Chapter 260 Capital Annihilation War

Morgan only briefly mentioned the general situation to Scrooge over the phone. After all, the complexity of this kind of thing is not clear in a few sentences. So Morgan simply asked: “Scrooge, will you be free tomorrow? I will rush to Duck Castle tomorrow morning and we will talk in detail.”

“Okay,” Scrooge said. “Mr. Rockefeller also happened to be in New York. The three of us will discuss it together.”

Rockefeller came to New York this time, originally for the New York refinery that was about to start production in New York. Now the warships of the United States Navy will gradually be replaced with steam turbine power. Although in theory, steam turbines can also burn coal, as fuel, petroleum products have the obvious advantage of higher energy density. In other words, using petroleum fuel can increase a lot of voyage and save a lot of storage space. In addition, because there is no need to remove the slag, and the liquid fuel does not need workers to pour into the furnace one by one, this not only saves the space of the boiler, but also saves manpower and more space for workers to live in. Thus. In terms of transportation, ships that use petroleum-refined fuels have gained considerable advantages over coal-fired ships. Considering that the price of oil is not high now, as a result, even for cargo ships that do not have high requirements for speed, the use of oil is Economically, they have an advantage. As a result, in addition to the Navy’s new warships, even some shipowners who originally used traditional coal-fired reciprocating steam engines have begun to improve their own steam engines so that they can burn fuel. And the boilers of some newly built ships are directly made into oil-fired boilers.

Such demand has made oil smelting more profitable, so Rockefeller built such a refinery in New York to produce marine fuel. In addition, the residue left over from oil refining, that is, asphalt, can also be sold to the municipal department to pave roads.

Morgan arrived at Duck Castle at around 8:30 the next morning. This is not easy. Duck Castle is far outside the city. Under normal circumstances, Morgan must get up very early and arrive within this time. Considering that Morgan has always resisted things like getting up early, it’s even more difficult. Scrooge thought that JPMorgan would not be there until after ten o’clock. So when Anna told him that maybe Mr. Morgan’s carriage was driving towards Duck Castle, Scrooge was surprised. However, when Scrooge looked out the window and found that the main hall of the new Viking yacht was on the pier not far away, Scrooge understood that Morgan had probably been fooling around on the boat for another night, and then the boat ran over early in the morning. NS. Maybe this guy just got up and finished breakfast.

“Which areas do they want to invest in?” Scrooge asked as soon as a few people sat down.

“Railway, coal mine. In addition, I heard that the Rothschild family opened an oil refinery in the UK. It is said that it has received a lot of technology support from Cambridge, and the quality of the oil produced is also good. Maybe this guy will come to buy it. One or two oil fields, and then open an oil refinery to grab business with you.” Morgan said with a smirk, “John, the Rothschilds have a lot of money, it seems you are going to meet A great opponent.”

“Huh.” Rockefeller didn’t speak, but hummed his nose to show his attitude. The Rothschild family is indeed rich, and with the help of Britain, it is also very powerful in technology. But do they think that if a Jew is the chancellor of the exchequer of the United Kingdom, they can do the same in United States? Then they made the same mistake as last time, too much to despise the power of United States.

“Scrooge, I heard that they just took control of the pharmaceutical factory in the UK, um, the one in which you also have a part of the shares. I doubt that they are planning to imitate your routine to make money. What is this called? Well, Scrooge, you said,’Follow other people’s way and leave others nowhere to go.’ You have to be careful, but don’t really let that bunch of vampires make you have nowhere to go.”

The means of following the competition is also a common tactic in later generations, and if used properly, it does have the effect of “walking others’ paths, leaving people with nowhere to go”. In the future of e-commerce, there will be such a model. The first model is the famous Microsoft. In the 1990s, a company called Netscape emerged, and it developed a web browser called Netscape. Well, this thing was one of the sparks that ignited the Internet boom. Once occupied most of the market share. Then, um, the evil Microsoft saw that this market is very profitable, so it bundled their own developed IE browser into the own pestilence hype system and came to take the path of Netscape. Then, well, relying on its overwhelming market share in the operating system, Microsoft really made Netscape out of the way. After struggling for a few years, it was finally over. Although the United States court made a judgment that Microsoft violated the antitrust law before it was over, it was too late. Netscape had lost almost all of its market share. After hearing this judgment, it was a smile. .

In fact, there are such models in China. For example, Penguin is a typical example. However, it is not easy to “take the way of others and let others have nowhere to go”. He needs you to have an overwhelming advantage in a certain aspect in order to use this advantage to make people “nowhere to go”. Both Microsoft and Penguin are like this. But now, although the Rothschild family is strong, does he have a business that is highly related to Scrooge’s way of making money and has an overwhelming advantage to support it? If not, how could he allow Scrooge to follow the path of Scrooge, leaving Scrooge nowhere to go?

“Ah, I know about this. Even I’m talking to them about granting heroin patents.” Scrooge said dismissively, “Don’t be surprised, Mr. Morgan. This is normal. Heroin patents. The deadline is approaching. In two years, the whole world will be able to produce this thing freely. Therefore, as long as Rothschild is willing to pay, it is okay to authorize them one or two years in advance. As long as they are willing Spend the money.”

“Even if the patent expires, but your brand has established a reputation, it is not easy for others to compete with you. Why do you… I see, Scrooge must have some big project hidden in your hands. , Especially the kind that can make money, so you’re in a hurry to ask for money, aren’t you? Tell me if you want money…” Morgan was puzzled by Scrooge’s approach, and then said with a daze.

“Nothing.” Scrooge denied. “This is not the reason why I sold the heroin patent. But I can’t say now. Mr. Morgan, I think there is nothing terrible about the European capital coming to us. The reason why European capital is willing to take risks and come to us here naturally shows that the economic situation in Europe is not optimistic. If you can easily make money in Europe, then why come to us? They want to grab money here, but they have to put the money in first? It’s easy for the money to come in. If you want to go out, it’s not necessarily. With Rothschild taking the lead, I’m sure there will be a lot of money European capitals that follow the trend will follow them to the United States to jump around. With such hot money, the United States economy will definitely overheat in the next few years. Then, what will happen next, I think You know better than me.”

Morgan certainly knows what will happen in such a situation. It is nothing more than a sudden bad news when the situation is very good, and then the stock market begins to avalanche, and then it is an economic disaster.

“Scrooge, you are really not a good person.” Morgan said, “You mean to make them invest wildly, turning all their money into businesses that cannot be thrown away casually, and then take advantage of the frenzy before the crash, quietly Take part of own non-key industries. When the stock market crashes, European capital can only cut the meat and stop the loss. At that time, you can buy it at a low price. Once you come and go, it is equivalent to Europeans helping you build factories or something. And then I will post the money and buy it for you. Well, you must be playing this kind of doctrine.”

“I’m just following the example of those successful people, just like in the crisis of 1857, Mr. Morgan’s series of operations are impressive.” Scrooge replied with a smile, “How can I say that I am not a good person? What? Besides, believing in God, paying taxes, and cheating on the British, isn’t this the best thing a United States person should do?”

“So, which departments do you think can be temporarily let out and let them invest?” Morgan asked again.

“Ah, some industries that do not have absolute monopolies. There are also industries that seem to be highly profitable but do not have the technology barriers brought by core technology. Well, such as railways, shipbuilding, and even power facilities, such as cables. The production of the electric poles, the installation of the lines and so on.”

“It’s okay to extract oil.” Rockefeller suddenly intervened. “Even low-technology oil refining is the same. Scrooge, if you don’t object, I intend to raise the prices of petroleum products and crude oil a bit to make them feel like they are entering. This industry seems to have money to make, um, in a few years, we will be able to receive the oil fields and factories left by the Europeans again.”

“Very good.” Morgan smiled, “just like before the last war.”

“No, it’s different from last time. This time we are going to let them get more money.” Scrooge smiled and said to Morgan. “Well, let us cooperate and fight a beautiful war of annihilation against those European capitals. ”

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