Chapter 449

“Mr. Rothschild, another violent activity against Jews took place in New York.” John told Joshua, and he could see that his face was very ugly.

“These guys! What does the newspaper say?” Joshua didn’t want to pick up the newspaper and read it. Because these media who claim to be non-presupposed positions and only report facts, their butts are incredibly crooked when reporting these things. For example, two days ago, a Jewish trader was beaten to death by a group of thugs on the street just because of his Jewish identity. This kind of thing turned into “a fight happened” in the mouths of some United States media outlets. That’s it. Some tabloids even less wanting face simply stated that “the Jews first attacked the peaceful residents of United States.”

“A Jewish man humiliated a black man and caused righteous indignation.” John said bitterly.

“These bastards!” Joshua understands that these guys’ tactics have improved again. Blacks are a disadvantaged group and a minority. In this way, it is no longer the Saxon Anglo oppressing the Jews, but a minority and There is a conflict between another minority, and a conflict between a rich minority and a poor minority. If it involves who is bullying whom, then many people will naturally think that whites are bullying blacks, and the rich are bullying the poor. It is certainly easier for newspapers to use this technique to promote Jews as bullies. Although, it was the Jews who were really beaten.

For this situation, Joshua was not completely unprepared, even before Morgan and the others launched this round of dirty water public opinion offensive, he had prepared a set of pre-emptive propaganda offensive that accused Morgan of being responsible for this crisis. What, why don’t you attack Scrooge? The reason is very simple. Scrooge has a better reputation and is more difficult to attack. Moreover, Scrooge controlled more media and more powerful. However, Joshua’s resources are limited, so he can only focus on attacking Morgan. . It’s just that Morgan’s movements were so fast and prepared so well that Joshua’s original preparations, after being preempted by Morgan, although he resisted hard for a while, he soon discovered a sad thing. The fact is that no one listens to what he said. As for the use of non-peaceful means, if this is Europe, you can try it. However, here is United States, in United States with Morgan, who has a huge private army, and Scrooge playing this way, this is really…

“Maybe, for the time being, we can only endure.” Joshua thought.

Early that morning, the cruise ship dock in New York Harbor was full of waiting people. Looking at the clothes of these people, they should be rich and elegant people. They wandered on the dock anxiously, standing on tiptoes from time to time. He craned his neck and looked towards the surface of the sea where the sea fog had not completely dissipated.

Whenever the shadow of a ship appeared on the far sea, they would get excited, and then as the ship approached, they quickly recognized that this was not Morgan’s pirate ship, so all People became dejected again.

“Look, there’s another boat coming. Is that the Viking?” Someone shouted again, and the crowd became excited again. Some people stood on tiptoes, and others raised their telescopes.

This time it was finally the Viking, which can be seen from the unique and graceful bow of the ship and its amazing approaching speed. As a result, the crowd really boiled, and everyone left behind the decent people of the class and squeezed forward desperately. The port officials who kept order were in a rush for a while.

Morgan’s ship was soon parked at his exclusive cruise ship terminal, and the ladder for boarding and disembarking the ship was erected. But Morgan did not disembark, nor did he even show up. After the hatch was opened, it was not Morgan who appeared on the deck, but just a sailor with a microphone in his hand.

“Mr. Morgan invites Mr. Andy Coster, Mr. Roy Coster, Mr. Bill Schroeder, Mr. Edward Darcy to board the ship first. Please wait for the other gentlemen.” The sailor stood tall. On the deck, said condescendingly.

“Please let me, please let me!” The chunky Bill Schroeder struggling to get out of the crowd, hurriedly rushing to the ladders, as if he was afraid that he would be slow, and he would not be able to get on this one full of hope. Same as the boat. I dare say that when the flood came and Noah’s family boarded the ark, he was definitely not as eager.

When a few people were on the ship, the waiter took them to the cabin to rest and wait, and only one person at a time was allowed to meet Morgan in the living room.

The first person to be summoned by Morgan was Andy Coster. He is the owner of a large-scale trust and investment company. Like most trust and investment companies, his company is burdened with heavy debts. If you can’t get a rescue Bankruptcy is just around the corner. And his company owns the debts or debts of many other companies. Therefore, once his company goes down, it will definitely bring about a series of chain reactions.

“Mr. Coster, please sit down.” Morgan made a sitting posture to Andy Coster. “I have studied the situation of your company carefully. I have to say that the situation is not optimistic. If you go to Houtian , That is, next Monday, if you still cannot raise 30 million US dollars, I think your company may be difficult to maintain.”

Morgan’s straightforward language made Andy Coster very uncomfortable, but he must admit that Morgan was not exaggerating.

“Yes, Mr. Morgan, I need help urgently.” Andy Coster said.

“I can provide you with thirty million dollars in financing.” Morgan said.

Andy Coster’s eyes lit up immediately: “Thank you, Mr. Morgan, you are really the benefactor of our family, I…”

“Don’t be busy, Andy, I think you know the rules. Financing comes at a price. It requires collateral.” Morgan Coldly said, “I can provide financing for you, but the annual interest rate is 15%. Moreover, the term of the loan is uncertain. Mr. Coster, you should understand what this means?”

As a trust and investment company, Andy Coster naturally knows the 15% annual interest rate and what the so-called “loan term is uncertain” means. An annual interest rate of 15%, which is more than twice that of a general loan. Under normal circumstances, a company cannot make so much profit to repay such interest rate; and “the loan term is uncertain” means Before the loan is repaid, Morgan only needs to notify him one day in advance, and he can ask him to repay all the loans immediately at any time. In other words, from now on, Morgan can bankrupt him at any time as long as he wants to.

“In addition, I know that you have a large debt in Indiana Silver Mine, a considerable portion of the equity of Hammerson Shipping, and most of the shares in an iron mine near Detroit. Assets are more interested. If you are willing to sell these things to me in a package, I am willing to offer you a discounted price of three million dollars. To be honest, if in normal times, these assets can be sold for at least two thousand Ten thousand, but you also know that now, one million of your things may not be able to find a buyer. Of course, if you can support until next Monday, then wait for Mr. Scrooge McDonald to come back. , He may be able to offer you a higher price than mine. But I don’t think it will exceed 4 million at most. Okay, Andy, I don’t want to force you, you can go to the next room. Think about it. Give me an answer later.” Morgan continued.

“Thank you, Mr. Morgan, I really need to think about it.” Andy Coster stood up and said.

“The lounge is on the right, just open that door.” Morgan said with a warm smile on his face.

Andy Coster walked toward the lounge, and just as he was about to open the door, Morgan’s voice came from behind: “Ah, I forgot to tell you, Andy, I’m only going to About 80 million US dollars of funds…”

Andy Coster walked off the boat heavily. He completely and completely surrendered to Morgan, because he knew that he could only choose between being exploited by Morgan and going bankrupt. Although Morgan, the black-hearted guy wants a lot, at least he can continue to live after accepting Morgan’s “help”. Although he is no longer a multi-millionaire, he is still a rich man with nearly a million assets. .

When he got off the boat, he saw a large group of people staring at him with envy. He knew that there were still a large number of people waiting, begging to be exploited without a chance.

Sure enough, after a local group of four people got off the ship, two more people got on the ship, and then they got off the ship soon. Then the Viking put away the boarding ladder, and the sailor told everyone: “Mr. Morgan let I tell everyone that he has only raised 80 million US dollars for the time being, and now these funds have been lent out. Don’t wait here anymore… But Mr. Morgan asked me to tell you a good news, that is, Yesterday, he contacted Mr. Scrooge McDonald, who had just arrived in Caen via wireless telegram, and had an in-depth and frank exchange of views with Mr. McDonald on the current situation, and reached agreement on many important issues. Broad consensus. Both Mr. Morgan and Mr. McDonald believe that the current crisis is abnormal. Therefore, intervention is needed. Both Mr. Morgan and Mr. McDonald believe that only the two sides can work together to save the current situation. Therefore, Mr. MacDonald will terminate his activities in Europe and return immediately by boat to work with Mr. Morgan to save the United States economy in crisis.”

“Hurray!” someone shouted.

“When will Mr. Macdonald come back?” someone asked loudly.

“If everything is normal, it should be around Monday next week.” The sailor replied.

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