Chapter 490

On the third day of the British attack on the fortress of Johannesburg, the French newspaper Figaro published an article entitled “How the British Army quickly captured the fortress of Johannesburg”. Unlike the report that the British made vague words the day before, they only used new weapons to capture the fortress of Johannesburg in one fell swoop. For the first time, this report clearly stated the reason for the British army’s rapid victory-the massive use of poison gas. .

“Mr. Rembrandt, the spokesperson of the Transvaal Republic’s military, accepted our interview. He told us that the British army used a suffocating gas in the attack, and they had no defense. The poison gas caused the fall of Johannesburg, and he told us that before the fortress fell, the soldiers of the Transvaal Republic sent them a telegram describing the effects of the poison gas in detail.

According to Mr. Rembrandt, the poisoned person will have difficulty breathing. They grow their mouths and breathe loudly, but they seem to be unable to breathe in any air. After ten minutes, a pink liquid will flow from their mouths and noses. Flow out. The extreme suffocation is that many people will even scratch their throats with their fingers. In the end, within half an hour, all the poisoned people will die tragically…

What kind of poison gas is this, with such terrible effects? With this question in mind, the author visited Mr. Mitterrand, a professor of chemistry at the University of Paris. Mr. Mitterrand is an expert in poisons. He answered this question like this:

‘From the symptoms you describe, it should be severe acute pulmonary edema. Regarding the pathogenic mechanism of pulmonary edema, it seems that there is no very reasonable explanation, but I can compare its symptoms with what you said. Pulmonary edema refers to an imbalance in the production and return of tissue fluid in the lung due to some reasons, so that a large amount of tissue fluid cannot be absorbed by the pulmonary lymph and pulmonary venous system in a short period of time. It leaks from the pulmonary capillaries and accumulates in the alveoli and interstitium. And small bronchi, causing serious obstacles to lung ventilation and ventilation. It is clinically manifested as extreme dyspnea, profuse sweating, paroxysmal cough accompanied by a large amount of white or pink foamy sputum. This is probably the dyspnea you mentioned earlier, and the pink liquid comes out of the nose and mouth. Continue to develop, and that person’s alveoli will be filled with this kind of tissue fluid. Then, this person will gradually be drowned by own tissue fluid… and this disease is very difficult to treat, the prognosis is very poor, even if it is treated in time, it is difficult to save…’

Mr. Mitterrand told me that many toxic substances can cause pulmonary edema. But as far as he guessed, the poison gas that can cause pulmonary edema so quickly and widely is most likely phosgene.

‘Phosine is a highly toxic gas. For a person, it only needs to breathe at a concentration of 3200mg/m3 for half an hour to cause death. If the concentration is higher, the time required will be shorter. This gas is an intermediate product in the manufacture of pesticides and can be produced and stored in large quantities. Two years ago, there was a phosgene leakage accident in a pesticide factory in Marseille, which caused the death of five workers. Their symptoms were almost exactly the same as what you described earlier. Therefore, I personally think that most of what the British used this time was phosgene. ’

Hearing this, I couldn’t help but fall into deep thinking: light and air have been researched out to benefit mankind and eliminate those pests, but why some people use the means of dealing with insects to deal with living human beings and bring you and me. The same living people as little bugs? What happened to this world? This must be…”

Immediately afterwards, the German media quickly followed up, blaming the British for being shameless and indecent in various newspapers. In addition, a new argument has emerged. An article like this was published in the “Frankfurt Review”-“Why We Must Have Chemical Weapons”

“This incident reminds us of the turmoil a few years ago. At that time, a newspaper disclosed that we were developing chemical weapons in Germany. There was an uproar in the public opinion. Many people accused our government and military of developing such things as bugs. The insecticide that kills is very inhumane. This statement is indeed not bad, and people’s anger is understandable. When I heard the news, my colleagues in this newspaper were also angry. But now, we are very grateful. , We also have such’insecticides’.

What is the most important reason why the British dared to launch an unrighteous war against the Boers, dare to risk the world and use such an inhumane weapon on the battlefield? Needless to say, the most important reason is that the Boers do not have corresponding weapons, they do not have chemical weapons!

Let’s imagine that if the Boers also have a large number of chemical weapons, how dare the British use such inhuman weapons against them? Are they afraid that they will be killed by their opponents like insecticides? There is no doubt that chemical weapons are extremely inhumane weapons, but if we want to oppose chemical weapons, we must have chemical weapons in our own hands! ”

Following this article, right-wing newspapers in various European countries have begun to call for more research on chemical weapons. Of course, there are many articles on how to defend against these poisonous gases. For example, a series of reports in Le Figaro mentioned how to deal with chemical weapons, especially phosgene attacks.

“The defense of light and gas is not particularly difficult. First of all, of course, the best way is to have a gas mask. This kind of thing was originally invented for chemical factory workers who often work in toxic environments. However, it turns out, It is also very good for the defense of chemical weapons. Secondly, phosgene can react quickly with ammonia to produce non-toxic urea and ammonium chloride, and phosgene is also easily hydrolyzed to produce hydrogen chloride, which is hydrochloric acid. Although Hydrochloric acid is not a good thing, but inhaling a little hydrochloric acid is better than inhaling light. Therefore, if you don’t have a gas mask around you, cover your mouth and nose with a towel moistened with light ammonia. If there is no light ammonia, then Urine is also an option…”Not only is Europe in an uproar, but America is also in an uproar. The United States people had no good impression of the British. In the United States at that time, it was almost a political correctness to hate the United Kingdom. Of course, the newspapers of the United States are scolding at full capacity. In addition to scolding, the United States people naturally have to consider whether the United States has the ability to resist chemical weapons attacks. Because almost all people in United States know one thing, that is: “The British emperor will die, my heart will not die!”

Of course, the people of the United States quickly relaxed, because there is no such thing as any kind of poisonous gas. For example, the phosgene used by the British this time can be produced by the Cleveland Agricultural Company. This is just It is only an intermediate product for the production of pesticides. In terms of production capacity, the combined production capacity of the Cleveland Agricultural Corporation’s factories is definitely much larger than that of the British. It’s just that the people of United States are good people, and they didn’t take the initiative to use such inhumane weapons. Even when it was frustrated when attacking the Sacred Land submarine port, United States also held its own bottom line. Unlike the British, it is a beast. Of course, this kind of moral superiority also makes United States people more and more proud.

Moreover, the gas mask is not a problem, this thing was originally invented by the United States. The Cleveland Agricultural Company originally invented the tool to protect the workers who worked in the workshop full of poisonous gas, but didn’t want to be able to come in such a use.

Of course, it is impossible for Scrooge to stay out of things like this. Just as the outside discussion was heated, Scrooge held a press conference and announced that he and his old friend John Rockefeller had invested three million US dollars to establish a medical aid fund-MacDonald-Rockefeller Chemical Weapons The Victim Fund is used to provide medical treatment and other services to victims of chemical weapons. At the same time, Scrooge also made an initiative: that is, countries in the world immediately act to sign a comprehensive and thorough convention that prohibits and destroys all chemical weapons.

“Seriously speaking, I am also responsible for chemical weapons. Phosgene is an intermediate product in the manufacture of pesticides, and the manufacture of chemical pesticides is related to me. If it is not the great development of chemical pesticides, then these Things may only exist in the laboratory now, and mass destruction of humans will not happen. So in a sense, I am the one who opened the devil bottle and released the devil. I know very well, Up to now, it is impossible to put this devil back into the bottle with my own strength alone. So I call on the kind and peace-loving people of the world to unite, while this devil has not brought more Hurt, let’s put the devil into the bottle together.

I think even the people who have given the order to use chemical weapons will probably never think that such weapons will bring such terrible casualties. But what is more frightening is that I have noticed that many countries in the world have begun to develop and equip these terrible chemical agents for self-protection or other purposes. I know that there is a reason for them to do this. In fact, a few days ago, a friend of mine who worked in the government also asked me very seriously whether our pesticide factory could produce poisonous gas. Our enterprise and research institute Can you provide United States with this terrible weapon? He said to me: ‘Scrooge, I agree with you that this weapon is immoral. But now we must own it to protect ourselves. I believe he was sincere when he said this, but I know that if everyone does this, the devil of chemical weapons will not only be re-sealed in the bottle, it will even continue to evolve in our hands. To be honest, only in terms of toxicity, phosgene may be considered highly toxic, but in chemically synthesized products, more toxic than it abounds. Perhaps one day in the future, this thing will develop enough to destroy human civilization. To the point. Therefore, for the future of mankind, I call on peace-loving mankind all over the world to unite and seal the devil again! ”

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