13 Mink Street

Chapter 769: King!

The warm sunshine, the blue sea, and under the umbrella, Karen was lying on a deck chair with her eyes closed, soundly asleep.

This is the Dingle region. According to the time difference, the meeting will be held late at night in the local time, so Karen arrived almost a day earlier.

He didn't choose the hospitality hotel of this system, because there must be a group wooing and benefit exchange going on there right now, and he didn't want to participate, he just wanted to have a good rest.

Little Kangna is playing with sand on the beach not far away. When other children play with sand, they just use a shovel to dig a hole. Those with a bit of talent will build a rough sand castle by themselves. Little Kangna follows the pattern she learned. Dharma knowledge is forming formations on the beach.

Because she is very cute, and the white hair looks very novel, so many children in the vicinity ran over to play with her, and then they all walked into the formation one by one, and they couldn't get out no matter how they walked. I can't see what's going on inside the formation either.

Finally, Karen was awakened by the cries of nearby parents looking for their children.

He sat up, rubbed his neck lightly, looked at the time, and found that he had slept for three and a half hours, which wasn't a long time, but it was barely sleepy.

Raising his head and looking forward, Karen's sight penetrated the barrier of the formation, and he saw a dozen children in a large circle on the beach who were circling in circles in panic and crying.

Little Kangna stood there with a bucket in her left hand and a small shovel in her right, with a serious expression on her face.

Karen's voice came from behind her:


"No, they ran in by themselves."

"Let them out, don't frighten them."

"I have tried many times, but I can't open it successfully unless violence is used."

"It's a good thing you didn't use violence."

Karen spread out his palms, and a small Rubik's Cube emerged, straightening out the formation that was messed up by little Kangna in an instant, and opened the opening, allowing the child inside to come out.

"Next time, don't practice formations casually in public."

"okay, got it."

"Are you hungry?"


"Let's go eat then."

Karen took Connor to a high-end club by taxi. This is an event venue of the academic school. There is also an event here today. Karen also received an invitation from Andy Law.

Entering the clubhouse and going up to the third floor, there are not many people inside, mainly because Karen came too early.

After ordering a lot of food with the waiter, Karen chose a corner seat and sat down with little Connor.

As they ate and ate, more and more people came to the third floor, some in casual clothes, and some in the robe of order.

A few bosses came, surrounded by many people. The bosses stood there talking. During this time, they also noticed Karen sitting in the corner and recognized Karen's identity.

During the interval of communication, they deliberately looked at Karen several times. According to the habit, at this time, the younger generation should take the initiative to come over and say hello to them.

But Karen's attention seemed to be all on the food. After she finished eating, she helped Xiao Kangna choose dishes and add pills.

I didn't care about it once or twice, but it's been a long time and the number of times has increased. If there is no response, it is hard to say that it was unintentional. After all, this is a party of this faction. Are you really just here for dinner?

Of course, Karen noticed those big shots, and could feel those gazes lingering on him several times, but he just pretended not to see them on purpose.

The stage is different, and the surrounding scenery is naturally different.

When I was still the head of the district, the academic school was a platform I needed. Now, I have secured the position of the head of the district. Recently, I have been in contact with the whipman a few times, and I have been drawn into the whip Direct line team meeting...

It doesn't matter if you throw it away after you use it up, or you can turn your face on and be ruthless. In short, what Karen has to do now is to gradually break away from the academy.

It's not a blunt separation. We should learn from Gaspar's grandfather and divorce in cold and violent ways.

The big brother insisted on his own identity, Karen would not take the initiative to greet them, and they would not go to Karen by themselves, but there was one exception, and that was Andy Law.

When he came, he walked over generously, pulled out a chair next to him, and sat down directly.


Andy Lao lit a cigarette for himself, exhaled the smoke ring, and said with a smile:

"It seems to be climbing a higher branch, and it's a bit contemptuous of this place."

Karen did not deny it, but said frankly: "My lord, I have no choice."

"I understand." Andy Law nodded, "It seems that you really feel that you are stable?"

In the last communication exchange, Karen was very confident. He not only rejected his invitation to assist, but invited himself to assist him. In fact, Andy Law didn’t quite believe that time. They were all old turtledoves in the workplace. So easy to cheat.

But Karen's attitude here today made him have to really doubt that the whipman really opened the back door for him?

He once taught Karen how to get close to the whipman. For example, he gave Karen the suggestion to bring a small bone dragon every time he saw the whipman, but he, the "matchmaker", really didn't expect that Karen could Take the relationship so fast!

Karen replied: "There is a high probability of success and a high probability of failure."

This sentence seemed like nonsense, but Andy Lau chewed it up and said, "What special method do you have?"

"It's just an attempt. If we compete normally, I can't even compete with you."

"Can't even compete with me? You kid is talking too much now, but it's getting too much."

"Whipkeepers don't like academics."

Andy Lao heard the words and licked his lips, but he couldn't refute.

The most embarrassing thing about him now is here. As one of the big boys of the academic school, in Whip of Order, he is not a member of the old team of the native faction of this system, nor is he a member of the direct line of the whip. In the high-level seat of the system, he has been very lonely.

The fundamental reason is that he has old qualifications, old age, and high status.

In the early years, he used the influence of the academic school to do well, and his promotion was not comparable to that of a monster like Karen, but it was not slow, and his official career was considered smooth, but this also caused his academic status to be too heavy.

And other factions, because of his academic status and his current status and age, it is also difficult to accept him. After all, a mature group prefers to absorb young and potential fresh blood. I have never heard of any group that likes to accept an uncle. Uncles come to respect the old.

It is also very wise for Karen to fade out here at this time, taking advantage of the fact that the marks on his body are not serious, while he is still young, and there is still the possibility of changing faction circles, just like ordinary families adopting children, they are more willing to adopt those who are young and have no memory For those who are older and remember things, it is difficult to raise relatives, and it is also difficult to raise familiarity.

"Jump out early, that's fine." Andy Law said, "I will help you greet those people, they will understand you, as for the future, we are still our own people, if you need help, just ask, the same reason , if you can lift it easily, don't be stingy."

"Of course."

The loose organization and low cohesion of the academic faction are not without advantages. For example, if you want to leave other factions, you will be easily attacked by the faction as a traitor. The academics... don't have this leisure time.

In fact, now that he has faded out of this circle, it would be fine if he got the position of regiment commander, but if he didn't, Karen would really be at a loss and lose face.

But there is really no way to do it, people, it is impossible to mix circles everywhere, and mix well in any circle, which means that no circle really accepts you as the core.

At this stage, unless the high priest suddenly falls and Foden is liquidated, if you want to continue to hang around in the Whip of Order, you can only choose Foden.

The whipman has already pulled you onto this boat, if you still dare to jump repeatedly, then wait for the whipman to grab you by the neck and throw you into the sea to drown.

Karen would have done this even without Miguel's reminder.

"I don't intend to give up." Andy Law said, "I still want to try, I have prepared a lot."

Karen smiled when he heard this, and raised the glass of ice water in front of him: "My lord, I wish you success."

Andy Law picked up the cup and touched Karen lightly, and said, "You too."

After the meal, Karen took little Kangna and left.

The rest of the bigwigs who participated in the event came here one after another and sat down beside Andy Lao.

"It looks like this kid is going to jump ship."

"Yeah, after sleeping, buckle up the belt and turn around and leave."

"It will be like this if you progress too fast, and you always feel that you will always maintain this speed in the future."

Andy Lao raised his hand and explained to Karen: "Okay, he has no choice but to watch the whip. Everyone will still remember this relationship in their hearts in the future."

Hearing this explanation, the faces of the big bosses present looked a little better. They could understand and accept this reason, after all, he was the one who held the whip.

"The whipkeeper accepted him so quickly?"

"Damn, what kind of luck is this kid?"

"I'm a little jealous, really jealous."

Andy Lau said, "He was at the flogger's meeting."

"Oh, that's true."

"How did you do it?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's amazing."

Andy Lao stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said: "Okay, just don't hold any grudges in your heart, and restrain the people below who participated in the party this time, don't chew your tongue, and don't misunderstand your ideas. This relationship is still Don't mess it up.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Karen didn't get much credit from us. It's not so much that we helped **** him to the position of district chief, but rather that he won it by himself in the desert. Many people from our faction have participated in the reform of York City, but they all benefited from it. There is no one who really suffers, and he does not owe us anything.

Also, if he really wins the position of legion commander in our system this time..."

One of the bosses answered, "If you take this position, as long as you don't make any mistakes in the desert, you will be able to sit on an equal footing with us when you come back."

Everyone nodded one after another. Obviously, they all agree with this statement and don't think it is exaggerated at all.

They all have their own news channels, and Andy Law will also share information with them;

What is the concept of being the commander of this legion?

That means you have personally commanded 10,000 Whip of Order elites!

Even if the Legion is disbanded after the war, no matter what position these Whip of Order priests develop in the future, when they see you, they will respectfully call you "Leader".

This actual influence has already surpassed the concept of the position itself, and it is destined to become a mountain that cannot be ignored in the Whip of Order system in the future.

"Andy Law, how sure are you?"

When Andy Law heard this question, he smiled and said, "That's why I held this gathering. You are all high-level officials from other system departments. Come on, go to the box now, and help me with the military plan I have formulated."

"Where are we going to fight?"

"Yeah, how do we know this, you have to find someone from the Knights, I can introduce you to you."

"This, I have already looked for it, you can help me look at logistics, equipment, and management."

"Okay, hehe, then let's go and help Andy Law see his bid."

After lunch, Karen was still not in a hurry to gather at the meeting place. There was still plenty of time anyway, and he still had a second appointment.

I took a taxi to an apartment building, took Xiao Kangna's hand to the third floor, looked at the house number, pasted my hand on it, and began to analyze the formation fluctuations coming from it. The access control is not difficult to crack. Lun tapped three times, and the door emitted a faint luster, and Karen and Little Connor directly merged into the door.

Inside is a very spacious area, so spacious that it is by no means a two-bedroom apartment, it is as big as half a football field.

There were a few waiters at the bar, sensing that someone was coming in, and habitually saluted collectively:

"My lord, you are here."

But when they found out that the visitor was so young and was holding a little girl by his hand, they were stunned.

Apparently, they're not used to having younger clients, because this is a...retirement seniors' club.

"Hahaha, Karen, you are here, ouch, I miss you so much!"

Pillow, with a pipe in his mouth, came over. When he saw Karen, he opened his arms and hugged Karen.

"Teacher, I miss you too."

Karen allowed Pillow to hug him, and at the same time he stretched out his hands and patted Pillow's back.

There is a group of people that he has always been very grateful to, and Pillow is one of them. He appreciates himself in a very pure way and is willing to help himself without any interest relationship.

No matter when, this kind of kindness is worth paying attention to and remembering.

"Come on, come with me, I specially called some old friends over today, and I will introduce you to each other."

"Okay, teacher."

Karen followed Pillow to recognize people, they were all grandpas, um, there were also grandmas;

They are all retirees, but after listening to Pillow's introduction, Karen knows that these retirees don't have the kind of embarrassment of "going away for tea".

Karen saw with his own eyes what status Levin was in when he came to the York City area because of the hole pollution incident, and the old people who could play with him, apart from congenial temperament, the difference in status would not be too big.

Even the retired people's club is divided into grades. More than half of the old people here are eligible to enter the first knight order after death.

Karen has experience in how to be a pleasing "grandchildren" young man. Neo has teased Karen more than once with jealousy that he can always win the love of the old man.

Xiao Kangna also suddenly became very sensible at this time. The little lady etiquette that Pu'er taught her played a role at this time, saying "Hello Grandpa" and "Hello Grandma" to these old people, which attracted them to line up to hug her.

This well-behaved and cuteness made Karen feel a little surprised. Of course, he was more moved. He knew the character of the little bone dragon, and the little girl was acting deliberately for herself.

"Ha, Karen!"

Captain Levin came over and punched Karen in the chest. The force was not light, but Karen also held his chest in a slightly exaggerated way and backed away.

This scene made the old people around laugh.

"Liwen, I can see that you are deliberately taking revenge!"

"Yes, that's right, revenge for the enemy who was beaten."

"I was there that day. I witnessed the whole process. Levin was beaten to the ground."

In the training before entering the gate of reincarnation, Li Wen was in charge of melee teaching. In order to let the students learn more, he asked the students to hand over their certificates. Karen took out the "God Servant Certificate" that had not been changed at that time.

However, facing the ridicule of his old friends, Levin was not angry. Instead, he reached out and grabbed Karen's arm, proudly saying:

"What's the matter, it's not uncommon for me to be beaten down by young people when I'm old. He's my student, and I taught him, right, Karen?"

"Yes, your teachings will benefit me for the rest of my life."

"Hahaha, did you hear me, my student, but using the melee ability I taught him, he hacked back dozens of heads in the desert, and every head was placed in other orthodox gods. They are young outstanding men with a head and a face." , Which of your students has made such a great contribution!"

Snacks and tea were brought up by the waiter. Next, it was time for the tea party. Everyone sat around and chatted. A brazier was specially placed in the middle for the occasion.

Chatting and chatting, Levin put a thick document package in front of Karen, and said:

"This is the plan book that I entrusted the staff members of the active knights to help you. You should read it quickly and modify it if it is useful."

"Thank you, teacher."

"You call me teacher, this is what I should do."

This proposal is of great value, and it consumes favors. Many big figures in the Whip of Order are afraid that they will not be able to do this step.

"Also, Karen, I have another thing to tell you. The active-duty Captain Sommer and several active-duty deputy commanders came to the Dingle area on purpose today. They only visited me at my house in the morning. You know What do you mean?"

"Are they here for a meeting?"

"Of course, they came for a meeting, but the meeting they held was not so tight on the date. They came a day earlier. This is to save someone's face, you understand?"

"Teacher, I understand."

Although Li Wen didn't speak clearly, the meaning was very straightforward. They were invited by the whipman to be "examiners".

Only those who hold the whip can have such a big face.

This also means that when selecting the head of the legion this time, the whipkeeper will refer to the opinions of "professionals" in the true sense.

"Hurry up and get ready, there is still time."

In fact, Karen still wanted to stay here and continue chatting, but after Levin spoke, several other old people also kindly urged Karen to prepare, and Karen had to get up and leave his seat, and left the club with Xiao Kangna.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

"Hey, don't you need to revise your homework?"

"Need not."

"Then let's go to a barbecue, a barbecue by the beach."

"OK, no problem."

After dinner, Karen took Little Connor for a walk on the beach.

Little Connor told Karen about the moonlight on the beach of "Woof", about that beautiful and moving back, the little girl has forgotten the story of Kevin, how could Karen not know, but Karen pretended not to know, and it was very novel. He kept cheering: "Oh, is that so?" "Then, what's next?"

Little Connor spoke very happily. In some places, Kevin's description was not comprehensive or detailed, and she even used her brain to fill in.

For example, when the goddess Mills went to the depths of the sea, she sat on a boat made of white bones; for example, the artifact used by the sea **** was a trident made of white bones.

Then, after having some supper, Karen took little Connor to the meeting place in a carriage, which was the cathedral where the last meeting was held.

After entering through the identity check, Karen found that he was obviously late. It wasn't that he missed the meeting time, but that everyone came too early. In fact, there are still nearly three hours before the meeting time.

That is to say, today's matters are relatively big, so that these adults who are at least the district mayor level can take down their luggage early and line up to get off like passengers who have not yet arrived at the train station.

"You stay in the carriage, you can sleep and do your homework." Karen said, turning on the light in the carriage.

Seeing that Karen was about to get out of the car, Little Kangna immediately reminded, "You forgot to take your homework."

Karen waved his hand: "I didn't write it."

Little Connor: "..."

On the square outside the church, there were groups of three and four, and Karen seemed a little isolated. He was not interested in actively blending in, so he simply found an open place to stand alone.

After a while, Miguel came out with a group of secretaries and started handing out the meeting brochures according to the list.

Karen's copy was handed over by Miguel himself, and Miguel smiled at Karen.

When he turned around and continued to send, Karen opened the manual and flipped through it page by page, only to find that there was no extra text and no small note.

So, the meaning of Miguel's smile just now is: I'm sorry, I can't help you now.

There are only two outlines for the meeting. One is to introduce the current situation of the desert warfare and the personnel mobilization and gathering that the Whip of Order has already carried out. The other is the candidate for the head of the army.

Afterwards, the venue was opened, everyone entered, and sat down according to the seat card as before.

Karen's position has not changed. In the first row of the second area, the legs can be placed comfortably, and the district chiefs on both sides have not changed. Everyone smiled after taking their seats.

Karen noticed that the two of them were carrying bulging briefcases in their hands. Well, basically, except for myself, it seems that I haven’t seen anyone empty-handed. It’s a little outrageous. They even came here with suitcases. The customs of the desert have been studied and summarized.

After the verification of the list of participants was completed, all the bosses on the stage sat down, and the seat of the whip holder was still vacant.

The No. 2 character of the Whip of Order said: "There is still a period of time before the official meeting starts. At this time, what the person in charge of the whip means is that a small meeting can be held first. Colleagues who are interested in the position of legion commander can now Come with me to the small conference hall inside."

The number two person stood up and said: "The position of legion commander is very important. If you feel that you don't have the ability or level, don't come to make up for it. Don't try to try your luck. Hehe, the whip holder can Inside, if it is found that someone does not have self-knowledge, then we have to consider whether you still have the qualifications to continue to sit in this position. After all, stupid people and selfish people are not Qualified to continue serving the whip of order."

This is a threat, a very direct threat.

The audience, and only he, can say such things, not only because of his status, but because he is the number two person in this system, what he has to do is to keep a low profile as much as possible to reduce his sense of existence, so he does not May compete for this position.

His warning was very effective. As soon as he finished speaking, Karen saw many people, including the two district chiefs beside him, consciously put the briefcase under the seat, obviously not intending to use it.

Only one-third of the big shots sitting on the table got up and followed No. 2 to the small conference hall inside. The big shots in the first row only got up and followed.

When Karen stood up and was about to go in, he found that there were only three people in the position of district chief...including himself, and one of them was the female district chief of the Whip of Order in Dinger District.

Obviously, even if the No. 2 person did not say this, everyone generally believed that the district chief was not qualified. After the No. 2 person said this, no one dared to go up.

So, when Karen walked into the small meeting room, he was the last one, and there was no one behind.

After entering, the people in front were queuing up, as if doing a medical examination.

The small conference hall inside is divided into two parts, separated by a shielding formation in the middle, but the layout inside can be seen. There is a table behind a shadow curtain. People who enter first put the plan on it, and then start to make simple statements and questions.

From behind the curtain, a few clusters of lights can be seen flickering, which is to use the reading array to quickly read the content and speed up the efficiency of "marking".

But in any case, the review speed is still too fast, because even the big names at the front, when they are questioned, they answer very briefly, and then they are asked to leave.

Karen felt that interviewing textile workers in cotton mills in York City was not so efficient and simple.

This is also the case in the Whip of Order, so that those big bosses in high positions have to go through this process, and it also shows from the side that Foden's absolute status and absolute authority in this system, with him as the leader. Benchmark, everyone below is a soldier in front of him.

The people in front of Karen would unconsciously look around, and when they saw Karen who was empty-handed, they all showed puzzled expressions.

Scarlett, the female head of the Dinger District, even asked directly in a low voice: "What about your plan? Has it been made into a scroll?"

Karen shook her head.

"Oh, you are so mysterious."

At this time, Karen saw that Andy Lao was finished, and went out from the door on the other side. Before going out, he deliberately glanced at Karen through the shielding barrier, with a complicated expression on his face.

He seemed to have realized and discovered something, but he couldn't say anything now.

In fact, it didn't take long to wait, the line in front became shorter and shorter, and finally, Scarlett went in.

This female mayor is very confident and a strong woman. After all, not everyone can be the mayor of the capital region.

In fact, as a district mayor, daring to run for election means great self-confidence, courage and courage, because if one is not good, you may not even be the district mayor after you get out.

Scarlett finished and left through another door.

Karen walked in, he was the last.

The person behind the curtain put his hands on the table, waited for a while, and tapped lightly.

Karen replied, "I didn't."

The people behind the curtain were surprised to hear this, and then spread their hands.

If the curtain can be lifted at this time, there are seven chairs behind the table, and Foden is sitting in the middle.

Hearing Karen's answer, Foden's expression remained unchanged, while those sitting next to him looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, a majestic man in armor sitting on the right hand side of the whipman said:

"Tell me what you think."

He is Sommer, one of the leaders of the active knights. Regardless of the relationship between Da'an and the high priest, his status is equal to Da'an.

Karen replied: "I have no idea."

Sommer frowned slightly: "What do you mean by not having an idea?"

Karen took a deep breath, and he decided to gamble.

I bet that what the whipman said to himself in the carriage that time was by no means meaningless;

Gambling under the background that the whipman has already paid all his money, what the whipman wants is by no means a commander who is also willing to spend his money to gamble;

Bet on this assessment campaign, whether the commander who really wants to be selected is the one he expected;

Is it right to bet on this special track I chose!

This is a trick, a trick to figure out people's hearts, it has nothing to do with professionalism, it is almost equivalent to observing words, trying to figure out people's hearts and political speculation;

That's why Karen was so embarrassed and entangled at the beginning. If Neo hadn't given himself the promise of "you come, I will fight", Karen would not have participated in this election.

Because even if he got it in this way, Karen would not be able to pass the hurdle in his own heart. You must know that what you are doing is completely the way of those who rely on catering to the king in the court of Wien to get into the upper ranks.

In the entire campaign, it is enough to think clearly about the most essential question. When the whipkeeper chooses the candidate for the army leader, does he choose the best one? No, he wants to choose the one he wants that meets his needs.

Karen replied:

"If I become the head of the legion, I will strictly abide by all the military orders from the Upper Peak Knights. At the same time, I will try my best to maintain the militia of the headquarters and ensure that it is always in a good state suitable for combat.

As for other ideas, I don't have any, and I also think that the legion commander sitting in this position shouldn't have any ideas of his own. "

The seven chairs behind the curtain fell silent after listening to Karen's words.

After a while, No. 2 person said: "Major Karen, you can go out now."

"Yes, my lord."

Karen saluted to Number Two, then to the curtain, and walked out.

After going out, Karen breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiamtl.com~His hands and feet felt a little cold.

Behind the curtain of the small conference hall, Sommer looked sideways at Foden and asked:

"Hey, I said old man, are you deliberately looking for an excuse to call our brothers over for a drink? Otherwise, I really can't understand, you let us sit here to help you evaluate and screen, but you yourself have already arranged an appointed one."

Imperial appointment?

Miguel, who was standing behind the whipman, was stunned for a moment. How could he make an appointment? If I could make an appointment, wouldn’t I have made an appointment a long time ago?

Out of the responsibility of the secretary, Miguel immediately smoothed things over and said: "Master Sommer, you misunderstood, we are the whip..."

Unexpectedly, Foden actually interrupted Miguel, and smiled at Sommer:

"Yeah, I just missed you, so I deliberately found an excuse that I won't be blamed by the high priest. I invite you to drink to catch up on the old days, haha."

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