1980 My literary era

Chapter 58 How about writing it as a script?

Taking in Lin Weimin as a student was a way of becoming a monk, and they were about to graduate. Mr. Wan was really worried that his training of Lin Weimin might only be superficial, and he couldn't help but feel guilty.

At Mr. Wan's current status, he would not easily promise anything to others, but since he agreed to accept Lin Weimin as a student at the Institute of Literary Studies, he must take responsibility.

He stopped Lin Weimin from continuing to say some touching and disgusting words, and instead asked: "Have you written anything recently?"

Lin Weimin shook his head, "No."

Mr. Wan frowned, "We can't slack off!"

Lin Weimin was not very happy to see his face, knowing that he must be dissatisfied with his laziness. He had an idea and said, "Although I haven't written anything, I have thought of a story."

"Oh?" Mr. Wan raised his eyebrows, showing interest, "Do you mind telling me about it?"

"Then I say, listen to it and help me improve it."

Lin Weimin stopped to collect his thoughts, and then said: "In 1979, in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the Vietnamese side suffered more than 57,000 casualties, and our army also suffered heavy casualties, with more than 20,000 officers and soldiers killed and wounded. I want to talk about The story is the story of a senior general of our army who was seriously injured in the war..."

Mr. Wan interrupted: "Is this based on a real case?"

"No, teacher, it's just a fictional character."

"Go on."

Lin Weimin continued to tell the story.

Qin Yun is the deputy political commissar of a certain division of our army. He led a tank regiment to Dongxi during the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. He encountered an enemy ambush on the march and saved his life, but both legs were amputated.

Qin Yun suddenly changed from a professional soldier with sound limbs to a disabled person. He couldn't accept it in his heart. His temper became sensitive, irritable and changeable. He arranged several nurses to take care of him, but they all couldn't stand his scolding. Choosing to leave the choice behind makes the hospital leaders worried.

One night, Qin Yun made up his mind to kill himself. He climbed into his wheelchair with difficulty and planned to jump from the window of the hospital corridor. However, he accidentally hit the thief Lin Xiaoding who came to steal things in the ward.

Lin Xiaoding's parents died in a sudden death. A few years ago, he was sent to a labor camp because his boyfriend and girlfriend were reported by the woman's parents. After he was released from prison, he had no job and no support at home. He could only rely on petty theft to make ends meet. .

When Lin Xiaoding stole something and was discovered by Qin Yun, he stepped forward to threaten Qin Yun. He never thought that Qin Yun would be willing to die, but he was at a loss. In the end, in order to prevent Qin Yun from speaking out, he could only plead hard.

The appearance of Lin Xiaoding brought ripples to Qin Yun's hopeless life. He promised Lin Xiaoding not to make any noise, but put a condition that Lin Xiaoding must continue to steal things tomorrow. Lin Xiaoding thought this was a trap, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

In the following days, Lin Xiaoding frequently visited the hospital and gained a lot, but no one discovered his criminal behavior.

As more and more things were stolen, Lin Xiaoding felt panicked. He begged Qin Yun to do whatever he wanted as long as he refused to agree to steal things.

Qin Yun asked him to help him commit suicide. Lin Xiaoding became even more panicked and persuaded Qin Yun to give up the idea of ​​committing suicide. In order to dispel Qin Yun's thoughts, he took Qin Yun for physical rehabilitation, bathed him, opened letters, took him to see plays and dances, and even helped him, a widower, go on a blind date.

The two people, with very different ways of thinking and values, became good friends as their understanding deepened. Qin Yun also slowly gave up the idea of ​​suicide and gained the motivation to live again.

He made an agreement with Lin Xiaoding. He gave up suicide and worked hard to live. Lin Xiaoding also changed his mind and stopped stealing. Lin Xiaoding agreed to him.

I thought everything was moving forward with the thought of a better life, but at this moment Lin Xiaoding was caught on the spot by the hospital leader for stealing. Qin Yun was heartbroken and asked him why. Qin Yun originally wanted to plead for Lin Xiaoding, but Lin Xiaoding remained silent.

In the end, Lin Xiaoding was sentenced to two years in prison for theft.

Two years later, Lin Xiaoding was released from prison. Qin Yun went to pick him up and found a woman holding a child also coming to pick up Lin Xiaoding. It turns out that Lin Xiaoding hid the fact that he was married from Qin Yun. The last time he stole something was because his wife had just given birth and needed nutrition.

After learning the truth of the matter, Qin Yun felt guilty and relieved. Finally, at the prison gate, Qin Yun and Lin Xiaoding looked at each other and smiled.

"Teacher, that's probably the plot." Lin Weimin finished telling the story and looked at Mr. Wan.

Mr. Wan's eyes were a little dazed when Lin Weimin was telling him. He came back to his senses when he heard him calling him.

Lin Weimin's story was still echoing in his mind, and he couldn't help but praise: "What a story!"

"You flatter me."

Mr. Wan shook his head, "No, it is indeed good. What is even more rare is that he is so mature. Two people, one physically disabled and the other morally disabled, help each other and save each other. Good! Good!"

Mr. Wan's eyes gradually brightened as he spoke. He suddenly looked at Lin Weimin seriously and said, "Weimin, how about writing this story into a script?"


Lin Weimin was deeply surprised. He did not expect that Mr. Wan would make such a request.

Seeing his hesitation, Mr. Wan explained: "Due to reasons in the past few years, Renyi has been experiencing a shortage of scripts. It has been a long time since there have been any new and sustainable works rehearsed."

Renyi has indeed fallen into a script shortage in recent years. For this reason, Renyi had to introduce a batch of scripts written by foreign playwrights two years later.

Lin Weimin felt a little unsure, "Teacher, my story doesn't meet the standards of human art, does it?"

The dramas he watched at Renyi were all works of the same level as "Teahouse", "Longxugou", and "Sunrise". Compared with his own story, he felt that it did not match the style of Renyi.

Mr. Wan looked relaxed, "Don't underestimate yourself, the story is very good, whether it is the characters, plot or concept, it is a top-notch work."

"Teacher, but my style..."

"What is style or not? Our people and art have never had style, only good works."

Mr. Wan's words sounded a bit domineering and arrogant.

However, it is understandable that as a leading actor in the Chinese drama industry, I am absolutely qualified to say this.

"I regard this script as your graduation work!"

Lin Weimin struggled and said: "Teacher, my graduation project is ready."

"Your one is from the Institute of Literature and Art, and this one is from my place."

Lin Weimin was speechless and couldn't believe that Mr. Wan actually played a word game with him.

The old man winked mischievously, "How about it? You won't let me down, will you?"

What else could Lin Weimin say, he could only nod helplessly, "Don't worry, I will definitely write it well."

"Oh, that's right!"

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