Chapter 224, The Japanese Workers Are Coming

One month later, the first batch of 1,200 “pirate” brand rifles were delivered to the Colombians, and then they started training under the guidance of the instructors who also came from the “pirates”. These instructors had a good level of business. Under their guidance, Colombian talents learned for the first time what a skirmish formation is, what a combat group is covering each other, what is a trench defense, how to lay and destroy barbed wire, and how to defend against shelling.

It’s just that these instructors will have to say something like “I have worked in Heishui for so many years, I have never seen anyone as stupid as you, even stupid than black people”. Fortunately, the pirate company also clarified that the instructors were dug out from the base of the black water. So it is normal for them to say this.

After another week, six brand new “Pirate” rapid-fire guns were also delivered to Colombia. Then, under the operation of the shooting technology instructor, after playing a burst of more than 20 rounds in one minute, not only all the officers present in Colombia understood how they lost so miserably last time, they even sneaked in. The Venezuelan, Paraguay, and Bolivian spy personnel who watched were also taken aback: one cannon, twenty shells per minute, if it was in accordance with the scale of the Franco-Prussian War. Put a thousand doors on, and the generals will be blown up. There are not enough soldiers to blow up this thing.

So, after these guys went back, they all sent intelligence to the country to explain the situation. Soon after, McDonald’s Infantry Weapons Company welcomed a group of South American customers.

Just as the Macdonald Infantry Arms Company made a fortune by relying on the arms race in South America, the recruitment of workers in Japan for the canal excavation is also underway. The first batch of workers has been assembled and is preparing to complete the final medical examination. You can take a ferry to Panama City.

“Doctor, the next group is ready!” Sasaki Jiro yelled in broken English—actually, the doctor surnamed Kato is also Japanese and can speak Japanese, but there is no way. The supervisor must be able to listen and speak simple. English. Fortunately, Dr. Kato is good at English, so Sasaki seized the opportunity to help him to practice English hard.

“Bring them one by one,” said Dr. Kato.

The first one to be brought up was a short man. Well, even Sasaki, who is a Japanese, thought that guy was a short man. His height was naturally completely invisible.

“Stand well, don’t move!” Sasaki said, holding a long wooden ruler behind him and measuring it.

“Four inches and one foot!” Sasaki reported the number.

“Sasaki, you stupid thing!” Dr. Kato couldn’t help laughing. “It should be four feet and one inch (about 1.3 meters)! Can feet and inches be distinguished? Well, let him go to the big scale. Go up and weigh it.”

“Hayi!” Sasaki replied.

“NO! Sasaki, you should say yes, understand?”

“Yes!” Sasaki quickly replied, and at the same time he thanked him with a ninety-degree bow.

As mentioned above, this little man still has a little weight. Calculating the weight and height according to a certain formula, this little man actually meets the standards given by the United States.

“Ah, let him come over.” Dr. Kato said.

Sasaki hurriedly brought the little man to Dr. Kato.

“Open your mouth!” said Dr. Kato.

The man opened his mouth obediently. Kato carefully checked the man’s teeth and his tongue coating, then nodded and asked, “Are you a hired Jiro?”

“Yes, my lord, although I am short, I can work.” said the little dwarf.

“Okay. You can go out. You are considered qualified, go.” Kato said, “Sasaki, call the next one in!”

This round of physical examination did not wipe out too many workers. Anyway, they are all one-time consumables. What are the high standards and strict requirements for? Therefore, most of the workers successfully passed the medical examination and obtained the qualification to board the ship.

Due to the impact of the Chinese industrial ships last time, in order to avoid being repudiated by others, the conditions of the ships transporting the Japanese must not be the same as those of the Chinese industrial ships. And like that, transporting a ship and dying half of it on the way is not economically cost-effective.

However, the conditions of the ships transporting the Japanese are definitely not good. Such ships are still temporarily converted from cargo ships. This is nothing more than adding some equipment to the original cargo hold.

The first important device is a separate toilet. Under conditions of high population density, a clean toilet is the key to reducing disease. This toilet is made of wood in accordance with a unified standard, somewhat similar to the simple mobile toilets of later generations. Scrooge asked to put two in the cabin of each ship, and then sent a special person to clean it every day. Believe that can greatly reduce the death on the road.

The second problem with cargo holds is air circulation. So Scrooge asked him to open a few new hatches on the top of the cargo hold, and set up a blower on the top of the cargo hold to inhale vigorously outside to force air circulation. In addition, he also purchased a batch of wooden four-layer canopy beds from Japan. In this way, there are actually no fewer people stuffed in the cabin than when pushing the Stanford to transport Chinese workers.

But even so, the long life at sea will still degrade the human body and be prone to diseases. Therefore, Scrooge strictly stipulated that every worker must have working hours on the deck to scrub the deck every day. In this way, the chance of getting sick should be much smaller. In addition, there are a lot of sulfonamides on board, which can also reduce the proportion of diseases. Of course, if he is still sick, and sulfa has no obvious effect on him, then naturally there is only one last way left-give him an essential medicine for home travel, and then he will declare treatment when he dies. Invalid, just throw it into the sea.

In this way, Sasaki and a group of other Japanese workers boarded a boat called the Musketeers. As a supervisor, Sasaki has certain privileges. For example, his shop is higher than that of ordinary workers, and it is closer to the air inlet, so the air is much better. The sea with them was due to another cargo ship called the Indian Samurai, and a real passenger ship, the Far East Beauty, which was financed by Volendrano himself. It is said that the shogunate was inspired by this labor export and realized that in the nineteenth century, humans were also one of the most important resources. So they searched in the controlled area and found a lot of willingness to go overseas through smoke-free industries. The women of the shogunate earning foreign exchange, then, led by Volendrano, went abroad to make money.

The first goal of Japanese women is China, and Volendrano opened the first shop in Shanghai that focuses on Japanese women’s customs and tourism industry. It is said that the early stage effect is not bad. So taking the opportunity of Scrooge’s development of the Panama Canal, he simply sent these women over, preparing to open a comfort station in Panama.

In this way, the three boats finally arrived in Panama after walking at sea for more than a month.

The Isthmus of Panama is not wide, and there is a long section of it that can be borrowed from natural lakes. It seems that the amount of work is not particularly large, but in fact it is not that easy. First of all, here is the remnants of the Andes Mountains. Although there are no high mountains, most of them can only be regarded as hills, but after digging up the soil, you will find-pit dad, why are these messy and pitted flowers under the ground? Granite. Isn’t this killing people? Fortunately, Scrooge is the largest in United States and even the largest explosives dealer in the world. Otherwise, there is really no way to get these granites.In addition to granite, a bigger problem is the tropical rain forest. You have to cut the mountains and cut the trees first, and clean up all the messy trees and rattans before you can start working. And in the primitive jungle, there are all kinds of scary things.

Sasaki got off the ship and rested for two or three days. After regaining his strength, he was ordered to take a group of Japanese workers to cut wood.

“Sasaki-sama, you see, the axe given to us is really made of steel.” The little dwarf who doesn’t even have the last name is very excited. Obviously, he had never gotten such a good tool before in Japan. .

“Well, Kojiro, since the master made us so full,” Sasaki said, recalling the brown bread and toasted spam I ate this morning. He couldn’t help being very grateful to the United States owner, so he continued. , “Now that we have given such a good tool again, then we should show our energy to work for the master, right?”

“Yes, it’s the first time I have eaten so well in so many years.” A Japanese worker replied, “I just thought, I can eat such a meal, even if I die immediately, it’s worth it!”

“Sasaki-sama is right!” someone else said.

“Well, very good, but don’t forget the things that Master Heidao told you yesterday. Be careful when you work here. There are many snakes on the mountain. They are very poisonous. If you bite them, you won’t be able to save them. Be careful. !” Sasaki reminded again.

“Don’t worry, Sasaki-sama, I haven’t eaten enough of this kind of food yet, so I can’t bear to die.” Kojiro also replied grinningly.

“Kojiro hasn’t asked a wife yet, and he doesn’t know what a woman is like. He is absolutely reluctant to die.” Someone interjected with a grin. Kojiro just smiled and didn’t answer.

“I heard that in a few days, the’Panama No. 1 Comfort Station’ will open. There are quite a few Japanese girls in it. Would you like Kojiro to try it first?”

“What do Japanese women have? It will be interesting if there are any ghost girls. Look at the ones we saw in the city yesterday. The legs are long and the tits are much larger than Japanese women. I just don’t know…”

“Dream, you!” Sasaki cursed, “It’s not counted as how much money is for a ghost woman. That is what you played? It’s not so costly to run so far here to earn some money… Okay. Stop talking nonsense, start work, work!”

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