13 Mink Street

Chapter 749: cat sister

Changing from a cat back to a human can be very complicated, but it can also be very simple, but whether it is complicated or simple, the initiative is in her own hands.

The sentence "I want to eat fish" has the ending sound of "meow".

At this time, it can be said that it was too intentional, not only took the initiative to carry a ladder, but also pulled himself back to Pu'er from Pall.

That's why some people's mischievous willfulness makes people annoyed and angry, while some people's young lady's temper makes people feel cute.

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

The short-term embarrassment was quickly melted away. After all, whether it is Karen or Pu'er, although they are a little hypocritical in life, they are limited to a glass of ice water and a cup of coffee.

Karen turned to the Santos couple and bowed halfway to thank them, and the couple immediately returned the salute. "Thanks for your hard work, sir and madam, please take a rest first, and I will prepare lunch."

"Then, let's prepare the ingredients." Santos said.

Serena immediately pointed to Ashley: "Ashley, go and prepare fresh live fish." "Well, now?" Ashley was stunned for a moment, "Okay, I'll drive to buy it right away."

The research institute imports materials every week. In terms of daily necessities, they basically don’t need to spend money to buy them, but distribute them all, that is, fresh live fish. They are definitely not available now, and they will have to wait for the material import day next week.

Santos immediately reminded: "Go to the aquatic monster area to have a look, just catch fish of the right size and make up for the damage."

Serena added: "The report says that Sandy ran out of the cage and caught fish to eat." The fish in the research institute are at least at the level of little monsters in the water.

It is not common to steal monsters from one's own research institute, but it is not too rare.

The research institute is a public unit, and everyone treats the research institute as their own home, so... it is normal to eat a few fish raised by the family.

Ashley blinked her eyes. She felt that her parents were really brave enough to openly embezzle the religious property in front of the District Chief of the Whip of Order!

Ashley immediately explained: "District Chief, some of the fish there are supposed to be eaten by the powerful monsters inside, and sometimes the dead monsters will be distributed in the research institute after their valuable parts are removed or packaged for sale. …”

Karen smiled and said, "Just get ready."

As senior researchers in the institute, the Santos and his wife can own a laboratory alone. If they really want to embezzle, they just open their fingers in the project funds and don't know how many coupons it is. There is no need to be greedy for such petty gains.

Besides, in the "memory screen", Karen saw the high priest and the elders of the temple enjoying the monster game stolen by Decarost with great relish.

"Okay, Chief."

Ashley went out to catch some fish.

Karen looked at the Santos couple and said, "The cost of the ingredients should be counted on me. After all, it is my expression of gratitude. Please don't refuse."

Santos came to his senses immediately, and said, "Okay, I will make up for the loss." Pu'er got off the platform, picked up Xiao Kangna, and walked towards the dormitory area.

Little Kangna looked up at Pu'er and said, "Sister Pu'er, I'm not used to you becoming a human." "Don't worry, it won't be long, I'm still a cat most of the time."

"Then I'm relieved." "You're a little heavy..." "Then I'll go by myself."

After all, it is a human form transformed by a bone dragon, and the bone density is frighteningly high. Pu'er put Xiao Kangna down, and then pinched Xiao Kangna's face with both hands. "You know, I've wanted to pinch your face like this for a long time."

If it were someone else who dared to "humiliate" himself like this, the little bone dragon would probably go berserk, but who would call this person in front of him Pu'er?

Xiao Kangna could only say helplessly: "Sister Pu'er, it hurts a bit..."

Pu'er pinched Xiao Kangna's face one by one, and Xiao Kangna also brought rhythmic sounds when she spoke. Karen came over from behind at this moment, watching the scene.

Little Connor immediately yelled, "Karen, grab her by the tail!"

Hearing this, Pu'er's cheeks turned red immediately with his back to Karen.

"Oh, I forgot, sister Pu'er doesn't have a tail now."

Xiao Kangna patted Pu'er's buttocks with both hands, and began to **** for confirmation. "Wow, so soft, so nice to touch."

Pu'er flicked Xiao Kangna's forehead with her finger. "Snapped!"

When the fingertips and forehead touch, a string of sparks is wiped out.

"Behave yourself, have you forgotten the manners of a lady?" "Okay, I got it."

Little Kangna said while clutching her forehead.

Before, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Pu'er teaching Xiao Kangna etiquette, but now seeing Pu'er herself appeared, Karen suddenly realized that this was a former rebellious girl who was cultivating a bone dragon lady.

Pu'er turned her head and saw Philomena was still holding the clothes in her hands. She smiled and said, "The preparations are really detailed, but unfortunately, do you feel a little disappointed that I didn't see it?"

Karen shook his head, "No."

"You don't need to be hypocritical, you can tell the truth." "Really?"


"It's nothing to look at, you're fat." Pu'er: "..."

Little Kangna took Karen's hand with her left hand, Pu'er's hand with her right hand, and led the two of them back.

Philomena followed behind alone. For some reason, she felt that she was looking at a family of three. Back at Ashley's house, Karen first entered the kitchen for preparations.

Ashley came back quickly, and there were three fish in the net bag, a two-headed fish, a red-scaled fish, and another fish with a black horn growing on top of its head.

After the Santos couple came back, they were ready to help, but Karen refused. The two could only go back to the room to rest obediently, and Ashley was left to Karen to help.

In fact, a big reason why Pu’er chose to fire here instead of going back is that the time for Pu’er to become a human is limited, and it is obviously not worthwhile to spend the short precious time on the road.

Philomena raised the Nightmare Blade and said, "I'll kill the fish." Karen said without looking up, "Do you really want to help?" "Yes."

"Then you can go to Ashley's room and sleep, and call you when you're done." "Okay."

Philomena retracted the knife and went to the bedroom to sleep.

Karen killed the fish herself, and at the same time ordered Ashley to prepare side dishes. After all, she is a chef with "rich" experience in sandwiches, so the work of preparing side dishes can still be done.

Pu'er moved two chairs together and placed them at the kitchen door. She sat there with her legs crossed and watched Karen busy, sometimes resting her chin on her knees and sometimes lying on her side.

Little Kangna sneaked on the sofa, trying to sleep. Pu'er looked back at her.

Xiao Kangna said aggrievedly: "This is not at home." "Please continue to quibble."

"All right."

Little Kangna drooped her head and went to the guest room to take a shower.

The handling of the ingredients is not complicated, but Karen hesitated slightly when killing the fish with horns on its head, but the butcher knife finally fell.

Soon, there was a scent in the kitchen that made the cat intoxicated.

Seeing Karen wearing an apron busy in front of the stove, Pu'er subconsciously asked Ashley: "Ashley, have you noticed that men also look good when they cook."

"Yes yes." Ashley nodded.

"It would be better if I can watch it quietly by myself." "Yes, that's right."


"Ah, I see." Ashley washed her hands and went back to her room. "Karen, have you ever served Eunice this meal?"

"I used to have it when I was in a relationship, but I got busy later." "Your relationship was also very short."

"That's because I don't go back to Allen Manor often. Half of the time I'm in a wheelchair." "Dies can't cook." Pu'er said with emotion.

"Has he cooked it for you?"

"Well, I did it when I was a child. When he brought it to me, I was taken aback. I thought it was a plate of pollutants." "I can imagine."

"He doesn't have any requirements for food, but I

It can be seen that he likes to eat your cooking. "That eats the atmosphere."

After adding water, Karen started to cook the fish soup. While wiping her hands with a handkerchief, she turned around and looked at Pu'er sitting on the chair. Pu'er's eyes just looked at him, very focused.

Karen's eyes began to move around, obviously sizing her up. "Am I pretty?" Pu'er asked with a smile.

"Well, no wonder Bernard is so fascinated by you."

"Oh, can you not mention that guy, it spoils the atmosphere." "Yeah."

"Karen, who do you think is better, me or Eunice?" "Don't spoil the atmosphere."

"If you don't just say that Eunice is good-looking, that's already an answer." "There is a virtue called respecting the elderly."

"Hmph, I can wear it too." "What?"

"What, nothing."

"By the way, Neo is about to take the militia to the desert, and he asked Rekal to go with him."

"What are you going to do with a pirate?"

"Recently, funds are a bit tight. The high priest can afford to lose money in order to train soldiers. I can't afford it. The market can lose money, but I have to make money."

Pu'er smiled knowingly: "I understand." "Do you want to go?"

"Are you talking nonsense? Of course I want to go. Although my current strength is still far from my peak, it should be enough to protect myself and I can relive this strange world."

"Okay." "You agree?"

"Otherwise, why should I bring this up?"

"Hey, there are so many surprises today, little Karen, you are so kind, great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother loves you." "Your task is heavy."

"I understand, don't worry, in fact, in the places I went to before, the unknown secret places accounted for less than half. My favorite places to go are still those sensitive areas controlled by the gods."

"It's good that you understand, the cost of promoting the reform is too high. Those teachers in Zhuji University all have a huge appetite. They can't wait to order paper towels made of bamboo monster excrement for toilet paper."

"Then you're still so used to them?"

"Now they need to do things, the opening of the department, and the laying out of the shelves. They need to do it. After the table is set up, I will send them back."

"Well, it's really cruel."

"It's for their sake, otherwise I'm going to start an anti-corruption operation." "I'm curious, Karen, how do you manage to be so smooth?" "Is this called smooth?"

"Isn't that called? You're compromising." "I'm just doing something."

The meal was ready, and the main course was three fish dishes. Karen also prepared three other side dishes. The Santos couple, Philomena, and Little Connor were all called out, and everyone sat around the round table and began to eat.

Influenced by Karen, Ashley's family also prepared chopsticks, but they basically didn't use them. Pu'er was very familiar with using chopsticks.

"Isn't it delicious?" Karen asked.

Pu'er shook her head: "It's delicious, and besides, I like the feeling of eating without worrying about dirtying the cat's whiskers." Little Kangna took out a big fish head and stuffed the pills into it.

After stuffing it, she held the fish head as big as her face, and took a big bite on the fish's lip. Mrs. Serena immediately said with concern: "Be careful of the bones."

Santos tugged on his wife's sleeve and reminded: "She is a bone dragon." "Ah, yes, I forgot." Serena smiled and patted her forehead. I was actually worried that a bone dragon would get stuck in a fishbone.

Little Kangna happily said to Karen and Pu'er, "It feels good to eat like this." Then, she took another bite of the fish head.

Pu'er reminded: "Are you sure it's not the nature of your body that makes you feel happier eating this way?" Xiao Kangna frowned, thinking.

Pu'er smiled and said, "It's limited to fish heads, don't even think about other heads."

"Okay." Xiao Kangna nodded and took another big bite, "But why is the fish head an exception?" "Because I like to eat fish."

"Oh, I see."


After the meal was over, Karen could have said goodbye and left at this time, but Pu'er hadn't turned back into a cat yet. "Walk here with me." Pu'er added, "I want to visit the zoo from a human perspective." "Okay."

Karen led Pu'er and Xiao Kangna out.

Ashley wanted to go out with her, but was stopped by the Santos couple. Serena reminded: "What are you going to do now?"

"Can't you follow?" Ashley was a little puzzled.

"Look at her." Serena pointed to Philomena who was still sitting at the dining table and eating.

Three fish, each of which is very large, one fish is actually enough for a family of five to eat as the main course for several days, but this is nothing to Philomena, as others have already eaten and left the table , she is just having an appetizer here.

Moreover, when other people were at the dinner table, she had to be somewhat "restrained". Now that she was alone at the dinner table, she had obviously turned on the eating acceleration.

Santos asked, "I remember that Mayor Karen has a fiancée. What's the relationship with this black cat?" Ashley replied, "It's the great-great-great-great-aunt of the mayor's fiancée."

Confused by the long list of prefixes, Serena asked her husband, "What's the relationship?" Santos replied, "Much further than cousin."


Little Connor started to feel sleepy not long after she went out, as she would every time she took the pills. Karen picked her up and let her sleep on his back.

Pu'er walked in front, with his hands behind his back, really like walking in a park, looking here and there.

When passing by Sandy's cover, Pu'er waved to Sandy, and Sandy spread her wings and flew over. On the way, she saw Karen who was following behind with a bone dragon on her back, and fell to the ground in fright.

"Its feathers are really beautiful." Pu'er praised. Karen came over and said, "If you want to, you can report the damage." Sandy took off on the spot and stuck to the other side of the cover.

Pu'er flicked Karen's chest: "What are you doing to scare it, it is very smart and can understand everything." "Maybe, this has become a habit."

"It's a pity that the stupid dog didn't bring it here. If I knew you were going to give me this gift, I should really bring it and make it envious. Do you know that when you are happy, no one is there to say from the heart Be jealous of you, and your happiness will be halved.”

"After this time is over, rest for a few days. Before you leave, you can change into a human again. Then you can walk the dog." "I really look forward to the stupid dog seeing me as a human, hahaha."

Pu'er laughed out loud, she smiled heartily, without any concealment or shyness, her long chestnut hair was blowing with the wind, this scene is very pleasant.

When the laughter stopped, Pu'er brushed her hair: "I'm not used to my hair being so long." "I'll get used to it in the future."

"Not necessarily, I now have a feeling that I am acting as a person."

With that said, Pu'er looked at Little Kangna on Karen's back, and continued, "Actually, I'm tired from walking, and I really want to sit on your shoulder." "Later."

"Well, let's wait a while." The two continued to hang out.

"Karen, you've become the mayor of the district. Time flies. When I first came out of Ruilan, I couldn't even imagine that I would be here today." You have to go out and work for me to earn coupons.”

"Since I can turn back into a human, Diss will wake up safely, and by then, that naughty little Rathma will no longer be a problem."

"Grandpa doesn't need to wake up, I will try to solve these things by myself." Karen paused and continued, "I have already taken this position, and the situation outside is very turbulent now, or I will continue to go up, Or I'm going to fall and fall badly.

In short, everything is speeding up at this time. "


Philomena was waiting by the car, and finally saw the three of them coming back.

At this moment, the words of Mrs. Tang Li who beat her up in the name of training that night suddenly appeared in her mind. She said that sometimes when walking alone, she would be afraid.

I will be at a loss~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I always feel that there is something missing around me.

The answer given by the honest Philomena at that time was: "You lack a target for assassination." Then, Mrs. Tang Li smiled slightly and said, "Let's proceed to the next training session."

At this time, Karen said, "Philomena, you parked the wrong way again, turn around."

Philomena subconsciously bent down to lift the car, hesitated for a moment, then got into the car, started the car, killed the steering wheel, and made a successful U-turn.

Little Kangna was put in the back row, Karen sat in, and Pu'er also sat in. Philomena asked while driving: "Isn't there a seat in front, squeeze?" "No squeeze meow."

Philomena looked up at the rearview mirror, and she saw that in the back seat, Little Connor was still sleeping soundly leaning against the district chief, and there was a black cat lying on the district chief's lap.

Karen reached out and caressed the black cat's back. The black cat raised its tail and looked for one of Karen's fingers familiarly...

Tie a knot on top.

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