Chapter 285

Scrooge couldn’t agree to Mr. Hill’s request. Although he was sent to give you a pit, you still have to see if the pit is worth it. The net of the net bird is good if the bird is caught in the net, but if a bull is caught in the net, it will probably be torn to pieces. But it may not be good to just refuse others. Because sometimes, the more you refuse, the more people feel that you don’t want him to make money. Why can you buy this thing to a German but not sell it to me? Is this discriminating against our companies in the British Empire? You can’t honestly tell him that heroine is a hidden danger, it’s a drug, and it’s addictive, and it’s easy to prove that as long as the patent expires and the competition is released, it will do so immediately. be found. If you dare to tell him this, the news will be published in the Times tomorrow morning. Therefore, Scrooge must be more tactful.

“Mr. Hill, I think you also know how profitable Hiroin is.” Scrooge thought for a while and said, “The Germans can only sell these products within their own territory before the patent expires. The Germans The market was originally much smaller than the British market. So when we sold these patents and even trademark use rights to Germans, we lost a smaller market than we sold them to the British. And I was working on synthetic ammonia technology at the time. And the development of pesticide technology. The Germans also have certain strengths in chemistry and metallurgy, and we need their cooperation in technology. In other words, the transaction of Heroin’s patent is only a large-scale technology cooperation transaction. Part of it. In this transaction, the Germans used a lot of technology patents and scientific research capabilities shared with us, plus a sum of funds, and some weapons orders were exchanged from us, including heroin and We have some technology. Mr. Hill, you know that the market in the British Empire is much larger than that in Germany, so I can’t just sell it to you at the price of selling it to the Germans. After all, we do business for It makes money. And for the time being, I don’t have any bigger plans that require large sums of capital and technology, so this model of our cooperation with Germany cannot be replicated between you and me. Unless you can produce more than the Germans , Something enough to make our hearts feel. Otherwise, I can’t think of the reason why I need to make such a deal with you.”

But Mr. Hill was obviously prepared, so he replied: “Mr. MacDonald, we are not unaware of what you said. We have such a vision. But I think that although all the things in the British Empire market are The heroin of the company is owned by your company, but after the patent of the heroin expires, this situation should change. Although the British Empire implements a free trade policy, local companies still have more advantages. Are you right?”

“Yes.” Scrooge replied succinctly. Although the world’s number one British Empire always likes to advertise itself as a defender of free trade, even until later generations, when talking about the famous drug war like the Opium War, they still like to defend themselves by defending free trade. But when it’s people’s turn to move his domestic market, well, the British Empire will never be merciless when it comes to using trade protectionism. Anyway, since ancient times, double standards have been an indispensable skill of the international hooligans, and it will continue to be the case in later generations. For example, a certain hooligan can shout that human rights are superior to sovereignty today, but tomorrow it can shout that sovereignty is not to be violated; another big The hooligan can still provide security guarantees to other countries the day before, and then let another big hooligan split the country’s territory the next day, and pretend to be on the sidelines to ask everyone to exercise restraint. Anyway, at any time, a hooligan who is not good at using double standards is not a qualified international hooligan.

“So, we have the idea that you can use the three years of patents and related technologies as an investment in our company. This way, even after the expiration of the patents, you can stabilize the market in the British Empire. Relatively lucrative gains. I think this is a way to our advantage. Well, according to your usual words, Mr. MacDonald, this is a win-win solution.” Hill said.

“Then how much long-term dividend can you give me after this?” Scrooge asked.”If you are interested, Mr. MacDonald, within the scope of my power and within the patent period, we can give you one-fifth of the company’s heroin sales profit as patent fees and’Heroin’ every year. Trademark usage fees. After the expiration of the patent, we can continue to give you one-twelfth of the company’s “Heroin” profit every year as the cost of using the “Heroin” trademark.”

Scrooge looked at Hill, wanting to praise him and said: “Your shameless appearance is a bit of my style.” Because this is simply a set of empty gloves white wolf tricks. If you don’t consider that the patent of Heroin is actually worthless, then compare what the Germans paid for obtaining this patent, and then consider the exchange terms proposed by Hill on behalf of Edinburgh Pharmaceuticals. What they have paid is obvious. Much less than the Germans. Considering that the British market is larger than the German market, theoretically they should have more things than the Germans, but now, what they throw out is almost like a beggar. For a moment, Scrooge really wanted to let this damn guy bump into Heroin’s pit. But Scrooge was a very rational person, and he held it back.

“This idea is not fair to me, because you underestimated the reliability of the’Heroin’ brand in the minds of consumers for a long time.” Scrooge said, “I can wait until the patent expires. If you monopolize the market for a few years, and then sell the “Heroin” trademark, the income will not be less than what you mentioned, and for me, this kind of income is more stable. But considering that you are the first to propose to me For such a business, I can give your company the right of first refusal. What do you think?”

Obviously, Scrooge’s decision did not satisfy Hill. However, Scrooge knew that as long as he was willing to provide the British government with the vital anti-aircraft technology, it would soon expire for Heroin. The British government should not stand up and do anything. As long as Scrooge’s performance cannot be regarded as discriminating against the British Empire, the British government will not interfere too much in this matter. Therefore, Scrooge decided to delay the time through various negotiations. After a two-year delay, naturally there would be no problems.

“Ah, Mr. MacDonald, we still hope…” Hill continued.

“Well, Mr. Hill, as long as we reach an intention to cooperate, we should let the person in charge discuss the specific conditions slowly.” Scrooge said.

“Okay.” Hill also knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be settled in one word.

Thanks to the victory in the Franco-Prussian War, the large indemnity, and the mineral-rich Alsace and Rollin regions, Germany’s economic situation improved all at once, and a large amount of money began to flow into Germany, one after another. Of new plants began to appear in Germany, and among these plants, the most promising ones are synthetic ammonia and pesticide plants.

However, in France, the situation is different. The failure of the war brought a devastating blow to the French economy. Alsace and Rollin were lost, and high-quality minerals were lost. Many steel plants had no choice but to choose low-quality iron. Ore to produce steel. These steels seem to be no different from steel produced from high-quality iron ore, but when used, they are completely different. They are more brittle and easier to break. In order to ensure strength, many things have to be made thicker than before. And this further increases the cost.

Another terrible thing is that the French factory’s market suddenly became smaller. Several provinces in the north were occupied by the Germans as collateral for France before it was able to repay the loan. The Germans set up cards on the road to the Northern Province and charge high taxes on goods entering the Northern Province. This makes the price of French goods to be ridiculously high, so that they have almost nothing in the Northern Province. Competitiveness at all. Although the French are desperately propagating, the French should use French goods, to support domestic production, at least not to use German goods as much as possible. However, the economic situation is stronger than all this. When ordinary people have very limited money, and there is no next meal after a meal, what kind of enthusiasm can he have to support expensive domestic products? In the original time and space of Scrooge, the flower growers of the 1930s, weren’t there some people who screamed to boycott Japanese products because of the 918? But what is the effect? Because there is no tariff autonomy, coupled with comprador’s power, the prices of imported goods are much lower than domestic products, and the economic strength of the people is really too poor. As a result, the market share of Japanese products continues to rise. This situation cannot be changed by personal willpower.

Without resources and without the market, all industries are naturally withered. However, there are still bright spots in the decline. These two points are different, the same is financial, and the same is foreign-funded enterprise.

In fact, France does not lack funds. Although the government is jingling poor and ordinary people are in a mess, those rich Grandet or Nucingen are not short of money. What they lack is only profitable investment projects. Well, this kind of government’s death in poverty and Glandinüchingen’s wealth is definitely a commendable phenomenon to some people with insufficient IQ or ulterior motives. He has a lofty name called “the rich Yu Min”. It is said that the best governments are financially poor and the people are rich.

If you ask him to give specific examples, um, look for them seriously, at least in the history of China, such examples are not few, the most typical of course is the last year of my Ming Dynasty. The treasury can starve mice to death. The tea tax in a certain province is as high as twelve taels of silver a year, but the clear-flowing officials and the big businessmen are all richer than ever. This is really a good era of “country retreat and people advance” and “hide wealth in the people”! What, you said that a large number of farmers starved to death at that time? Farmers, is that also a citizen? Even if it is a citizen, it is also a terribly unruly citizen, similar to an Indian vaisha, who is just a suspected human who walks upright on two legs. Well, starving to death can be regarded as weeding out the inferior population and reducing the burden on the planet. Of course, if they are willing to stay at home and starve to death honestly, then after death, the real “people” may occasionally think of them, they will sigh, and they will even shed sincere tears and write a few poems. A poem expressing the noble sympathy of Owner, to win the sweet smile of the incense and red sleeves who accompanied him on the Qinhuai River. In this way, those who starved to death will be considered worthy, and they will die unjustly. But those guys often “don’t starve to death, just follow the example of a praying mantis.” They actually revolted and wanted to destroy the hard-won good situation of “hiding the rich in the people”, “Why don’t you starve to death at home honestly, but want Come out to make trouble for the court? Don’t you think that the rebellion will not die?” (Donglin chief Hou Xun said when interrogating the captured soldiers in the army, he can speak such high-level words, so it’s no wonder his son Later, I went to test my Daqing fame.) Didn’t you know that starvation at home is more important than Mount Tai, and death by rebellion is lighter than a feather?Anyway, now, if you want Grandenüchingen to spend money to set up industries, so as to reduce the unemployed population and restore the economy, it is not to think about it. But the profit-seeking nature of capital also determines that Grandet’s money will not always be kept in the secret room, it must be invested in order to make more money. As a result, large sums of money began to flow to foreign countries where the economic situation is better. At this time, there were two markets with the best economic situation and the highest return on investment, one in United States and one in Germany.

In the not-too-distant future generations, Comrade Lenin said this sentence: “Working people have no motherland!” This sentence is right, because the fundamental purpose of any state institution has always been to suppress the resistance of the Vaishyas more efficiently. As Heine, who was earlier than it, said in “The Weaver of Silesia”, it was just a “false motherland.”

On the other hand, in fact, capitalists do not have a motherland. Just when Mr. Hamel was giving the last lesson to Little France, just when Colonel Juff fell on the balcony, just when the humble and humble suet balls were constantly betrayed. When gritted their teeth and wanted to save this “motherland” that did not belong to them, a large amount of money began to flow out of France, to the capital market of the United States and even the hostile Germans. Capitalists also don’t have a motherland, but the capitalists know this, but Mr. Hamel, Little France, and Suet Ball don’t know it.

There is nothing new under the sun. In fact, if you look at the story of the golden age of richness in the people-the last years of the Ming Dynasty, you will find that it is Li Dingguo and Li Laiheng who really resisted the Manchus until the last drop of blood was shed. “Feng arm mantis” who is hungry and die in An’an, and those high-ranking people who are too cold in the water, most of them sit by the talents who know the current affairs. On this issue, foreigners are actually no different from us.

French capitalists quickly shut down factories, dismissed workers, sold unprofitable machines at low prices, and poured large sums of money into the capital markets of United States and Germany. They waved their checkbooks and shouted, “Buy, buy, buy! In such a good situation, are people still not buying?”

The price of the railway in Scrooge’s hands has risen rapidly in such a capital frenzy. Not only Scrooge’s railways, but almost all railways, regardless of whether they are profitable or not, whether they are rebuilt or not, even if yours The railway leads from one no-man’s land to another. Except for Joyous and Big Big Wolf, and two bears, there is no possibility of seeing other creatures along the way. Even a strong bald head can’t be found, completely. There are no possible profitable railways, and some people are willing to buy it at a big price, because the person who bought it believes that there will be a more foolish fool who will buy it at a higher price.

More railways, more steel, more coal, more…more workers. Nourished by the dividends of the Franco-Prussian War, and supported by funds from France, the industries of United States inflated like a full-blown balloon. Everywhere in France, you can see that the original smoking chimneys no longer smoke. The factories were dismantled and the machines were loaded on ships. Then they were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States, or across the English Channel and then across the Danish Strait. Shipped to Germany.

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