1980 My literary era

Chapter 68 Classmates

Shanghai, "Children's Times" editorial department.

Huang Anyi bought a copy of the new "Contemporary" when she passed by the newsstand early in the morning. When she came to the office, the old editor Sister Lu was reading the magazine while taking a cup of tea.

She put down her bag and magazines, cleaned the office first, and then wiped the desk.

"An Yi, ok, I just wiped it off."

Huang Anyi then put down the rag in her hand and returned to her desk. Before she entered working mode, she opened "Contemporary".

"You young people are really restless. Your holidays haven't even come yet, so you come to work on your own initiative."

Huang Anyi smiled, "Of course I want to take a vacation when I don't have a vacation, but after staying at home for more than half a month, I don't know what to do. I might as well come to work."

At this time, Sister Lu had just finished drinking a jar of tea. She got up and went to get a thermos bottle to fill the water. She saw the magazine in Huang Anyi's hand, "Hey, are you reading this issue of "Contemporary" too?"

Huang Anyi nodded, "Yes, this album was planned by my classmates, and the works of many people in our class have been posted on it."

Sister Lu and Huang Anyi are colleagues, so of course they know that Huang Anyi went to the literary institute to study, "By the way, your novel was also published in the last issue of "Contemporary"."


"You young people are amazing. When we were young, we all had literary dreams, but few of us could actually write them."

Huang Anyi didn't know how to answer this question, so she asked instead: "Sister Lu, what do you think of this album?"

"Okay! It's a refreshing feeling. My son was still discussing this issue with me yesterday. After reading it, he not only felt the excitement of the story itself, but also felt as if he had received a vivid writing class.

A story written with different flowers, although there are suspicions of similarity, but for literature lovers like my son, it happens to be a learning experience. "

Listening to Sister Lu's praise, Huang Anyi felt a bit sweet in her heart for some reason. She said, "My classmate told us the same thing when he planned the album. It seems that his goal has been achieved."

Sister Lu nodded and said, "That's right. This album cannot be viewed simply as a magazine. It functions as a teaching material for students to use in class."

"You still understand."

"Haha, don't put a high hat on me!"

Jichun Province, Jiangcheng City.

Huang Zonghan was still enjoying his vacation. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and his daughter Kexin ran over holding a book.

"Dad, tell me a story."

Huang Zonghan was immersed in the world of the novel and said perfunctorily: "Tell your mother to tell you!"

"I don't! I want you to tell me!"

At this time, the wife came out of the bedroom and said, "It's finally a holiday, so you can't coax the children."

Huang Zonghan could only put down the magazine in his hand helplessly, held his daughter on his lap, and read fairy tales to her.

In the evening, his son Huang Jianan came back from school. He picked up the magazine his father had placed on the sofa and started reading it.

His mother scolded him, "When I come back, I read some leisure books. Have you done your homework?"

"Mom, how can this be an idle book? Dad's novels are also published on it!"

"Go and do your homework quickly."

His mother didn't listen to his excuse and took the magazine out of his hand.

Huang Jianan went into the house to do his homework with a slumped face and did not come out until it was time to eat.

"Dad, my mother said that the novels you write are all idle books."

Huang Jianan took advantage of his mother to sow discord while her mother was cooking. Huang Zonghan laughed and scolded: "Who told you to read a book without doing your homework?"

"Isn't it the same if I finish reading the book and do my homework?"

"Don't quibble."

Huang Jianan muttered: "Humph! Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps. My mother even watched it at night, and she thought I didn't know!"

Huang Zonghan glanced at his son helplessly. The teenage boy was over 1.6 meters tall and knew everything.

"I'll let you watch it for a day when I have the weekend off."

A bright smile immediately appeared on Huang Jianan's face, "Thank you, Dad."

At night, after the children had gone to bed, Huang Zonghan and his wife were leaning on the bedside, and his wife was holding the magazine from the day in her hand, reading very seriously.

Huang Zonghan glanced at the time. It was already half past nine. He said to his wife: "Go to bed."

"Wait a minute, I'll read it for a while." His wife replied to him without raising her head, still immersed in the novel.

Huang Zonghan glanced at the magazine and saw that his wife was reading the only feature "Cliff" in this issue.

Even he, who had read the manuscript in advance, was addicted to the novel, let alone his wife and others who were reading the novel for the first time.

Alas, compared with this guy Lin Weimin, the short story he posted on the album is totally not good enough.

Jiujiang County, Ganxi Province.

Cheng Shixu is currently engaged in mass cultural work at the County Cultural Center. His daily work includes going to the countryside, interviewing, and writing articles.

However, during this period of time, because the Wenjiang Institute asked for leave, he could take care of his wife and children at home with peace of mind.

He got married on New Year's Eve in 1978. A colleague helped him find a carpenter from the countryside to build a double bed, a desk and a small wardrobe. He painted it himself, and they got married in such a simple way. One year after the marriage, The couple had a son.

Cheng Shixu went to the Literary Institute for training for half a year. He relied on his wife to take care of the house all by himself. He felt very guilty. His wife had to go to work during the day, and he took care of the house by himself. He could only write at night.

His son is now over one year old. He is very playful and does not want to go to bed after nine o'clock in the evening. He and his wife finally coaxed their son to sleep before going to bed.

After chatting with his wife for a while, Cheng Shixu got out of bed and turned on the lamp on his desk. His wife said, "Aren't you still asleep?"

"I'll write something and talk about it later."

He had just read this issue of the "Contemporary" album today, and when he thought of those printed works, he could not sleep at all.

Compared with the writing level of his classmates, he is still far behind. He knows that his talent is not high, so he must make up for it with hard work and diligence.

Cheng Shixu unconsciously thought of Lin Weimin, who was ten years younger than him. How great it would be if he had the talent like him!

But he also understands that there are some things that cannot be envied and must be written down step by step.

After writing at the desk for half an hour, Cheng Shixu felt a little sleepy, so he picked up the "Contemporary" stacked on the desk. His original intention was to refresh himself, but he didn't want to read it in just one glance.

When he came to his senses again, it was already half past eleven.

Cheng Shixu smiled bitterly, put down the magazine, and the page he turned to was the last page of "Cliff".

"For the people, for the people, you really set an insurmountable benchmark for us!"

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