Chapter 353 Gunshots of the Second America Civil War (1)

With a long sound of the siren, the Golden Lake passenger ship slowly sailed out of the Port of San Francisco and headed towards its destination, Peru. Soon San Francisco disappeared below sea level, and when you looked around, there was blue water in all directions.

“I didn’t expect to be able to leave United States alive.” Leaning on the railing of the deck, overlooking the disappeared coast of the United States, Avery dealt with his hair, which had been messed up by the sea breeze. Said Brontë next to him.

“Yes, it’s even harder to imagine that we actually succeeded.” Brontë also sighed, “Avery, when you put forward such a plan, almost no one thought that we could succeed so smoothly. You really amazing!”

“This is not my credit, mainly because God hates this hypocrite. Moreover, he is already a public enemy of the entire United States business community… But Peru is indeed much worse than United States. The family wants to regroup. Now that he is brilliant, he must return to United States. And this is even more difficult than killing the hypocrite Scrooge.” Avery did not look back, still looking at the direction of the United States coast.

“Avery, we will be back, not long. Because the McDonald Consortium has shown signs of disintegration. Moreover, the guys on Wall Street have begun to besiege the companies under the McDonald Consortium. I think, at most. In a year or two, the McDonald Consortium will fall from its current position and no longer have national influence. At that time, relying on the relationship we have built with those who have helped us, our family I will definitely return to United States in a fair manner.” Bronte replied.

“Even if MacDonald is all over, it will not be easy for the family to return to United States, regain a foothold, and take root. Maybe we have to pay more… For example, acting as Morgan’s puppet and stick for a long time… also I don’t know what happened to Bilt and Parker. According to the plan, they should also embark on the ship in the south?” Avery said.

“I hope they are also safe and sound.” Brontë said so too.

“Miss, the wind is a bit strong now, do you want to go back to the cabin first?” another man said.

Indeed, the sea breeze is getting stronger and stronger, and it is indeed a little bit cold when it blows on the body. Avery glanced at the vast sea again, then nodded, and said, “Let’s go down.”

A group of people turned and walked towards the cabin. At this time, Bronte inadvertently looked into the distance, but saw a small boat approaching at an alarming speed.

“Yesterday there was a shocking pirate attack in the waters near San Francisco. A passenger ship from San Francisco to Peru was attacked by pirates of unknown origin. This caused the terrible tragedy of multiple deaths. The following is the witness of our reporter. Reports issued by the author’s interview:

The captain, Mr. Maugham, told us that it was about four o’clock in the afternoon when a small boat with the flag of the United States Anti-Smuggling Team approached the passenger ship Golden Lake they were taking, and used a loudspeaker to request the passenger ship to stop for inspection.

Because the seas near United States have always been relatively safe, and it is common for anti-smuggling teams to board the ship for inspection. So I slowed down the ship and let the anti-smuggling team members board the ship for inspection. Who knows that these heavily armed’smugglers’ immediately took control of the most important and important parts of the ship as soon as they boarded the ship, and then more, dressed in black, painted strange paint on their faces, and armed with shotguns. , The guy with the submachine gun boarded the boat. They first checked the guest room records, and then entered the cabin. Soon I heard fierce gunfire, as if a gun battle took place on the ship, and the people who followed him pretending to be anti-smugglers immediately showed their true colors. , Controlled all the crew with a pistol.

About ten minutes later, these people left the Golden Lake. Before leaving, the guy posing as the anti-smuggling captain said to me: ‘I’m sorry to disturb you. We are just dealing with some personal grievances. However, some hapless guys were accidentally injured in the shootout. We made the simplest dressing for them. But this is certainly not enough as a medical measure. Therefore, I suggest that you should return to San Francisco immediately, because some of your passengers may need medical assistance as soon as possible. ’

After they disembarked, I immediately ordered an investigation of the situation on board. The sailors told me that a total of eight passengers were killed by these guys, including a beautiful Miss—may God bless her soul—and three passengers were injured, but they were all bandaged. , This is probably what those guys said about accidentally injured passengers. I immediately ordered to return to San Francisco at full speed…

Another passenger, who did not want to be named, described the appalling tragedy like this:

I was staying in cabin No. 21 at the time. Before the incident, I had just returned to the cabin from the deck. Suddenly, gunshots came from outside. I panned for gold in Alaska, and I could hear the sound of a shotgun. At that time I thought: Hell, what happened. I know that running around at this time is likely to be accidentally injured, and there is no gun by my side, so I shrank in the corner of the house, hoping that the trouble would not find me.

The gunfire became denser, and it got closer and closer to my room. In addition to shotguns, there are also automatic pistols and submachine gun sounds. Obviously, the gun battle is very fierce. At this moment, my door was knocked open suddenly, and several people rushed in. They all had guns in their hands, and there was a woman among them. There were a few others—should be with them, and shot at the attackers with pistols at the corner of the stairs in front. To be honest, I thought they were dead at the time. How can a pistol compete with shotguns and submachine guns?

One of the men who came in immediately put a gun on my forehead, and he told me that the woman—I saw her, was on the deck just over ten minutes ago. She is a beautiful woman. When I was looking at her on the deck, I was still thinking, if God is kind enough to arrange her in my bed, then I must go to worship religiously every week-I need to be in I hide here for a while.

Then the guys also went out of the room, and then the hallway remembered the sound of gunfire for a while, and one or two bullets even went through the wall and hit the room. Then the door was pushed open again, and several men in black, heavily armed, walked in. All have weapons in their hands. They aimed their guns at us and said to us: ‘Damn it, get out of the bed! ’I said: ‘but I’m not wearing any clothes! “At this time, I felt the gun in the woman’s hand pressed against my chest, so I added another sentence: ‘My wife has no clothes, please go out and let me dress. ’

Who knows that the man in black with the weird oil paint on the leading face smiled: ‘Avery Dupont Miss, don’t pretend. This door was knocked open, and we did not do it. ’

After hearing this, the woman kicked me sharply and kicked me off the bed. At the same time, several shots were fired at those people. However, the bullets hit those people and they didn’t work at all—they were all wearing body armor. Those people also shot at the quilt. After several shots, I saw a lot of blood flowing out of the woman. Then she fell on the bed, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground.

Now the woman has no strength to move, but she hasn’t stopped her breath completely, but every time she breathes, blood will flow out of her nose and mouth. A man with a face covered took out a portrait, compared it to her, and said to the woman: ‘Avery Dupont? The woman nodded reluctantly. Then the man nodded, raised the pistol in his hand, pointed at the woman, and shot out the entire magazine…”

On the same day as the Golden Lake passenger ship was attacked, a fire broke out in a hotel in Florida. A total of eleven people were killed in the fire. However, there are also rumors that gunshots were also heard from this hotel before the fire broke out. But this incident did not cause much sensation, because this incident is nothing compared to what happened a day later.

“Is there any reaction from Stanford?” Sergey asked Robert, who was in charge of monitoring Stanford’s every move.

“Captain, after the news of the Golden Lake was released yesterday, Stanford was terrified. He has been hiding in the own manor. He also contacted the local police department and used his influence to call in a team of policemen to defend. own manor. Captain, in fact, we could kill him yesterday. Why didn’t we prepare to do it until the Golden Lake news came out and he saw it? Didn’t this give him time to prepare?” Robb asked puzzledly .

“This is the above arrangement, we only need to implement it. However, I think it is impossible to make such a simple mistake above. The most likely thing is that the above is to hope that Stanford can prepare for everything, and then kill it. His whole family. This is even more shocking. Of course, this is just my crazy thinking, whether it is right or not, but I really don’t know.” Sergey said.

“Stanford only has more escorts? Even if you add the police, it won’t be enough for us to do it in 20 minutes. Just, attack the police directly, okay? After all, the police represent the national power. Attacking the police directly is equivalent to doing it. Hit the entire state machine in the face. Is it really good to do this?” Robert had such a question in his heart, but in a blink of an eye, he put the idea behind him, after all, it was Heishui who gave him money. Not the federal government.

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