Chapter 332 Volkswagen (3)

The exhibition of “Volkswagen” caused a huge response, and various media reported the exhibition from different angles. Some major newspapers are keenly pointed out that this kind of invention will change people’s life as never before.

For example, the New York Daily Times report focuses more on the social and economic impact of this invention, “just as the train changed the way of human transportation, making the distance between the city and the city suddenly smaller. The appearance of the car, also It will make the city itself, and the distance between the city and the township, suddenly become much smaller.

Before there was no railway, we could almost only rely on waterways for the transportation of bulk materials from one city to another, which made cities almost necessary to be built in places with waterways. The railway has liberated the city, and the bulk of goods can no longer rely on the waterway, but can reach another distant city in a faster way through the railway. However, in the interior of the city, as well as between cities and towns, the transportation of small goods still relies on traditional, low-speed, low-efficiency carriages, which makes the transportation of small goods a bottleneck in the entire transportation link. Very often, on the one hand, the trucks on our railway are empty and there are no materials to be transported. On the other hand, due to the limitation of the carriage capacity, a large number of urgently needed materials can only stay in the warehouse, not at all. To be transported to the train on time, the train can only be parked over the rails to wait. The train’s capacity was wasted in vain.

Nowadays, with cars, everything is different. In yesterday’s demonstration, Volkswagen’s new invention, the car, contained ten tons of cargo at one time and walked like flying. As its control group, the four Shirmala carriages are almost the strongest carriages in the world. It can load 5 tons of cargo at a time, which is several times the average carriage, but The car proved to pull more than the best carriage and run faster. In yesterday’s exhibition, four Shirmalas ran a circle around the road with a five-ton carriage, and they were so exhausted that they needed a rest. However, their rival car ran three laps in the same time and could continue to run if necessary. This means that this kind of vehicle is many times more efficient than the best carriage in terms of transportation efficiency. Compared with ordinary carriages, there is no need to continue the comparison.

We interviewed Frank, the general manager of ‘Volkswagen’. He told us that in previous tests, their truck ran at an average speed of 19 miles per hour under the same load conditions on a relatively straight road, which is even as fast as a train. NS. Frank told me that he believes that in the transportation of some small goods, including between cities, the flexibility of cars is far better than that of trains.

‘For example, you have a few tons of goods that need to be transported urgently from Cleveland to New York, but these goods are not enough to fill a train wagon. In the past, you had to wait until you found other goods to fill this wagon together. As a result, time wasted in vain; or you just gritted your teeth, in order to gain time, just for such a small amount of goods, package the entire wagon, wasting money in vain. If you encounter a busy railway, sometimes you will encounter the problem of not being able to find the wagon at all. But now, with a car, all of this is not a problem. It is convenient and fast to send it directly from your company’s warehouse to the other’s company’s warehouse. That’s what Manager Frank told us.

As for the reliability and cost of use of this vehicle, Manager Frank also worked out an account for us. He told us that this kind of car will have one glitch during an average of 40 hours of use. As long as the driver receives a little relevant training, the fault can be eliminated within an hour. This time is not even as good as the time for horses to eat their meals. As for the cost of use, Manager Frank said:

‘If the horses can stay ill, then the cost of raising a car with two ordinary horses will probably not be much higher than raising a car like this. ’

Regarding the price of the car itself, as well as the issue of fuel. Manager Frank said:

‘The price of the car itself is definitely more expensive than the horse-drawn carriage, but you see, a car can be as efficient as many horse-drawn carriages. If it is an ordinary cargo carriage, I am afraid it can be worth dozens of. . But our price will never be that expensive. Of course, the specific price has not yet been fully determined, but I can tell you that the final price will not exceed four hundred dollars. With such a car, you are equivalent to having a transportation company with dozens of carriages. As for the fuel we use, it is “gasoline” from Standard Oil, and people can easily sell it on Standard Oil. “…”

In other newspapers, reporters vividly described the high-speed driving situation of the car. The Sun interviewed some viewers in the report, and they all stated that the high speed of the car left them a deep impression.

“Running like an angry, tireless bull.” Some audience interviewed described this thing called a car in this way.

And in the interview with Frank, the Sun dug up a bit of information:

“We told Manager Frank that many readers would like to see a car used for family travel. And Manager Frank told us that the company also has such a plan. Related models are being tested. Once they have passed various safety and economic The related tests may be put on the market. Regarding the performance of this vehicle, Manager Frank told us like this:

‘Compared to a truck, a vehicle that takes a family out for an outing does not need such a large load. Therefore, this kind of vehicle will be a little smaller, lighter, and the engine will be smaller, which can also reduce fuel consumption and reduce us. The cost of use by customers. Because the car body is lighter and can be designed to be more in line with reducing air resistance, I estimate that the speed of this car will be faster, and it is entirely possible to approach or even break through forty miles per hour. In addition, we have plans to develop more high-end luxury passenger cars and public passenger cars that can hold dozens of people at a time. You know, it is very inconvenient to have no carriage in the city, but horses will leave horse dung and horse urine everywhere in the city, polluting the city. At the same time, a horse is a very sensitive animal. There are many accidents caused by a horse’s fright every year. In contrast, cars can not only avoid such pollution and make the city where everyone lives cleaner, but at the same time, people are more stable than sensitive horses. A vehicle that is completely controlled by people can also change the traffic in the city. It’s safer. ’”

These nonsense about cleanliness and safety were all taught to Frank by Scrooge. Of course, Scrooge from later generations knew that these were all nonsense. Cars do not leave piles of horse dung on the street, but the exhaust gas emitted by cars is much more polluting than horse dung. Especially in that era, there was not much concept of air pollution, and there was no such thing as unleaded gasoline or ethanol gasoline, and there was no national and European emission standards. This is an era of freedom. You can emit exhaust gas as you want. The era of freedom is just such a waywardness. As for safety, people from later generations know that the biggest cause of human deaths in later generations is traffic accidents caused by cars. Take the United States as an example. In the later generations, the number of people who die in traffic accidents every year is wood. Many times the number of hurricane attacks. So whenever someone says that because citizens hold wooden warehouses, too many wooden warehouses have been attacked, too many people have died, and it is necessary to ban wooden warehouses, the guys of the Nagaki Warehouse Association who oppose the banned wooden warehouses will say:” Let’s ban cars first!” Compared with horse-drawn carriages, cars are much faster, and of course they are more likely to cause death. Besides, humans are not necessarily more calm and rational than horses. Don’t say anything else, you must have heard of humans driving under the influence of alcohol. Yes, when have you heard of horses pulling carts after drinking? But in this day and age, apart from Scrooge, who would have thought of this? As for Scrooge, for these issues, of course he will take the attitude of killing you and I will not say it.

“Frank, good job! The publicity work is very successful. I have said long ago that as long as you work hard, you will not be worse than John!” Scrooge said to Frank Rockefeller very satisfied. He knew what kind of language is best. This Little Brother who can inspire John Rockefeller.

Sure enough, Frank was obviously very happy to hear such praise, especially the praise that was no worse than John. Frank is John’s Little Brother. In John Rockefeller’s house, Dage John has always been a role model for everyone. Since childhood, the adults will praise him and let the Little Brothers learn from him. Once they have done something not well enough, people will say: “How can you do this? Are you John’s Little Brother? You look at your Big Brother, don’t you feel ashamed?” And Frank asked to do something Well, people won’t praise him, because, because that damn John did a better job.

In this way, Frank naturally didn’t like the Dage of own a little bit. But then it was very good. A Scrooge was born in the neighbor’s house, and John was compared everywhere. Frank is pleased whenever people say that John is inferior to Scrooge. “You have today too!” This is Frank’s most common thought. Because of this, Frank and Scrooge have a very good relationship.

“Scrooge, don’t praise me. You designed many things. I just implemented them.” Frank said. I don’t know why admitting that Dage is much better than himself would make him uncomfortable, but admitting that Dage is much better than himself. Zhi was much better than himself, but Frank didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.

“Oh, by the way, you see this is a trademark we designed.” Frank took out a piece of paper with “masses” written on it in nice swashes.

“Scrooge, what do you think?”

“Still nothing special.” Scrooge shook his head. “It’s best to make people impressed as soon as they see it. Monograms can’t do that. Oh, what does the Sun say our cars are like?”

“Running raging bull.” Frank said.

“This analogy is good,” Scrooge said. “Then use the image of a running bull as the trademark of our car.”

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