Chapter 460

Together with Aquinado, Leonardo and Balbo, the representatives of the McDonald Consortium, boarded General Dewey’s flagship armored cruiser “Maine”.

“General, at what price do you think we can defeat the Spaniards?” Aguinaldo asked General Dewey. Although Leonardo and Balbo have both told him that the Spanish fleet’s strength is very different from the United States fleet, and it is almost vulnerable, but they know almost nothing about modern warfare, especially naval warfare. Quinardo is still very worried about the upcoming naval battle. Although the desire for money and power drove him to take risks, being a coward made him have nightmares all night. So he still couldn’t help but issue such a question to General Dewey. Originally, what he wanted to ask was “Have you ever played against the Spanish?” However, considering that this question might offend the United States, he changed his questioning method.

Although he was full of contempt for this humanoid creature, General Dewey felt that the basic courtesy should be maintained. So he said to Aguinaldo: “Sir, do you know what I am most worried about now? There are only two things I am most worried about now, that is: First, I am worried that the Spanish fleet has left. Manila, and then the Pacific Ocean is so big, it is not easy for me to find them. Second, I am worried that the Spaniards will mine near Manila, which will seriously interfere with our battle. As for the direct battle with the Spanish fleet, it is for us. It’s really hard to ask for. The Spaniard’s fleet is simply vulnerable. I dare say that we will not sink even a single ship in a decisive battle.”

It was not without reason that General Dewey had such confidence. Although he did not have the tallest battleship in his fleet, those things remained in the Atlantic Fleet to deal with the expeditionary fleet of the Spaniards and possible British intervention forces (although the probability of the British intervention at this time is very small). But the Spaniard’s fleet in the Far East is more different from his home fleet. Spain’s home fleet still has an old battleship anyway, while the Spanish fleet in the Far East has only four cruisers. Although Dewey’s items are also called cruisers, there are only four, but the difference between the two cruisers is too big. Two of the cruisers in Dewey’s hands are the latest armored cruisers. The remaining two unprotected cruisers are almost defenseless, but they also have speeds of up to 25 knots and the latest uniform-caliber main guns. And what about the Spaniard’s cruiser? Although there are also three thousand tons of displacement, their shells are even made of wood! These are four old warships with iron keels and wooden shells that are far behind the times. Although the Spaniards purchased some rapid-fire guns to replace the old-fashioned retreat guns above, not to mention competing with Dewey’s brand-new fleet, even if compared with the Northern Navy that was wiped out not long ago, the Spaniards This fleet is also vulnerable.The fleet was approaching Manila Bay, and Dewey ordered the fleet to slow down. This is mainly due to the fear that the Spaniards will mine near Manila Bay. From the time of the Crimean War, these things have come in handy in naval battles. However, the mines at that time were still filled with black gunpowder, and their power was still quite limited. And now, since Scrooge invented T.N.T, the power of these things has immediately become frenzied. A typical anchor mine now has a charge of more than 400KG. Some perverted guys will even stuff a full 1000kg of T.N.T into an anchor mine. It is said that not long ago, McDonald’s Infantry Weapons Company manufactured a lot of this kind of abnormal goods and sold them to the coastal states of United States to deal with the possible Spanish expeditionary fleet. If a warship accidentally encounters such a guy, let alone an ordinary cruiser, even the largest battleship of the British would have to be severely damaged in such an explosion. A piece of this can kill the British’s latest battleship, which has a displacement of more than 20,000 tons. In Manila, this kind of thing is probably the only thing in the hands of the Spaniards that can pose a threat to Dewey’s fleet.

As the fleet decelerated, several wooden structures, diesel-powered boats ran to the front of the fleet. This is a special minesweeper produced by Morgan McDonald Shipyard. These small boats with a displacement of only two to three hundred tons lowered their demining equipment from the tail, and began to clear the way in front to lead the fleet forward.

Early the next morning, the New York Times published the first good news about this war between United States and Spain. Reported to the people of United States yesterday afternoon that General Dewey’s fleet wiped out the Spanish fleet in Manila. The fleet of General Dewey wiped out the old Spanish fleet in just over an hour. This is a one-sided battle. The U.S. fleet has used its speed and range advantages to effectively control the combat distance. In the entire battle, no United States soldier was killed, so no soldier had a chance to win the Medal of Honor. . However, three purple heart medals can be issued: one soldier fell during the battle and broke the bridge of his nose; another soldier was accidentally wounded on the back of his foot by the shell when loading the shell; the last one was a risk. Following the muzzle storm when his own cannon fired, he bravely rushed to the deck to rescue the mascot of the warship-a cat named “Prince Lord”, but was injured by the muzzle storm. Although this behavior is brave, it seems that it is not enough to get the Medal of Honor, so I can only apply for the Purple Heart Medal.

The news of the victory made the entire United States cheer. Various newspapers followed up to analyze the war situation and discuss how to promote democracy in which regions originally controlled by Spain. The discussion was super lively, with quarrels such as “Shut up, we are discussing democracy!” from time to time. The attention of the entire United States has been focused on this aspect.

At this time, discussions on the “United States of America Federal Reserve Bank Draft” quietly stepped up in Congress. Various party groups and members of Congress are busy with a word-by-word research manuscript, analyzing the pros and cons that this thing brings to own supporters, and then constantly bargaining. Sometimes, with just a word, it takes an entire morning to reach a compromise.

Such efficiency made Morgan a little anxious, but Scrooge felt that it was not the time yet, because the US military is too smooth now. Although this kind of war has attracted attention, it is not enough to get all the attention of everyone. Above this. Therefore, Scrooge felt that it was not the time yet.

“The Spaniards are too weak. If this goes on, there will be no waves in the war. How can it be done? It is not conducive to our plan. Donald, what do you think?” Scrooge asked.

“Uncle, I don’t think there is any rush now, there will be repetitions later. For example, when attacking Havana.” Donald said, “Havana’s fortifications are still good. Although the artillery is a bit old, it can still kill people. More importantly, the level of the United States Army is not good. Both in equipment and training.”

Donald’s statement is not correct. Over the years, the United States has had an interesting tradition, that is, slashing the army after the war. For many years, the states felt that the overly powerful Federal Army posed a threat to state power. There are no external threats on the North American continent. What exactly does the federal government do for such a strong army? So cutting off the army has become a habit. As a result, with the joint efforts of state legislators, the federal army is inferior to the state soldiers in terms of training and weaponry. In contrast, the Navy has to watch the British in the Atlantic and the Japanese in the Pacific, so life is much easier.

Over the years, MacDonald has not known how many advanced weapons he has sold abroad, but he hasn’t sold many good things here in the Army. Of course, the militias of the states have bought a lot. However, recently, due to rumors in the newspapers, the Spanish fleet may attack the east coast of the United States, and may even land a small number of troops to carry out the attack. Therefore, although the coastal states support the federal dispatch of troops to teach Spain, they also have the most elite The state militias were tightly gripped and used for coastal defense. The inland states were already a lot poorer, so although their state militias were willing to fight, their equipment was not good. Generally speaking, in addition to the navy’s firepower support, the United States Army’s equipment is more limited than the Cuban guerrillas, and some equipment is even inferior to the guerrillas. As for the training level, it is not as good as the guerrillas.

On the contrary, after playing with the Cuban guerrillas taught by Heishui for so many years, the level of the Spaniards has improved a lot, not to mention, dig trenches, dig anti-cannon holes, sniper and counter-sniper. Great progress has been made. So Donald estimated that the situation may change after the army has landed.

“Our military advisers are all sent to the state armies, right?” Scrooge asked.

“Yes, Uncle.” Donald replied.

If the veterans of Hei Shui and those who are proficient in tactics enter the federal army, they can’t work without any effort. This is easy to be seen through, so they can only be sent to the troops of the states to help the states. Defend the fictitious “possible Spanish landing forces”. In United States, loyalty to the state where they are located is more than loyal to the federal government. It is very common and common. Therefore, when these people go back to their own state, they can’t say anything. Anyway, after the federal army hit a big nail, it is too late to let them save the crisis. Even turning the tide is actually is not better to gain prestige?

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