Chapter 269 Earth Gold, Farmer Friends Need It (2)

Basically, after news about synthetic ammonia is broadcast, the impact on the upper class of society will be greater than that at the bottom, because for most people at the bottom, it is difficult for them to understand such complex scientific issues with their level of education. , So they didn’t react much to this kind of thing that will bring huge changes to their life for a while.

But it didn’t take long for this situation to be changed, because advertisements for them appeared.

Farmer Jim ate dinner that day, and habitually ran to neighbor Hanks’ house. Because Hanks has a radio at home, well, many farmers in the small town gather at his home to listen to the radio every night. Speaking of which, compared with the workers in the workers’ district, the feelings between these farmers are more ironic. This is because they are all self-cultivating farmers with their own soil, so the relationship between their neighbors can normally last a lifetime, or even It’s for several generations.

However, this is a newly established town, and most of the farmers here are the first generation. It is the group of people who bought land and became self-employed farmers in accordance with the Homestead Law and related laws. In this small town, the first batch of residents only stayed here for a few years. As for Hanks, their family came even later, and he had only been here for less than a year. However, his financial situation seems to be the best in the town. It is said that Hanks has been to Alaska and where he found gold. So now many nearby families with daughters are trying to marry their daughter to this young man.

When Jim arrived in the courtyard of Hanks’s house, there were already quite a few people in it, including Tommy, Tommy’s wife Emma, ​​and the family of Lundell’s father, including his granddaughter Mary, who is still waiting for the word. The Belts and Rodriguez’s were all here.

At this time, Hanks was playing with the baby machine, and there was a constant creaking noise from the machine. After a while, music finally came out of the machine, but the noise still obviously suppressed the music. Voice. After a while, the signal finally stabilized, and the sound on the radio began to become clear. Although there would still be some noise from time to time, it was already within a tolerable range.

“Dealer Tony drove the carriage, the captain filled with’earth gold’, and drove on the road in Iowa. At this time, his old customers Clinton and Obama both greeted him and stopped him…”

“Is there a new story? Isn’t the last story finished yet?” Many people’s heads suddenly had such thoughts. At this time, the “story” on the radio continues:

“Tony asked: “What do you want to do?” ”

The two neighbors rushed up directly, shouting: “Tube gold! Tu gold! Sell us! Sell us!”

Obama said: Sell me this cart of gold! My land is a newly opened wasteland, there must be soil gold!

Clinton said: Sell me this cart of gold! My field is planted with corn, which is not fertile enough, so I must have soil gold!

The two yelled together: “Sell me the gold and buy me!” They even scrambled. Obama pushed Clinton to the ground. Clinton jumped up and reached out to take out the M1866 automatic pistol from his pocket.

Tony rushed forward and held Clinton’s hand: “No way! Don’t fight! What are the benefits of soil gold? Sell it to him if he is right!”

Clinton released M1866’s hand and replied: “Soil gold is rich in nitrogen necessary for plant growth. It has high nitrogen content and is good for absorption. Compared with farm manure, one bag can hold 20 bags!”

Obama also immediately said: “The earth gold is the world’s most technologically advanced product of Cleveland Corporation. With the inspiration from God, after using it, the output has doubled, laugh haha!”

Clinton immediately added: “Natural fertilizers are inefficient, and corn has to be replaced every year. As long as you use soil gold, you can produce a piece of land every year and produce high yields every season!”

Obama quickly said: “Using soil gold, wheat yields a thousand pounds per mu! Hahahahaha…”

Tony thought: “Obama grows wheat like his own family, and sells it to him, and his own wheat will be compared.” So he thought for a while and said, “Clinton’s cornfield requires more fertilizer. So this car will be sold to him first, and when the next car is available, it will be sold to you first!”

Obama was anxious as soon as he heard it: “The soul is light! There is no soil gold. How to grow crops? Soil gold, soil gold!” Then the music sounded, and the announcer’s sweet voice came: “Soil gold, it is good for farmers to get rich. Helper; the soil gold, farmers need it! The soil gold is the latest product of Cleveland Agriculture Company. If you want to know more, please write to xx Avenue xx Cleveland…”

Hearing this, the surrounding farmers realized that this is not a new story, but an advertisement. Although this kind of advertisement appears to people in the age when the media is developed, it is really vulgar as it is, but even in the later generations with highly developed media, vulgarity has amazing power. For example, in terms of vulgarity alone, there are a few more advertisements that are comparable to “he is good, and me”, “washing is healthier”, “this year’s holidays don’t accept gifts… …receiving gifts and receiving melatonin” Such vulgarity, but through the method of information bombing, these vulgar advertisements are equally deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. What’s more, in such an era when the audience has no discernment at all, this approach makes them feel very new and interesting, and they are also very concerned about this new fertilizer. Some people even complain that the announcer just said so fast that they couldn’t write down the mailing address.

After this advertisement, it continues to be a series of novels. In the middle of a series of novels, naturally, it is customary to insert several advertisements. And on this day, all the “earth gold” advertisements are in the gap in between.

Dorothea stretched out her hand and clicked on the radio’s knob, so the singing of “No gifts for Christmas this year, gifts and gold…” immediately disappeared. She frowned and said to Scrooge on one side: “Where did you find the guy who designed such a bad advertisement, it makes people listen to it, and it makes you want to vomit! You won’t find someone with good taste. Does the guy design the ad?”

“Which ad are you talking about?” Scrooge casually put down his cocked Erlang’s legs, got up from the chair, and twisted his body uncharacteristically.

“The golden one,” Dorothea said.

“There are too many advertisements for Tujin, I know which one you are talking about?”

“It’s the one who said’No gifts for Christmas this year^^^’.” By accident, Dorothea sang out the advertisement.”Ah, this advertisement.” Scrooge smiled triumphantly. “Such a successful advertisement design was of course designed from the brain of my genius.”

“What I said!” Dorothea narrowed her mouth. “I said that this ad was made by a guy with a sick head. It turned out to be you. It’s not surprising. Well, to be fair, yours The aesthetic level can’t be said to be low, it’s just very unstable. Sometimes it’s very good, close to the level of a master, sometimes, um, not even as good as a nigger. For example, this time.”

“Isn’t this time very successful?” Scrooge turned his face and looked at Dorothea, “What is the main function of the advertisement? Isn’t it to make the product known? Now this advertisement, even you can It sang it out, so it definitely achieved what is widely known. Isn’t that enough?”

“But this advertisement makes people feel sick to hear it. Can such an advertisement also arouse people’s desire to buy?” Obviously Dorothea did not intend to surrender to Scrooge’s fallacies.

“Dorothea, we must consider who our advertisement is broadcasted to. Don’t overestimate the aesthetic taste of the farmers. I can guarantee that this advertisement will have a very good effect.” Scrooge replied Say.

“Hmph, wait and see.”

At this time, Dena hopped past Scrooge and Dorothea, running and singing: “No gifts for Christmas this year. Gifts will also be given away…”

Facts once again proved the accuracy of Scrooge’s vision. After the bombardment of this big gang of vulgar advertisements, the newly established Cleveland Agriculture Company received hundreds of kilograms of letters almost every day. This is what farmers from all over gave Scrooge a new lease of life. From the company. In this era, there are many false advertisements, but the McDonald family is an exception. The aspiring Scrooge once said in a family meeting: “Our business reputation is extremely important. Because our business is very big now, we have a lot of jealous eyes staring at us. Any breach of contract will have a lot of negative impact on our business. And as our business gets bigger and bigger, The greater the loss caused by this impact. Therefore, if there are not great benefits, we must maintain our business reputation as much as possible. For example, abide by the contract, such as not making false advertising. When advertising, we must ensure What we tell the audience is the facts. Of course, it doesn’t need to be all the facts. Even if there is a very big, very big benefit, we should be able to find a comparison when we violate the so-called “commercial reputation” for it. Business reputation’ sounds a greater excuse, such as humanitarianism, such as patriotism, in short, we must always stand on the commanding heights of morality, even if we need to deceive people, we need to lie, we must let the majority believe it. Because they are deceiving people for some noble reasons, and shameless.”

Precisely because of this attitude, the credibility of advertisements for McDonald’s family businesses has always been very good. So before the real verification, even the construction of the factory has not been finalized, the advertisements released by Scrooge have already brought him a lot of orders.

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