Chapter 279

Tom’s actions aroused an exclaim, but Tom really didn’t react much, just drank a lot of water in one breath. According to him, the wheat seedlings are so unpalatable, it makes the mouth full of weird tastes.

This story was immediately used as a part of the “DDT” advertisement and spread around on the radio. Tom also immediately received a special reward from the company: a full two thousand US dollars in cash and an opportunity to study at the training center run by the consortium.

“Tom.” Hanks, the manager of the distribution department, took the pocket with the check for two thousand dollars and handed it to Tom’s hand. “It is arranged for you to attend the training at the Corporate Culture Training Center in Cleveland after this year’s wheat harvest. .Young man, this is a rare opportunity. There is our West Point. After training there, you will definitely be promoted. Although you will not have a high position at the beginning, you will probably be a distribution manager like me. , But you were a registered person at that time, and the people above will always follow you, and then your road to promotion will be much faster. In another two years, maybe you will be in charge of us. Haha, Congratulations, Tom, work hard.” Hanks stretched out his hand and patted Tom on the shoulder again.

“Yeah.” Tom nodded and said.

The reward that Tom received made all the other employees in the distribution department envious. This was not only envious of the two thousand dollars reward, but also the opportunity to study in the training center. But everyone did not feel jealous. After all, Tom’s work attitude is what everyone sees.

The staff training center built by the McDonald Consortium in Cleveland has been running for several years. The establishment of this center is not much later than Cleveland University. Some employees who have the necessary training will be sent here to receive comprehensive training, which includes professional knowledge and skills, as well as some more deceptive things, such as “Enterprise culture”.

However, for any retreat to have an effect, even if it is only a brainwashing effect, it must first become a concrete step. Scrooge’s employee training for the McDonald Foundation has established this corporate culture: hard work and dedication, self-achievement.

The so-called dedication includes two aspects:

The first point is that every employee must understand that the value of a person does not lie in how much money he makes, but in what he contributes to society and to mankind. For example, at the time of Sir Newton, the richest man in Britain was by no means Newton, but Sir Newton’s life was much more valuable than the richest man in Britain at that time. Because he has made greater contributions to mankind. The Macdonald Consortium is not a consortium that regards making money as its highest goal. The companies under the consortium are all contributing to humankind and putting it ahead of making money. For example, the earliest McDonald’s Infantry Weapons Company has been committed to providing the people with resistance to violence and defending the own power; for example, the McDonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company has been committed to helping the people’s health and fighting against the greatness of disease. Career; other companies under McDonald’s, such as steel, continue to contribute the highest quality steel to the construction of United States, such as railways, continue to provide better services to the people of United States, radio and telephone have brought closer and improved the United States. The mutual understanding between the people of the States and the people of the United States and the people of the world makes the contact between relatives no longer limited by distance.

The second point is that the relationship between the company and its employees is mutually supportive and mutually reinforcing. Without the dedication of countless employees, the company cannot make such a great contribution to society, and without the platform provided by the company for its employees, many employees’ ingenuity cannot be transformed into a contribution to society in the most convenient way. In short, the company and its employees are an inseparable whole. The success of the company is the success of each employee, and the success of each employee is also the foundation of the company’s success.

Well, these two core concepts are said to have been put forward by Scrooge himself as the common cultural core of the companies belonging to the McDonald Consortium. It is said that Dorothea, who was only Scrooge’s fiancée at that time, once asked Scrooge, did you adhere to this philosophy to make the company so good? At that time, Scrooge just smiled, and then said something like this: “No, I am after most of the employees in the company uphold this philosophy, our company has developed so well. .”

After getting the reward, Tom worked harder. Tom knew that he had entered the sight of some people, and now his various actions might have been observed by others. There is no shortage of similar cases in the study materials sent to him by the company in advance, especially in the study materials for professional ethics training. For example, after the interview, a job applicant noticed the paper on the floor when he went out. , And picked it up and put it in the trash can and got hired. For example, some… well, there are two mice looking for cheese, and… anyway, there are many touching and inspirational stories of this kind. a lot of. Therefore, with encouragement and full of confidence, Tom decided to follow these positive examples as an example and continue to serve the company’s customers with a serious and responsible attitude. So when he returned home, Tom told his wife the good news, and then asked her to collect the check, and then said to her: “Louis, if there is no accident, by June of this year, when the food is ripe, we will have another comparison. Not a small amount of money, so that I can make up for the wedding ring that I haven’t owed you all the time.”

Louise lowered her head and said, “Fool, what you want that thing to do is an old man and wife.”

“I want it, I want it.” Tom walked over, hugged his wife’s waist and said, “After the June summer harvest, I will go to Cleveland. It will take about three months of training, and then, um, may be sent to other companies by the company. Go to be the director of the sales branch. Well, we are going to move again. Well, or else we will return the house here, you go to Cleveland with me, rent a house first, and wait for it to be assigned to me For the new appointment, we will go together again. When I get promoted, my salary will be higher. At that time, we bought a house with a small yard, dug a small pool in the yard, and planted water lilies. , And plant all kinds of flowers in other places, roses, cosmos, and more flowers. At that time, we will have children. After work every day, we sit under the grape racks in the yard in the evening. , Watching the children running around among the flowers…” At this point Tom didn’t even feel a little drunk.

“Come on, my saliva is going to run on my clothes. Let go, I’m going to get some food.” Louise said, and then she turned and walked into the kitchen. Tom could see that although his wife didn’t say much, it was obvious that the vision for a better life in the future actually touched her. Women are sometimes very emotional, and a beautiful vision can inspire them to endure a lot of hardships. Of course, men are also like this.

Two months of busy time passed quickly. The summer harvest is now in sight, and Tom is working harder. He basically runs around with a few customers these days. In addition to sleeping, he basically only needs the sun. Come out, in the daytime, Tom is either in the customer’s wheat field or on the way to the customer’s wheat field.

Seeing that the wheat grows taller and taller, the scion is pulled out, and then the stalks of the wheat stalks are gradually bent down by the fullness of the wheat ears. The breeze blew over the wheat field of Jim’s house, and the golden wheat rippled with layers of waves.

“Tom, have you seen such a field before?” Jim and Tom stood aside, looking at the harvested field with joy.

“No.” Tom said honestly, “I never thought that with the’earth gold’ and with the’DDT’, there would be such a good harvest.” Although there are still days before the harvest, Jim Both Tom and Tom can judge that this year’s harvest must far exceed last year’s national average, or even more than double the national average.

“Not only these, but also your help, otherwise I can’t take care of the fields so well by myself.” Jim said sincerely, “I heard you are going to be promoted?”

“Not yet, just go to an employee training.” Tom replied, “but I will probably get a promotion.”

“Good thing, after the harvest, I invite you to drink!” Jim said, and then they cast their obsessive eyes on the golden field. Tom noticed that a familiar tune was hummed from Jim’s nose, and when he listened carefully, this was an advertising song of “Golden Earth”: “A Field of Hope”. The more he hummed with Jim, and the two people hummed louder and louder, and finally the two sang together: “Our future is in the field of hope…”

After singing this song, the two laughed together. After a while, Jim said to Tom: “Your company is really good, the stuff is good, the people are good, um, even the advertising songs are good. However, the DDT song is not good, I don’t like it. But my son But I really like it. I sang there all day, “We are pests, we are pests.” I told him: “You are a pest, and your daddy has been eaten poorly by you all these years!” Hahahaha! ”

“Jim, I have three customers, among them, your wheat field is the best. I have seen the wheat fields of some other people, but they are basically not as good as yours. I don’t know how much this wheat field can produce. Will the wheat come, can you set a record? In a few days, the company will have a dedicated person to supervise the harvesting and weighing. If your mu yield reaches the top ten this year, your “earth gold” will be all free next year. But it’s not easy. The company has thousands of users.”

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