative and said, "This kid promised me, and he will come over to cook me a meal every night in the future."

Neo nodded and said, "Before killing poultry, you must feed more."

Old Samman licked his teeth with his tongue, and kept flipping his lips to Neo, swearing swear words silently.

Neo didn't care and continued to eat noodles.

After eating, Neo stood up and looked at Karen: "Go back together?"

"Okay, Captain, I'll take you off."

Karen was about to go to the driver's seat, but saw Neo sitting there first, Karen could only go back and sit in the co-pilot seat.

After Neo drove the car out, old Saman came over, closed the rusted iron gate of the cemetery, and rubbed his stomach: "The noodles are delicious, but if I'm not full, the stinky boy doesn't know. Do more."

After packing up the utensils, Old Saman returned to the kitchen and saw a bowl of prepared oil-splashed noodles in the kitchen, accompanied by a few cloves of peeled garlic.

Old Samant couldn't help laughing:

"That stinky boy."


"He told you all?" Neo asked as he drove.

"Yes, he said that he is a believer of the Palmiers religion, so, Captain, are you stepping in ahead of time?"

"He won't run away," Neo said.

"Then you..."

"But he has the ability to help others escape, so I come to see him every day."

"If there is an order from above?"

"Then he is the first target of our team." Neo said calmly, "You don't have to bear to attack, because he will choose to attack you actively."

"That's good too."

"In short, everything has been waiting for the official order above. It has been a long time, and the divine religion has not issued such a divine order."

Although in this era, the order of the gods has dominated the family until now, the real active period of the gods of order was in the last era;

In the last epoch, once the Light God Cult made a "evil definition" for a certain church, the first one to stand up and respond is also the first to do it, often the Order God Cult.

There is such a sentence in the mythological narratives of many gods: [Light awakens order. 】

But this sentence really rises, and even other religions have to delete it because of the authority of the order;

Therefore, in the last era, this paragraph of the narrative of many gods is actually like this:

[Light awakens order; let order guard the light. 】

Neo had been driving, and after a long time, Karen took the initiative to ask:

"Captain, do you have nothing to ask me?"

"Ask you what?" Neo shook his head, "I said, in my team. Everyone has secrets, I also said that I will not take the initiative to explore your secrets, I even said, I believe in Pavaro Judge's choice."


Neo asked:

"Are these reasons not enough, do you need to add more?"

"Enough, enough."

"The arrest will take place two days later, oh, it's past midnight, just one day later, at an inconspicuous smuggling wharf. What's your reason for wanting to participate?"

"Mr Gray said I need a real fight now to improve."

"Tell the truth."

"Avenge the gentleness of the light and the sea, think of something."

"It would be utterly foolish to bring this personal emotional element into the battle plan, because it would interfere with setting the optimal ratio of losses and gains."

But captain, have you agreed?

But Karen didn't ask directly about this, what if the captain wanted to find a reason to go back on it?

At this time, Neo glanced at Karen and continued:

"You should say, you now have the same urge to shoot those two poor guys into the woods at the gas station last time, can't wait to try something?"


"Well, this reason is very appropriate, because it is part of the interests, understand?"

"I see, Captain."

"Because it's not the whole team's action, we won't gather together. At eight o'clock tomorrow night, at Meilong Pier."

"I remember, Captain."

"I'm almost home, get out of the car first and go back by yourself."

"Okay, Captain."

Neo turned into a black fog and flew out of the car window.

Karen got out of the car from the co-pilot's seat, went around the front of the car and sat in the driver's seat, touching the steering wheel, and said to the empty co-pilot next to him:

"I left beforehand, Alfred, and you drive home yourself."


Karen's fingers twitched and stretched out of the car window.


I laughed myself.

Pu'er is right, after you become a judge, you must learn this technique first.

Karen restarted the car, looked around, and found that it was not far from the Santor Building, which was the psychological clinic where he used to work.

"It turns out that the captain lives in the city center."

Karen drove the car and entered King's Avenue. After hesitating for a while, he turned the front of the car into Second Street. Since it was so close, he went to the pottery museum. Last time, he ordered Allen Manor to provide raw materials for Lemar. Cooperation should be It has already been achieved.

The car stopped at the entrance of the pottery museum. Karen got out of the car and walked over, stretched out her hand and pushed it, and found that the door was locked. It was so late that they had already closed the door.

Just as Karen turned to leave, the lights inside turned on, and Serena happily trotted over in her cute pink pajamas and opened the door.

"Haha, brother Karen, are you coming to see me!"

"Of course……"

"You know my brother is not at home tonight, so he came to see me so late!"

"of course not."

Serena reached out and hugged Karen's arm: "Come on, come in and play, my brother went on a date with the congressman's wife tonight, I was asked by my brother to help him sort out the materials in his studio, come, Brother Karen, I'll show you around my brother's studio."

"Is that bad?"

"It's nothing. Recently, my brother got a supply of materials from a family, and he is very rich. Come, come."

Karen was pulled by Serena to the studio in the basement.

As soon as he entered, Karen was attracted by a little boy's doll, and he had a feeling that when he entered, the doll seemed to be looking at him.

"Come, come here, I'll take you into my brother's collection room."

Serena opened a door, and inside was a very deep space.

"Come in, Brother Karen."

Karen bent down and walked in, and when she got deeper, the space suddenly became brighter.

There are many dolls on the ground ~www.readwn.com~, most of these dolls are old, and some dolls even have age spots.

When you are close to a young puppet, you can feel its vitality, and when you are close to an old puppet, you can experience the feeling of twilight.

Even if these dolls are all motionless.

Serena kept introducing her brother's collection to Karen, and when she walked to the rows of portraits of faces framed by photo frames, Karen paused.

"Selina, are these portraits of your ancestors?"

"No, no, these are the portraits of my brother's guests. My brother is very bad. When helping the guests to make masks, he will rub a face and put it here for his own appreciation.

Moreover, the higher the production cost, the more energy and the more energy-consuming the mask, the older brother will put its portrait in the front, the older brother is powerful, so I have never felt that he is an artist, although he insists that he is.

Look, the one in the first row and the second in the first row is the mask portrait you asked him to do last time, brother Karen. "

Karen saw Mr. Pavaro's portrait hanging here.


Karen looked at the portrait in the first row, and her expression instantly froze.

Seeing this, Serena immediately said: "No, no, brother Karen, don't misunderstand, the mask that brother made for you is made of very good materials, and I personally checked it. The reason why it is not comparable. The first picture was because someone took my life and threatened my brother to help him make a mask. For me, my brother had to use all the best materials to help him make it.

Therefore, his painting ranked first, which is also a very important reason why my brother has always hated the religion of order. "

Karen's eyes fixed on the first painting,

Because of the face in the painting,

It's Neo.

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