13 Mink Street

Chapter 578: The truth about hunger addiction!

Latest website: Karen didn't turn around to look back, because when the sound sounded, he realized what happened.

In this place, a girl's voice appeared and called you "Dad", so it is very clear what identity you have been assumed at this time.

Moreover, Karen has relatively rich experience in being "mistaken" for that identity.

It is also based on this that he has been able to successfully deceive his opponents by acting as a "great existence" several times.

Pu'er complained why it didn't "act" successfully, and it can only be said that imagination still comes from reality.

As for the current situation, the spiritual imprint? Memory pieces?

Is it preserved in the first place, or is the environment helping to preserve it?

Karen began to analyze the reasons.

The temple sealed the "Lost Paradise", because his grandfather blew up the temple with fragments of the godhead, causing cracks to appear here, and the gluttonous old man Liszt often came to make tooth sacrifices.

To a certain extent, Liszt's actions have lowered the security vigilance here, after all, someone here has already explored the way.

But by coincidence, when he came by himself, he stepped on the thunder.

Karen didn't feel that he was wronged, because of the similarities between himself and the God of Order, the fragment of Ankara sealed in the body of the Son of God of the Moon God Sect once mistook his back for her father.

What should be considered now is how to leave this "vortex".

He really doesn't like to always peek at other people's secrets, even if it's the secrets of gods.

It’s the same as digging a hole under the wall and moving a chair to sit outside and peeping. I think it’s very pretentious, but if you force yourself to see it, let’s take a look;

But the problem is, that kind of "peeping" will often toss oneself to death. The next time Diss' phantom almost dissipates directly to protect himself, it's hard to raise it back now.

In short, I am a theological researcher, do I have the consciousness that I would die in order to glimpse a little "truth".

Therefore, Karen was the only one who didn't look back, but continued to walk in, while trying to close his perception of the inside as much as possible.

If it is affirmed that it is a "illusion", then it will retreat and break; if it is an environmental projection, then it will choose to leave;

It must be the control of the spiritual imprint... Then he will either really try to stop you, or you will break the shackles.

From the end, Karen chose the most cooperative attitude, and planned to take the initiative to contact or immerse herself.

However, when Karen slowly increased his soul consciousness fluctuations, he found that there were illusions and spiritual constraints in his inner circle.

Is it an illusion?

"Dad, he's waiting for you, he's waiting for you..."

The child's voice continued to appear, but it didn't decrease in height, but became more muddy, and even the sound of footsteps coming from in front of him could be heard, which meant that everything was becoming more real.

He Yunwan left at a slower speed. According to experience, when he has a cooperative attitude towards that kind of "contact", the other party will either have to let him leave, or they will be weak to him.

For Karen, both of those situations were better than the current blur.

He Yun walked out of the vegetable garden, and I walked to the side of the castle, but I still didn't see Pu'er, which meant that I was still in that environment.

The Eye of the Dark Moon!

In fact, the ability of the dark moon's eye does not bring "confused self" to break the illusion, because the dark moon's eye is also extreme, and it is even said to be the vengeful eyes of the dark moon male god.

But it's not that extreme, and to a certain extent, it can't break the cover, just like when a person is really overwhelmed by anger, if the words of the people next to him are heard, they will recede... Well, when the person next to you wants to deceive you, he also retreats after hearing it.

Karen's eyes turned red, and a layer of blood was stained outside his sight. Then, I saw a nasty cat's face appearing in front of me. It was talking and calling me.


He didn't hear the voice, but Pu'er should be calling himself over and over again, you have something to do, you are fine, and in front of Pu'er, He Yun also saw melons and fruits under the vine.

I am still outside the vegetable garden now?

Unfortunately, that kind of picture didn't last long, accompanied by the shout coming from before him again:


Pu'er's figure disappeared when he saw that Karen was like a drowning person, so he jumped up to the surface of the water, and before he had time to take a breath, a hand appeared on the water and dragged him back weakly!

It's an illusion... I can perceive the fluctuation of spiritual power.

It is also a fragment of memory, because I just saw Pu'er.

Is the surrounding environment projected? Yes too. There is a reason why only I can see but Pu'er can see.

When experiencing such a situation in the future, it is difficult for Karen to distinguish as an individual, but now that there is no Pu'er, it means that there is one less reference. It is difficult to analyze the situation, and Pu'er has a symbiotic relationship with himself. Seven people The feeling is more intimate than other people, even husband and wife.

But the result of the analysis is not, even if Ankara left a spiritual imprint there, and even if you want to press your head and call your father weakly in your ear, you still need to do it.

But now, I haven't ruled out most of the internal interference, which means that there is internal interference.

Why did I have that kind of "auditory hallucination"?

It is also a kind of paradox, you are obviously not out of the water, but your body is wet.

"Dad, hee hee, you found him, you still found him

him. "

That time, it was the boy's voice again, because the boy had not clinging to his back tightly, and hugged his waist with his hands.

Karen looked up and saw the child's hands on his waist.

Also, if you are Ankara, you are now enjoying the treatment of the God of Order, even if everything is false, but for a believer in Order, it is definitely truly "flattered".

It's a pity, does He Yun have a similar feeling? I even felt a surge of anger in my heart. I pressed my hands up, grabbed those big hands, and pulled them away with a sudden force.

"Dad...does he want you...Dad...does he want you..."

The boy's heartbroken voice came from behind.

Hearing that voice, the fire of anger in He Yun's heart burned more violently than before.

I even want to turn around and strangle you to death!

Yes, to destroy you, to destroy you thoroughly!

At that time, the row of owls under the castle railing finished singing nursery rhymes, but the originally cheerful and nervous nursery rhymes now sounded eerie and weird.

The owls sang and showed smiles on their faces. Their faces were not like human faces. Before the smiles appeared, they were like the stiff skins of dolls.

Fortunately, Karen can understand the language of owl singing. In fact, the theme of the nursery rhyme is the relationship between father and child, showing the love between father and son.

"Dad, he can leave you, he can leave you, you want him to go, you want him to go!"

The boy's voice became hesitant.

Karen, who has always kept his back to you, clenched his fists, and his facial expression became very distorted. I was restraining, restraining the urge to turn around and retreat to the most tragic destruction.

"Karen...he wakes up...He Yun...He Yun, wakes up...he wants to scare you..."

Pu'er's voice sounded from the bottom of Karen's heart, and then slowly disappeared.

But its voice gave Karen a sudden clarity at this moment.

He Yuntong was also baffled by his current anger.

"Why is that?"

Even if you are not Ankara, why should I hate you so much?

Where did the hysteria that wants to destroy you come from?

Does the Eye of the Dark Moon have any negative effects on him? Yes, it is possible, and its negative impact on oneself may not be that small.

"Dad...Dad... is leaving you... Please, he is really going to leave you..."

The boy seemed to muster up his courage, and hugged He Yun tightly from the front again.

He Yun's body stopped trembling, and this urge to destroy was like someone prying open his skull and pouring whiskey wildly outside, almost drowning out his lack of rationality.

It's like... a hunger addiction. Karen raised her head suddenly, hungry!

The same madness, the same controllability, and the same arouse the desire in my heart!

It's really similar, it feels like a new skin.

Karen spread out his palm, and a dark flame appeared, and then Karen quickly pressed his palm to his chest.

The fire of darkness burns the soul! "ah......"

Karen let out a muffled snort. Although that kind of self-mutilation did help Karen raise his threshold for pain, it didn't mean that it was really painful. In fact, it was still an unimaginable torture in that world. penalty.


However, what Karen didn't expect was that the boy who was holding her originally let out a scream that was several times weaker than her own, and the scream barely pierced He Yun's eardrum. It felt like my soul was being torn apart.

Moreover, when the boy stopped screaming, the urge to destroy you in Karen's heart suddenly faded away.

Finally, Karen decided to turn around and looked back at the boy for the first time.

You look very rough, as rough as if you came out of the painting.

In fact, the image in the murals that Karen and I recognize are exactly the same, and you are the same as the young Ankara that appeared in the murals of the Cult of Kosmos.

In the murals of My God Sect, the proportion of children appearing is high, and they often appear in innocent images, in order to highlight the "friendly" and "friendly" propaganda atmosphere of our religion;

In the murals of the Kosmos, children appear in a high proportion. The most classic image is not Ankara, the son of the God of Order, but your childhood image is both innocent and romantic, reflecting the rigor pursued by the Kosmos. I know this kind of child who is very uneducated and has no rules.

At this moment, Ankara, behind He Yun's face, hugged his head and screamed, he could empathize with your happiness.

He Yun removed the dark flame from under him, and Ankara's screams gradually stopped.

You look up at Karen again.

Karen sent the dark fire into his soul again. "Ahhh!!"

Ankara screamed again. Are you taking on your own pleasure? Yes, it's just that.

Karen removed the dark fire again, and Ankara came up quietly. Do you have any hatred when you look at Karen? It is still this kind of admiration and love for your father.

"Daddy, hug!"

Ankara raised his arms, facing such a big boy, it is difficult for him to feel fond of you.

Such a big kid, he told you that you can make a lot of noise when you take the train, and you will sit quietly under the chair, even if you see other children running wildly and screaming around you, do you have the slightest desire to join in? idea.

Karen took a deep breath and opened her arms.

I was captured by your hateful image and temperament, but I want to do an experiment. I am the experimenter, and at the same time, I am also the experimental product.


Seeing Karen's response, Ankara showed a sweet smile, then ran over, hugged He Yun's waist, and pressed her face under Karen's stomach.

At the moment of contact, Karen's impulse to destroy you broke through a small part of his reason, and Karen's eyes also turned red. Did he close his hands to hug you? neck position.

"Father, he is so kind, you will always be separated, forever."

The intimate voice from the "man" should have been the most beautiful sound of nature as a father, but now, it was like a heavy hammer hitting He Yun's chest, forcing me to have a weaker impulse, want to destroy you.

Karen once again condensed a dark flame and stuffed it back into his chest.

"Ah..." "Ahhh!!"

The same situation as before and after appeared, I first let out a happy muffled groan, and then a more violent scream came from Ankara's mouth.

Before you screamed, the angry impulse in Karen's heart immediately subsided, and he became confused.

But Ankara just hugged Karen tightly that time, whether you let go or not, no matter how happy you are.

Karen asked in a daze: "Who the **** is he?" Ankara didn't answer, or continued to scream.

Karen removed the dark fire from his body, and Ankara calmed down, but the anger outside Karen's heart was rekindled at this time.

"Who the hell... is he!"

Karen let out a loud growl, and reached out to push the boy who was holding her.

Two people separated.

The difference is that Ankara was standing outside, while He Yun himself flew upside down and flew far away, before falling heavily to the ground.

An Aka opened his arms again, wanting to look for Karen, but the distance between the seven people was tens of meters, Ankara kept running, but he ran behind Karen.

Karen sat on the ground and stretched out her hand in a daze. There seemed to be a barrier outside my sight.

Memory fragments, those are memory fragments, He Yun can't feel that he has not retreated into such an atmosphere.

Everything in succession is reasonable and now it has become reasonable, but what happened to the ordinary after this stage, it seems... originated from oneself?

Ankara has been crying, just this kind of screaming, but sad crying, you have been looking for your father, but you can always touch it.

Beside you, these nasty big animals gradually surround you and stop retreating to comfort you.

It should have been a very beautiful and heart-warming scene. The father is at home, the boy misses his father and is crying, and there are not so many nasty big animals around to accompany you;

But in the eyes of Karen, a bystander, everything seemed so inconsistent.

Because Ankara's crying is made up for by those nasty animals and fairy tale environments, you should appear there, yes, it is indeed very different, but placing you there is not a kind of imprisonment in itself .

You are a boy crying for his father, but you are a special boy with innocence. What you want is that one.

At that moment, Karen's vision suddenly turned white, like a painting, half of which was splashed with ink abruptly. Now Karen can only see where Ankara is.

You sit at the foot of the steps and cry, accompanied by a group of large animals.

The white ink is close to you;

You raised your head blankly, looked back, then wiped away your tears vigorously, a smile appeared on your face:

"Hee hee, father, father!"

"He cried?"

A woman's voice came out, and when my voice appeared, it seemed that the memory was shaking violently, and a tangible force was pushing Karen out.

Originally, that was the result Karen wanted. I wanted to contact him to pry into the secret, but now, He Yun chose to resist the thrust weakly. I want to stay and continue to watch!

Because the next scene probably has nothing to do with me directly, it will involve... hunger addiction!

"Ankara is good, Ankara should cry, Ankara should cry, but father is here, Ankara misses father, misses him very much..."

"Did he miss you?"

"Yes, father, you miss him so much." "Did he miss you, your baby?"

"Of course, Ankara misses him, father."

"Is he hungry?"

"Hee hee, it's my father who lives here. You are hungry, so father will take you to eat delicious food."

Ankara stretched out her arms, wanting to embrace the ink-white that Karen could see behind her eyes. Outside, the God of Order should be standing there.

But at that moment, Karen saw a hand stretched out from the flowing white, and there was a bookmark under this hand.

Before seeing the bookmark, Ankara stopped hugging, turned to stare at the bookmark, and swallowed.

"Your baby, have you figured out who to eat?"

Ankara raised her head and looked up at her father with little embarrassment, like a shy child who concealed this little desire in his heart.


"Just write down my name, and then I will appear under his table."

"Okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~Father, hehe."

According to the mythological narration of "The Light of Symmetra", Ankara is the son of the God of Order, who came to the mouth of the beast that was thrown by the God of Order for violating the order, and became the Light of Order.

The image in the mural is that Ankara's body collapsed after falling into the mouth of the beast.

The smallest official reception hotel of Order in the Yorktown community is called Ankara Hotel. The top floor is the Ankara Memorial Hall. Inside the Cult of Kosmos, Ankara has always been a negative image. You are more like a "victim" to interpret the spirit of Order. You are done. You have fulfilled your own historical mission, and symbolically speaking, you can still be regarded as paying back.

Karen's eyes narrowed immediately, because I realized a truth, which almost subverted what the mythological narration did not describe about Ankara:

It turned out that the God of Order sent his son to the mouth of the beast, maybe it was not for the sake of achieving the Light of Order, but because I simply wanted to destroy my son.

Because, Ankara is actually the **** of order stripped from the depths of his soul... Hunger addiction!

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