Chapter 406

The “Eskimo” whaler is a very old ship. When Captain Hardaway bought it from a friend, it had been sailing on the sea for nearly two decades. Ten years ago, Captain Hardaway bought it and improved it by installing a set of United States marine diesel engines so that its speed can be slightly increased so that it can catch up with those that haunt around Iceland. Humpback whales.

Of course, the main power of this wooden boat is sail. To paraphrase later generations, this is a sailboat. Naturally, a ship like this will not be equipped with expensive radio communication equipment. Therefore, the shipwreck accident happened nearby, and the sailors on this ship were completely ignorant.

Nowadays, with a small sail, the ship is slowly advancing in the early morning sun. Humpback whales can often be seen in this generation of waters, so sailor Nelson is climbing on the mast and looking out, hoping to see To the jet of water from humpback whales. At this time, a muffled voice came from afar.

“It’s thundering again? But it’s obviously sunny now.” Nelson thought in surprise, while looking around. Then, on the starboard side, he saw a water column rising in the distance, but obviously, it was not a water column from a humpback whale. The water column was much stronger, and after ten seconds, he heard it again. That sound like thunder.

Nelson raised the single-scope in his hand and looked in which direction, and soon he found a small boat in that direction. “What is that?” Nelson’s eyes widened. “Well, it looks like a lifeboat!”

“Captain! There is a lifeboat on the starboard side!” Nelson shouted.

“What? Lifeboat? Damn it! I thought you could see a group of humpback whales!” Captain Hardaway’s voice came from below.

The mast of the whaling ship was not high. Captain Hardaway climbed up in three or two times, took Nelson’s telescope and looked over there, and then returned the telescope to Nelson, sliding down the mast. Shouted: “Tony! Turn to three o’clock, let’s save people!”

“Look, the ship turned around!” a female passenger shouted aloud on the lifeboat.

“Yes, I turned around and came towards us!” Another female passenger also cried out.

“Well, we are saved!” More people shouted with a smile.

“Listen to me, friends.” Alice called out suddenly. Perhaps it was because Alice’s sudden change of pistols and grenades frightened the passengers, so as soon as she spoke, everyone immediately fell silent.

“Everyone knows the identity of Dena Miss.” Alice said with a sullen face, “You also know that the exposure of this identity may bring security problems to Dena Miss. So, I hope everyone can help me. Keep it secret. At least, for a short time, don’t tell me who Miss Dena is back to United States.”

This request is completely understandable. And looking at the ship approaching them, everyone felt that Alice’s request was very reasonable. Because, as the ship got closer and closer, everyone saw it. The ship was not a very gentleman-looking cruise ship or a decent-looking large cargo ship, but rather a shabby-looking ship. Very evil boat. Some people have thoughts like “Could it be a pirate ship” unconsciously.

Of course, there are no pirate ships on this sea. In this era, the Viking pirates who used to cross the Seven Seas have long since quit the business of pirates, because now in the Atlantic Ocean, only in areas with dense islands on the routes leading to South America and Africa, there will still be Remnants of pirates.

The whaling ship gradually approached, and now, for the convenience of maneuvering, the whaling ship has lowered its sails, and is slowly approaching the lifeboat next to a small diesel engine, lest the rising waves overturn the ship.

“Who are you? What happened?” Nelson asked loudly.

“We are the sailors and passengers on the’Atlantic Cruiser’.” Aimar said, “Our ship encountered a ghost wave. After abandoning the ship yesterday, it encountered wind waves and separated from other lifeboats.”

Generally speaking, people who seek life at sea will lend a hand to people who are in trouble like this, because no one can guarantee that they will be the next unlucky person. In addition, Captain Hardaway only took a look and knew that the sailor had never lied, so he agreed to let these people aboard.

“Oh, there is no radio on our ship, so there is no way to communicate with the outside world. We can only send you to Iceland before talking. After landing, there will be a carriage to Reykjavík. There, you can find a place to live and a radio station. And the ships going to Europe or North America. Okay, we’re going back.” After everyone got on the ship, Captain Hardaway said to the rescued. The “Eskimo” was originally small, but now so many people came up all at once, and it was suddenly full, apparently continuing to wander the ocean, looking for humpback whales or something is unrealistic. So Captain Hardaway decided to go straight back. Although a trip for nothing will cause him a certain loss, according to the rules, he can also ask the boss of the “Atlantic Cruiser” for compensation. Moreover, the passengers who were rescued also expressed their willingness to pay him the ferry tickets.

The “Eskimo” whaling ship is not a very fast ship. Especially because there are no whales on the ship, we don’t worry about the whales decayed over time, so on the way back, in order to save money, it has been sailing with sails instead of diesel engines. As a result, the ship’s speed was less than ten knots, so it took them three days to reach Reykjavik. Moreover, because Iceland’s tourism industry had not developed at all at that time, most ships would never stop in Iceland at all. Therefore, there are very few other ships on the route of the whaling ship. Until the “Eskimos” reached Reykjavik, they did not encounter other ships.

In this era, Reykjavik is still a real small fishing village. Its main industries are fishing and whaling. A few years ago, the Brits and the Morgan consortium worked together to build a wireless communication line to break McDonald’s monopoly on transatlantic telegraphy. However, due to some technological reasons, their signal has never been as good as McDonald’s. , So later, they went to Iceland to build a relay communication station.

In addition, the British and Danes also built some seafood here, especially whale processing plants. The humpback whales that Captain Hardaway dragged back were processed here, and then loaded from Europe or United The cargo ships from States are shipped to Europe or North America for further processing.

“Dana, do we want to send a telegram to tell the house that we are safe?” Alice asked.

“Of course.” Dena said, “Why are you asking this?”

“The radio station here is not owned by MacDonald. If we make a telegram here, even if it is a code word, it may attract the attention of others. I am worried that there may be a security problem.” Alice said.

“This is a problem. But Alice, think about it, ghost waves are absolutely beyond human control. So no one can make any preparations for the Atlantic Cruiser shipwreck in advance, even if they are unscrupulous. People who have received the telegram from the’Atlantic Cruiser’ do not necessarily know that I am on the ship. Even if they know that I am on the ship, they will not know that we have arrived in Iceland, let alone fly to Iceland to arrange a conspiracy against us. Even if we are now Send the relevant telegram in the clear code, wait for those guys to know the news, and then make a plan to send someone to Iceland. We are no longer in Iceland. So what is the safety problem?” Dena asked in return.Dena’s statement is quite reasonable. However, after thinking about it, Alice said, “It’s better to use a secret language, a lower level.”

“No, just use the clear code. But after we find a ship that we can leave, it is best that we hire the sailor named Aimar and let him stay in Iceland first, and wait two days after we board the ship. Send the news.” Dena suddenly smiled secretly and said to Alice, “Dear Comrade Alice, are you really willing to leave Europe and go back to North America? Are you really willing to miss a turbulent era?”

The news of the “Atlantic Cruiser” shipwreck reached the duck castle almost immediately, and the entire duck castle suddenly became a mess. Hearing this news, Ms. Catherine fainted directly-this fully shows that although the traditional European and American waistband classical dress looks very tall, it is no less effective in destroying health than the Oriental foot binding.

However, the telegram also confirmed that Dana Miss had been on the lifeboat. And before boarding the lifeboat, he made a feat enough to be included in the textbook. Therefore, everyone’s mood is a little settled. One night later, Smith, the bodyguard who boarded another boat, sent bad news via the radio on the boat: “During the storm last night, the lifeboat was blown away, so he didn’t know the situation of Miss Doña, but He can be sure that Dana Miss is with Alice.”

This news made everyone’s heart come up again. In the following days, the McDonald family, through their own influence, checked all the radio-equipped passenger ships and cargo ships in the area at the time of the incident. , But still to no avail. However, there was also an old-fashioned cargo ship without radio in this area. So almost all hope was concentrated on this boat.

However, when the ship arrived at the port, everyone was disappointed again—Dana was not on the ship either. So now the hopes are all weighed on the two high-speed yachts urgently dispatched by the McDonald family to carry out the search mission in the accident area, and the two high-speed cruisers urgently dispatched by the United States Navy.

After they waited anxiously for another two days, they finally got good news-Dena and Alice sent back telegrams in Iceland in clear text, claiming that they had boarded a ship departing from Iceland.

“This telegram is too vague. Why is there neither the name of the ship nor the time and place of departure and arrival?” Catherine looked at the telegram and asked anxiously.

“Katherine, don’t worry, this is where Dena is smart. We have many enemies, and they are not our enemies. Those who want to make a fortune through kidnapping or something are everywhere in the world. If you say it too clearly, isn’t it easy to be dangerous? Don’t worry, then they will be fine.” Carol comforted his wife like this. None of them realized at the time that from then on, Dena would disappear in their life for a long time.

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