Chapter 472, betrayed (6)

As in history, Spain began negotiations with the United States. By the beginning of 1898, representatives of the two sides began to have secret contacts in Paris. In the negotiations, the Spaniards have clearly given up their intention to continue to control Cuba and the Philippines. To be honest, once you find that you are not an opponent of the United States at all on the battlefield, the Spaniards are still quite realistic. They also know that it is simply a dream to take things that cannot be obtained by swords and guns on the battlefield, and want to take them back by mouth and gun at the negotiating table. Therefore, the main goal of the Spaniard now is to find a way to get some money back from the United States.

Historically, United States developed from the 13 states on the Atlantic coast to the fourth largest country in the world in terms of territorial area. A large part of the other territories was based on taking advantage of European countries’ troubles. Threatened by force and forced to buy it. Some territories were robbed directly from neighboring countries (mainly Mexico). Of course, the people of United States are civilized and they have to be ethical, so after the robbing, some money was thrown out. It is not aggression, but a purchase. Poor Mexico sold half of its territory to United States in this way.

Since the United States people have such a fine tradition, the Spaniards naturally have to find a way to recover a little loss by this. Coupled with the huge pressure on the Spanish economy due to the war, the Spaniards are now in dire need of money. So the Spaniards first came to a lion from the United States. They proposed that Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Philippines and the Pacific islands, each pack a bag, each counted as 30 million U.S. dollars, a total of 60 million U.S. dollars, and sold cheaply. To United States.

So in the negotiations, although the representatives of the Spanish government said a lot of nonsense, their basic attitude is actually this one sentence: “60 million, only 60 million, rich and beautiful, a tropical island with an extremely important strategic location. You can take it home! Sixty million, only sixty million! Sixty million, you can’t afford to lose, you can’t be fooled. What are you waiting for? Pick it up quickly…”

But this offer was immediately rejected by the representative of United States: “What, you are so poor and crazy? A few broken islands are sold so expensive? Don’t look at me, they sell us such a large site in Mexico. How much did it cost? It’s only 18.25 million! That’s the price of conscience! Look at your quotation. In comparison, do you have a conscience? And, Cuba can’t be included. Inside, Cuba is an independent country, not our colony! Cuba’s independence is only a punishment for you for sinking the Caribbean Pearl, so Cuba can’t count money. Make a package elsewhere, and then compare the deal between Mexico and us according to the area. The reasonable price should be 2.4 million U.S. dollars. Then we will be more kind and add 100,000 to you, even 2.5 million!”

Anyway, one party is asking for a price, and the other party pays the money on the spot. After more than a month of torment, in March 1898, the two sides finally reached an agreement:

① Spain renounces all sovereignty claims and ownership of Cuba and is occupied by United States.

②Spain transfers Puerto Rico and other western islands in the West Indies and Guam to United States.

③Spain transfers the islands commonly known as the Philippine Islands to United States, and the United States pays 20 million U.S. dollars to the United States within 3 months after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty.

④ Both sides repatriate prisoners of war to each other.⑤After the two countries exchanged the ratifications of the treaty, the Western Army withdrew from the Philippines and Guam. The heavy artillery (except field artillery) in the fortresses and coastal fortifications will remain in place within 6 months after the treaty enters into force. United States can invest in purchases .

⑥ United States promises to allow Spanish ships and goods to enter the ports of the Philippine Islands under the same conditions as United States ships and goods within 10 years from the date of ratification of the exchange treaty; Spain has the right to renounce or transfer its sovereignty to territories Consulates are established in the ports and places of the country.

With the signing of the treaty, the war ended, and the remaining Spanish troops began to gradually leave Cuba and the Philippines. So the question of the future of these two places was put on the agenda.

The negotiations with the Cubans actually started while the negotiations between the United States and the Spanish were underway. The Cuban representative and the United States representative had a truly friendly conversation in Havana.

“Hello, Mr. Reidel, I saw the list of representatives of United States friends a few days ago, and found that the representative is you, I thought, this is no better.” Cuban plenipotentiary representative Guti saw United States On behalf of Raidel, he greeted him and held his hand with a very intimate expression. Obviously, they were very familiar.

“Yes, me too.” Mr. Ryder said with a smile, “Guty, we haven’t seen each other for more than a year. How is it, how is everything at home?”

“Not bad! Do you remember the rubber trees you mentioned to me when we first met? Now these trees have grown up and can cut rubber. Last year I made a lot of money from this, but unfortunately last year’s At that time, transportation was still subject to too many restrictions, and I will definitely earn more this year.” Guti also replied with a smile.

Guti was born as a manor and has participated in the Cuban revolution for many years. By all accounts, he was also the first batch of people who had received complete training in Heishui. Blackwater’s training was very effective, and MacDonald’s weapons were also very good, which played a very good role in promoting the Cuban revolution. However, these all require money. Although some enthusiastic non-governmental organizations have provided a lot of donations to Cubans, these donations are not stable, and in many cases, the number is also very insufficient. Therefore, Cuban revolutionaries often need to be self-reliant and earn their own money. Especially after having own base areas and ports, doing business with people from United States has become an important way to make money. Some people from United States, especially the Macdonald consortium, provide them with business loans, technology services, buy shares in their plantations, and provide them with various technology and sales services. In this process, many Cuban revolutionaries gradually became export merchants, and their interests became more consistent with those of United States, especially the interests of the Macdonald Consortium. Guti is one of them. Today, Mr. Guti owns the largest rubber plantation in Cuba and a large banana plantation. He has become one of the richest people in Cuba, and a considerable part of the military expenditure of the Cuban Revolution of Independence was also donated by Mr. Guti. In this way, Mr. Guti naturally has a huge influence in Cuba.

The negotiations between the United States and the Cuban went very smoothly, because compared to the Spanish, the United States was indeed very fair. Except for the lease of Guantanamo as a United States military base, there are no other unequal provisions in the agreement between the United States and the Cubans. Of course, even renting out Guantanamo is not free. In addition to the rent, the United States has also assumed certain obligations to protect Cuba. So, A-mei, you think it’s so great and so kind.

In addition to defensive support, economically, United States also vigorously supports Cuba. The two parties agreed to give citizens of the other party full national treatment. In other words, Cubans can come to United States to buy land, set up businesses, and share the economic development of United States without any restrictions. Of course, the same is true for United States citizens in Cuba. The two parties even agreed that in order to achieve the great goal of coexistence and co-prosperity, in order to achieve the co-prosperity of Great Asia America, the two sides will implement a low-tariff policy on each other’s products. The great sister, you see, will completely open all markets to Cuba. Except for a few products, United States has implemented zero tariffs on most of Cuba’s products. Correspondingly, United States has given Cuba a little privilege, allowing Cuba imposes a small tariff on United States products. Of course, in order to repay the goodwill of the United States, the Cuban side also knows the goodwill report, and they also assured the United States that these small tariffs are only symbolic and the main value of their existence is to prove that Cuba is a completely independent country.

In order to promote the economic development of both sides, as well as the friendship between the people. The two countries also agreed to implement a policy of mutual visa exemption between citizens of the two countries. The United States of America and the Republic of Cuba will mutually open all territorial waters and territories. The means of transportation owned by the people of the two countries, such as ships and vehicles, can also travel between each other without restriction. The warships of the two countries can also sail freely in each other’s territorial waters under harmless conditions, just like sailing on their own land. This treaty fully embodies the friendship between the two peoples and has become a model of equal exchanges between big and small countries, strong and weak countries.

At the press conference where the two parties announced the signing of this shining treaty, Mr. Guti, the representative of Cuba, recited a poem written by him with affection:

There is a name that all tyrants in the world will panic when they hear it.

There is a name that all people who love freedom must praise when they hear it.

There was a name, and the gangster who was hiding in the dark to murder the people gritted her teeth.

There is a name, people who yearn for peace in the sun have high hopes for her.

It was her who saved the world from Devil again and again,

It was her who gave hope to the feared man again and again.

Who blocked the iron shoes of the colonialists?

Who supported the battlefield of national independence?

Who liberated Cuba and the Philippines?

Who forced the Spanish robbers to surrender?

She held the torch high and pointed us in the dark!

The truth she declared is always echoing in our ears!

The more hypocrites slandered her hypocrisy,

The more upright is the firmer the faith in her!

We will never forget her greatness!

You ask me what she looks like?

She is a hot red flame,

She is the broad blue sea,

She is pure and dazzling white light!

You ask me her name?

I tell you! Look, my sister, the beacon of freedom, the hope of mankind!

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