1980 My literary era

Chapter 63 The Editor’s Work

Qin Chaoyang clapped his hands and said to everyone: "In the future, it will become a bimonthly magazine, and everyone's work will be even busier. Lao Meng has applied to the agency to increase the staff strength of our editorial department, so please don't worry."

There were smiles on everyone's faces, and the growing strength of the editorial department proved that the publication was on the upswing, and they were happy to be part of it.

Lin Weimin was even more happy, "I'm not the last one to enter the office. Someone will do the work for me in the future."

Seeing his arrogant look, Tan Chaoyang couldn't help but hit him with words, "Don't think about good things, these are all old editors here. You, just worry about doing odd jobs!"

Everyone in the office laughed without sympathy.

Lin Weimin's smile immediately turned into a bitter look.

He muttered: "Young people have no human rights!"

"Don't say weird things!" Tan Chaoyang scolded him. The old comrade knew the meaning of a slap in the face and a sweet date. "You have contributed to planning the album, and your monthly bonus will be increased by seven yuan."

Finally, there was some comfort. Although Lin Weimin was not short of the seven yuan, it was still an affirmation of his work.

"Thank you, director, I will do a good job!"

"Well, that's not a bad attitude."

After Qin Chaoyang left, everyone in the office temporarily lost interest in work and started discussing the upcoming revision and staff expansion.

When the Chinese Literature Society mobilized the whole society to publish "Contemporary", each editorial department of the society came up with the best manuscripts. At the pre-editing meeting, they strongly recommended the works edited by this group, hoping that through "Contemporary" the edited works would be published. The book is introduced to readers before it is published, and every pre-editing meeting is very lively.

"The General's Song" by Mo Yingfeng, "The Price" by Chen Guokai, "Crazy Festival" by Yang Xinji and Hu Yuewei, "In the Sea of ​​People" by Zhu Chunyu, "The Gift" by Wang Meng...

It is precisely because of these excellent and high-quality works that "Contemporary" was able to gain great popularity as soon as it was released.

Now, the situation has changed. From a quarterly publication to a bimonthly publication, the number of manuscripts has increased by half. This is a huge test for both the agency and the editorial department.

It used to be that everyone selected the best of the best to submit manuscripts to "Contemporary". Now the number of manuscripts has increased, but there are only so many excellent manuscripts. If you want to ensure the quality of manuscripts, you must expand the scale of manuscript collection. After all, the society cannot continue forever. Constantly giving blood to "Contemporary", "Contemporary" is his biological son, and other editorial staff are not the children of stepmothers!

"It seems that writing manuscripts will not be so easy in the future."

"I am definitely more tired than before. Who made our magazine popular? Think about the time when it was first established last year. Isn't it more tired than it is now?"

The person who said this was Zhu Changsheng, the founder of "Contemporary" and one of the original trio.

Xiao Yao suddenly mentioned Lin Weimin and said, "It's a pity that Weimin, if he hadn't joined our editorial department, he would have been a stable contributor."

Counting the novel "Cliff" published in the album, Lin Weimin has already published two novels in "Contemporary".

Everyone in the editorial department knows that he is a quick shooter. His manuscripts are of stable quality and fast. So far, he has not been asked to change his manuscripts.

It is a pity that Lin Weimin joined the editorial department of "Contemporary" and cannot be both a referee and an athlete. This is an unspoken rule in the industry. In the future, Lin Weimin's articles will not appear in "Contemporary" again unless there are unexpected circumstances.

"It's such a pity. If there is a shortage of manuscripts in the future, just use Weimin's manuscripts and exchange them with other groups."

Liu Yin shivered and made everyone laugh.

Lin Weimin smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you very much."

After joking for a while, everyone started working seriously again.

Lin Weimin no longer studied the manuscripts he received from old writers. He came to a corner of the office, which was filled with letters from readers.

When the publication was first launched, the editorial department did not receive many letters, only a few hundred. However, there were too few staff at that time, and even compiling, reviewing, and publishing manuscripts were problematic. How could they have time to pay attention to letters from readers?

It wasn’t until later when we had more manpower that I thought of handling it.

Xiao Yao was previously responsible for this work. With Lin Weimin, Xiao Yao was liberated, and Lin Weimin completely inherited most of her odd jobs in the editorial department.

Even though there are people who specialize in handling letters, there are still more and more letters from the editorial department. Only some of them are in the corner of the office. The real big ones are piled in the secretary's office of the modern department of the society. The scale has only increased, not decreased. .

Lin Weimin now devotes two hours a day to processing letters. It's not that he doesn't want to spare more time, but because even if he handles these letters every day, he can't finish them in a short time. It also delays his work, so he might as well just do it. Take your time like this.

The contents of letters from readers are all kinds of. The main content of the letter Lin Weimin is reading is to praise the magazine for its good work. Lin Weimin was a little embarrassed after the rainbow fart photos. It was not until the end of the letter that he sincerely requested "Contemporary Magazine". ” should be changed from quarterly to monthly.

Good guy, this reader is really a bit imbecile. He just went from one issue every three months to one issue a month. Aren’t you afraid of the collective sudden death of the editorial department?

After reading the letter, he spread out a piece of paper and wrote a brief reply to the reader named Liu Quanbin. The main message was that the editorial department had noticed the voice of the readers and was planning to revise it. It will be published early next year. Good news for everyone.

Opening another letter, it was sent recently. Lin Weimin took a look at the pile of envelopes. It may have been messed up during sorting. The letters were all put in chronological order.

The main content of the letter was to praise the "Thrilling Scene" published in the last issue of the magazine. There was nothing else in it. This kind of letter without actual content did not require a reply.

In fact, there is no need to write letters to praise Lu Yao's "Thrilling Scene" since it appeared in the last issue of "Contemporary". It has received unanimous praise from critics and readers, although it has not yet reached the level of his later work "Life" height, but to describe it as "up-and-coming" is by no means an exaggeration.

Moreover, Tan Chaoyang also has a special preference for Lu Yao. Even the title of the novel in "Contemporary" was written by him in official script himself.

I opened another letter, requesting a subscription. This is the sponsor's father, so I need to give a brief reply.

There are also local magazines that apply to establish contact with "Contemporary". Lin Weimin can't make the decision. He can save a few letters and give them to the editor-in-chief Qin Chaoyang.

Some letters also want to adapt movies and TV series published in magazines. Forget about him, the editor-in-chief can't do it, so just forward it to the author directly.

After more than two hours of busy chatter and various letters, it was finally time to get off work.

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