Chapter 314 Food Safety Disturbance

Following Scrooge’s speech at the press conference, the heroin turmoil is temporarily over. Many reporters felt that, at least temporarily, they could be free for a while, but within a few days, new news appeared.

A large-scale food poisoning incident occurred in a workers’ district in New York. A total of more than one hundred people were sent to the Salvation Hospital due to food poisoning. According to news reports, the main cause of the poisoning was the large amount of mercury in the cheese used by the workers. This kind of thing was actually nothing new in the United States at the time, and even the entire world at that time. Didn’t it just poison a group of workers? It didn’t poison the President of the United States, let alone the big ones behind the President of the United States. Boss, what’s the big deal? If you are poisoned, you will be poisoned. There is something remarkable about it. And did all of these people die, or even none of them, not even one person, so what happens every day, can this be considered news?

Well, this kind of thing is really not news. In the past, such things, even the lower-grade tabloids, were too lazy to report these things. Because most of the workers are illiterate and don’t know how to buy newspapers. But this time, the situation is completely different. Big newspapers like the New York Daily Times have published reports in prominent positions.

It’s just a report. The newspaper actually carried out a follow-up report. They began to investigate the purpose of adding mercury to cheese, the prevalence of this phenomenon, and its harm. As a result, those little bourgeois who were in “Little Fortune” in Life suddenly discovered that their happy Life seemed a bit unsuccessful.

“Emma! See what I bought back? Good Normandy cheese!” The husband proudly showed off to his wife.

“What? Cheese? Did you read today’s newspaper? You don’t know that more than 90% of the cheese on the market is added with toxic substances to prevent it? Do you know that the damage caused by mercury is irreversible or even Affect our children? Why are you still buying cheese…”

Similar stories are constantly being staged in countless families. For a while, the entire New York cheese cannot be sold. Fortunately, the cheese does not go bad. Otherwise, you will see the garbage dumps everywhere being abandoned by manufacturers. The wonder of cheese.

Of course, doing such a report would offend people, so there was a real news worth reporting shortly afterwards. Someone sent two bullets to the editorial office of the New York Daily Times.

However, this action did not frighten the New York Daily Times, but instead angered them. Early the next morning, the New York Daily Times published an article on the front page titled “Please Shoot.”

In this article, the editor-in-chief of the New York Daily Times first reviewed the fact that the newspaper received two bullets for being fair, and then said that although he is afraid of death, his own colleagues are also full of love for life, which has something to do with United States. The safety of the people is a matter of freedom of speech, a newspaper’s character, and a journalist’s personality. The New York Daily Times will never remain silent. The article wrote in a lyrical tone:

“Of course we know the preciousness of life. We must admit that I shuddered in the white cold light of the bullet. Who wants to be a meteorite or a cold statue of a victim, watching the unquenchable fire of youth pass in the hands of others? Even if the pigeons fall on their shoulders, they can’t feel their body temperature or breathing. They comb their feathers and fly away in a hurry… But my colleagues and I have no other choice but to persist. In the end, I want to give those The person who sent us the bullet said: Although the newspaper is small, there are still a few bones!”

With the publication of this article, the entire New York press community became angry. They expressed their support to the New York Daily Times. At the same time, in order to express their sense of justice, they also joined the army of reports on such incidents. . As a result, more and more problems have been revealed, and the scope has also expanded from cheese to various other foods. Except eggs, almost all foods, whether it is bacon or sausage, whether it is bread or milk, whether it is tea or Coffee, anyway, as long as it is food, there is no problem. These newspapers have also received academic support from many universities, and these universities have continuously conducted various experiments to help them confirm the harm of these messy things to the human body.

As a result, the people of United States became angry. The people began to take to the streets to demonstrate, demanding that the government come up with ways to severely punish illegal businessmen and ensure food safety.

“Today, Congress passed a new bill proposed by Ohio Senator Mr. Gardner. According to this bill, Congress will establish a’standards committee’ responsible for all kinds of sales in the United States market that are related to the people of United States. Develop relevant standards for health and safety products. At the same time, according to this bill, once these standards are formulated and approved by the two chambers, after the president signs them, they can be used as guiding indicators and sent to each state as each state to establish own standards. The basis for…” The sound of the news broadcast on the radio.

“Why is that guy Gardner so stupid!” Clarke, the CEO of McDonald’s Food Company, complained loudly to Rockefeller and Scrooge about their old partner, the current Ohio Senator.

“Clark, your demands on him are too high. The benefits in this bill are too great. We don’t just take a bite. Every state is staring at it. You think there are many food companies in any state. How much interest is involved in this? Consider the state councilors again, don’t they need to consider the interests of their own? There are naturally various issues involved in this. So it is of course best to directly come up with a mandatory national standard. , But it’s actually very difficult to do. Because each state’s interest requirements are different, this will cause endless rumors in Congress. If you really want to do this, let alone this year, it’s five years later, ten years later, think It’s not that easy to pass a bill that includes food and drug standards in all states. So Gardner has done a pretty good job.” Rockefeller, who has always disliked Gardner, stepped up to help Gardner explain. NS.

“Clarke, think about it. The final decision is in the hands of the states. In fact, we have to do better.” Scrooge also said, “We first let Ohio pass the mandatory standards. There is absolutely no problem. Bar?”

“In Ohio, the market was originally ours.” Clark said.

“Yeah, but Ohio passed the bill first. Then we can start the propaganda machine-although we are no longer alone in radio broadcasting, except for the series in Morgan’s hands, other local radio stations in various states are listening. The rate is completely incomparable with ours. In terms of newspapers, at least in the east, our influence is absolutely the first. In the western states, the local newspapers are still a little resistant, but in general, propaganda War, no one can do us.” Scrooge smiled confidently, “At that time, we can encourage the locals to seek the same right to eat healthy food. Under such pressure, I don’t believe that the states pay back. How long can it last.”

“The standards they put forward may be different from ours.” Clark said.

“No matter what kind of technology standard, in United States, is there any company that can surpass us?” Scrooge asked, “Besides, if the standard is very low, ordinary people will not be able to pass it. We only need to let the media pick one sentence. “Why are our standards so much lower than Ohio? Are we inferior people?” It can make them overwhelmed.”

“Then what if they put forward an outrageously high standard? Everyone can’t reach it.” Clark was still a little worried.

“Then we continue to expose their food substandard, and then, don’t you think that they did it to trouble themselves?” Rockefeller interrupted.

Then Rockefeller turned to Scrooge and said, “Scrooge, after the recent end of this file, do you have any long-term plans?”

“Long-term plan?” Scrooge didn’t understand at once.

“That is to say, do you have any plans for new energy.” Rockefeller simply said directly, “The internal combustion engine that uses fuel has basically matured. In the past, in order to avoid hitting the railway, we have not used it. Now, I Knowing that you have polished most of the railroad stocks you have on your hands. When are you planning to take out land transportation equipment based on internal combustion engines to make money?”

“Ah, do you mean this?” Scrooge said, “This related action can indeed begin. Well, I have asked Mr. Otto to try to install his four-stroke gasoline engine on a four-wheeled carriage. Tested. The preliminary tests are okay, but there are still many imperfections, and the current economic situation has not completely changed. I think that in another year, this thing should be relatively mature. By that time, We might have been fighting with the Spaniards. Once the artillery rang, the gold was ten thousand taels. The economy will definitely improve. At this time, we will provide a batch of such vehicles to the military as an advertisement for it. Said. It may be possible to continue this momentum to promote him. Well, I have a question for you.”

“What’s the problem?” Rockefeller said.

“John, do you have nearly 100 million assets now? But you are still so simple, so simple… John, look at Mr. Morgan, he made a lot of money, and then he also spent a lot of money, he Living an extravagant and obscene Life is like the emperor of Babylon. Another example is me. Although I am not as extravagant as Mr. Morgan, after making money, I also spend a lot. Look at my duck castle. It’s all piled up with money. But John, as far as I know, you don’t even want to ask for a maid now. Tell me, why do you make so much money?” Scrooge asked .

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