Chapter 220 Freedom Fighter

It is never just newspaper articles that control public opinion. At any time, hard power is actually behind soft power. The same is true in Panama. In the two weeks of preparing for the referendum, Panamanian newspapers, even those originally leaning toward the Colombian government, have uncharacteristically stood on the side of independence. Their articles are either discussing how the Panamanian’s life will be different from Colombian rule if it becomes independent. The result of the discussion, of course, is that every Panamanian’s income can be turned over. The second most discussed issue in their newspapers is the various corruption issues of the Colombian government. Discuss and discuss, of course, the more the discussion, the more dissatisfied with the Columbia vampire.

The last frequently discussed issue is what to do if the Colombian government comes to suppress it. However, this discussion has almost completely turned into a mockery of the Colombian government forces. They have ridiculed the Colombian government army, that is, they are effective when dealing with the unarmed civilians, and even when dealing with the unarmed civilians, they will accidentally overturn the police. When faced with armed people who are pursuing freedom, their performance is simply shameful. A group of armed civilians launched an attack on the heavily guarded military camp. In just over ten minutes, the garrison of hundreds of people disarmed and surrendered. This shows how incompetent the Colombian government army is.

“How can this corrupt government have a combative army? It’s ridiculous that we used our tax revenue to support them, hoping that they could defend us. Now it seems that their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of bandits. If the Colombian government forces want to suppress us, then we will let them see that the armed, free people can beat four of them!” Many newspapers use the same tone. Almost everyone thinks that the Colombian army is vulnerable.

If those Colombian garrisons who had surrendered had a chance to explain, they would definitely say, could they be armed civilians who attacked us on f*ck? Armed civilians who are much better equipped and trained than us? Can armed civilians quietly kill the sentry on the watchtower with crossbow arrows at night? Can be equipped with a water-filled McDonald 1864 rifle, a McDonald 1862 pump-action shotgun, and everyone is equipped with a revolver? As soon as you enter the barracks, you can immediately control all the key positions without error? If this is armed with civilians, the professional army will cry.

But even if they have the opportunity to say, at least in Colombia, no media will report their words. Because “Free Panama” has declared that the most dangerous enemy is not the Colombian government forces, but the co-conspirators of the Colombian vampires who are still hiding in Panama. These people are Panama’s most dangerous enemy, as well as the enemy of democracy and freedom. No, they are simply not humans, and they are not worthy of the human rights that only humans can enjoy. The freedom fighters of “Free Panama” even publicly declared that for these traitors who are not ashamed of mankind, they must kill his whole family after independence!

Well, as soon as you go out, you can see a group of freedom fighters on the street carrying all kinds of guns and cigarettes in their mouths, dangling around. Do you dare to talk nonsense about the independence of Panama? Are you still not a Panamanian, do you still love Panama? You must be a traitor! Really think you have to kill the whole family after independence? The night before yesterday, when the garrison was disarmed. Don’t you know that the man who ordered the shooting at civilians, the police chief who was loyal to the evil Colombian government, and his family all died in an accidental fire? Why don’t you shout “Long live Panama’s independence”?

It is natural for all Panamanian newspapers to show exceptional unity under the guns of freedom fighters.

…For the sudden outbreak of this series of changes in Panama, to be honest, President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido was completely unprepared. As the President of Colombia, he certainly knows that this matter is not that simple. There must be other countries in it. Considering that the Congress has just rejected the cooperation agreement with the United States not long ago, and considering that the United States government’s statement on this incident was “we respect the choice of the Panamanian people”, it is almost ready to tell who is behind the scenes. .

Rejecting the proposal of the United States government to take away the ducks that the United States people think they have cooked. Of course President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido knew that this would definitely cause trouble. If the President of United States is still Lincoln, then he will definitely make trouble with the gang in Congress. When the gang has not succeeded, and the gang has failed to veto the treaty, he will immediately prepare for all kinds of changes. However, who knows, President Johnson and his Republican cabinet members, who are fighting desperately in infighting, can actually make such a thing in Panama while infighting.

When things happen, of course, we need to take countermeasures immediately. First of all, President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido gave a speech to the media. He first expressed regret over the unfortunate conflict between the military and the police and the common people in Panama, and assured the Panamanian people that they would take it seriously. Investigate this matter, find out the truth, and deal with those responsible in accordance with the law. Call on the people of Panama to trust the government and not to be fooled by those with ulterior motives and do wrong things. On the other hand, he sent special envoys to various countries, hoping to get their support.

At the same time, the president did not forget to mobilize the army to prepare for the worst. So he found his secretary of defense.

“Hales, if I need you to use force to regain Panama, will there be any problems?” President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido asked.

“Your Excellency, the question has always been there, and you are also very clear.” The Secretary of Defense replied, “Our military equipment is too backward. Europe and the United States have long used rear-mounted rifles, and we are still using them. Front-mounted Mini rifles. They have already used a lot of steel artillery, and we are still using old-fashioned front-mounted bronze cannons and even cast iron cannons decades ago. Moreover, our funds have been insufficient, and the training of the army is also very good. It’s a problem. Even if we want to take action, it will take a considerable amount of time to gather the army. And you must guarantee that we will not compete with the United States or the army of other countries.”

“Damn it! You should prepare first and let your people investigate the situation in Panama. We have to make two-handed preparations.”

“Free Panama” militia training camp.

Freedom fighters are training. These freedom fighters were just recruited by Mayor Edu from the volunteers, and they will be trained here by foreign volunteers who love freedom.

“Instructor, this bullet is so small, can it work?” A certain freedom fighter who was accustomed to rifles with barrels over 0.6 inches expressed doubts about the 1864 rifles issued to them by McDonald.

Compared to the Mini rifle with a caliber of 0.6 or more, the 0.3 caliber of the McDonald’s 1864 rifle is indeed very small.

“Doubt the power of this thing?” The instructor named Tom smiled, and then quickly raised his rifle that had been loaded with bullets, and fired a shot at a big tree tens of meters away.

“Go and see and see how deep the bullet hits.” Instructor Tom said.

So several “freedom fighters” all ran over to check the big tree that was 30 centimeters thick.

A bullet fired from McDonald’s 1864 easily penetrated the big tree, exploding a small bowl-sized outlet behind the trunk, and sawdust flying everywhere.

“If an enemy was hiding behind a big tree just now, thinking he was safe, you can kill him by just shooting him at the big tree.” Instructor Tom said, “It’s not just the big tree. The walls of ordinary houses can’t stop such bullets. Now, who is worried that the guy in his hand is less powerful?”

Tom looked around and saw that everyone was silent. So he said: “You already have the most advanced weapons in the world, but you still have to learn some of the most advanced tactics in the world. Only in this way can you truly defend Panama’s freedom. So, now I want to teach you. The first skill is-trench digging.”

“Mr. President, I want to tell you bad news.” Colombian Defense Minister Hayes told President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

“Yes, our intelligence personnel discovered that the militias established by the Panamanians were replaced with unified weapons and equipment-the MacDonald 1864 rifles and the Macdonald 1862 shotguns produced by the United States. We suspect that they were acquired by the United States. Secretly support.” Minister Hals replied.

“Damn, the United States guy also assured me that they did not directly intervene. These shameless guys! Is there a United States army among them?” President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido asked.

“We don’t know this, but there are signs that Heishui’s mercenaries may have been involved in this matter.”

“Blackwater? What is that?” President Jose Maria Rojas Garrido asked.

“The largest mercenary company in United States. It is said that there are thousands of mercenaries under its staff. Most of these soldiers have participated in the civil war in the United States and have combat experience. Some have also participated in some wars in Europe. In the whole world, Blackwater They are all the most famous mercenary teams…In terms of combat effectiveness, they are probably stronger than the regular U.S. military. Mr. President, if the Panamanian side really hires a large number of black water mercenaries, it will be a battle. It’s very difficult. I hope it’s best to solve the problem in a peaceful way.” The Defense Minister said with a slightly ashamed expression.

“Damn it, is there a way to contact this black water boss?” the president asked.

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