13 Mink Street

Chapter 560: Regional crisis!

The latest website: Because of the presence of Xili, the dinner was not only well prepared, but also in line with Karen's taste.

The reason why the maid was able to stay by Karen's side all the time, and followed her to the funeral club after moving house, was definitely not as simple as having a big butt.

She can watch Karen cook and learn new dishes, and she can make afternoon tea to the satisfaction of Pu'er, which in itself is an effort beyond the work of "maid's job".

It was precisely because of this effort that her family was saved by Alfred during the **** night against the purple-haired man.

At the table, Karen ate very happily, especially the crucian carp tofu soup, which made Karen very satisfied.

The white and tender fish soup is sprinkled with chopped green onion and coriander, and a little balsamic vinegar is dripped into it before drinking. The taste is enough to wash away the exhaustion after running back home.

Of course, Xili brought the tofu from home. Karen will make some food reserves by himself, such as lard, balsamic vinegar and oil consumption. He will also make preserved eggs, tofu, and bean curd, but basically he does it After doing it once, Xili can copy it, and get some feedback from Karen, and it will basically feel the same as Karen did it by himself. After all, Karen is not a professional at this.

Neo once teased that Karen didn’t know how to pursue fun. In fact, for Karen, in this world; A great pleasure.

"Karen, come on, try this."

Mrs. Tang Li picked up the bus and picked up the cold salad and sent it to the plate behind Nie Fei's noodles.

How exaggerated is Li Po's love for that grandson? Before seeing Memphis taking back the meal with tali, you don't care about the habits of outsiders. Anyway, you also stopped using tau. Silver, bamboo, fragrant wood and other fast food Mrs. Mina has studied and tried;

You will use a knife in the future, but now it is simply too complicated to cut a chip at home.

"Thank you grandma."

Tang Li took a sip, and in an instant, her taste buds exploded.

Lipo made cold dishes according to my preferences, which is the same as the vegetable salad that Tang Li sometimes resists, but Lipo's choice of dishes is not a bit strange, and it doesn't feel like a weakened version of folded ears.

"How does it taste? You hate it."

Tang Li was not perfunctory and polite, but said directly: "You may need to get used to that taste."

I was worried that before I said I wanted to, every time I came to Nie Fei's house for dinner, I would be given that. That's all. Before Richard recovered from his injury, Li Po might arrange for Richard to give it to me.

"Oh, yes, you think it's very good. It's very suitable for meat dishes and heavy seasoning dishes."

"It's fine if you hate it, it should be because you still have a deeper taste."

"That fish soup is very wrong. You think that white cube is very suitable for developing other dishes." Mrs. Mina pointed to the tofu outside her bowl, "For example, adding chili before braised in soy sauce, do you think it can be done like this? The dishes are very appetizing.”

"Yes, you are wrong."

"It's delicious." At that time, Mr. Kaixi who had been silent all the time suddenly opened his mouth, and then all eyes were on me, after all, I was the protagonist of the dinner.

Although from Mrs. Mina's point of view, my son's birthday is just an excuse for me to invite Lisun to have dinner outside.

"Soup, it's delicious." Mr. Kaixi said to Nie Fei before repeating, "Tang Li, he should drink less."

"Pfft..." Mr. Xili couldn't help laughing out loud, smiling, his eyes became a little moist.

Mrs. Mina also took a deep breath, raised her head slightly, and blinked hard.

Mr. Kexi was at a loss.

Mr. Delong said with a smile: "The manservant who made the fish soup was invited from outside Tang Li's house. He said whether Tang Li had ever drank it. That dish may have been invented by Nie Fei himself."

When Mr. Kaixi heard that, he got off his head and drank the soup.

While drinking, I suddenly laughed, then picked up the napkin next to me and finished wiping my mouth.

"My brother is getting better and better." Aunt Lucy said with emotion.

In those years, because of my brother's illness, my sister-in-law left home to take up a new post in the city because of my brother's illness. My parents also lived in a hot spring resort for a long time. The house has been desolate for a long time.

Afterwards, my elder brother and Xiaojia ate under the dining table, as if they were being tortured, Gao Tou ate the food behind him at a slow pace, and immediately ran back to his study as if avoiding pollution;

Now, listen, I actually wanted to take the initiative to liven up the atmosphere at the dinner table just now!

Although that kind of active way is not proficient or even embarrassing, it proves that I actively want to blend into that atmosphere. In the future, it is simply something I dare to think about.

"Yes, Kaixi is getting better and better."

Judge Dark touched the corners of his eyes as he spoke.

Why do I have to hesitate for so long outside the lawn every time I leave that house in recent years, and why do I feel so little pressure to face my father-in-law and mother-in-law every time I leave that house.

If the outsiders of the father-in-law's family were really philistine, how could he have allowed the man to marry him in the first place.

Or was it because Mr. Kaixi had a problem, and the father-in-law finally put his focus and requirements on his son-in-law, and then that was pleasing to the eye, and this was also pleasing to the eye?

In those years, Dak had borne too little for Mr. Nie Fei's illness.

Now, I finally see hope. As long as my father-in-law continues to focus on my own son, my son-in-law will be able to think about the cause. I am only unhappy, but I am also very moved.

"Everything will come soon." Nie Fei said, "Everything will be fine."

Feiguo Karen has been withdrawing food silently, and very slowly, you will finish the staple food of rice.

Did you feel ashamed to ask the host to serve rice, but you stood up and walked back to the kitchen with the bowl in your hand? After a while, you came out, deliberately replaced a small plate with piled rice on it, and took another a small bowl.

Before sitting up, he scooped up the full fish soup with a small bowl, picked up the seasoning bottle, poured out the balsamic vinegar that Guman brought from outside the house, and then stirred it with a quick stick. Take a small bowl and drink soup to your mouth.

In fact, your eating habits are nothing compared to special people's family, but at the level of Nie Fei's family, it doesn't seem too heroic.

Although the population of Karen's family is small, the servants only use two temporary servants who only come to clean and do some housework during the day, but in reality, the level of Karen's family is much lower than that of Allen Manor.

Even the Allen Manor, which has been brought back to life now, is better than the current Karen House.

Aunt Lucy's son, Tang Li's cousin Lucia looked at Fei Nie Feixiang enviously. You felt that the boy with a small age difference from you had a very weak self-confidence.

Do you have that kind of self-confidence, and you have inherited it from your father. Every time you go back to your husband's house, you feel a little at ease.

Mrs. Mina looked at Fei Guo Karen's eating, but she was very angry;

After all, when you are young, you are exploring everywhere, eating and sleeping in the open air, and your eating appearance is only more unrestrained than that of Faguo Karen, and it is more normal to eat food with your hands.

Feiguo Karen, if it is in accordance with the etiquette to quit food in a timely manner, it will make the old lady even more angry with your blunt attitude towards yourself. Looking at you now, the anger will go smoothly.

Fisher, a bad old woman, probably has the intention to properly educate her grandson, yes, you have no intention of educating her at all.

Seeing Faguo Karen eating with so much relish, Mr. Delong who was sitting outside had a smile on his face.

Like, it's so similar, Richard's grandma felt the same way when she ate.

It's like a tigress, while withdrawing food, she was vigilant for seven weeks in case no one would come to **** her food.

Mr. Delong even picked up the bowl with coriander, and personally poured some coriander into Fei Niefeixiang's small bowl with a big spoon, and said fiercely:

"Eat less, there is none outside the kitchen."

Feiguo Karen shook his head and said, "The fish soup is here, you just checked it."


Grandpa Delong stepped forward for a moment, pointed to the fish soup basin under the table, and said with a smile: "It's something, I've drank it all, and the rest is his."

Feiguo Karen turned to look at Nie Fei. Tang Li nodded.

Fei Nie Feixiang stood up, she was afraid of being hot, so she put the soup bowl behind her face.

Your appetite is small, usually Richard will give you a lunch box for eight or seven people.

Mrs. Xili finally found out what his father-in-law was like tonight, and immediately realized what his father-in-law meant, but as a mother, if you accept such a boy as your daughter-in-law, you really have a moment law accepted.

The reason why I can't accept it is because of Feinie Feixiang's family background and my other conditions, but because there is no mother-in-law like Mrs. Mina below, and there is a daughter-in-law like Feinie Feixiang above. Pick up and deliver?

Does one's own life need to be so bitter?

Mr. Nie Fei has no reaction to this. As Nie Feixiang, I have been outside the brigade for a long time, and my understanding of that boy is more muddy than that of outsiders.

It's just that I thought about promoting something in the past. On the one hand, I felt that my son was useless, so how could people look down on me?

The other thing is that the boy in Hanhu has no idea of ​​his own. Except for Tang Li, no one else in the whole brigade can change your mind.

In short, although there was no Richard missing at the dinner party, everyone ate very sadly and happily.

Before the meal, Tang Li stood up and said, "Go and see Richard, Guman, is there any food left?"

"No, the old lady has already prepared it after ordering the dishes, and kept warming it under the steaming plate."

Very slowly, Nie Fei delivered two dinner plates behind Tang Li.

Feiguo Karen reached out to help Nie Fei take it.

"Then you go to the upper room first." Tang Li greeted the people present, and then walked to the upper room.

Before the people left, Mr. Delong sighed: "The age difference is so small, the gap is so small, how can it be so small?"

Tonight, even Deron, who is his own grandfather, stood up and spoke up for Richard's beating, but took the initiative to follow his son out to pick up people.

Using his father's identity to go to the dim sum shop to find the eldest sister, and even make his father a celebrity on this street...

The one who made the mistake can be beaten, and the old man doesn't even feel itchy.

To put it bluntly, the Karen family and the Dun family are similar in that they are doting on children, but the Karen family obviously has no bottom line. The previous generations of the family can be so dazzling and outstanding, but at least they can walk. Go the wrong way.

Mrs. Mina sighed, and said: "In the past, let Tang Lishao help discipline Richard."

Lucia said something at that time: "Li Po, you are so kind to Captain Tang Li."

"Hehe." Mrs. Mina smiled, "An excellent and sensible child is detested everywhere."

"Well, yes." Mr. Kexi agreed.

For Mrs. Mina, Tang Li is the son of her son who died young;

For Mr. Kaixi, Tang Li is the son of his sister who died young;

We have no guilt or longing for our old people under Tang Li. Moreover, compared to Richard who has been kept outside the house, Tang Li who has been kept in the house and introduced himself as an "orphan" when we met, is obviously more worthy of being loved. we are distressed;

Of course, the most important thing is that Tang Li herself is excellent.

In that kind of situation, no matter how strong the wrist is, there is still a way to make a bowl of water level.

In the room on the ground floor, Richard was actually hung and placed under the bed board. When Tang Li and Fei walked back past Karen, Richard's body was already covered with white cocoons, only his head was exposed.

Mixed fighting between men and women is also beneficial. In the future, Mr. Nie Fei beat his son as a differentiated attack. Before he joined Mr. Xili, although the injury worsened, you asked your husband to slap his face.

Well, maternal love is still pointless. "Hey, are you dead?"

"Yes, your big Jerry is hard at work."

Richard turned his head to look at Nie Fei, and then looked at Fei Guo Karen who was standing in front of Tang Li without any interest.

"Call him Hu Lai, well, now Hu Lai has a problem, and he asked for it."

"Luck is good. You thought your dad would go home for his birthday today. Who knows that I only went home for my birthday and wanted to ask you to go back with me. Last time you asked Romina for an isolation scroll. The white crow found you."

"What a wise decision."

Faguo Karen put the dinner plate beside the bed, intending to feed me, but instead asked, "Is the snack shop fun?"


Fei Nie Feixiang asked: "Mating can give people a very primitive and slow joy, isn't it?"


Even if he was as optimistic and sunny as Richard, he knew how to answer that question.

"You're just curious, is the slowness you get from rubbing this thing really so fascinating?"

"Fey over Karen." "Captain?"

"He can ask Mrs. Lake those questions before he goes back. You can give him the answer and it will be embarrassing."

Tang Li originally wanted to say "Pu'er", but when she thought that her cat was just a king of theory.

"Okay, you got it." Faguo Karen nodded. "Did it go well, Nie Fei?"

"He knows you are in the manor?" Tang Li asked.

"Oh, of course, because the director also met." "The director is watering the flowers in the hospital now."

"Oh my God, it's sure to be safe, right? What's up with you guys, is he hurt? Faye Karen, is he hurt?"

"You all have problems, the director asked for it." "Huh, that's all right."

"How long will it take for his injury to heal?"

"It should be slow, Jerry is less powerful now than in the future, and you are now thinking about delaying the start, otherwise your parents will feel that the beating is hard again, and it will be out of balance.

When beating Richard can only make his father want to get better emergency treatment for his illness, and at the same time promote the self-healing ability of his son, Richard thinks it is difficult to be beaten.

"It's delayed. Come to work. People outside his family may know the speed of his recovery."

The vacation begins, the quiet period begins, and then I will definitely have to find work again.

Departments like the Whip of Order are actually nothing like the Remnants of Darkness, they are most afraid of being forgotten.

"Okay, if there is a problem, you can use him as an excuse. Anyway, your parents know whether there is any work outside your department."

"Listen to you, I used to want to hide it from outsiders. His outsiders are very stupid."

"Well, why is Tang Li talking so long-winded today?"

"Then you will tell Romina to let me make him a scroll for isolation and tracking tomorrow."

"That's right, good brother!"

"He's recuperating well, so you go back first." "Goodbye."

Tang Li turned around and was about to leave, but Fei Guo Karen looked at the plate she had brought, firmed up, and left with Nie Fei.

Silk threads shot out from under Richard's body, sticking the food off the dinner plate, and putting it into his mouth piece by piece, eating comfortably.

Before saying goodbye to the Karen family and thinking about Mr. Kaixi's kindness in driving her back, Tang Li walked out of the villa with Fei Nie Feixiang.

The evening wind was blowing, carrying slightly damp moisture, implying that it should rain in the morning, but at least it is more comfortable now.

"How did dinner feel?" Tang Li asked.

"Very good." Faguo Karen replied very honestly.

At that time, Nie Fei turned around and saw an old figure chasing after him. It was the same as Li Po's sudden change of figure, but Mr. Delong was really panting while running.

Yes, Nie Fei felt that I might have done it on purpose, because I suspected that the old man could turn into a white mist.

"They walked slowly, and just forgot to give it." The old man took out a yellowed scroll from his cuff, handed it to Feiguo Karen, and said with a smile, "When I was young, my grandma was practicing swords. You just sit next to him and make rubbings, since he has used this knife, let's take a look." Fei Guo Karen looked at Nie Fei. "Go on." Fei Nie Feixiang took it. "Thank you." "Thank you." "Name."

"Thank you, old lady."

"Wrong." "Thank you Delong villain."

"Hey." Mr. Delong waved his hand, "I want to be polite, they are all my own."

After speaking, the old man finished running back while panting.

Tang Li smiled~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It seems that the old man is also a pure and honest person, and even when he pursued Li Po after many years, it was purely because of "honesty".

Walking down the road, when Nie Fei was about to reach out to stop the taxi, a white crow flew under Nie Fei and circled Xiangyin before landing on it.

Tang Li caught it, opened it, and there was a text message sent to her by Minister Bernie. The content of the text message made Tang Li focus on it:

"The chief bishop of the York City community, Walfren, has just been assassinated."

During those ten days, my body was too agile, and I had been working hard to adjust.

The main reason is that sometimes when I am going to sleep, I wake up after one or two hours of sleep and fall asleep before, and when I am about to squat for a while, I lie down and fall asleep very awake.

So when there is an update suddenly, it is because you want to ask for leave in advance, but you originally planned to ask for leave, but you fell asleep. When you wake up and check the time: Oops!

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