13 Mink Street

Chapter 529: You can lie to her too

Latest website: In fact, Karen has long been able to advance to the rank of adjudicator. His talent, his accumulation, his absorption, and his opportunity, it can be said that in any aspect, it has long been beyond the best imagination of similar people.

It's just that the path he takes is quite special, and there is the case of Diss before him. Going fast is not his pure pursuit. Before he takes every step, he must be deliberate, because it is possible that he will miss it. Just fell directly into the dark abyss.

However, the death of Bishop Dolfo was originally the advanced scale point Karen set for himself.

Now, indeed, is the time.

Karen turned around and faced Bishop Dolfo who was sitting there quietly with his head down.

The pictures of the past in the memory were extracted piece by piece, and most of these pictures were recorded by Alfred in his small notebook.

In a scene, Karen stands at the gate of Pavaro's Funeral Society, and when he learns that Pavaro's merits have been stolen by an adjudicator named Vicole, he makes an oath to kill this person . '

In the interrogation room, facing Vicolai's **** metaphor to the Pavaro family, Karen gave him a verdict;

In the trial court, facing Bishop Berne's pressing step by step, Karen began to feel the true atmosphere of "Ankara Story" and re-understand the definition of the verdict; Bishop Dolfo in front of him. These pictures began to overlap in Karen's mind.

For a long time in the past, Karen's cognition of "judgment" was still in the category of dogmatism. In a world with gods and priests, it does not mean that idealism is correct, but that it is true under specific circumstances. Under specific analysis, the boundary between idealism and materialism actually needs to be moved.

This is a road that is doomed to be lonely. When you turn your head, there is no one to follow, and the front of you is also pitch black. There is nothingness on both sides, and you can't see any support point that you can hold on to;

Your eyes will be the only light, and every step you take must be worthy of your eyes. '

Karen closed his eyes and opened them again. A gleam of light flowed from his eyes, and his whole person became sharper. But soon, the subtle change of sharpness being restrained was of course caught by Bo. Grace bishop caught;

It seems that it is indeed because of Dolfo's gift that the young man in front of him became precipitated after breaking through the barrier of the realm so easily. \'

Karen felt that his mastery of the spiritual power in his body had been raised to a new level. If he looked at them like pools of water in the past, now they are stacked one by one in his eyes. drops of water.

Spreading his hands, a strong fire of order rose in Karen's palm, quickly changing the images of various small animals

At this moment, Bishop Bourne reached out and pulled back the pendant. The barrier was shattered, but a strong wind swept towards Karen. Do you want to continue exploring?

The wind blew over, and the flame in Karen's palm began to flicker, but not only did it not go out, but it became stronger. Karen knew that this was a test of strength.

The bishop's habits are really funny, he never misses the opportunity to take advantage of anyone and things around him. Bishop Berne finally nodded in satisfaction. He leaned forward and asked with a smile, "Captain Karen, do you hate me?"

At this time, Karen can choose to continue to play dumb and ask why you said that.

It's just that if you say this, you will belittle the bishop too much, so Karen was silent for a while, then nodded: "I think, I should."

"Yes, you should hate me." Bishop Bern nodded, "I hope I can have the opportunity to express my deceit and... compensate you in the future."

You just said earlier that the reason why I was asked to kill Dolfo today was to express my apology for insulting me and Pavaro's wife and daughter in the trial court last time, and now I want to continue to express my apology. \'

If I am really just an ordinary "excellent young man", I will be insulted by you first, and then cut off my future path by you. Karen shook his head and said, "My lord, I don't want to have too much interaction with you anymore, please let me go, okay?"

"But I think, Captain Karen, you and I are very destined. I think there will be many opportunities for us to deal with each other in the future. I really appreciate you, Captain Karen.


"What do you appreciate about me, please tell me clearly, and I will change it."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Bishop Berne pointed at Karen and laughed. After he finished laughing, he ordered:

"Come here, Bishop Dorfo has committed suicide, let his body be carried out in the coffin, and an obituary will be issued to the public." "Yes, my lord."

The knights of the garrison entered and began to carry Dolfo's body. "See you later, Captain Cullen."

After Bishop Berne greeted Karen for the last time, he walked up.

Karen stayed at the back, looked at Bishop Dolfo who was being carried out by the garrison knights, and thought: Let's not see each other often in the future. 2 When Karen returned to the top, he saw that Neo was already waiting for him, and he also called Fanny and Pepper over. "How about you go back first?" Neo whispered excitedly, "This time the benefits are great." Zhang Xiang was confused about what happened, but he still reminded, "Eat your face..."

"I'll take care of things, don't worry."

Immediately, Neo seemed to come to his senses, and immediately said: "Hey, when is it your turn to teach me how to do things, here are the car keys, you go back quickly." Karen nodded, and took it from Neo. Car keys, intending to leave first. "Well, wait a minute." "Yeah"

"Do you have any hobbies? You know, some things are not worth the money when you convert them into coupons. Selling them is not the same price as buying them back." "Books."

"Oh, the Natons don't have the habit of collecting books, so they are so stupid." "Then order coupons."

"Okay, that's enough, let's do this first, you go back and rest, don't you still have to give Judge Pavaro a funeral, let me know when the time is confirmed." "Okay." "Wait a little longer" " There is something else ""You have advanced to my decision-making officer" 2 "Hmm."

"Did something happen down there just now?" Yes. "Is it worth telling me?" "Secret words..."

"I'll give you a point from me." "Worth it."!" "Is it worth it? I'll put down what I'm doing now and listen to you." "It's not worth it."

"Okay, then wait until I'm done, that's it." Hmm. "

Karen walked out of Naton's villa, started the VIP car, and finally drove the car out without scratches after tossing back and forth for a long time. '

In fact, it is normal for a car to be slightly scratched. The main reason is that Karen can't stand Neo's nagging after he found out. He really cherishes this car. "

Originally, Karen planned to go back to the headquarters building first, and then go home to play with the cat after handing over the work, but just after driving out, he saw an old lady standing in a flowerbed at the intersection, looking, looking at Looking at the Naton family villa in the distance. 2 Beside the old lady stood Philomena. Mrs Fisher

Karen frowned slightly. In fact, he still had one more thing to do when he returned to the headquarters building, which was to check on Mr. Dalis's condition, but unexpectedly, he ran into Philomena and her grandma first. Fortunately, Karen didn't listen to Neo's nagging about thrifty housekeeping. He was still used to driving with the shielding circle open, so when he drove past this intersection, Mrs. Fisher and Philomena didn't notice him.

Unless they stop now or do something special, this VIP car will be "ordinary" in their eyes.

Karen didn't stop but drove the car far away, got out of the car and turned back. He wanted to find a place to take a closer look at the "deeply affectionate" grandparents, but soon, he saw Philome County sitting A car came by, and it was Richard who was driving, and Leon was sitting behind him. ’ Richard spotted Karen and stopped the car immediately. "Karen" "Captain!"

Karen walked over, and Philomena, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, got out of the car immediately and said, "My grandma has gone back."

"You take my car." "Okay, Captain."

Karen waved to Richard and Leon, and took Philomena into the VIP car.

The latest chapter of "No. 13 Minke Street" is released on the whole network: domain name

"My grandma is very concerned about the affairs of the Naton family." Philomena said, "In the past, except for tracking down that person, I have hardly seen my grandma pay so much attention to other things." "Did she let you go Check out what's going on in Darius"

"Yes, she told me to go back and check. I'm going to ask you for instructions, Captain."

"Daris won't be imprisoned for too long, maybe he will be released tomorrow, and your grandma will find out." Karen frowned, reached out to open the drawer, and sure enough, he found the thunderbolt that Neo put here. Teach special cigarettes. Hehe, I knew Neo would be hiding here! 1

Seeing this, Philomena asked, "Do you need me to order it for you, Captain." ① "Next time, you can do it directly without asking." 2

Philomena shook her head and said, "I often can't guess what you guys mean." "You can still guess for me, right?" 1

"Yes." Philomena nodded, because she was a little afraid of Karen. Since she was afraid, she was not just as indifferent to other people in the "dream", and she would definitely bring deliberate observation when facing each other.

Lit a cigarette, took a puff, and Karen's pain was relieved. The smoke taught by the Thunder God... Oh no, this spiritual potion is really suitable for his current situation

What I can tell you now is that Darius was a test subject chosen by your grandma, and now, she wants to see the results of the test subject. "About, is it a test product of my family's curse?" "Yes." "

"After grandma sees the result, she will do it." "I think it should be the building. Don't do it without my permission."

Go out to see your grandma alone. I’m afraid that if I’m not there, you have to be there when you go out. Do you understand?” “I understand.” “Speak louder.” “Yes, Captain.

Karen nodded, satisfied with the autistic girl's feedback.

The car drove under the headquarters building, and Richard and Leon, who followed the car, also got out of the car.

Karen walked into the building, intending to go directly to the detention center, but saw Memphis walking towards him, and his uncle had already returned to the team. "There is something..."

Karen stopped immediately and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Richard's grandpa and grandma want to bring some food to visit everyone." Grandma and Deron are coming 4 "When will they arrive? Is it dinner?" "No, it's supper." It's supper...

Then I can only wait until the supper is over before returning to the funeral club. "I see."

Seeing that Karen agreed, Memphis smiled. 1 "You've been working hard lately, Captain."

"It's not hard work. After all, the results are all good." Karen smiled at Memphis, then pointed inside, "I'm going to the detention center." "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Karen hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head: "No need."

"Captain!" Vic ran over quickly, "Captain, the order just issued by the minister, Bishop Dolfo's obituary has been released, Darius, it can be released.

"I see, I'll go myself."

Karen walked towards the detention center, and Vic followed him consciously. Karen had to stop and said to him:

"You go and tell the kitchen to prepare. In the evening, Richard's grandparents will come to comfort everyone with supper and let them get ready, just as we celebrate the end of that case."

"Okay, I know."

Vic stopped in his tracks, and when Karen walked towards the detention center alone, he sighed: "It's really mysterious, why didn't you just let me work as a cooking assistant." After complaining softly, he turned his head and saw Memphis standing there, Vic pursed his lips, realizing that he had just said something wrong, so he could only make up for it: "Is the captain always like this before? My personality is more straightforward, you know." Memphis shook his head and said, "We Just do what you're told." "Yeah, of course, you said it very well."

Vic waved his hand, and he decided to go to the kitchen to clean up first. !…

"I want to see the suspect alone, let everyone inside come out, and give me a quiet environment." "Yes, Captain."

After all the clerks inside the detention center were called out, Karen walked in alone. Walking to Darius' cell, Karen saw him sitting inside and reading a newspaper. Karen reminded, "Your father's obituary won't come out until tomorrow's extra issue."

Darius turned his head to look at Karen, smiled and said, "Maybe, I should be sad now, but I don't." Seeing him so calm, Karen really couldn't help feeling sad for a while.

He knew what kind of emotion he should use to face this big grievance who cursed his whole family to death.

If you want to say that he did it wrong, those family members whom he cursed to death are really not good things. If it is more serious, it is also a righteous extermination of relatives.

Karen still took out the key, opened the cell door, walked in, and sat down on the chair in front of Darius.

My soul injury is still there now. Although my realm has improved, I am not suitable for fighting; and if there is no accident, the big grievance in front of me should have received a real gift, and his strength has improved a lot. But there's nothing to worry about. Dalis is crazy to choose to take hostages and escape from prison at this time, and he will be able to get out immediately. However, Karen sniffed his nose and felt that the air inside was really fresh.

"I just went to your house. After your father committed suicide, the higher-ups will not continue to embarrass your family."

"Thank you for the kindness of the God Cult." Darius crossed his arms, "Thank you for the blessing of the great God of Order." He looks like this, Karen can only do the same action to cooperate.

However, just as Karen raised his arm, he suddenly coughed again because of the injury: "Cough cough...cough...cough..." Darius seemed to be addicted to Karen, and couldn't hold back, he also coughed: " Cough cough...cough cough..." Both of them covered their mouths with their hands, and both of them coughed up blood.

There's no way to hide this, even if you cover it with your hands, the smell of blood has already wafted out, and it can't be hidden from the other party's perception.


Karen explained: "The injury I received last time when I was arresting the remnants of the light has not fully healed until now, alas." Dalis said: "I have been too worried about my family these days, which caused my lung disease to recur. ". "It's all over now, please be sorry, the future of the Naton family depends on you." "Yes, I know, I will cheer up,

After all, I have to shoulder my responsibilities. "Well, then you have a good rest." "Karen stood up.

"Captain Karen, please take good care of your body and take care of your injuries in time."

Karen walked out of the cell, walked towards the entrance, and when he reached the entrance door, he opened the door. The clerks outside who helped "watch" looked at him very attentively, but Karen did not come out, but put the big iron After the door is opened, it is immediately closed.

Immediately afterwards, he shook the cell key in his hand, and the formation blessing effect in the detention center was immediately revealed, covering Karen's presence.

Karen walked back again, the air in the cell was not circulated, how could it be so fresh, unless, before he came, he had just used the purification technique, so what was he trying to cover up?

When Karen quietly returned to the door of Dalis’ cell~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he saw Dalis sitting on the ground slumped, with black blood flowing from his eye sockets, and swelling all over his body Pustules overflowing with foul-smelling liquid. His expression was even more hideous.

Karen removed the effect of the key connecting to the formation of the detention center, and revealed himself in front of Darius. Darius stared at Karen who suddenly appeared, and he was stunned.

Karen said, "I just got the order, Mr. Dalis, you are free now, you can go out and welcome your new life."

Dalis was stunned for a while, and then, as if his emotions had completely collapsed, regardless of Karen's identity, he directly covered his face with his hands, and cried bitterly: "This curse is completely unsolvable, it is unsolvable. Yes! She lied to me, she lied to me, she lied to me!"

"Mr. Darlis."

Darius slowly let go of his hand covering his face, and looked at Karen who was standing outside in a daze. Karen bent down, let himself and Darius get closer through the fence, and whispered: "You can lie to her too."

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