Chapter 238, Confusion

Suai and Qiongshan put away the drawing board and got on a public carriage back to rent their own house. The carriage staggered along the gravel road, but stopped abruptly after walking for a while. At first, Sui and Qiongshan did not feel anything unusual. The roads in Old Havana were very narrow, and occasionally something happened, such as two women quarreling on the street, or even a group of dogs fighting on the street. All may cause the carriage to stop.

But the pause this time is obviously different, because the coachman said to them: “Two Miss, the road ahead is blocked by the police, I can only go in another direction. If you are willing to walk by yourself, from there I went through the alley in China and arrived in a few minutes. If I followed my car around, it would take more than half an hour.”

“Damn it, what happened!” Su Ai said, “Joan Shan, let’s go down and go by ourselves.”

“Yeah.” Qiongshan nodded docilely, and jumped out of the carriage with Suai carrying the own drawing board.

The street in front was really blocked, and some policemen pulled up the rope to block the street.

“What happened?” Suai asked a passerby.

“I heard someone attacked the tax office over there. Killed a lot of people and set fire.”

There have been many similar attacks on this day. After returning to Cuba, those “freedom fighters” who had undergone Blackwater training found that they were compared with the Blackwater instructors who acted as imaginary Spanish enemies in Blackwater. The real The Spaniards are simply too weak. Here is how a revolutionary father who participated in this series of operations after Cuba’s final independence described their attack on the Spanish police station that day in his memoirs.

“The two of us swaggered in through the front entrance of the police station. The guard was dozing off and didn’t even look at us. We didn’t even ask what was in our bag. I walked into the hall with Hughes. The Spanish police asked us what we were doing. I replied, “The blinds were repaired.” He did not continue to ask, nor asked to inspect our canvas bag. In fact, there are two sawed barrels in my bag. McDonald’s 1862 shotgun, and in Hughes’ bag are two’broad swords’ directional mines.

We went up the stairs, and above it was the offices of the top Spanish police officers. At the corner of the stairs, Hughes placed a ‘broad sword’ in his bag here, while covering his own overalls. After we worked on it for a while, we heard gunshots. If the guys below want to come up from here, we will use this ‘broad sword’ to shadow them.

‘Hold the stairs. ’I whispered to Hughes, ‘I’m going to get rid of those Spanish chopsticks. The office upstairs has only one director and one deputy director. There are only a few fat-headed Spanish fools. To deal with them, it is a sneak attack. I am enough.

I loaded the shotgun, walked to the door of the room where the sign of the director’s office was hung, and knocked gently on the door. There was a dissatisfied voice from inside, ‘what are you doing? Didn’t you tell you, don’t bother me if it’s okay? ’‘That guy is inside. Thinking like this, I flew up and kicked the door open. I saw a big fat pig holding a prostitute doing messy things. Seeing me rushing in, the guy slammed the prostitute aside, turned and wanted to run towards the house inside. But how could he run away? I fired a shot at the fat pig, and the 00 deer bullet ejected from the shotgun immediately smashed the fat pig.

The prostitute screamed in fright. But I don’t have time to pay attention to her. I immediately left the room and rushed to the deputy director’s office next door. I kicked the door first, slapped, and shot two bullets from inside. But I was hiding by the wall, and the bullets were all empty. I took out a grenade and threw it in. There was a bang, and then I rushed in. In the smoke, I saw a Spanish policeman with a revolver lying on the ground. He has not died. I took out M1866 and shot him in the forehead to help him resolve the pain.

At this time, there was also the sound of shotguns and pistols from outside, and it was obvious that Hughes was already exchanging fire with those guys. I immediately pushed open the back window of the director’s office, and at the same time hung a prepared rope on the heavy desk. Then sent a retreat signal to Seuss.

Husseus immediately stopped shooting, and several Spanish police officers used revolvers to shoot at the corner where he was hiding while rushing up the steps. When several policemen rushed to the steps, and some policemen stood out from behind the cover and kept shooting to cover, he suddenly aroused the’broad sword’. Eight hundred steel balls swept across the hall like a torrential rain.

The twenty or so police officers in the entire hall were almost all laid down on the ground by this ‘broad sword’, so that the rope originally prepared for climbing down the stairs became unnecessary. We simply went straight down the stairs. Collect all the weapons in the hands of police officers who were dead or injured but not dead, put them in the backpacks we brought, and walked out through the front door swaggeringly. At this time, in the entire police station, the remaining person who was not injured or died was probably the guard. But when we walked out of the gate, he didn’t know where to go. ”

On this day, Havana was attacked not only by two boats, but also by a police station. Almost all the powerful Spanish organizations were suddenly attacked. Several grenades were thrown at the city government from the roof across the street. The bomber was obviously well-trained, and the grenades were accurately thrown into the offices of the officials through the windows. The brutal lethality of defensive grenades has caused heavy casualties to government officials. If the mayor hadn’t gone to the governor’s manor, he might have died in this round of attacks.

However, in the governor’s manor, Mayor Leon Hugh was unable to completely escape the attack. The governor’s manor was heavily guarded, so the attackers could not directly enter. But they have adopted more cunning, and more frenzied means.

Several attackers pretended to be foresters planting trees and dug holes and planted trees about two hundred meters away from the Governor’s Mansion. But if the Spaniards were more cautious, they would find that the pits these people dug were not the vertical pits for planting trees, but a kind of sloping pit that pointed diagonally towards the Governor’s Palace. More than an hour later, when the two ships were blown up and sank, two horse-drawn carriages brought saplings here. However, if you remove the saplings that cover it, you will find that there are four large oil drums with openings at one end. Several people put the oil barrels into the pit, opened a section to point to the Governor’s Mansion, and adjusted it slightly. Then the person leading the team nodded and said, “It’s almost there.”So a few people put a large medicine packet into the barrel, and pulled out a fuse from there. Then covered it with a wooden board, and then put a tied explosive bag on the wooden board. Then a few people turned their heads and looked at the headed person. The person nodded and said, “Let’s get started!”

So several people took out the flint and lit the fuse. The fuse is not burning fast, and they still have time to leave.

“Let’s get in the carriage!” the leader said, “Go to the hill over there. It is estimated that when we get there, we can just see the effect of the big fireworks we set off.” Then several people got into the carriage and drove the carriage towards Drive to the hills over there.

After about a few minutes, as the leader expected, a few green smoke rose from the place where the tree was planted just now, and four small black dots were thrown high, and then they drew a parabola towards the Governor’s Mansion. Then came the shining firelight and gunpowder smoke. Then the whole ground shook like an earthquake, and then a violent explosion sounded into their ears.

Although Heishui’s instructors have given them the effects that TNT explosives can produce when they explode, but the power of the explosive charge of 25 kilograms of explosives when they explode still opened their eyes. The house of the Governor’s Mansion is in these four large sizes. Almost a third of the explosive kit was dropped in the bombardment. Maybe the Governor himself died in the attack.

“Okay, we withdraw.” The leader said.

The source of this powerful simple shelling method comes from the creation of a group of soil turtles in later generations. During the War of Liberation, the People’s Liberation Army had very few artillery. When the weapons and equipment were inferior, the officers and soldiers created a frightening weapon-the explosive package launcher with the barrel of gasoline. The main body of this weapon, also known as explosive projectile canister, is an empty gasoline can. After filling it with propellant, put the explosive bag bundled in a disc shape into it, and then ignite the propellant, you can put dozens of kilograms of explosives. The package is projected to a target at a distance of 150-200 meters. In the subsequent battles, this simple weapon showed an amazing ability to damage various bunker fortifications, so that the KMT army gave it a very convincing name-a conscientious cannon to illustrate its madness. power.

On this day, in addition to the Governor’s Palace, the Spanish army camps stationed in the outskirts of the city were attacked by such frenzied and conscientious cannons. The “freedom fighters” who were not afraid of rape fired three “No” at the barracks. The “Conscience” brand explosive pack killed dozens of Spanish soldiers, and then used MacDonald’s 1864 rifle to carry out provocative shooting. When the tie rod, the army is like an irritated bull, rushing out of the barracks with red eyes and intending to fight with those indifferent guys with real swords and guns, but it plunged into more than a dozen. In the trap intertwined with the arranged “broad swords”, another guy died more than a hundred people. At this time, those despicable assailants didn’t know where they were going.

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