1980 My literary era

Chapter 18 Watching movies is also called studying

Nowadays, there is no such thing as a double holiday. They all have a single holiday on Sunday, so the holidays are always extremely short, and the normal pace of study and life resumes the next day.

Starting on Wednesday, the class had an additional section on European literary history. It was taught by a student from Yenching University who had returned from studying in France. His name was Jin Wenxuan. He was in his thirties, elegant and in his prime.

Jin Wenxuan seems to be a very easy to get along with, and this is indeed the case.

"I am just a lover of literature. I have read most of the novels written by everyone in the audience. The history of European literature is a ready-made textbook. You can just read it yourself. If there is anything you don't understand, we can communicate with each other."

Jin Wenxuan's low profile instantly won everyone's favor.

Most of the people who come to teach these days are seniors and experts with deep qualifications. It is rare to find a young person with such a humble attitude.

What should have been a boring course turned into an exchange between teachers and students. Jin Wenxuan received his degree in France. When communicating with everyone, he interspersed some works of French writers and anecdotes. Everyone, including Lin Weimin, listened. Gotta relish it.

"Teacher Jin knows a lot and is good-looking."

During lunch, Lin Weimin heard Liu Shuhua and Huang Anyi talking.

Huang Anyi nodded, "Teacher Jin's knowledge is indeed profound."

Lin Weimin was not satisfied with what he heard. The new generation is really better than the old ones. I, a young kid, have only been running in the institute for a few days, and now I am eliminated.

After the two of them finished their meal, they turned around and saw Lin Weimin lining up behind them. Liu Shuhua gently touched Huang Anyi's shoulder. She glanced at Lin Weimin and quickly lowered her head to sit down.

Lin Weimin touched his nose, didn't he just set a goal for you in front of the whole class? As for that? This is too vindictive.

On Friday afternoon, Teacher Tang Yuqiu informed everyone.

"The institute contacted the China Film Archive and borrowed the screening room and the documentary. In the evening, all the students in our class went out to watch the documentary and study."

The students suddenly cheered and wanted to leave without even bothering to eat their dinner.

Several resident teachers in the institute have told everyone before that the institute is contacting the Film Archive to show some information films for everyone to study. I didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Watching movies is one of the few popular entertainments in this era.

Nowadays, the domestic film industry is still in the planning era, and there are not many publicly released films. Many of the films in the Film Archive are foreign classics. In these days, we cannot talk about films publicly. We have to say they are expansion films or internal reference films. That's right, ordinary people have no way of knowing what's going on.

Now that we can take advantage of the opportunity of further study to watch the precious information film of the collection, everyone is excited to think about it.

The screening room was near Xiaoxi Tian'er, and a group of people crowded the 18th bus. They rushed to the screening room after taking the bus, and couldn't help but excitedly whisper to each other.

There were more than thirty students and two leading teachers sitting in the small screening room. The projector rotated slowly and the screen lit up, reflecting the longing figures below and the excited faces.

The first movie shown today is "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," an American film released in 1975. It won five awards at the 48th Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress.

Most of the people present were watching foreign movies for the first time, especially Hollywood movies, and they wished they didn't even blink.

Lin Weimin has watched "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" in later generations, but when I watched it again today, I had some new feelings.

As the movie ended, dim lights lit up in the originally quiet screening room. Teacher Tang Yuqiu, who was leading the team, shouted: "Take a break for ten minutes. There will be a movie shown later."

After sitting for more than an hour, many people got up to go to the toilet. Some heavy smokers ran directly to the corridor to relieve their addiction and chat.

Lin Weimin stood next to them, facing a window, listening to them discuss the plot of the movie they had just watched. Most of them were extremely shocked by the plot.

There is a lot of contempt for the head nurse and others and praise for the protagonist.

Gu Hua looked at Lin Weimin standing by the window thoughtfully, and asked, "Weimin, what do you think of this movie?"

Lin Weimin looked over dullly, "What?"

He was simply lost in thought just now.

"What do you think of this movie?"


"What's a good idea?" Gu Hua asked.


Lin Weimin hesitated for a moment, trying to recall the plot of the movie.

"The madhouse is a special place. The director deliberately placed the entire film in this very limited space for filming. It has a strong directivity in itself, allowing the audience to focus on peeking into themselves from the madman and giving life to them. People in that society instill a belief in freedom and self, which is a very typical American ideology."

No one was surprised by the content of Lin Weimin's speech.

He paused for a few seconds and then said: "I think 80% of the viewers who watched this movie had tears in their eyes. They are kind-hearted, pursue freedom, respect individuality, and oppose shackles. The enemy of Utopia seems to be just a small group of people. Just a cold-blooded head nurse..."

At this point, Lin Weimin paused again, "But this is obviously not in line with the nature of this world. Do you think McMurphy exists in reality? Or is he the majority?"

Of course he is not, on the contrary, he is an alternative.

The most fundamental reason why McMurphy is treated inhumanely is because his freedom breaks the existing rules of the game at will, and what most people really need is not freedom, but safety.

A kind of positional security leads to personal and personality security.

Then, when McMurphy was tortured to death in the lunatic asylum, everyone suddenly became his close comrade-in-arms, calling him a hero, looking forward to "freedom" with him, and planning a perfect escape from prison.

This is the cunning part of human beings. We are always trying to find a reasonable footing for ourselves, and we can swing wildly at both ends of our value judgments.

If I were to write it, I would probably give this movie a continuation.

That is, after the chief escaped from the madhouse, he did not enjoy the fragrant taste of freedom.

Instead, with disheveled hair, covered in mud, panting, and a ferocious face, he knocked on the door of a kind-hearted family, begging for protection.

But that family, which advocates freedom and pursues justice, turned away the stranger because he was afraid of the trouble of a stranger who had escaped from a mental hospital, and called the mental hospital.

Chief, readmitted to the hospital.

The movie ends. "

Lin Weimin was thinking and talking, and by the end he was talking eloquently. Everyone around him was impressed by his keen thinking and unbridled imagination.

Gu Hua rubbed her chin, "This ending for the people is wonderful, so ironic!"

"Yeah, I think this ending is good."

"That's right. The reason why freedom becomes a tragedy is because you and I are the shackles." Jiang Zilong concluded quite profoundly.

At this time, Tang Kangmei expressed the opposite view, "I think the ending is also very good and bright!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "I'm just talking nonsense. This is a work that won an award."

"No, no, no." Jiang Zilong patted Lin Weimin on the shoulder, very leadership style, "Weimin's idea is very good, it is definitely a novel idea comparable to the ending of the movie. I really didn't realize that you have the talent to be a screenwriter. .”

"Hehe! I think so too."

"I just complimented you a few times and I started to gasp."

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