Chapter 443, Open Sesame

Some of the people who participated in the meeting had a lot of dealings with the Rothschild family directly, and some even had no dealings with the Rothschild family, they knew something about this terrible opponent. If you use Scrooge’s Macdonald Consortium to make a comparison, the status of the Rothschild family in the United Kingdom is very similar to the status of the Macdonald Consortium in the United States, but even more terribly, Rothschild Germany is not only similar to the Macdonald Consortium in the UK, they are in France, in Italy, and in Germany, they are equivalent to the Macdonald Consortium. In short, they are the MacDonald of Europe.

Even if they quit the United States because of a mistake, they were actually resisted by the Morgan Consortium and the McDonald Consortium. System, but their sales in United States are still not small. To deal with them and those red-necked rich men in the Midwest, the difficulty can be said to be very different.

“These old foxes are not easy to deal with.”

“We shouldn’t be presumptuous. After all, this is our territory. Although those Jewish vampires are rich, they have a lot of money to spend. There are so many things that can hold their power in the mess in Europe. So they can. The power to mobilize is still quite limited. In addition, it is not 1812, and the United States is much stronger than it was then. It is no longer possible for them to subdue us through war. What’s more, South Africa is now tense. If they had another war with us like in 1812, no matter what the outcome was, South Africa would definitely become independent. Everyone, you should know that South Africa has the largest gold mine in the world. The reserves are huge. It’s shocking. Whether it’s the UK or the Rothschild family, it’s impossible to watch such a land go out independently. In contrast, interfering with us will definitely be ranked in their priority order to defeat Boer. People, dominate behind South Africa. Moreover, our Scrooge is not easy to mess with, he has been preparing for this for many years.” Morgan looked at Scrooge and said, “Scrooge, it’s better You take us to take a look at the ammunition you prepared for this war.”

Scrooge stood up, nodded to the others, and said, “You may have heard of an absurd legend that the Macdonald Consortium has one of the most secret underground treasures. It’s like a dragon’s cave, or It’s like the secret cave of the Forty Thieves, full of gold jewelry. Now, everyone, please follow me into this absurd legend.”

So Scrooge stood up, walked to a wall next to the conference room and stopped. He turned his face to look at everyone, and then said, “Open Sesame!” At the same time he reached out and pressed it somewhere. , The wall behind him immediately moved aside, revealing a lift.

“Please follow me.” Scrooge said.

A few people got on the elevator, closed the door, and the elevator began to descend. After a while, the elevator stopped. A few people came out of the elevator, and there was a long corridor in front of them.

“It’s like entering an ancient tomb.” Someone said.

“That is also the tomb of King Tutankhamen,” Morgan replied with a grin.

A group of people passed through one security door after another, and when the last one was opened, a dazzling golden light almost blinded everyone’s eyes.

“God! I must be dreaming!” Frank Van der Lip has seen a lot of big scenes, but at this time his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, as if his jaw was dislocated.

“My eyes must have been blurred!” Kevin Romes desperately rubbed his eyes and wiped his glasses again. Suddenly, he felt a sudden pain in his arm, and he almost screamed when it hurt. He turned his head and saw that William McKinley was pinching his arm severely.

“Mr. McKinley, what are you doing?” Kevin Romes asked.

“I want to know if I’m dreaming.” William McKinley said.

“Everyone!” Scrooge walked over, stood on a pile of gold bricks about half a person tall, and said to others condescendingly, “Welcome to the McDonald Venture Capital Bank vault. In this vault, there are a total of Three billion U.S. dollars worth of gold. This is one of the ammunition I prepared for this war…”

“Three billion dollars!” William McKinley’s eyes widened. One U.S. dollar is equivalent to 1.504 grams of gold, 3 billion U.S. dollars, which means that a full 4,500 tons of gold are stacked here! Although it is clear that these golds may not be Scrooge’s personal property, they are more likely to be the reserves issued by the McDonald Venture Capital Bank in US dollars and other people’s deposits here. For example, it is said that the resistance groups in the Transvaal Republic and Cuba deposit a considerable part of their gold in the McDonald Venture Capital Bank so that they can buy what they need at any time, and other things happen. At times, such as when a country or base area is blocked or even occupied, they still have economic power that they can use.

“I dare say that there is not so much gold in the treasury of United States.” Kevin Romes said.

“United States Treasury?” William McKinley said, “You can starve mice out of it.” As a member of the Congressional Fundraising Committee, William McKinley knew very well that the United States government did not have so much gold at all. .

“Of course, most of these gold are deposits in the MacDonald Venture Capital Bank, the Transvaal Republic, and some gold deposited by the Cubans. It’s a pity that the gold that belongs to me completely and completely only accounts for the extreme. The small part. Scrooge said in a regretful tone, “But everyone also understands that in our future wars, all these gold can be used. Of course, if the Rothschilds are willing, they can also adjust to more gold, but it will take time. And it takes a lot of time. Scrooge said with a smile.

“Well, I believe everyone has seen it clearly, we will go back now and continue to discuss the problem.” Morgan said.

Half a month later, a draft was placed in front of several people.

“It’s pretty good, at least it looks like this.” Morgan said, “If it can be made into law, then our golden age will come.”

“Looking at this wording, it should have deceived many people.” Scrooge said, “but it’s not enough. Everyone, I have another idea.”

“Scrooge, you must have some good idea.” Morgan said expectantly. “Let’s listen.”

“I’ve heard a very interesting story.” Scrooge said, “There is a monkey owner. He discussed with the monkeys he raised and said:’I will give you three chestnuts every morning and four in the evening. What do you think of eating chestnuts?” The monkeys all expressed dissatisfaction, thinking that the number of chestnuts is too small. So the monkey owner said: “Why else? I will give you four chestnuts every morning. , Give you three chestnuts to eat at night, what do you think? “The monkeys all expressed satisfaction. After hearing this story, what do you think?”

“Scrooge, stop dumbfounding. Just say what you think.” Morgan said.

“All right.” Scrooge picked up the plan in his hand and said, “This plan, I will name it Plan B, and we will also prepare a similar plan with a different wording. Well, I call him Plan A. Everyone knows, everyone in the world knows that the Republican Party represents the interests of you bankers. So, after the crisis, we let the Republican Party throw out Plan A first, and then we let the Democrats He jumped out and yelled that the Republican Party is a dog raised by bankers and is dedicated to helping vampires. Then they propose Plan B, which is actually similar in substance. Then it can be passed smoothly in Congress.”

“What a good idea.” Morgan chuckled. “Scrooge, you are such a bad guy. But it’s such a pleasure to work with you.”

“The armed forces in the Transvaal Republic are proceeding quite smoothly. I know that their military plan will be completed in a little more than a year. The British will never tolerate this. So, I guess, the British People are already preparing for war. There will be at most eight to ten months before the British will act on them. If we have another economic crisis or internal turmoil, the British will even judge the probability of us acting on Cuba. Declining, then they may also do it in advance.” Scrooge said, “but, I’m sure it will take a long time for the British to settle the Boers. It may take several years. During this time, the British Power, the power of the Rothschild family will be affected by those Boers. We can complete the rescue, pass the bill, and even initiate a package plan for the war against Spain.” Scrooge said.

“Mr. MacDonald, do you really think the Boers can hold the British for several years?” Benjamin Strong asked. After all, the military power of Britain and the military power of the Boers are too far apart.

Scrooge laughed confidently. In the original history, the large-scale fighting between the Boers and the British lasted from October 1899 to June of the following year, and the large-scale guerrilla war lasted until In 1902. Now, after the Boers got the support of Scrooge, their strength is not a little stronger. Persistence for longer periods is definitely not a problem.

“Mr. Strong, you can question me on other issues. But, on military issues, you should believe me.” Scrooge said proudly, “From the beginning of my business to the present, I have never been right. There have been no mistakes in the judgment of the outcome of the war. And I have the best military research team in the world in my hands. Don’t forget how the Macdonald family got its start.”

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