Chapter 452

The next day was Monday. After the market opened, everything turned out to be normal, and the funds that had been making waves last week also died down. This is natural. Firstly, Alberto has basically exhausted his bargaining chips. Secondly, now that the market confidence has obvious Ascension, at this time, if you resist again, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

It is also because of the smooth operation of the stock market on the first day of this week that people’s confidence has naturally been further strengthened. Of course, Scrooge has naturally received more praise and gratitude. This made Morgan very depressed, and he even complained directly on the phone with Scrooge.

“Haha, Mr. Morgan, I can’t be blamed for this. But this phenomenon is also natural. Isn’t it? Mr. Morgan, you just have to count how much money I have spent on this reputation, isn’t it enough? If you are also willing to spend on public image With so much money, I don’t think reputation is a problem.” Scrooge said with a smile.

“Thinking about it this way, it really makes sense.” Morgan also had to admit that Scrooge had invested much more money in this area before, and it is normal to have such income. “Scrooge, maybe I will do it in the future. It’s time to consider the image of own.”

“Well, I think we should consider the second stage.” Scrooge said.

“Yes. I think in a few days, when this week is over, the mood of the public will be calmer, and then on Sunday we can start the second phase of the plan.” Morgan said, “I will let the The Wall Street Journal throws out the first article. You have to be prepared too.”

“This is natural.” Scrooge replied.

This week passed smoothly. In the previous period of crisis and turbulence, both Morgan and Scrooge successfully took advantage of the pressure brought by the crisis and bought a lot of high-quality capital at ultra-low prices. Although they lost some in the contest with Rothschild since then, in general, both of them have made a lot of money. However, this is not the real goal of the two people. Compared to the central bank, this can only be regarded as a haystack.

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal published another editorial called “Some Thoughts on the Crisis.” In this editorial, the Wall Street Journal continued its previous position. It triumphantly declared that the crisis was confirmed. Their previous view is that the banking system of the United States has obvious loopholes that can be exploited by international financial speculators. The ups and downs in which international financial speculators were finally repelled this time also shows that only by organically linking the financial power of United States can we truly and effectively counter international financial speculators.

“However, the joint action of the McDonald Consortium and the Morgan Consortium is, after all, only a special case. Even in this special case, we should see some of these problems. As early as when international financial speculators were creating a stock market boom, Mr. MacDonald Mr. Morgan and Mr. Morgan have pointed out the danger here more than once, but neither of them can translate this concern into active defensive actions for the entire market. Because most banks and securities trust investment companies have been profited. Bewildered by the prospects, we can’t form a synergy. Until the international financial speculators begin to shear the wool and the market is on the verge of collapse, our scattered financial institutions can reach a consensus and take concerted actions. At this time, the international financial speculators treat us. The economy of China has already caused huge damage. If we continue to beg the spirit to wait for the international financial speculators to take action, and then resist as we do now, then we will simply not prepare ourselves with weapons of self-defense in peacetime, and wait until the robbers shoot at ourselves. It’s ridiculous to run to the gun shop with money. Therefore, it is essential to establish a central bank of United States immediately.”

Of course, as soon as this argument appeared, it immediately attracted a lot of discussion. If it weren’t for Morgan’s good performance recently, I’m afraid that a bunch of newspapers would jump out and curse: “This is all a banker’s conspiracy!”

However, even so, the newspapers the next day were full of excitement. The newspapers in the Northeast that have always tended to the Republican Party are of course enthusiastic. Some Republican senators even jumped out and declared that they would enact a central bank law for United States. According to the New York Times, some Republican lawmakers have already worked together on related draft bills.

Of course, in line with the basic principle of “if the Republicans agree, the Democrats will oppose”, some Democrats have also expressed their own opinions. Senator Sheehan, Democratic Senator of Virginia, said in an interview with an Associated Press reporter: “The central bank is something that is beautiful to think of and looks beautiful, but in fact it is not necessarily beautiful in operation. We. Don’t forget the story of the First Bank and the Second Bank. When we established the First Bank, we had great expectations for it and hoped that they could bring more benefits to the people of United States, but the facts are How is it going on? Maybe some young people don’t remember such old stories anymore, but I want to remind everyone that it’s absolutely right not to be slaves to foreign vampires, but we must never come to the conclusion that “then we It’s better to be a slave to a vampire in your country’s conclusion…”

Senator Sheehan’s speech naturally caused extensive discussion. Supporters called him a “fresh man” and praised him for his vision, believing that his insights could prevent United States from going from one wrong extreme to another.

Of course, there are definitely many opponents. Republican newspapers ridiculed Senator Sheehan as a dead brain.

For example, the Wall Street Times, which strongly advocates the central bank, strengthened Jiabang’s irony:

“Senator Sheehan doesn’t even know the difference between our central bank and the first bank and second bank in the past. Just because of the two words’central bank’, he is full of nonsense. This is really ridiculous. And it’s ridiculous. What do you mean by enslavement? What about the first and second banks of vampires. Does Senator Sheehan really forget the attitude of the Democratic Party when the Second Bank was established? As for enslavement, did he forget? Who signed the “Proclamation for the Emancipation of Negro Slaves”? It is our President Lincoln and our Republican!In addition, Senator Sheehan was either deliberate or nonsense without understanding. He actually compared our proposed central bank with the first bank and second bank. Of course, if Senator Sheehan is unable to tell the difference between them because of his knowledge flaws, we would be willing to explain the difference to him for free.

First of all, one of the most critical factors for the failure of the First Bank and the Second Bank is that neither the First Bank of America nor the Second Bank is controlled by the United States. At that time, whether the First Bank or Second Bank of United States, most of their equity was controlled in the hands of foreigners, especially in the hands of Jewish businessmen. Therefore, although these two banks are under the banner of America, they are not essentially the banks of the people of United States.

Moreover, Bank One and Bank Two not only acted on behalf of the central bank, but also operated as ordinary commercial banks across the country, competing with ordinary banks in our states and suppressing banks in our states. In this way, the first bank and the second bank have the dual identities of the central bank and the commercial bank at the same time. It is like he is both an athlete and a referee in a game. Such a mechanism will of course cause a lot of problems, and the fundamental reason for the emergence of such an unreasonable system is that the first bank and the second bank at that time did not represent the interests of the United States at all. It is the interests of those international financial speculators. They are not tools used to stabilize the market and ensure the sustained and stable development of the United States economy. They are tools used by those international financial speculators to cut the wool of our United States. As a tool for the Old World to initiate economic colonization against us, Bank One and Bank Two were hated by the people of the United States. This is a matter of course. Anyone who does not hate them is not a true patriot.

But we can’t just hate the enemy while also hating the tool just because the enemy has used a certain tool. On the contrary, what we really should do is to master the corresponding tools to enhance our self-defense ability and fight our enemies. It’s like the British used guns to invade us and enslave us. We can hate these colonists, but we must not just smash all our own guns. In the same way, we certainly hate those international financial speculators who use the First Bank and the Second Bank to shear our wool, but we cannot hate the central bank as a powerful economic weapon like a gun. Otherwise, he would have his own hands and feet, and smashed his own guns. On the contrary, just like after expelling the British colonial government, we must establish an own government to better protect ourselves. After temporarily repelling the international financial speculators, we must also establish an effective protection for us. The Central Bank-a United States People’s Bank that truly belongs to the people of United States…”

In general, because there are painful examples of “international financial speculators” shearing everyone’s wool (although in fact, it is actually the rescue heroes Scrooge and Morgan who really cut the wool of the vast number of retail investors), and Scrooge It was a realistic performance of joining forces with Morgan and a group of bankers to rescue the market, so on the question of whether a central bank was needed, the voice of supporting the establishment of a central bank quickly fell to the voice of opposing the establishment of a central bank.

“Scrooge, I think they can now take out Plan A.” Morgan said to Scrooge on the phone.

Tomorrow the college entrance examination is over, completely leisure, resume double change.

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