Chapter 347

Just when Duck Castle entered a state of full combat readiness, a messenger returned to Duck Castle with news about Scrooge.

The letter was sent back from Cleveland via wireless telegram, using the highest level of cipher, so this telegram was not translated. After Dorothea received the secret telegram, she had to wait for the staff at the Security Office in the Duck Castle to translate it.

“Madam, this is the translated message.” The translator handed the translated message to Dorothea.

“Bring a team of guards and rush to the’Salvation’ hospital as soon as possible. I’m fine, don’t say anything. Be safe on the road.”

“Don’t say anything?” Dorothea thought, “The news of his assassination will definitely cause an uproar in the market, and then a lot of guys who have watched the Macdonald consortium keep getting rich and see eyes were red. We will definitely take the opportunity to attack the Macdonald Consortium, does he want to…”

“You guys will pack the next train car to Cleveland right away. No, it’s two cars that are connected in time. Let Anna take a group of people and set off first.” Dorothea thought for a while and ordered.

Although it was an express train, it was already the afternoon of the next day when Dorothea arrived in Cleveland. At the station, Dorothea took the people to the car and hurried towards the “Salvation” hospital. In the past. Just before boarding the bullet-proof car, Dorothea suddenly remembered something and said to the guard next to her: “Go and buy some of today’s newspapers for me. “The guard returned soon, and handed several newspapers to Dorothea, who was already in the car.

Dorothea took the newspaper and lowered her head. The first thing that came into her sight was the New York Tribune on the top of the stack of newspapers. The font size of all the text on the front page of this newspaper today is large. Two numbers, and in the position of the masthead, there are two words written in extra-large bold font: Cannon Beat Scrooge.

Dorothea looked at the poster carefully. I have to admit that the level of the New York Tribune is really good. In their front-page article, they not only reported on Scrooge’s attack, but also analyzed in-depth reasons for Scrooge’s attack.

“The Macdonald Consortium has a nickname called’tentacles’, which means that the Macdonald Consortium is like a’tentacles’, extending its tentacles to every Realm that may make money. MacDonald The Nai Consortium has another nickname called’Road Roller’. This nickname means that as long as the McDonald Consortium enters a certain Realm, it will rapidly expand in this Realm, and through various competitive means, Crush those competitors like a road roller. In a sense, the growth history of the McDonald family is the history of constantly crushing competitors.Let’s take steel as an example. Before the McDonald Consortium entered the steel industry, there were hundreds of steel companies in United States. The number of homes is reduced to no more than fifteen. Most of these remnant steel companies are located in the relatively remote west, and the inconvenience of transportation makes them linger. The problem may be more obvious from another figure, which is the sales volume of steel. McDonald’s steel company accounts for more than 60% of the entire United States steel market, which is close to 70%. Market share, more than half of the remaining 30% of the market is foreign steel companies, and the remaining steel companies in the United States can occupy no more than 10% of the total market share. Such a market share makes the pricing power of the entire market completely controlled in the hands of McDonald Steel. The free competition that existed in the steel market has already died, and now it is impossible for anyone to enter this market freely. , Because there is a gluttonous beast in this market.

Another example is oil. If you pay attention to the share of standard oil in the oil industry, you will find that this is another McDonald steel. In the oil industry, standard oil is also a machine that can be crushed. The road roller of other people’s dreams of making a fortune in this Realm. It has the most critical patents, the most advanced refining equipment, and the most stable supply of crude oil. The ten largest oil fields in United States, without exception, are all McDonald’s industries. Just like the largest iron mine in United States belongs to the McDonald family.

In fact, it’s not just that. We are thinking about electrical, medicine, munitions, and all industries where ‘tentacles’ intervene, it will drive others out and crush their dreams of making money like a road roller. For most entrepreneurs, the name MacDonald has become their worst nightmare. Even those entrepreneurs who have no competition with the McDonald Consortium for the time being, when praying to God every night, they will say: “Thank you, merciful Lord, you did not let MacDonald’s tentacles reach into what I am now engaged in. Industry. ’And when they are gambling with others, they will also say: ‘if I lie to you, let the Macdonald Consortium enter the ** industry tomorrow! ’

Although Mr. Scrooge McDonald is a good man in society, a rare philanthropist. He has helped many people, and he can’t finish talking about the good things he has done. But we must also admit that Mr. Scrooge McDonald has also crushed the dreams of many people, and has even become the deepest nightmare of many people who are dreaming of getting rich. So, we can say that as many people praise Mr. MacDonald, as many people curse him with gritted teeth. So it is very normal that Scrooge McDonald will be assassinated. It is not surprising at all. On the contrary, to be honest, it is surprising that the assassination against him has not happened until now.

What’s more, the assassination of Mr. Scrooge McDonald is another very tempting thing. The development and growth of the Macdonald Consortium is inseparable from the genius leadership of Mr. Scrooge McDonald. He is the brain of the entire MacDonald Consortium, the headquarters of the MacDonald Consortium. To bomb Scrooge is to bombard the headquarters of the MacDonald Consortium. Once he is gone, there is no one in the Macdonald Consortium who can replace him, at least it seems that there is absolutely no one. The great Caesar also had a godson named Octavian, but there was no Octavian in the Macdonald family. Even if the rest of the Macdonald family do a good job, at best they can only maintain the current situation. Those who worry about tomorrow morning will see the McDonald consortium enter their own Realm in the financial news. People can rest assured. What’s more, if you can really kill Mr. Scrooge McDonald, and in fact no one in the McDonald family has the ability to rule such a big empire, then the more likely situation will probably be like a great one. Like after King Alexander died, the huge empire fell apart in extreme time. The generals cracked the soil to claim the king, and foreign enemies also took the opportunity to invade. In the end, there is nothing left except for a legend that has been passed down in history. Now that Mr. Scrooge McDonald is assassinated and his life and death are unknown, the Macdonald Consortium is facing a crisis of life and death. They suddenly became prey from the most terrifying predator, and their former friends may become jackals who want to drink their blood. ”

“Humph! They thought well.” Dorothea’s lips showed a sneer. If Scrooge was assassinated and killed, the Macdonald Consortium would indeed be over. For the long-term, Dorothea and the others may only have to throw out a lot of properties, withdraw from many Realms, and then rely on the gold in the underground vault to wait for the children to grow up. But now, Scrooge is no big deal, and those guys are probably the ones who will be unlucky. When the group of wolves surrounded what they thought was a harmless big sheep or white rabbit, the rabbit suddenly became a head from prehistoric times with a body length of 19 meters and a weight of two. Twelve tons of Spinosaurus, what an interesting thing this should be.

Just as Dorothea was thinking, the car slowly stopped. The bodyguard sitting next to her said, “Madam, we are here.”

Dorothea looked out of the car window, and indeed, she was already in the backyard of the “Salvation” hospital.

When she got out of the car, Dorothea saw Dr. Heim, the vice-president, coming to greet her.

“Doctor, how is my husband now?” Dorothea asked. Although she knew that Scrooge had no major problems, she thought about the bombing first and then the shelling. So Dorothea was still very worried about whether Scrooge was injured, how was the injury, whether there was a disfigurement, and whether…

“Madam, please come with me.” Dr. Heim didn’t say much, but took Dorothea directly into a small building.

“Madam, Mr. MacDonald is waiting for you inside.” Haim stopped at a door.

Dorothea opened the door and went in. She saw Scrooge wearing a hospital gown, leaning on the sofa and reading the newspaper. The big-character poster she was reading just now.

“Are you okay?” Dorothea asked, walking towards Scrooge.

“It’s okay.” Scrooge put down the newspaper, showing his face. Dorothea looked very funny when she saw a large piece of gauze on Scrooge’s nose.

“What’s wrong with your nose?”

“I touched it on the table and there was a little blood. It’s no big problem.” Scrooge said with a smile.

“Isn’t it a flat nose?” Dorothea was relieved to see that Scrooge was fine.

“Madam, don’t worry. Mr. MacDonald just has a blood in his nose, and there is no problem with the bridge of his nose.” Sprains, but it’s not a big problem, and you can fully recover in about a week.”

“Thank you, Dr. Heim.” Dorothea said.

“Madam, if there is nothing wrong, please allow me to leave for a while.” Heim said to Dorothea.

“Ah, please do it yourself,” Dorothea replied.

Dr. Haim turned around and walked out, closing the door with his hand. Now only Scrooge and Dorothea were left in the room.

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