Chapter 233, Highly Guarded Gold Mines and Real Estate Development

To be honest, Ding Ding is not working for the “New York Daily Times” now. His work unit has just changed. It’s just that she hasn’t had time to receive this notice. As he followed the Blackwater escort and the sailors toward the mining area, several newspapers in New York were also getting together and passed a joint agreement. According to this agreement, these newspapers will jointly fund a non-profit news agency that they originally built together-America United News Agency, referred to as the Associated Press.

In the original history, the predecessor of the famous Associated Press was the New York News Agency (New York News Agency) jointly established by several major newspapers in New York. However, the current Associated Press was not developed by this news agency, but a news agency jointly funded by the New York Daily Times, the New York Tribune, the Cleveland Daily, and the United States Radio Broadcasting Corporation. It will use its technological advantages in wireless information dissemination, and provide news materials to news agency members equally and freely in terms of overseas news and news in remote areas. Although sparsely humanized Alaska is not strictly outside the country, it definitely belongs to a remote area and belongs to the business scope of this newly established news agency. Therefore, the reporters sent by these media to Alaska were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Associated Press and became the first reporters of the Associated Press.

This news will take a few more days for Ding Ding to know when he arrives at the gold river mining area. In the whole of Alaska, only these two places have shortwave radio stations that can get in touch with the United States mainland.

Now is the beginning of the short summer in Alaska. The so-called summer in Alaska is actually cool. Even Tintin thinks that perhaps the term cold may be more appropriate. Although now, the ice and snow have already melted, even if you climb a high place and look into the distance, except for some mountains in the distance, you will never see any traces of ice and snow; although the sun is ten days a day It hangs in the sky for five or six hours. At noon, the temperature is almost 20 degrees, but in the morning and evening, the wasteland is still very cold.

But this temperature is not a big deal for Milu. This great wasteland made Milu very excited. At first it always tried to tease the big guys who were doing stupid hard work. There is no ice and snow now, but this does not mean that those big Alaskan malamutes can just relax. There are no horses in Alaska, so the carts are now theirs.

Although Alaskan dogs are quite docile to humans, well, as far as Tintin knew, he had never heard of these big guys having a record of biting people. But these guys are not friendly enough to other animals. Whenever Milu ran past them, these big guys would always make a deep threatening sound, and even show their teeth unkindly.

Compared to the Alaskan Malamute, Milu is a little guy, but the Fox Terrier’s sense of honor as a fighting lover will never allow it to shrink in front of a group of stupid big men. So Milou had a fight with these big guys without fear. As a result, it turns out that not all big guys will fight, at least these big guys are not very good, maybe because they are tied up by ropes, which affects their combat effectiveness. When a few people arrive and force them to cease fighting, Milu watched. The mud that went up all over, looked very embarrassed, but in fact it did not suffer, but a certain big dog was bitten by Milu coldly.After bullying the big guys, Milu shifted her interest to bullying rabbits. Sometimes, when everyone was camping, Milu would run out, and soon came back with a rabbit biting. Well, Milu is not like those silly big guys who don’t have a sense of orientation. As long as you send the rope, you can’t find the way back when you run out of storage.

When we arrived at the Gold River mining area, the changes here even shocked the guards of Heishui. Now there is a small town along the Golden River. Thousands of gold prospectors gather here, and tents of various colors are everywhere. Some people even live in wooden huts.

Ding Ding first followed the people of Heishui and entered the mining area. This was also one of his tasks, reporting the situation of the largest gold mine in Alaska.

Perhaps because there are a lot of gold prospectors outside, and these gold prospectors have weapons in their hands, the defense of the gold mine is even more severe. On the periphery of the gold mine, three whole lanes were enclosed by barbed wire. The guards first opened the door in the first barbed wire and let Tintin and the others in.

“Ding Ding, be optimistic about your dog, there are mines everywhere here.” A black water guard warned him.

Tintin hurriedly hugged Milu in his arms, and at the same time thanked the guard: “Thank you, Tom. What landmines are there?”

“It’s too much.” Tom said, “but, it’s not a secret anyway, letting others know more will save them from being stupid, don’t you think? Well, there are a lot of anti-infantry mines buried in the barbed wire, which is used in war. The kind of mine. But here, this kind of mine has been modified. Its charge is much larger, enough to blow a gray male directly into the sky. Well, you know, the attitude towards soldiers and robbers But it’s not the same. Moreover, in Alaska, the stock of medicines is very limited. We don’t want to waste medicine for a robber who has a broken foot, but we are also embarrassed to watch him bleed a little bit, or It was because the wound was infected a little bit rotten to death. So give him a good time, it is a good thing for all of us. Well, in addition to anti-infantry landmines, there are even thunder jumping here, it is like a buried underground, A defensive grenade that can jump up. Once it steps on that thing, it will jump to a distance of twelve to thirteen feet (about three meters six to three meters nine), and then explode, within a few tens of meters. None of the guys can escape its shrapnel.”

“Why are you planting such a terrible landmine?” Ding Ding asked.

“I’m not worried that the guys outside are going crazy. You know, although there are a lot of guards here, they are still not enough compared to such a large mining area and so many people outside. With these, we don’t have to. I’m worried that they will play with us.” Tom said, “Gold is always easy to make people irrational. Well, so although we work in gold mines, we never look at gold, lest we do anything stupid. Well, you follow us, don’t go around.”

The guards of Heishui didn’t go straight inside. In fact, the place straight inside was only barbed wire, and there was no door. The door is two hundred meters away on the oblique side. The soldiers walked more than a hundred meters along the inner edge of the first barbed wire fence, and came to the front of the gate reserved by the second barbed wire fence. Ding Ding noticed that there were some slightly curved green boxes arranged near the second gate.

“What is that?” Ding Ding asked.

“Broad sword anti-infantry directional mine, a super cruel weapon.” Tom explained, “We don’t know the principle of this thing, but once it explodes, it can shoot thousands of steel balls forward, one such weapon. A landmine can sweep away all the guys within a 100-meter range of 60 degrees in front. Well, it is even more ferocious than a shrapnel. Therefore, those guys outside should be sensible and don’t be stupid. Things. Otherwise, these’broad swords’ alone would be enough for them to drink a pot.”

After entering the second layer of barbed wire, there were trenches and traffic trenches. Everyone went down into the trenches and quickly entered the gold mine through the vertical traffic trenches. However, Ding Ding, who had been a war correspondent, knew that it was really a fight. At that time, once the guards retreat, these trenches and traffic trenches will also be quickly covered with mines.

“Well, that’s the workers’ accommodation area, and there is the mine. The canteen is over there, and the timber and general material warehouses are over there. The telegraph room is over there. You need a special pass to go to.” Tom said these key places Point them out one by one and show them to Tintin.

“By the way, don’t go in that direction. The vault is over there.” Tom remembered something and said to Tintin, “Watch your dog. I suggest you tie it with rope, otherwise in case it runs into the minefield. Or head over there, um, in the direction of the treasury. Something happened, but it’s really not so good.”

“Thank you, Tom!” Tintin said seriously. He knows what kind of naughty Milu bag he is holding now. Such a thing can really be done.

“Can I go over there and talk to the workers?” Ding Ding asked.

“Of course it’s okay.” Tom said, “but I suggest you go directly to the cafeteria, because it’s time to eat soon. You can chat with the new workers there.”

It’s not the same as before. Now all those who work in gold mines sign short-term contracts for one year. Generally speaking, no one wants to just mine gold for others. Even if they know, most people cannot dig too much. Much gold. These people are willing to be gold miners only because they can’t afford the expenses of gold panning at their own expense, so they have to work in the gold mine for a few months, and then go out to pan for gold after they have made enough money. Because of this plan, they signed short-term contracts with the gold mine.

“But, as far as I know, you can earn enough money to do it yourself in just a few months. Why do you want to do it for a year?” Ding Ding sat at the dining table and addressed a bearded worker while eating dinner. Asked.

“Because summers in Alaska are too short, wait until a few months later, but it’s winter. Outside, you can only do it by panning for gold in the river, not in the mine like it is now. Then the golden river will freeze, then There’s no way to pan for gold. So it’s better to work for a few more months, earn more money, and buy a house here.”

“Buying a house here?” Ding Ding was taken aback. Can he develop real estate even in such a remote place?

As if seeing Ding Ding’s doubts, the man explained, “When winter comes, the gold prospectors outside will retreat. It’s impossible for them to support a winter here with their tents or something. Leave. It doesn’t matter if they get the gold or not. But if you can have a house here and prepare enough food, you can support it until the river is completely frozen, and the next year you can just start to thaw the river. Start rushing for gold, so that you can occupy the best position, and work almost two months longer than others every year. In this way, the chances of making a fortune are greater.”

“But the guy outside, wouldn’t he build a house by himself?” Ding Ding asked.

“How is that possible? Last winter, the company had cut down all the big trees that could be used to build houses within 30 miles of this neighborhood. What did they use to build the house?” Bearded said with a smile, “Unless they do too. Buy houses and winter food from the company. But they can’t get the internal price, that’s not a small sum.”

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