Chapter 365 Competition in the Automobile Industry (1)

In May 1879, at the New York Racecourse, the earliest speed car in human history was carried out. Although the process was a bit tortuous, and out of the eight cars of the Pirates using Edison’s new car, only two completed the race, and the remaining six cars were all retired due to various other reasons. But these only two cars left, but won the top two in the event.

Morgan is not satisfied with such results. Because compared to the performance of all the McDonald’s cars in the race, these one or two do not have an overwhelming advantage in publicity. And if someone didn’t provide them with some technology information they didn’t know before, the first two might not be able to get it.

This technology information is about the exterior design of cars. According to the informant, these related technologies were left before Scrooge was assassinated. At that time, Scrooge had already had the idea to promote the car by holding a competition.

The appearance of the car in this technology data is basically the same as the appearance of the McDonald car that appeared in this race. They all have some of the following characteristics: extremely low chassis, flat streamlined body, mid-engine layout, and There is a set of spoilers that provide downward pressure at high speeds.

After obtaining this technology information, Edison immediately built a car with a similar appearance and tested it. Tests prove that this shape makes the speed of the vehicle, the stability of cornering, and the speed of cornering have a lot of Ascension. If an ordinary shape is adopted, even if it has his kind of stimulant engine, it may not be better than a vehicle with this shape.

However, it is not what makes Morgan the most happy for someone to provide such technology. What makes Morgan the most happy is that the person who provided them with the technology was named Rockefeller, and it was John Rockefeller’s Little Brother and William Rockefeller.

Time went back to two months ago. Although March is already the beginning of spring, the weather is still very cold. Under such weather, the members of Morgan’s Millionaire Club did not take time off. Although it is impossible to go out to sea on the “Pirate” in this season, they still hold a lot of entertainment activities. . Such as jockeys, such as hunting activities.

Many of the leading figures of the Macdonald consortium, including Scrooge, are also members of this millionaire club. However, since the assassination of Scrooge, members of the Macdonald Consortium have almost withdrawn from the activities of the Millionaire Club. However, during a hunting event in March, William Rockefeller unexpectedly appeared in the event.

Unlike Dage, who is thrifty or even stingy, William’s Life style is much more extravagant. Of course this is only compared to his Dage John. Compared to John, who gave his wife a wedding ring for less than US at the time of marriage, sometimes William, who can spend hundreds of US dollars a month, can be considered a luxury. But compared to Morgan, who can spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy toys for himself, it is simply not worth mentioning.

During the rest time of this hunting activity. William and Morgan had a conversation. William told Morgan that his Big Brother would very much like to see a second car company.

“Before Mr. MacDonald was assassinated, according to the plan, our cars would soon be reduced in price to increase production and sales. Because this would bring benefits to a series of companies under it. For example, steel, such as my Big The oil department under the management of Brother’s equity participation will benefit more from the sale of cars. But now, this plan is subject to some undesirable interference.”

The so-called “undesirable interference” is actually very easy to understand, at least in Morgan’s view. That is the struggle and turmoil within the Macdonald consortium. Now the steel and iron ore are completely in the hands of Carol and Catherine, while the electrical and oil fields are almost completely in the hands of Dorothea. The vital arms, intelligence, scientific research, pharmaceuticals, and banking departments have been directly controlled by Scrooge in the past based on the principle of those who have the ability to work harder. Scrooge was assassinated so suddenly that he may not have left any instructions on how to deal with these industries. Moreover, Morgan feels that even if there are such instructions, it is still a big question whether they can be implemented.

In this case, although the expansion of car production seems to be good for both Carol and Dorothea, because Carol has steel and Dorothea has oil fields. But in order to fight for control of other departments, Dorothea seems to want to control Carol’s economic power. Compared with iron ore and steel, the current electrical department can make more money. With this advantage, Dorothea It seems to have more say. Before consolidating this advantage, she seemed unwilling to increase any variables that might change the balance of power.

What’s interesting is that if Frank Rockefeller is willing to support Carroll, then the decision to expand production can still be reached. And this is also a more favorable decision for him. However, it is strange that Frank is now the most determined maintainer of the status quo.

“He just doesn’t want Dage’s status ascending too high at this time.” This is how William explained. The relationship between Frank Rockefeller and John Rockefeller was strained, and Morgan knew this very well. However, at this time, he actually stood on the opposite side of John Rockefeller with great enthusiasm. This is also… However, Morgan had also heard his evaluation of this Little Brother from Rockefeller before. At that time, Rockefeller thought the Little Brother of own was very irrational, and that it was a child who hadn’t grown up.

In this way, within the McDonald consortium, a decision on whether to further expand the production of cars or maintain the status quo has been unable to come. Rockefeller didn’t want to stand up directly against Dorothea at this time, because the most important oil fields were controlled by this woman. So he hopes to break the game by cultivating a new car manufacturer in the market.

Morgan carefully analyzed the internal stakes of the MacDonald Consortium and found that Rockefeller’s move seemed natural. At this moment, Rockefeller, who is obviously better than Carol and Dorothea in personal ability, doesn’t it be strange that he doesn’t do something?

Of course, if this matter can be made public, I believe it will be more helpful to combat the McDonald Consortium. However, Rockefeller has followed Scrooge for so long, and he has also acquired a lot of “hypocrite” habits. He is very reluctant to play an ungrateful image, although he is doing such a thing now.

Morgan knew that if he disregarded Rockefeller’s wishes and reported in the newspaper something like “McDonald’s Internal Struggle”, Rockefeller would not endorse him, or even contradict him because of this. This is not worth the loss. Therefore, it is better to “get into the village quietly, not to shoot guns”….

Afterwards, McDonald also seemed to investigate the leakage of these technology information, but in the end it was said that Carol and Dorothea were used to exclude each other’s dissidents. As a result, it was nothing more than nothing. According to the information Morgan received, Dorothea even accused Carol in high-level meetings of wishing to see such a situation. In short, the rift within the Macdonald consortium has grown bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is about to be overwhelmed.

This split even shows the organization of the New York to Cleveland long-distance car race organized by the McDonald Consortium. Although in this race, the McDonald Consortium’s cars rely on more stable and reliable performance. Won the top four, but the organization of the car race has a series of issues such as reporter reception and route arrangement.

“Carol and Dorothea are really incompetent.” When they returned home, Morgan said to his wife. It fell like this within. Speaking of it, this is the problem of the lack of suitable heirs. However, Scrooge was young, which was not a big problem at first. His next generation has plenty of time to grow up slowly. But… speaking of it. , Our situation is actually worse than Scrooge’s life. Scrooge still has a brother, his wife, although I just called her ineffective, but it is also the result of comparison with Scrooge. If only with ordinary businessmen Compared to her, she’s even pretty good. It’s just that she doesn’t have the ability to manage such a large consortium. Seeing the status quo of the McDonald’s consortium, I also have to make long-term plans for our family.”

“My dear, what are your plans?” the wife asked.

“Our children must also start training as soon as possible. Also, if something happens to me… Mimi, don’t look at me like this, I’m just planning for the worst. I have a bad habit, that’s too Will spend money. My assets are actually not much, only tens of millions of dollars. Of course, I did this deliberately. If I want to make more money, I am not unable to do it, although it may still be inferior to Shi Gao But if I was as rich as Scrooge, considering the weaknesses of the Morgan family’s generations of single pass, I’m afraid that many people would have already figured out how to kill me. Therefore, I earn more and spend more money. It’s also a lot. And not only do I earn it by myself, but I also bring an alliance to earn it, so that anyone who moves me is blocking the bankers on Wall Street from getting rich. In this way, anyone who does something to me, even if I’m not here, he Also face the anger of the entire Wall Street…

But even so, the problem of too few family members is still a serious problem. Don’t say anything else, what if I get a terrible disease? Bacteria are not afraid of Wall Street’s anger. Morgan smiled and continued, “So, if something really happens to me, and our children have not had time to grow up. Then you are the master and use most of my remaining assets-about 60 to 70 million US dollars-for social welfare activities, leaving only about 3 million US dollars for you and your children. With the reputation gained in this way, there is a very good amulet. Then, with such a large number of assets, it should not be easy to cause any bad things. When our child grows up, if he has good abilities, the money will be enough for him to start a business. Ah, I really have nothing to do, just pure and emotional, Mimi, don’t worry, you know, I don’t want to see you cry. ”

Morgan said this, and put his wife Youlou in his arms.

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