13 Mink Street

Chapter 774: kill

The golden-armored dragon tortoise, the largest in the entire army, was marching right in the middle of the queue, not only dragging three advanced magic crystal cannons behind it, but also a military tent standing on its back.

There are only three people in the military tent, Neo, Murry and Karen.

The daily routine commander-level meeting has ended, and the reason for continuing to hold this small meeting is because of the "extracurricular tutoring" specifically for Karen, the regiment commander.

In the previous meeting, Karen issued a series of latest orders.

Now, Karen needs to understand why he issued these orders.

If it were any other commander, it would probably be unbearable for him to become an overhead puppet, but Karen didn't mind, as everything required a process of cognitive learning.

Not long ago, Neo suggested that Karen study military affairs, and Karen's response was very negative.

But Neo never worried about this, because he knew the family's study addiction, oh no, predator addiction.

Look in front of you, this guy is sitting there with a notebook on his lap and a pen in his hand, so, never believe what Xueba said that he hates studying, it's just his habit of preparing for the next time he surprises you. Make a foreshadowing.

Murray hung the photos and scrolls on the blackboard. In the picture is a winding pit, which can also be called a canyon. It seems that many huge loaches have stretched and curled here in a disorderly manner.

"This is the landform of the Chia Grand Canyon, and it is also the target of our military order to capture and establish a stronghold. From a strategic point of view, this place is located in the southeast of the desert. Because it is rich in secret pattern iron ore, it was here as early as the Desert God Religion period. It has been developed, and it was built into a holy place during the desert **** religion period.

During the civil war in the desert, this area belonged to the first batch of areas controlled by the rebels, because the secret pattern iron ore is a consumable required for teleporting the magic circle, and its value is very high. Own transmission operation system.

Later, my order forces intervened and attacked here. The desert rebels chose to withdraw without resistance. At that time, the Knights did not adopt a garrison strategy, but chose to transfer after destroying the infrastructure and mining equipment here.

At present, according to my information from Whip of Order, the mineral rights and interests in the Chia Grand Canyon have been mortgaged by the desert rebels to the Earth God Sect in exchange for the Earth God Sect's support for the desert rebels. "

Karen twirled the pen in his hand, and said: "I lost the place that I didn't bother to occupy before, but now I have to take it back to operate. I can only say that the change in the direction of the wind is really unexpected."

In the earliest days, order only supported the desert to suppress the rebellion; when the desert was beaten by the desert rebels and was about to collapse and was about to be completely absorbed by the desert, and the identities of the orthodox and the rebels were about to be reversed, the power of order began to intervene.

In the first stage of the war, in order to prevent oneself from falling into the quagmire of security warfare, and also considering the objective factors of limited troops, the order basically did not divide troops into garrisons, but used destruction and massacres to wipe out the resistance potential of the desert rebels.

It is no longer possible. The presence of the coalition forces has made Order no longer have the same ability to unilaterally crush the desert rebels as before.

And after this round of rest, both sides gathered a large number of troops, like two fists that had previously contracted tacitly and began to open. Every key site is a target to be competed for.

If the continuity of the war is considered, maybe the infrastructure that was destroyed by oneself before has to be repaired by itself.

Neo nodded, it was rare to sell Karen a face, and echoed: "Things are developing too fast."

Karen asked, "What is the size of the enemy army here now?"

Murray replied: "The latest information is that there have been a small number of rebels and believers of the Earth God in this area. It should be a small-scale remedial mining. There is no news of the establishment of an established force for the time being."

"Are you sure?" Karen asked.

"The exact situation can only be found out by the investigation team led by Miss Pu'er and Philomena."

Karen began to think, if he could easily occupy this place, could he also take the opportunity to resume mining? Mosquito legs are also meat, so the rear family is now a tiger that can never get enough to feed.

Neo stood up and walked to the floating map in the central area, marked with five black arrows.

The Whip of Order Legion is part of the 9th Army of the Desert Field of Order. The army has a 12th regular regiment reorganized from the garrison as its core, and has four militia regiments under its jurisdiction. The Whip of Order militia is one of them.

The Ninth Army does not belong to the sequence with strong combat effectiveness. The standard of measurement is very simple. Whichever army has the Knights of Order, it is definitely the ace army.

Therefore, a regular regiment like the Ninth Army leads four militia regiments to perform tasks such as clearing blind areas of vision and occupying advanced strongholds. In Neo's words, they are battlefield cheerleaders.

But the general direction is like this, but in the actual implementation, it is the Whip of Order Legion that takes the middle road, and the 12th regular regiment is on the flank. The above should have seen the list of personnel and equipment, and made this change in the military order. After all, the Whip of Order Legion far surpassed other militia regiments, even the regular regiment next door, regardless of the size of its troops or the level of equipment.

However, this "backbone" position did not make Neo happy, because the actual command of the Ninth Army was in the hands of the head of the 12th regular regiment, who only stood in a position but had no corresponding power status. It made Neo feel awkward.

Neo said, "Order to set up camp."

Murray reminded: "But, it's just after noon."

Neo shook his head: "We march much faster than them, and we have to wait for them. We don't know the specific situation ahead, so we should try to maintain a group formation as we march."

Originally, it would be enough to explain here, but Neo looked at Karen and continued:

"I'm worried that if we run too fast, we will break out of the formation and become a bulge. If there is a real situation facing each other, maybe they will take the opportunity to surround us. When the time comes, we will stand by and wait for reinforcements. I am afraid that the friendly forces outside will not be able to attack us." Come in; if you want to break through in time, and worry that the 12th regular regiment ordered us to stick to it, it's better to be steady and not aggressive.

The marching speed of this regular regiment shouldn't have been so slow, but it has lowered itself to the same level as those three ordinary militia regiments. I suspect that the head of the regular regiment ordered the three militia regiments alone. We ran forward and rushed to the front row to find the way. "

Karen asked, "Is there such an idea?"

Neo shrugged: "You, Karen, will put the overall situation first, but not every commander can have the same moral quality as you, our organization and equipment are easy to be envied.

Besides, as a commander, sending a troop to explore the road is also a normal operation, but the other party may also have scruples, and I am sorry to order us so clearly, but I just hope that we will rush forward with our own brains. "

Karen said: "I will be responsible for communicating this issue."

"Okay, that's all, now just pray that there will be no enemy garrisons in that canyon; that terrain, if you fight a tough battle, it will be a headache, no matter how powerful the magic crystal cannon is, it will not be able to hit the ground. mouse.

Very good, Pu'er led a team to investigate, I believe Pu'er can bring back the most accurate information, after all, cats are best at catching mice. "

After Neo finished speaking, he walked out of the military tent, and he was going to patrol the camp.

Karen sat inside for a while, filled up his notes, then closed it and walked out.

At this time, the military order to set up camp has been issued, and nearly a hundred giants are unloading. After unloading, they can turn into normal human size to rest. It is precisely because of them and the high configuration of these dragon turtles that their legion can Going so fast.

Because you can't abandon these war equipment and all kinds of baggage and march, otherwise you will encounter the despair of night **** believers facing the towering city wall defense that night.

Little Kangna walked up to Karen and said, "Could you take me with you next time sister Pu'er goes out?"

Karen shook his head: "No."

"Why? I don't understand."

"Because you need to stay with me and protect me."

Little Kangna frowned and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

But soon, Little Kangna raised her head again and said, "Then you don't need to take a bath today, do you?"

"Don't worry, we will have a simple shower room in our military tent in the future, you just need to fetch water."

"But this is a desert, and water is very precious."

Karen spread out his palms, and the power of the ancestor Allen's water system condensed into a water polo, reflecting Xiao Kangna's "happy" face.

In fact, Karen originally wanted to avoid specialization as much as possible, but every time he went to take a bath in the public bathroom of the camp, he would encounter a group of male priests with soap on their bodies and foam on their heads, saluting solemnly to him.

He is not an artist, nor does he have a sculpture addiction, so he is really indifferent to such scenes.

After staying in the legion for a long time, he also gradually realized that leading the legion is not leading the squad. The squad leader or group leader can eat and live with the soldiers without being special. At his level, he insists on pursuing the so-called Absolute equality and cleanliness will not achieve the desired effect.

"By the way, did you have lunch?" asked Karen, who missed lunch for a small meeting.

Little Kangna nodded: "I ate."

"What's lunch, or a few warm mush?"

Little Kangna shook her head: "No."

"Huh, that's good."

"I packed it for you and put it in the tent. It's already cold."

Karen felt a little sick to his stomach. He had suffered a lot in other aspects along the way from Ruilan to Wayne. The only thing he hadn't been treated badly was his own stomach.

Xiao Kangna said: "The head of the cooking team told me that he can cook for you."

While talking about Xiao Kangna, she made a stirring movement:

"I'll make you a separate hot paste."

The Chia Grand Canyon is full of ravines, like the wrinkles on the faces of the elderly, intricate.

A big golden retriever was running on the edge of the canyon, and sitting on it was a black cat.

In the backpack hanging on both sides of the golden retriever's body, there are curls of feathers floating around. This is an extremely dexterous low-level holy weapon, which can effectively increase speed and reduce movement consumption.

After their investigation, except for the discovery of three mines that continued to be secretly mined, no other coalition forces were seen.

It's just that when Pu'er was about to enter a downward zone in front of him, Pu'er raised his paw, and Kevin didn't need it to remind him, so he immediately leaned back the dog's neck, gliding for a short distance and then stopped.

Pu'er amber-like cat eyes began to carefully observe the surroundings, while Kevin closed his eyes and began to sniff the ground.

"Did you notice that, stupid dog?"

Kevin nodded: "Wow."

"This area is not a natural feature. Although it is handled very similarly, there must be a new layout that has been completed recently in the depths below. Oh, damn, it is really hidden, and it is filled with real stuff."


"Let's look again to see if there are any similar areas."

Kevin started to accelerate again. One cat and one dog did not gallop in a straight line, but suddenly changed directions. Kevin's detection ability and Pu'er's exploration experience can prevent them from taking the usual path.

The second smooth zone was found, followed by the third, and the fourth... It didn't take long to find 9, which is certainly not all.

"Okay, you can go back, go back and tell our little Karen, this place is a trap."

Pu'er stretched his paw into Kevin's backpack, and knocked on a shell inside:

"Close the team, meow!"


When Philomena heard the sound of the shells in her ears, she immediately took out the signal bomb and fired it into the air, ordering to withdraw the team.

She found a suspicious place, which seemed to have been changed on the ground, but she didn't have time to find the next one, so she could only wait for the confluence and then report to Pu'er to let it decide whether to conduct a second round of search. If she can find another one or two If you are in a similar area, you can suspect that there may be a problem with this seemingly ungarrisoned Grand Canyon.

However, when she just turned around and was about to leave, with her as the center of the circle, the soil at the four corners of the ground suddenly rose up, turning into human shapes like clay sculptures, and finally four men wearing khaki robes came out, The robes on their bodies belonged to the Earth God Sect, but the pattern was erased.

Philomena pulled out the Nightmare Blade, and the four earth priests raised their arms at the same time, forming a barrier in silence.


Philomena quickly drew her knife, approaching an earth priest, and the blade pierced into the opponent's body, but the opponent's body seemed to be really made of mud. After the knife edge entered, there was no blood, only mud overflowed.

They didn't want to kill themselves, to be precise, they didn't want to kill themselves now, what they wanted was to temporarily seal themselves up without causing any leaks.

And on the periphery, a female priest wearing a robe of order walked out, she looked at Philomena, and then, her face began to melt, and the sludge began to reorganize, becoming exactly like Philomena, she spread out In the palm, a wisp of sludge appeared in the palm, gradually solidifying into the appearance of the Nightmare Blade.

She smiled at Philomena.

Philomena said, "You can't pretend to be me."

No sound from here can come out, and no sound from outside can come in, but the priestess seems to be able to guess what Philomena is talking about, and the smile on her face becomes brighter, as if mocking Philomena's love for her. Nothing is known about her abilities.

Philomena bit her lips tightly, with what appeared to be an expression of unwillingness and anxiety, but in fact she was holding back, trying not to laugh too.

Fortunately, Philomena, who has long been used to life with an expressionless face, can be considered to have a strong ability to manage facial expressions.

After the priestess waved away,

Philomena sat down cross-legged. She knew that this barrier wouldn't last long. She had to save her strength and wait for the moment when it loosened.

The reconnaissance team assembled, there were 3 groups, each group consisted of 12 people, and the reconnaissance team members who joined the training in the later period were also brought out, but they were only distributed on the periphery of the canyon for investigation, and those who went deep into the interior were only the old 3 groups.

Pu'er rode Kevin back, and as soon as he came back, Pu'er jumped on Philomena's shoulder and sat down, asking:

"Message summary."





A short quick debrief, and no one found a clue worth reporting.

In this regard, Pu'er is not surprised. The hidden layout here is very good. When it and Kevin checked for the first time, they didn't find any problems. Although the newly trained players are veterans in front of the new players, they can In fact, it is still too tender.

"Okay, then let's close the team and go back, and prepare in a dispersed queue...Code report!"

Suddenly the conversation changed, and some of the team members immediately began to call out secret signals. These secret signals were issued by Pu'er temporarily before the action dispersed, and everyone shouted:

"Sweet and sour carp!"

"Squirrel mandarin fish!"

"Fish with pickled cabbage!"

When calling the first "sweet and sour carp", the person calling out is already paying attention to the reactions of the companions on both sides; when calling "squirrel mandarin fish", the second round of confirmation can basically be carried out;

When you shout "pickled fish", it means you can draw your knife.

The teammates on both sides of the three team members had already drawn out their weapons and stabbed them in the chest.

These three people failed to make any reaction and were killed on the spot.

After killing someone, they began to examine the corpse, and soon, sludge began to appear on the face of the dead person, and after the sludge faded, they turned into strangers.

Philomena said solemnly: "The matter has become serious."

Pu'er nodded, pressed his paw on Philomena's neck, patted it, and said:

"Yeah, so why don't you keep pretending meow?"

Philomena asked with a smile, "Don't tell me I don't need to report the password?"

"Your capture ability and reaction ability are very strong, which makes it not obvious at all when you call out the signal although it is slow."

Philomena turned her head to look at Pu'er: "Then where did I show my flaws?"

"You've done a good job and haven't exposed any flaws. I asked for a password to give them an additional training subject. After all, it's very difficult for a partner to be replaced in reality.


I said,

After so many years, can't you add some perfume to your earth gods when you use mud to cover your face? I can smell that earthy smell from a long distance, meow! "

Pu'er's paw hit Philomena's face, and with a "snap", Philomena's face sank directly;

But she didn't die. Instead, there was a scream from inside her body, and a group of auras appeared on the periphery, quickly approaching here.

His own head, which had been deformed by the cat's claws, melted quickly and formed a fierce ghost's head, biting towards Pu'er. took the blow.

Priestess's body was torn apart quickly, and a mud monster swelled out. Cooperating with the approaching hands from the periphery, it was obvious that the infiltration failed and was intended to be forcibly killed.

Pu'er, who fell back on Kevin's back, ordered first:

"Scatter and break through!"

Immediately afterwards,

Pu'er's two cat paws are placed on the chest,


"Oh, brother Karen, please give Maomao strength."


There is still at night, about one o'clock in the morning, I will try to write it in advance, hold everyone tight!

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