Chapter 213 New York Power Plant

Almost all newspapers have intensively reported on the night of the miracle in Duck Castle, and this new thing of electric light has suddenly become a topic of conversation on the streets of New York. Originally, according to Scrooge and the others, it was best that the electric light could be launched together with the New York Tower. Think about it, under the dark night, how shocking the brightly lit New York Tower is. However, the development of electric lamps is much faster than the construction of the New York Tower. Under the conditions of nitrogen filling and direct selection of carbon filaments, the development of electric lamps only took a little more than two months. At this time, New York The completion of the tower is still very early. When the electric light is launched one day earlier, you can make money one day earlier. Is it because of a gimmick that Scrooge will start making money for more than a year at night? That is simply shooting at own forehead. Therefore, after the family members negotiated, the first stage of the electric light changed from the New York Tower to the Duck Castle.

But this does not mean that the New York Tower has completely lost its opportunity. Compared to the Duck Castle in the suburbs, the New York Tower was built directly in a central area like Manhattan. In that era, it was very inconvenient to go to the suburbs to see the night scene in the middle of the night, so although the newspaper described the night scene of the Duck Castle as a paradise, it was really young artists who went to see the night scene without sleeping in the middle of the night. Still very few. Well, originally some painters would go to sketch, but these are very few after all. And running to the suburbs at night, safety is also a problem. Well, there were rumors not long ago that a certain handsome painter was brutally attacked by criminals at night…well, it was really horrible. Not only was his butt seriously injured, but… even his wallet was robbed. After such a tragic story happened, well, a few more painters came to sketch in the spirit of being willing to dedicate themselves to art, but no one would put on a wallet stupidly.

The first time most people saw electric lights was on the construction site of the New York Tower. Since electric lights are already practical, there is no reason not to use them on the construction site of the New York Tower. So at night, the construction site of the New York Tower is brightly lit, and nearly a thousand electric lights illuminate the site like daylight. Even from miles away, people can see the sky illuminated by the lights. Under the shining of the electric light, the workers stepped up the construction overnight-every time they are put into use one day in advance, they can make money one day in advance.

Many people who have never seen an electric light go to the construction site of the New York Tower to see it. Today’s New York Tower has also been constructed to a platform, which is already several tens of meters high. People onlookers can see the light from the electric light from far away. When everyone saw the construction workers working without obstacles under the shining of electric lights, they all felt that candles, kerosene lamps, etc., compared with electric lights, are really a heaven and earth. Now here comes the question, learn electrical technology… Oh, when will we be able to install this in our home the most.

The question was answered soon. A few days later, in the New York Daily Times, the news of the establishment of McDonald’s Power Company was reported. The wholly-owned company of the McDonald family also announced its first investment projects: New York’s First Power Plant and New York Electric Light Factory.”A spokesperson for MacDonald Power told us:’The total investment in the first power plant will be as high as one million US dollars, and the investment in the first phase of the project will be approximately two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars. This money will be used to build the power plant. And the power supply network that connects the entire Manhattan Island. In fact, large-scale generator sets that can support the entire Manhattan’s electricity consumption have already been manufactured, and the land and factory buildings of the power plant are almost ready. So the power plant itself The construction will be quite fast. After about two months, the generator set should be able to start to run and generate electricity. Well, during this time, we can also complete the training of the workers and the installation of the power supply line…

There is essentially no difference between the electric current in the wire and the lightning. This is the pride of our United States, as Mr. Franklin has proved. And to conquer thunder and lightning and let it be used by us was also Mr. Franklin’s ideal back then. However, even if it is a tamed animal, improper use can also bring danger. Just like if you don’t ride a horse according to certain rules, you may fall off the horse and get injured. Unscientific use of electricity can also bring danger. Therefore, when using the convenience brought by electricity, we must also have a certain understanding of it…’

In addition to the first power plant, the New York Electric Light Factory is also in preparation. In fact, the development status of this plant even exceeds that of the first power plant. All the equipment it needs are already in place, the workers and machinery are ready, and even the trial production has been completed-the electric lights used in the Duck Castle and the New York Tower come from here. And its orders have already been arranged. It is said that the residents of Manhattan Island (this is the wealthy area), as early as they ordered a large number of electric lights. In this way, in two months, the entire island of Manhattan will become an island of light…”

It is almost inevitable that the first batch of electricity will be sent to Manhattan. Because of any new gadget, the cost will always be slightly higher when it appears. And Manhattan is the wealthy area of ​​New York, where the wealthy get together, and only there can we find enough guys who don’t care about electricity bills and don’t care about changing a light bulb every 100 hours. However, the location of the first power plant is not in Manhattan, because the land price there is too high. In order to save money, the No. 1 Power Plant is still a little far away from Manhattan, and it is also located in the downwind direction. Because there is no big river near New York, clean hydroelectric power can no longer be counted on, and only thermal power can be used.

The McDonald family already has the technology of large steam turbines. In theory, thermal power stations can use any fuel, whether it is coal, oil or natural gas. Considering the current low price of oil, the first power plant of course chose a heavy oil boiler that burns heavy oil. It’s fun to say that the beginning of electrification was a boon for the troubled oil industry. However, Scrooge did not release the news that the own power plant was burning oil. Instead, he kept propagating that the electric light would be complete. Replace kerosene lamps. At that time, the main purpose of oil was to light kerosene lamps. So when the news of electric lights became more and more widely known in the newspapers, all kinds of oil-related things fell along with it. In the entire northeast, the remaining operators of several other oil refineries have lost their confidence under the blow of this news, and rushed to sell their factories before the widespread use of electric lights. The buyer, of course, is Standard Oil.

Swallowing these half-dead refineries is actually not a big victory. What is most satisfying to Rockefeller is because of the so-called poor oil prospects. Some oil wells have also lost confidence, so these oil wells have also become the standard. Of it. Not long after, when power plants and even ships everywhere started to use petroleum fuels, many of these people regretted jumping off the New York Tower.

The large (by the standards of the time) steam turbine drives the generator to generate a steady flow of current, which is then boosted to ten kilovolts through a transformer, and then transported all the way to the island of Manhattan along the wires that are set up in the air by poles. Those transformers, and then stepped down to 220 volts for daily use. Well, considering that almost all of the electrical technology of power generation technology is in the hands of Scrooge, the voltage standard set by Scrooge will definitely become the universal voltage standard in the United States. Well, as a traverser, Scrooge, when deciding how much daily voltage to use, almost without hesitation, let the United States people comply with the China standard once.

“Mimi, it’s so dark, why don’t you turn on the light? The candle is on?” Morgan asked Own’s wife.

Morgan’s house has just installed electric lights, and McDonald’s Electric Company has sent someone to teach them how to use it.

“I dare not touch that switch.” Mimi replied, “I just heard what the installer said, I think it’s horrible.”

“Ah, where is it so terrible. It’s okay, as long as the hand is dry, and the rope that pulls the light is dry, there is no problem. And even the rope doesn’t come into direct contact with any electrified thing. Unless you pour a basin of water on it, this thing will never have electricity.” In the acceptance of new things, men are always slightly faster than women.

Morgan said, reaching out to pull the switch cord. Mimi quickly grabbed Morgan: “Don’t touch it!” The woman firmly grabbed Morgan, and then said: “Should we call a servant to turn on the light…”

The servant turned on the light in the bedroom for the Morgans and left. The husband and wife spoke in the house for a while, and the time gradually got late. Morgan took out his pocket watch, glanced at it, and said in surprise: “Oh, I don’t know the time when I turn on this light. Mimi, guess what time is it?”

“What time is it now?” Mimi thought for a while, and said: “I have been talking and forgot the specific time. I guess it’s late, right?”

“It’s already ten o’clock in the evening. I didn’t expect it.” Morgan said. “It’s still candles. I have already lit several of them. Okay, it’s time to go to bed.”

“Well, go to sleep.” Mimi said as she began to remove the accessories from her head…

“Well, the lights…it hasn’t been turned off yet.” Mimi’s voice trembled.

“Yeah.” Morgan sat up on the bed and was about to turn off the lights. Then he thought of something and said to Mimi, “Mimi, should we ask the servants to come in and turn off the lights now? Isn’t that good? No, don’t turn off the lights tonight…”

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