Chapter 434

Of course, Mr. Sun Wen had anticipated that own’s first uprising would fail, but his first uprising would fail in this way but it was completely out of his surprise.

The newly established “Xingzhonghui” simply does not have enough manpower to do this kind of consumption. Moreover, Mr. Sun did not intend to consume the “Xingzhonghui” people as disposable items. Because in that era, most of the people who could be moved by the concepts of “nationalism” and “democratic politics” were educated, even those with some Western education. Such people are generally born in wealthy families. They are not only the precious wealth of the revolution, but also the sponsors of the “Xingzhonghui”. So such a person cannot be consumed as cannon fodder in an action doomed to fail. Therefore, in this operation, Mr. Sun must rely on allies.

The first ally that Mr. Sun found was Hongmen in Hong Kong.

Hongmen is a Rivers and Lakes gang organization that originated in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the most influential Rivers and Lakes gang among the Chinese. He also has some names that everyone may be more familiar with. For example, those who often watch Hong Kong police and criminal films must know the so-called “crime squad” of the Hong Kong police. This “serious crime team” is just a common name, and its official name is “Triad and Organized Crime Investigation Division.” The “triad society” here is another name for “Hongmen”. And friends who like to read martial arts novels must remember the “Heaven and Earth Club” of Chen Jinnan and Wei Xiaobao and Wei Xiangzhu. “Heaven and Earth Club” is also one of Hongmen’s many names.

There are many sayings about the origin of Hongmen. According to Mr. Sun later, it was like this:

“The Hongmen were founded in the Ming dynasty’s elders and began in the Kangxi era. Before the reign of Kangxi, the loyal martyrs of the Ming dynasty tried their best to recover. However, soldiers cannot save the death of the Ming dynasty. By the time of Kangxi, the Qing dynasty was prosperous, facing the loyalty of the Ming dynasty, becoming disabled and crippled. The second and third elders, seeing that the general situation is gone, are irretrievable, but want to spread with the roots of nationalism. Descendants, therefore, with the purpose of anti-Qing and Ming-ming, formed groups so that those who will be able to rise later can borrow as funding. This is the original intention of the creation of the Hongmen. However, the matter must be extremely secret, and it can prevent the government from detecting it. The minions of the husband’s government are officials, and the eyes and ears of the officials are the gentry, so all the so-called scholar-officials should be taboo and must be strictly eliminated, and then their roots can be preserved, and the potential grows under the alien autocratic government. Standing on this condition, what will be the way to succeed? It must also spread the thought of the nation-state with the deeds that can all the people’s psychology. Therefore, the Hongmen meeting is based on acting, which covers the most mobile view of the masses. Listen to it. It spreads its thoughts by showing injustice and vengeance. This is the easiest to make scholar-officials get tired and avoid them. The consolidated group uses fraternity to give it to each other, so that each other can care for each other. Supporting each other in adversity is most in line with the needs of Rivers and Lakes travellers and homeless travelers. In the end, nationalism is spread in order to achieve the goal of anti-Qing and rejuvenation.”Hongmen has been established since its establishment. Has been calling for “anti-Qing and reviving Ming” and insisted on anti-Qing stance. So in the Qing Dynasty, you can see Hong Clan figures in almost every anti-Qing uprising. In the process of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising, Hongmen has been fighting side by side with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom as a comrade-in-arms. For example, Luo Guizhou, an important general in the Taiping Army, and the navy soldiers under his leadership, are all brothers of the Tiandihui. In 1853, the Qingpu and Shanghai uprisings echoed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the Xiaodaohui, which jointly opposed the Qing Dynasty, was also a branch of Hongmen. Such an organization that has been aiming at countering the Qing Dynasty for hundreds of years is naturally a natural ally of the Xingzhonghui.

Of course, the Qing government will naturally severely crack down on such organizations. Especially after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Qing government stepped up its suppression of the Tiandihui in Guangdong and Guangxi. However, after all, the Qing government is a feudal regime with no imperial power in the county, and the attack on the Rivers and Lakes gang is always ineffective. Therefore, although many people were killed and Hong Clan’s organization in Guangdong and Guangxi suffered some damage, the various halls still escaped, and soon after the limelight passed, these halls became active again.

Mr. Sun’s classmate, Mr. Zheng Shiliang, was born in Hongmen, and later met Mr. Sun when he was studying medicine at the Hong Kong Academy of Western Medicine, which later became the University of Hong Kong. In 1888, he dropped out of school and returned to his hometown. He opened a pharmacy in his hometown and made friends. With his outstanding martial arts, coupled with his loyalty, he quickly became the leader of Hongmen in Huizhou. (Opening a pharmacy, Wu Yi Gao, this is quite a bit of Huang Feihong.)

Relying on Mr. Yulie’s relationship, Mr. Sun got to know Mr. Yang Quyun, who was quite influential in Hong Kong’s three-point meeting. Mr. Yang had always hated the Manchu Qing government for harming the country and the people, so the two united and established Mr. Sun’s Xingzhong in Honolulu. The association was changed to the Hong Kong Xingzhong Association General Association, but when the president was elected, the appeal of Mr. Sun from outside was obviously not strong enough, so Mr. Yang was selected as the first president.

With the support of these associations, Mr. Sun’s Xingzhong Association will also have rebels. At this time, Chen Guang also received a message from the Macdonald Consortium. In that message, Chen Guang was asked not to rush back to North America for the time being, and to stay in Hong Kong first to coordinate and cooperate with the “Xingzhonghui”, focusing on the uprising. After the failure, some people including Mr. Sun were arranged to leave Hong Kong.

“We believe that this uprising is too hasty and there is almost no possibility of success. But Sun is very important to the company. You must ensure that Sun can safely leave Hong Kong and go to North America afterwards. In order to do this successfully, we believe that you are best Be able to join the’Xingzhonghui’.” This is the explanation in the message.

Joining the “Xingzhonghui” is not difficult, because the level of rigor of the organization is not high, and because Chen Guang understands combat, he can connect with weapons, and he has a firm anti-Qing stance. Compared with other people, He can definitely be regarded as an old senior against the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Mr. Sun has been letting Li Chongguang do his work, hoping to pull him into the meeting. After Chen Guang showed a little intention to join the Xingzhong Club, Mr. Sun immediately personally invited him. So Chen Guang successfully joined the Xingzhonghui and became a military division of the Xingzhonghui.

Yes, in the Xingzhonghui, Chen Guang’s position is directly called a military division. And his main responsibility is to improve the plan of the uprising.

This man Chen Guang is not proficient. At the time in the Taiping Army, he did the job of slashing people on the front line with perseverance, and it was not his turn to do the marching. Later when he arrived in Heishui, he did learn a lot of new knowledge, but most of that knowledge was also about how to be a bodyguard, how to launch and defeat terrorist attacks and other things, a serious combat command, and the people who are proficient in Heishui. It’s a lot, but there is absolutely no Chen Guang in it.

But even so, when Chen Guang saw the plan of the “Xingzhonghui” uprising, he couldn’t help but shook his head. Because this plan is really designed to make people speechless.

The plan is roughly like this:

Yang Quyun led a three-point congregation of the Hong Kong Society of about 300 people. The night before the uprising date (the evening of October 25), they gathered in Hong Kong and took the provincial and Hong Kong evening passenger turn to Guangzhou, while Chen Guang was responsible for the advancement of weapons and other things. It was secretly transported to Guangzhou and stored in a warehouse on the wharf. When the three-hundred assault team arrived at the provincial capital, they took out their guns from there, and captured all important government offices first.

Congregations from other places will gather in Guangzhou. For this reason, they also plan to buy two ships to transport the army. When the uprising was launched, the Beijiang, Shunde, and Xiangshan three-way support teams (more than 1,000 people in total) that were dispersed and mixed into the city in the early stage will respond in groups. These support teams are basically triad members hired with money. Chen Qing, who had returned from Yokohama, Japan, led the bomb team and threw grenades at various military points to gain momentum. The insurgents will wrap their arms with red ribbons, and the slogan of the uprising is the familiar “eliminate violence and peace”.

“This plan is very problematic.” Chen Guang said unceremoniously, “First of all, so many people enter Guangzhou, it is easy to attract the attention of the Manchus. More importantly, the success of such a large operation must be built on On the basis of the Man Qing’s unawareness. But with so many people involved, what can you do to ensure that the secrets will not be leaked? The Man Qing will definitely be unaware of it?”

This plan was strongly recommended by Mr. Quyun Yang. Seeing that this plan was suspected by Chen Guang, Mr. Yang naturally wanted to stand up and defend himself, so he said:

“Chen senior, all of us who participated in this uprising are very reliable. No one will inform Manqing.”

But this statement was immediately refuted by Chen Guang.

“Many times, the incidents of breach of confidentiality did not happen because someone informed the secret, but because the organizer owned was not cautious enough to inadvertently leaked it out. Mr. Yang organized the Fu Jen Cultural Society in Hong Kong and publicly promoted the use of revolutionary means to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. It’s not a year or two. The Qing Dynasty is not without spy agents in Hong Kong. If Mr. Yang is not closely watched by them, then they are too stupid. Organizing an operation of this scale is easy to get caught. The secret agent of the Qing court noticed. Moreover, Mr. Yang intends to directly use people from the Hong Kong Three O’clock Conference. In Hong Kong, the activities of anti-Qing organizations such as the Three O’clock Conference are often public, and these people will definitely be taken by the Qing court. The attention of secret agents. The large-scale activities of these people will definitely make the Qing government more vigilant. In addition, everyone has not received training in confidentiality, and the possibility of leaks is definitely not small. And I heard that when buying arms, You have tried other avenues. In this way, there must be many people who know that you are buying arms in large quantities. So much information is available to the Qing Dynasty. Unless the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Tan Zhonglin, is a fool, how can he be defenseless? ?”

“Then the king of heaven and the others opposed the Qing Dynasty, and there are many people involved, how can they keep the secret?” Mr. Yang was obviously not convinced about this.

“When King Nan was preaching, he didn’t mention the rebellion in half a word. Until the church gradually became organized, the people who were proven reliable in the process knew the secret of our rebellion. There were many similar religions among the people. , We deliberately hid in remote areas, the possibility of losing secrets is naturally small. And even if the Manchus knew it, it would take a long time for them to send troops over, and we could get information, either immediately transfer or simply concentrate. The power is at war with them. But what about your plan? If Man Qing Dazi is prepared, he only needs to ambush a good man and wait for your ambush.”

“Then sir, is there any remedy for this plan?” Mr. Sun asked.

“There is or there is, but it doesn’t necessarily have a very good effect.” Chen Guang said.

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