13 Mink Street

Chapter 642: grab the skeleton

The latest website: A separate area was framed in the teleportation circle hall of the Academic Affairs Building in York City. While the cordon was pulled up, the staff were also required to persuade people not to approach this area.

For such a scene, everyone is no stranger to it, and they all know in their hearts that a big shot is coming.

Accompanied by the alternate flickering of several teleportation circles, batches of priests of order came out of the circle of the formations.

Karen took a deep breath. After leaving the underground world, he really felt that the air here was pleasant. He even had an urge to run out to the road and take a few breaths of car exhaust.

However, he still has work to do now.

He turned around and looked at the crowd.

All the Whip of Order priests who had experienced the teleportation and were moving their bodies all stood up subconsciously, and no one whispered anymore.

Karen said: "This time our task was completed very smoothly. This is inseparable from everyone's dedication and hard work. Remember to pay attention to the day when the allowance will be issued next month."

"Thank you Minister!"

"Thank you Minister!"

Cheers came immediately.

Those who knew knew that this was a group of priests who were whipped by order, and those who didn't know thought it was a gang of thieves holding a spoils gathering; but often such a straightforward method could win people's hearts more quickly.

Now that his reputation and status have reached a certain level, what is lacking is actually the following operations. Karen's plan is to firmly grasp the whip of order in York City and make this place his real base.

Seuss also acquiesced to this situation. He only needs Karen to help him complete the work and achieve political achievements, and the rest is up to him.

At this moment, Karen saw the attendant of the Chief Bishop of Berne standing there looking at him.

"Alfred, take everyone back and arrange for the injured to be transferred to hospital as soon as possible."

"Yes, master."

"Let's go, let's take you home!" Pu'er jumped on Little Kangna's head. Kangna's white hair was deeply loved by her. Of course, there was another reason because she didn't dare to jump on Karen's head.

Karen glanced at Connor, smiled, and nodded. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

Seeing this, Pu'er asked suspiciously, "Well, is there anything else?"

After speaking, Pu'er jumped on Kevin's back: "Stupid dog, let's go home first and make a nest for Kang Na.

What a warm and caring sentence, directly blocked the possibility of Kang Na sleeping on the bed.

Karen led Kang Na to the attendant, and the attendant saluted Karen: "Minister Karen has worked hard.

"The chief wants to see me?"

"Yes, the chief invites you to drink tea.


The exclusive elevator went directly to the top floor, and walked into the newly renovated large office. The lighting and layout were impeccable. The only flaw was probably that the desk that should have been placed in the right direction was actually placed in the inner corner. inside.

At this moment, Bourne was sitting behind his desk smoking a cigar.

The attendant put a glass of ice water on the coffee table without asking Karen, and then backed out.

Karen let go of Connor's hand and motioned her to sit on the sofa. Connor was very obedient.

Bourne raised the cigar in his hand and asked, "One?"

Karen shook his head: "I haven't seen you smoke before. I didn't dare to have any hobbies before, but now that I can live in the sun, I feel much calmer."

"The location of your desk, are you sure you live in the sun?"

"Everything has to have a process of adaptation. I have asked people to remove the black curtains. If you came here last week, you will feel very gloomy."

"Then do you feel very disappointed? I know that many retirees can't get used to the retirement life, and they will get old or even fall ill soon."

"Fortunately, this position is a new challenge for me now."

"Okay, you probably won't have a chance to go up in this life, and Dinge District has no chance."

"Indeed, but you are different. Although you and I are now called the stinkiest and hardest sauce vat in the York City area, you are still young, and being young means infinite possibilities, especially in the future, it will definitely be a turbulent era. Many old rules and shackles will be broken.

"Is this the little bone dragon?"

. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 642 Grab the real body of the skeleton


"It looks like it's still in its infancy, how big can it be?"

"Ten meters."

"Tsk, I'll finish the procedure soon. You can take her to the research institute in a few days. I remember that one of your team members' home is from the monster research institute in this region."

"Well, yes, she has been sent home to inform her parents to prepare.

"Well, that's a heavy financial burden."

"Is it out of the big area?"

"Otherwise?" Bourne stretched his waist lightly. The Holy See's idea now is to not only collect power but also assign more responsibilities to the subordinates.

The tone in which you said these words is a bit like that of Chief Walfuren.

"Hehe, yes, I feel it too. It's not easy to sit in this position. Tell me about what happened to you this time, how do you feel? I heard that there was a move over there, and the knights were dispatched."

"Yes, there was a battle, but it went well without any setbacks.

"Do you like that place?" Bourne asked suddenly.

"The Crypt God Religion?"

"It's not just about this religion, I want to ask about the cultural atmosphere there, haha.


"I knew you wouldn't like it."

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

Bourne replied meaningfully: "The reason why I chose to let myself into the shadows was because I wanted to protect the world under the sun."

Karen pursed her lips.

You should understand the meaning of my words. We always doubt it when we are young, recognize it when we are young, and then use the rest of our lives to guard it.

The environmental descriptions in many mythological narratives will make people very fascinated, and they can't help but start to imagine in their minds.

But let it exist only in imagination and artistic expression, and never come back. Error-free update @

"Is that what you want to tell me?"

"Yes, I think you can understand it, and it's necessary, don't you?"


"Okay, let's start working after you go back to rest. By the way, a team from the Desert God Religion will come to attend the meeting in the near future. You need to be responsible for the security tasks."


"The meaning is different. The split between Desert God Religion and Desert God Religion has reached the point of irreconcilability. I even suspect that a split war will break out soon.

You can understand that the Desert God Cult came to ask for our help.

For a secret meeting of this level, the Whip of Order must be assigned a special person, and it must be you. "

"okay, I get it."

Karen beckoned to Connor, and Connor jumped off the sofa, took Karen's hand, and the two walked out together.

In the elevator, Kang Na said, "He looks at me like he's looking at goods, I don't like it."

"It's okay, bear with it for now, your future rations will have to be approved by him, and if you eat more at that time, you should take your revenge back.

Little Kangna thought for a while, then nodded, she thought it made sense.

The attendant who was also in the elevator could only smile and pretend that he didn't hear anything.

Walking out of the Academic Affairs Building, Karen took a taxi and instead of going back to the headquarters, came to a cafe.

Through the glass, I could see Xin Yali sitting inside stirring the coffee with a spoon.

After Karen came in, Xin Yali stood up to greet her, and Karen sat down with Kang Na.

"Do you need something to drink?" Xin Yali asked, "Ice water?"

Karen shook her head, then asked Connor, "Do you want to try the food here?

Kang Na replied: "Pu'er said that there are delicious food at home, but the food outside is all bad garbage.


I have to say that during this period of time, Xiaogulong's language level has improved quite a bit. In this regard, Pu'er has contributed a lot, but under the guidance of precepts and deeds, it is unavoidable that Xiaogulong will probably walk on the path of the eldest lady in the future.

"I'm surprised that you will ask me to meet in advance." Xin Yali said.

"Are you surprised? You forgot, we are partners."

"But you sent your valet to take care of business early on. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 642 Grab the real body of the skeleton

, plus, your current status..."

"I'm sorry, I've always recognized your ability from the bottom of my heart, and I'm proud to have a partner like you, but I'm just too busy with work." It's okay, I can understand, so is there something wrong this time? "

"it's here."

Karen handed an envelope to Xin Yali. I believe that there are a few things I listed that need your help to investigate, which will be more sensitive, but I believe that there should be relevant records in the Sacred Principles, but it may need to be used Your teacher and some of your own personal relationships. Xin Yali touched the envelope and nodded seriously.

Karen continued: "As for the price and cost paid, you can estimate it yourself and make compensation in future partner cooperation."

"This is not a problem. It's rare that you come here to ask for an investigation. I will definitely do my best to investigate."

"Pay attention to keeping a low profile." Karen reminded.

"After you read the contents of the letter, you will understand."

"Okay, I see, what else?"

"there is none left."

Xin Yali put the envelope away solemnly, then looked at Kang Na with a slight expression on her face, and asked, "Little Bone Dragon?

You care so much about my affairs? "

"Of course, I really regard you as a partner, can she transform?"


color. Kang Na looked at the elder sister with short hair and thick glasses, and it was rare that she didn't show any dissatisfaction.

"I used to have it too." I envy you very much. I can bring a dragon by my side in the future. I have always had fantasies about the dragon family.


"It's nothing, just keep the fantasy. If you can see the picture of the dragon clan being slaughtered and kneeling collectively, then the fantasy should be shattered immediately. I mean, if I want to study her in the future, can I? It refers to a very normal way of research and chat."

"You can ask for her opinion through Alfred. I am equal to her. She is my partner, not the kind of partner who talks about scenes."

"Oh, okay, what's her name?"


"Miss Kang Na, hello." Xin Yali stood up and extended her hand to Kang Na.

Connor sat there, not responding.

Karen explained: "She doesn't like useless socializing."

"I see, sorry, Miss Connor."

"If you want to associate with her, you can collect information about rebellious dragon gods, she will be interested in them. Thank you for reminding me, I will."

"That's all for now, bye."

"Goodbye, I will contact your servant as soon as I have the results of the investigation."

"OK, all right.

Karen held out her hand for a handshake.

Xin Yali was a little surprised, but she still reached out to shake Karen's hand.

Karen glanced at her fingers, then let go.

Leaving the café, Karen stood by the side of the road and began to breathe. )

Following Karen's example, Kang Na closed her eyes and inhaled the exhaust of the cars on the opposite road together.

"There's one more place to go," Karen said.

"Then go." Kang Na was indifferent. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

"It is very likely that the owner of that skeleton will be found in that place.

"What about this place?" Kang Na turned her head and looked at the cafe behind her. She was very smart and sensitive.

"She's not," Karen said, "just ruled out.

"It's very profound, I don't understand."

"Then let's go to the next one. There are not many suspects. Do you want to see her?"

Connor shook her head.

"I want to see her." Karen looked suspiciously, "meet this guy who saw my private life clearly Karen stopped a taxi and gave the address.

Soon, the taxi stopped in front of a high-end apartment building, and the two walked in and got into the elevator.

The elevator stopped on the eighth floor. Karen came to a door and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, ma'am.

"Ah, Mr. Cullen!"

Mrs. Lake was very excited. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 642 Grab the real body of the skeleton

She opened the door quickly. She was wearing a set of pajamas and did not change. After seeing Karen, she took the initiative to hug Karen.

As for the pajamas and her body sticking to him, Mrs. Lake would not care about this. She has long been aware of the character of the person in front of her, and there is nothing to be taboo about. If he is really such a person, then the original person in the family The big **** maid has already been eaten by him.

She really missed Karen. During the time when her husband passed away, Karen gave her real support. She had long regarded Karen as her family.

"Sorry, I've been busy recently, so I can't come to see you, I'm ashamed."

Connor looked up at Karen, as if to distinguish Karen's sincerity when facing her and her hypocrisy at this time.

"No, no, your work is the most important thing, please don't say that."

Karen was welcomed into the living room by Mrs. Lake, and after sitting down, Karen asked Mrs. Lake who was preparing snacks: "Where are Dora and Doreen?

"Their teacher took them down just now, saying that they were going to pick paints, and just left, they were on foot with you."

"Oh, yes."

"Should be back soon, the teacher has a car."

"Yes, she was governess to Dora and Doreen at the Undertaker, you know, Miss Darshan."

Well, I remember her. Next, Karen and Mrs. Lake sat in the living room and chatted, showing no intention of leaving.

Kang Na sat there alone, flipping through the twin sisters' picture album.

Finally, near dusk, there was the sound of the door opening.

Two sisters, Doradoline, came in with paint boxes. When they saw Karen, the two girls immediately dropped their things and rushed towards Karen.

Karen patted their backs lightly to calm their agitation.

They had suffered great pain from the pollution, and it was Karen's appearance that helped them get rid of the suffering, and for a long time, they still needed to soak in the bathtub water Karen soaked to suppress the pollution.


There was the sound of keychains.

Kang Na lowered her head and continued to look at the album without any response.

Karen raised her head and looked at the person who came, Teacher Dai Shan. She smiled and said in surprise: "Mr. Karen, you are here. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yes, didn't you just see it not long ago?"

Hearing Karen's words, Kang Na closed the album and looked at Teacher Dai Shan.

Teacher Dai Shan asked a little blankly: "Where did you see me when you were shopping, then why didn't you come up and say hello to me?

"I have something, I want to talk to you, is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

"Oh, of course, is it my job?" Darshan's tutor job is theoretically paid by Alfred.

Karen stood up, and Connor also stood up. Karen shook her head at her, signaling her not to move.

Then Karen went into the study of this house.

Naturally, the house Alfred found for Mrs. Lake's family couldn't be cramped.

Teacher Dai Shan and Doradoline waved their hands and walked into the study.

The study door is closed. Error-free update@

Karen stood in front of the window with her back to her.

Dai Shan sighed, and sat down on the desk. She was wearing a yellow floral dress, and her body was of the plump type. This sitting posture directly showed her plump thighs.

This kind of plump body was Alfred's "recruitment condition" at that time. For example, the maid's **** and the figure of the tutor at home are all chosen by Alfred according to the taste of his young master. Teacher Dai Shan laughed: "I never would have thought that you could trace back through my lost puppet." Finding me really frightened me at the time, and it also led me to make a wrong confusing choice.

"It's normal." Karen turned her head and looked at her. "When you are calculating others, you must be prepared accordingly." You just came back to York City, right? )


"So urgent, why don't you arrange it well so that you can catch me?"

"If you arrange it, it will alarm you. In fact, my arrival has already alarmed you, but I. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 642 Grab the real body of the skeleton

I believe that as long as I wait here, you will definitely come up to see me. "You are still sure that I will not threaten you with Dora Doreen's safety, so you directly choose to have a showdown with me at this home?

"That's right." You see, we haven't actually met a few times, but we get along like old friends.

"Maybe~www.wuxiamtl.com~What about your request? Catch me, torture me, or kill me?" Teacher Dai Shan turned her head, "Or, plan to cooperate with me? I can help you In the Cult of Order, go up faster."

Karen stretched out her hand and tidied up her collar, facing Dai Shan, she smiled and said, "I want to ask you one thing. @精量\\/书阁·无话发布~~"

Teacher Dai Shan nodded, and said: "I knew that after we actually met, all conflicts would fall into this kind of substantive exchange of interests. After all, we are all adults, haha."

Of course I am willing to help you, if you need it, please feel free to ask, but please don't use the word "begging", it is my honor to be able to do things for you.

"I still have to ask, I'm used to it."

Well then, you have the final say, so what are you going to ask me to do for you? "

"Please die!".

Chapter 642 Grab the real body of the skeleton

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