1980 My literary era

Chapter 8 A huge amount of money was spent on the back-to-school tea party

That night, the people who shared the dormitory with Lin Weimin never saw him. He didn't come back until after ten o'clock, holding a pile of books.

All the students got up early the next day. Today is a special day for everyone.

Early in the morning, there was a squeaking sound in the cafeteria, classroom, and auditorium. The tables that were originally used for eating were temporarily used as banquet tables, with sheets spread on them as tablecloths. Everyone could only eat with their lunch boxes.

Lin Weimin was holding an aluminum lunch box with millet porridge mixed with pickle strips in one hand, and a steamed bun in the other hand. Take a bite of steamed buns and a sip of porridge, and he will make the loudest slurping sound.

Qu Xiaowei is now Lin Weimin's bad friend in the class, and said sarcastically: "Lin Weimin, I can hear the sound of your pigs eating from two miles away, can't you please keep it down?"

Lin Weimin didn't worry, he drank all the porridge in the aluminum lunch box in one gulp, then stuffed the remaining steamed buns into his mouth, puffing out his cheeks, looking very graceless but extremely free and easy.

"We working people are not as sophisticated as you old Yanjing people. We are all poor people, so you should take care of them. Don't you think so, everyone?"

After Lin Weimin finished speaking, he did not forget to incite the people next to him.

When it comes to talking nonsense, not to mention Lao Yanjing, even Tianjin Wei is no match. Lin Weimin has this confidence.

With just one word, he put Qu Xiaowei on the opposite side of his classmates, and Qu Xiaowei could only stare.

At this time, Tang Kangmei lost no time and said, "That's right, Qu Xiaowei, what do you mean? If we make some noise while eating, will it interfere with your business?"

She is the boss of the girls' dormitory. As soon as she finished speaking, the girls in the dormitory started to cheer, "That's right!"

The rest of the people also started to make noises. Qu Xiaowei saw that the situation was not good and quickly apologized, "I was wrong, I was wrong, it was my bad mouth! You sirs don't remember the faults of villains."

Tang Kangmei was satisfied, "That's pretty much it."

Jiang Zilong smiled and said to the side: "When it comes to talking about words, I'm afraid no one in our class can be Weimin's opponent."

Jiao Yundian, whose face was full of ravages, nodded sadly, and recalled the fear of being dominated by Lin Weimin when discussing seniority the day before yesterday.

Why is this turtle grandson so talkative?

When everyone was about to finish their meal, Teacher Tang Yuqiu, who was in charge of the students, walked into the cafeteria and said, "Everyone, hurry up and eat. Our tea party will officially start at nine o'clock. The leaders and lecturers of the Cultural Association will arrive around eight-thirty. Wait a minute." After dinner, the gay men helped put things on the table.”

Everyone said hello in unison and sped up their eating progress. The sound of sucking turned into grunting, and the battle was over in less than two minutes.

For this tea party, the institute spent a huge sum of money to buy some food. It was no exaggeration. According to Xiao Lin, the total cost was more than ten yuan.

Even though the institute takes very good care of the students' lives, in other places it's all about spending every penny. The expense of more than ten yuan even alarmed the director Xu Gang.

Of course, you can't buy anything decent for more than ten yuan, such as pink biscuits that are not too sweet, low-grade tea that smells like cigarette smoke, and big plump peanuts.

Don't ask how Lin Weimin knew about it, he wasn't the only one who tasted it.

"Why are there so many fewer peanuts?" Tang Yuqiu asked.

Lin Weimin shrank his neck subconsciously, and the other male students around him felt guilty and did not dare to speak.

Tang Yuqiu knew what was going on without even thinking about it. He gave these young gay men a blank look and said angrily: "Hurry up and behave yourselves!"

Everyone realized their mistake and became more and more agile in their movements. Some people thought they were running across the hall before liberation!

While everyone was busy, the leaders and teachers in the institute also arrived one after another.

It has been 23 years since it ceased operations in 1957 and this year in 1980, when the Institute of Literature was restored. The old people headed by director Xu Gang seemed a little excited, with smiles on their faces that they tried to suppress.

Lin Weimin feels that this kind of expression is very complicated, and if it is put into a movie, it will definitely be able to achieve the micro-expression performance of the best actor.

At almost 8:30, the lecturers from the institute came one after another. There were not many people, just five, Wu Zuxiang, Yuan Kejia, Wang Chaowen, Wang Meng, and Wan Jiabao.

Wan Jiabao is a monument in the Chinese drama industry. The old man is very lively and makes everyone smile when he looks at him. Huang Zonghan looked at the old man and almost lost control of his expression. He kept putting his big hands on Lin Weimin's shoulders, pinching until they turned white.

The other students were similar. Looking at the lecturers, their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

Lin Weimin only knew Wang Meng by looking at his face. He met him when he was watching "The Threesome with Qiang Qiang" before time travel. Wang Meng was over eighty at that time, and at this time Wang Meng was still a young old man in his prime. Well, fifty-six, not too big.

Among the students, Lao Jiao Jiao Yundian was the most emotionally stable. He was the same generation as Wang Meng. He published his famous work "Send the Land" a year before Wang Meng published his famous work "A Young Man from the Organization Department".

Of course, Lao Jiao can't compare with others now.

Lin Weimin bumped Lao Jiao with his shoulder and said with a bad smile, "Lao Jiao, go say hello!"

As a literati, those who are gentle, courteous, thrifty, and wise should be their teachers. No matter what, they must be decent.

Lin Weimin stared closely at Lao Jiao's numb old face, saw his face twitching, and squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Evil beast!"

Seeing that Lao Jiao's guard was broken, Lin Weimin was greatly relieved and said in a low voice: "Look, it's really rude, how can you scold the teacher?"

Jiao Yundian finally couldn't control his emotions and bent down to take off his shoes. Lin Weimin saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly hid behind Guo Yudao.

Guo Yudao stopped Jiao Yundian dumbfounded, "Okay, what do you care about having a child with him?"

Then he turned around and said to Lin Weimin: "You are the same, no matter how big or small you are day by day."

Lin Weimin smiled and said, "Just a joke!"

Of course, Jiao Yundian didn't really want to beat up Lin Weimin. This kid was really too cheap. Sometimes he just couldn't control his emotions and wanted to use the same tactics on him to deal with his son.

After snorting twice, Lao Jiao no longer knew Lin Weimin, mainly because the occasion was inappropriate.

Lin Weimin was angry with Lao Jiao for a while and felt a lot more comfortable.

Last night, the elders scolded him and ate a lot of peanuts. The most important thing was that everyone slapped him on the head, and Lao Jiao did it the hardest.

Disrespecting the elderly!

Lin Weimin chuckled and saw the tender Shanghai girl Huang Anyi looking at him curiously.

There were two tables separated between the two of them. Huang Anyi must have seen the scene where Lin Weimin was having trouble with Lao Jiao. He grinned at Huang Anyi, but the girl shyly avoided his sight and turned her head. .

What an innocent age, you can be shy even if you smile at a girl.

It's not like in later generations, you tell a girl a joke, and the girl tells you a more powerful one, direct and fierce | the man is shy.

While he was thinking wildly, Xu Gang, who went to greet the leader, led several old comrades into the auditorium.

The students began to talk and whisper among themselves.

"Hey, Satine!"

"Chen Huangmei!"

Seeing how everyone was so knowledgeable about their treasures, Lin Weimin couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that he was really ignorant. He just thought he was a leader, but look at everyone's reaction. He was a complete literary fan!

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