Chapter 302

Soon after President Grant had lunch with economic leaders at the White House, the president, who had always had no economic knowledge, announced the news that he recommended his current Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Boutwell, to serve as a Supreme Court judge. Some positions will be held by the famous rich man JP Morgan.

Mr. Boutwell is a man of integrity. When he rectified the previous gold fraud case, he was still able to deal with it impartially and impartially even when the criminals involved the president’s family, thus stabilizing the order of the gold market. Therefore it is also highly praised. However, in the face of this economic crisis, the minister could not come up with any good solutions. Later, there were rumors that, after close talks with Mr. Morgan, President Grant decided to adopt a relatively risky proactive fiscal policy to stimulate the economy. The core content was to increase government spending and use deficit finance to stimulate the economy.

Mr. Boutwell resolutely opposed this weird economic policy. He pointed out to President Grant that if this goes on, it will definitely bring United States into the abyss of imperialist war. He firmly opposes such an approach. Then, he was nominated to be a judge of the Supreme Court.

To be honest, the position of Supreme Court judge is definitely a good position. In the national machinery of United States, there are only a few that almost no one can manage, and the position of tenure is lifelong. The Supreme Court has seven justices. They are nominated by the president, approved by both houses, and then approved by the president. Once in office, unless the two houses determine that he is dereliction of duty by an overwhelming two-thirds vote, the term of office will be for life. It is almost impossible for the two houses to impeach a judge by two-thirds of the vote. More importantly, serving as a justice is a supreme honor. Because once held this position, you can be regarded as the guardian of the United States Constitution.

Because the justices are in office for life. Therefore, in many cases, a president has no chance to nominate anyone to serve as justice, because several justices of the Supreme Court are still alive and their positions are not vacated. But not long ago, a justice passed away due to illness, so President Grant had an indicator that all cabinet members would be envious of. Under the temptation of this position, Mr. Boutwell gave up. He expressed his willingness to abdicate and become a judge in the Supreme Court.

Botwell actually had another purpose in going to the Supreme Court, that is, to change the composition of the Supreme Court’s justices. Before the Civil War, the Democrats spent more time in the White House than the Republicans and their predecessor, the Whig Party. In addition, several judges died when the Democratic Party was president. New judges are nominated by the President. Of course, the President of the Democratic Party will only nominate the Democratic Party. Today, whether in the White House, the executive branch, or the legislative branch of Congress, the Republicans have a clear advantage. Only in the judicial branch, the Supreme Court, the Democrats have an overwhelming advantage. Sending a reputable and capable Republican in is also of great significance to the Republican Party.

Now that Botwell has gone to the Supreme Court. The position he vacated can naturally be given to people who approve of Grant’s new move. It’s just that this kind of “active fiscal policy” hasn’t happened much before. In order not to go wrong, JP Morgan simply jumped out to take up this position by himself, starting his legend of temporarily serving as the Minister of Finance to fight the fire for the economy many times throughout his life.

Immediately afterwards, the Grant administration submitted a package of so-called “special expenditure funding” applications to Congress. The Congress is required to approve the government’s massive debt to the private sector for domestic stability maintenance funds and additional naval shipbuilding costs.

“When the Navy builds warships, it needs to purchase a large amount of various things, such as steel, machinery, fuel, munitions, etc., so that it can stimulate the development of other enterprises, and use them as the leader to promote the recovery of the entire economy. “Faced with the doubts of the two houses, Grant answered like this.

Senator Metz from the Democratic Party accused Grant of violating the principles of the free market and treating other companies unfairly. At the same time, he asked sharply: “When the national debt expires, what does Mr. President plan to use to repay such a debt? Using government taxes does not mean that all taxpayers’ money is used to subsidize those so-called related Is it a business?”

In response to Senator Mays’s accusation, President Grant’s new Treasury Secretary JP Morgan responded with a very acrimonious, even rude attitude:

“It is the government’s bounden duty to serve the whole people. Does anyone think that we should be indifferent and stand by while facing the plight of countless impoverished citizens? All government expenditures and all procurements are based on fairness and openness. The principles are carried out in the free market. So it does not constitute a breach of the free market principles. The current situation in the country requires the government to have stronger stability maintenance capabilities and be able to more effectively protect the interests of our citizens worldwide. Is it right? Isn’t it serving the whole people? Are the so-called related companies not the companies of United States nationals? Are the so-called related companies only profiting in a more stable social environment and a more stable overseas market? Look at your views on the free market You are a Democrat with a narrow understanding of the people? As a nationally elected member, don’t you feel ashamed if you don’t even understand this? You must know the shame, you must know the shame!”

Although as a government official, answering the questions of Members in this way is definitely a lack of grace. In particular, the question of “Are you a Democrat” should arouse the anger of all Democrats. In the subsequent voting, at least the Democrats will definitely unite and oppose this plan, right?

However, the results of the subsequent voting went beyond the expectations of Congressman Mays. Those damn Republicans voted for it, but there are still many Democrats who voted for it.

“Damn it, these guys mostly took Morgan’s money! It must be so!” Mayes thought.

The new funding plan was passed. According to this plan, the United States Navy will get ten new large warships and more auxiliary ships. In order not to over-stimulate the British, while these warships are in service, the navy will also retire some related warships, and the size of the entire navy will not expand too much.

The Admiralty subsequently invited tenders for the warships, and the shipyards in the hands of Scrooge and Morgan, relying on their experience and technological advantages, unsurprisingly won the manufacturing contracts for these ten warships.

The Morgan-Macdonald Shipyard plan is actually just an enlarged version of the Cleveland Fast Cruiser. The tonnage has been enlarged to a standard displacement of 5,000 tons, and a full load displacement of 6,500 tons. It was replaced with a larger steam turbine, so that its speed did not drop. As for firepower and protection, this ship is even no different from the Cleveland-class fast cruiser. Almost all of the expanded displacement has been used to increase range and self-sustaining power.

There is only one reason for this design, and that is to serve as soon as possible. According to the plan, these warships will become combat effective after the Panama Canal is opened to navigation. The Panama Canal Company is already preparing to start work.

It was the end of 1871 by this time. In Scrooge’s duck castle, a few more guests from the East came. To say that these people can be regarded as old acquaintances of Scrooge. The leader was Rong Hong, Yale’s first Chinese graduate, along with three officials from the Manchu Qing government.

Hearing that there were some men with braids coming, Dorothea came to be interested and met them with Scrooge. Compared with Rong Hong, the attitudes of these Manchu officials seem a little more cautious. Most of them are based on the principle of speaking more and making mistakes, speaking less and making no mistakes, and it is good not to speak. Basically, they don’t speak. But from this restraint, Scrooge could see that after these officials traveled across the North American continent by train, they were deeply impressed by the vastness and strength of United States (of course, only relative to the Manchus).

These people came here for two things. The first thing is to arrange for the young children to study abroad as suggested by Scrooge. After Li Hongzhang’s efforts, this matter finally got the permission of the Empress Dowager Cixi and started to be formally implemented. According to the plan, Rong Hong and the three Manchu officials came to Cleveland with thirty children who were proficient in English. There, they were scattered to 30 United States families, most of whom lived in the homes of senior Scrooge employees and studied in United States elementary schools. Because most elementary schools in United States are funded by property taxes and donations from their communities. Therefore, the schools where the children of the rich go are naturally better than the schools where the poor go. Living with these people can ensure that they can get a relatively better education. In the future, they will go to high school here, and eventually apply to universities in United States.

Scrooge knew that this group of international students will develop well after returning to China in the future. Funding these people will definitely give Scrooge more advantages in the China market in the future. This can be considered a long line to catch a big fish.

As for the second thing, order more machines from Scrooge, especially generators. Scott is very interested in this business, but he is more interested in technology standards. As long as China uses its technology standards, it means that all future expansions and upgrades will have his business. Such benefits may last for hundreds of years. So Scrooge immediately became enthusiastic.

“Rong, you know, the electrical revolution was started from us. So our power generation and transmission technology are the most authentic. If you come to buy these from us, you will really find the right person. Well, you won’t ask Like arms, buy some from the United States, and buy some from the UK and Germany? If so, I have to remind you that this is very uneconomical. Well, Rong, you have not been in the United States for a long time. Right? The transmission standards in United States are different from those in the United Kingdom and Germany. So if you buy both, conflicts will occur. For example, in United States, we basically follow our standards. The standard uses 220 volt alternating current, while in the United Kingdom, there are both alternating and direct current. They are messing up. The Germans use the same standard as ours. They only use our patented technology for long-distance transmission. It will be more expensive to use their stuff. Besides, if you go to Europe to find out, you will know that the reputation of German products is not very good. It is far less than British products, and of course it is not comparable to us. Well, if you choose us , I can even provide you with some updated military technology, um, for example, rapid-fire cannons, the kind of cannon that the Germans used to defeat the French.”

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