Chapter 205 Good News (1)

Just when King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy was ready to make a fortune on the London Stock Exchange to play a big shift that would allow tickets to fly from the treasury into his own pocket, he didn’t want to be suddenly on the way. After smashing a group of people, the hula-la began to acquire Italian national debt.

At the beginning, King Victor-Emanuel II hadn’t figured it out yet, and thought it was his agent who hadn’t figured out where the mess was. “F*ck’s, daddy still has several tricks to suppress the price of treasury bonds, but they are useless.” It took a long time to realize that this was something that was being done. Moreover, those guys are very financially rich, and if they don’t keep up, they are afraid that the big head will be taken away by others.

Not to mention the destruction of Italy’s national debt, the most happy thing for Scrooge and Dorothea is that the first golden ship finally arrived in New York. Duck Castle was originally by the sea, and Scrooge bought a piece of land nearby and built a marina. In name, this is a yacht marina, but in fact, a more important role is to be used as a wharf for golden ships.

On June 26th, at noon on the third day after the legendary defeat in Italy, a strangely shaped ship appeared on the nearby sea.

This boat has a very large aspect ratio of up to 12, looking down from the sky, it is like a kayak for racing. A ship of less than two thousand tons, but made so long and slender, is naturally able to run faster. Generally speaking, the longer the boat is, the lower the resistance and the faster it will run. But on the other hand, the longer the ship is, the worse the stability, the worse the seaworthiness, and the lower the load.

This ship not only has a large aspect ratio, but also has a peculiar appearance. Except for the tall masts on the ship’s deck, other things such as bridges are very low and obviously inclined inward. This is also to achieve Designed for higher speed.

The too large aspect ratio makes the steering control of this ship very poor. Originally, it was not difficult for a two thousand-ton ship to dock, but the ship actually used a whole lot when docked. Two hours.

As soon as the boat drew ashore, the guards of the black water surrounded him. Then more than a dozen small boxes were slowly removed from the boat, which hurt more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages waiting nearby. Then the guards got into the carriages and escorted them to the port.

These boxes contain gold sent from Alaska. It’s just that the gold was not sent directly to the underground treasure house of Duck Castle, because the boxes in these boxes are not authentic gold bricks, but completely natural gold, most of which are sands, and of course there are also larger pieces. In one of the boxes, it was filled with natural large pieces of gold, which is the so-called nugget gold.

Except for some big collectible dog head gold, the rest of the gold must be sent to be processed into gold bricks before being sent to the underground vault. These three tons of gold will be the first collection in the underground vault of Duck Castle.

“General, our troops had a contact battle with the Prussians. We judged that it was the Prussian Second Army and the Elbe Army.” An officer reported to General Benedek.

“Where is it?” General Benedek asked.

“Here, and here.” The officer quickly marked the location of the Prussian army on the map.

It is different from history because now Austria is very concerned about the new technologies that emerged in the Civil War after suffering the loss of high-tech last time. The use of cable and telegraph by the North and South Army is one of them. So compared to the original history, the Austrians now have a better understanding of the battlefield.

“Their movements suddenly speeded up.” General Benedek said.

Before the start of this battle, to be honest, although Bismarck and the crown prince thought that Prussia had the strength to defeat Austria, the king and the Junker officers were still terribly afraid of going to Austria. The reason for this is also simple. Since the Middle Ages, Austria has been the old Dage of the German states. Since the 15th century, Habsburg has been the orthodox place of the Sacred Roman Empire. Well, although the Sacred Roman Empire is neither Sacred nor Rome, nor is it an empire. But its accumulation of prestige, used to frighten Prussia’s Junker buns, is still well-measured. So now, even though Prussia has obvious advantages in terms of industrial strength, weapons and equipment, and personnel training, the gang of Junker buns can’t understand how much they have become stronger. They still feel that Habsburg old Dage. Powerful and domineering, I felt cramps in my calves when I heard that I was about to start a fight with Austria. In fact, this is not surprising. Even in this information age, don’t there still a large group of people who still stayed in the 1980s who think that the strength of Japan’s Koji is No. 1 in Asia? Only Bismarck and Life have always been in the UK, and I am used to seeing the crown princes of the British who don’t treat Austria as a bird, that Austria is nothing.

Because of their awe, whether it was the Second Army led by the King of Prussia or the Elbe Army under the command of Junkers, they cowered when they marched toward Austria. The pace of marching has been very slow, especially with The first legion of the crown prince was as slow as a snail. The chief of the general staff, Mao Qi, who was in a hurry, gave them twelve gold medals a day. Oh, no, it was the twelve orders to urge the promotion army, and they were considered to be moving.

However, both the king and Marshal Carlschwaf von Biederfeit, a Junkers bun, still know the military. They also know that when passing through the mountains, they are most likely to be destroyed by each, so they can’t run slowly when crossing the mountains. This slow and fast move made own action beyond the Austrians’ expectations.

“Where is the First Army of Prussia?” General Benedek asked again.

“General, in this position.” The officer immediately marked the location of the Prussian First Army on the map.

“Well, now, the three legions of Prussia are beyond the communication range of the cable telegraph. The only way to communicate between them is to rely on the communication cavalry to run back, ran to the nearest cable telegraph bureau and send the news back. Their staff headquarters sent a telegram to the nearest telegraph bureau, and then used the cavalry to send the telegram to the troops. Now, you count, if we concentrate our forces on the Prussian Second Army, how long will it take for his other troops to know this situation ?” General Benedek said.

The staff members got busy on the map. After a while, one of the staff members reported back:

“General, if the Prussian First Army continues to move in this direction, it will take at least three days for them to know.””Three days later, the Prussian First Army turned to us. How long will it take to reach the battlefield?”

“At least two days,” the staff officer replied.

“Very well, so we have five days.” General Benedek said. “We will immediately draw up a plan. We will first concentrate our forces on the Second Prussian Army, which is the one led by the King of Prussia. This Army is approximately With 70,000 troops, we have 240,000 troops. We will try to kill them within five days, and then we will stop the Prussian First Army while killing the remaining Elbe Army. Then we will win!”

If Scrooge was here, he would laugh if he saw this scene. General Benedek’s arrangement was not wrong, but he didn’t know that there was another good thing called wireless telegraphy in the world.

“The Second Army was besieged by the main Austrian army? This is great!” After receiving the news that the Second Army was besieged by the main Austrian army, the Prussian army chief of staff Mao Qi was very excited, “Call the crown prince immediately and let him Bring the first legion to kill from the side and back, cutting off the supply and retreat of the Austrian army!”

“Hehe, in this way, in this battle, I can really achieve the ideal combat state of’strategic attack and combat defense’.” Mao Qi thought, and this battle will become like this. Classic and proud.

Clausewitz mentioned in “On War” that most of the time, defense is a more advantageous way of fighting than offense. Since the after-loading rifle became popular, especially after the United States guys came up with such things as trench warfare, the advantages of defensive operations over offensive operations have become more and more obvious. At present, the offensive party will have to pay a huge sacrifice. However, in this battle, Prussia was the active offensive side. Although the army was better trained and equipped with more advanced equipment, if it attacked hard, it would probably suffer heavy losses. Even if it could win in the end, it would definitely be a tragic victory. For this reason, Mao Qi, Bismarck, and the Crown Prince discussed together for a long time, and under the inspiration of Heishui’s advisory group, they proposed such a strategic idea of ​​offensive and defensive in battle.

Now, the Austrian army is besieging the Second Corps, and the Second Corps is in a defensive state. Although the number of the Second Army is smaller than that of the Austrians, relying on the natural advantage of the defender, it is not so easy to be eaten. The speed of the First Army’s rescue will far exceed the Austrians’ expectations. At that time, the 110,000 people of the First Army blocked the Austrians’ back road and cut off their supplies. The Austrians will either run out of ammunition and food, or they will have to break through from the first legion, um, then the Prussian army will defend and the Austrians will attack. In this way, the Austrians, who were clearly in the big defensive battle, had no opportunity to take advantage of the defensive battle. Instead, they needed to constantly assault the Prussian defensive positions. This is simply… just bullying. After arranging the deployment of the battle, Mo Qi sent a telegram to the king again, telling him the current situation, and finally Mo Qi said: “I believe that the enemy has completely fallen into our trap, and the victory of the whole war lies. Right now.”

On the same day, Mao Qi also wrote this sentence in his own diary: “Science and technology are the first fighting force.”

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