Chapter 464, The Darkness Chen Cang (5)

To make the army suffer another more serious defeat, it is not particularly difficult to operate. Simply put, at this time, it is enough to force Mr. Theodore Roosevelt to take his army to launch an offensive action that lacks heavy fire support against the Spanish defensive positions again.

But how can Theodore Roosevelt make such a decision? You know, the main reason why Theodore Roosevelt gave up his position as Deputy Secretary of the Navy to participate in this war is to realize his own political ambitions and seek political bargaining chips for himself. To put it more clearly, he is here to brush up his reputation. An unconscionable attack resulted in greater losses, which would only make his reputation drop. So Theodore Roosevelt could never agree to such an approach. At least, this battle must not be lost like this in his hands.

Therefore, after hearing Scrooge’s words, Morgan spoke: “Scrooge, Theodore is not necessarily willing to make such a sacrifice. Of course, as long as we are willing to pay a sufficient price, I think it is not impossible to talk, but it is guilty. ?”

Of course Morgan knew that even if he didn’t pay the price, there were ways to force the scapegoat on Theodore Roosevelt. However, the Roosevelt family and Morgan have a very close relationship. To put it more clearly, they are in a group, just like Rockefeller and Scrooge are in a group. Even with Scrooge’s dominant position in the own alliance, it is impossible for Rockefeller to lose out “for the common long-term interests” without cost. Morgan’s position in his league was weaker than that of Scrooge, so he naturally couldn’t force the Roosevelt family to suffer. Otherwise, who would follow him as the leader of the alliance? Therefore, at this time, he must stand up to protect the interests of the Roosevelt family.

“Hehe, Mr. Morgan, you think too much.” Scrooge said, “I don’t mean to let Mr. Roosevelt be in the wrong. In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem, as long as Mr. Roosevelt is not in the command position at the time.” Scrooge told the people present a very touching story:

“After Mr. Roosevelt was frustrated in his tentative offensive, he realized that it was not advisable to go hard before he had enough firepower. So he began to contact the country to arrange matters of strengthening firepower, and then when observing the enemy’s position, our Mr. Roosevelt However, he was accidentally injured and needed to return to China for treatment. Before leaving, he handed over the command to his deputy and told him not to act rashly.

However, things in the world can always go beyond everyone’s expectations. As soon as Mr. Roosevelt boarded the ship, and shortly after leaving, the Spaniards acted very, very inhumanly. They actually slaughtered the prisoners of war! Our soldiers witnessed this scene, of course, filled with righteous indignation, and they appealed to the interim commander. The interim commander was also dazzled by anger and launched an unconspiring attack on the Spanish position, leading to a disastrous defeat. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, but they still failed to win the enemy’s position. At this critical time, Mr. Roosevelt, who learned the news, endured the pain and gave up treatment. Facing the doctor’s question, why did you give up treatment, he simply replied: “Because there are more brothers who need me at this time!” Then he hurried back to the battlefield immediately and rectified the morale that was greatly discouraged because of the failure. The army restored the morale of the army. Then we passed the Federal Reserve Act quickly and delivered the much-needed weapons to the brothers. When the time was right, Mr. Roosevelt led the soldiers to attack the enemy’s position again, and captured this position in one fell swoop. The victory of the war was won…

Look, where does Mr. Roosevelt in this story need to be in the wrong? Even, do we United States people need to be hacked? Even the temporary commander who made a mistake, everyone still thinks he is a good person, right? As for our Mr. Roosevelt, he was naturally more aggressive, benevolent, brave, firm, tenacious, and wise. He is simply a model of military morality, even if it is compared with Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee. It can be no less inferior. As for the scapegoat, of course the Spaniards are on their backs…how, how is this story of mine? ”

Scrooge looked around everyone triumphantly.

“Papa, pop, pop, pop” applause gradually rang, and all the participants clapped sincerely. Morgan stood up, applauding, and said to Scrooge:

“It’s so mean and shameless! Well done, Mr. MacDonald!”

For a long time, Morgan used “Scrooge” to directly address him, so that he seemed affectionate, and secondly, it was actually Morgan’s psychology that was at fault. Morgan is bigger than Scrooge, so he always likes to call himself Scrooge’s senior, but later when he vaguely felt that he was not better than Scrooge, he was more and more unwilling to admit this emotionally. So he still called him “Scrooge”, although everyone else already called him Mr. MacDonald. But this time, with Carol McDonald also present, it was normal to call Scrooge by name, but he used the honorific “Mr. McDonald”.

“I have always been thinking about why you can succeed.” Morgan continued, “This time I have the honor to work with you to promote the establishment of the Federal Reserve. I have learned a lot.”

Three days later, on the afternoon of the second day after Mr. Theodore Roosevelt was forced to return to China because of his injury, Scrooge’s news program radio station “The United States, the United States, and the Voice” suddenly stopped normal programs. A piece of news like this was broadcast:

“According to reporters on the front line, the Spaniards committed new and heinous crimes on the battlefield. According to reports, earlier today, the Spanish garrison shot dead in front of the defensive position near Sacred Land. Some U.S. soldiers captured in the previous battle. According to our reporter Thompson’s description…”

This news immediately caused an uproar in the entire United States and even the entire world. Since the United States Civil War, the “Washington Proclamation” appeared, killing prisoners on the battlefield has become an extremely contemptuous crime by the entire civilized world. Not to mention that after the “Washington Declaration” ascending becomes a treaty, most civilized countries will have signed this declaration, expressing their agreement with the spirit of the declaration and guaranteeing the implementation of the terms of the declaration. Among these countries is Spain.

The Spanish government immediately stood up and said that all of this was slander from the United States. The Spanish are civilized and would never commit such a frenzied crime.

However, this statement of the Spanish government is of no use. Because the Spanish government does not understand what is happening on the front lines. Spain did not have the ability to conduct real-time transoceanic communications at the time. And everyone knows this, so their defense is naturally unconvincing. As for the Spaniards who say they are civilized people, they would not do such a thing. That’s a big joke. It almost killed the peaceful natives of South America without turning over the history of Spain. It is said that Spain has killed more than one prisoner in the recent confrontation with the Cuban rebels. Of course, the Spaniards said that the prisoners did not wear military uniforms, and this situation is temporarily out of the protection scope of the “Washington Proclamation”. But the morals of those civilized people in Spain are known to all of Europe, worse than the worst bitches. Therefore, although the Spanish government responded quickly, it was not effective.

On the United States side, the sentiments are even more exciting. Although the president said that he was not willing to believe that such a thing would happen before he saw the most reliable evidence. But among the people, the people are already extremely angry. People marched in front of the White House and Capitol Hill, demanding immediate action to punish the damned Spanish barbarians. And in tabloid newspapers like The Sun that has always spoken irresponsibly, some people even shouted out such a voice:

“The Spaniards are not civilized at all, they are no different from the Indians! Even worse!”

“The only use of the Spaniard is to peel off the skin to make boots!”

“Immediately attack and kill all Spaniards!”

On the third day, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times published two photos together. In the first photo, you can see that Spanish soldiers are shooting at a group of people who are tied up in a row and wearing American military uniforms. In the second photo, you can see that Spanish soldiers are shooting them with bayonets. But the soldiers who have not died make up for the knife.

At this moment, all doubts disappeared. There are pictures and the truth, and the crimes committed by the Spaniards are as hard as a mountain. President McKinley issued a statement at the White House, strongly condemning this kind of atrocities against humans, and vowed to God that the murderer must be severely punished. As these two photos were reprinted by European newspapers, the whole world began to criticize the Spanish atrocities. Even the British, who have always supported Spain morally, have to say “The Spaniards made a serious mistake in this matter”. The Spanish government simply didn’t even say anything. If a reporter asked them about this matter, they would always use “no comment” or “we need to investigate thoroughly before answering your questions”. Come prevarication.

Photographic technology was only developed at that time, and picture modification is such a heaven-defying technology that people in this world have never even heard of it. Because at that time, there were no more than twenty people who knew that this kind of technology existed in the world. Therefore, the whole of Europe and the whole world believed that the Spaniards committed the serious crime of killing prisoners in the war extremely irrationally.

In this case, when Mr. Theodore Roosevelt was away, the interim commander, Colonel Taylor, led the U.S. army to launch a new round of fierce assault on the Spanish position…

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