1990: Starting from Baojia Street

Chapter 153 Young man, I am very optimistic about you

Zhou Yan still didn't know what finding the ancient genealogy was, and there were no reports on this in the mainland. Information from Taiwan and Neon spread much faster, so Hou Xiaoxian saw the relevant news in advance.

Hearing Zhou Yan's doubts, Hou Xiaoxian smiled and said, There is a TV station in Neon. When broadcasting the news about your new album, the host joked that you found ancient Chinese music scores and wrote so many good songs.

Zhou Yan smiled, this TV reporter was really imaginative.

Judging from Hou Xiaoxian's tone, the host was joking, and Hou Xiaoxian definitely didn't believe it.

But Zhou Yan smiled and said, Yes, I just found the ancient book. I still have a bunch of them on hand. I will find time to distribute them slowly in the future.

Hou Xiaoxian naturally knew that Zhou Yan was joking, so he smiled and said, When reporters interview you later, you tell them the same thing.

I'm really ready to tell people, what a great publicity point.

Hou Xiaoxian nodded: That's true, it is indeed very effective in publicity. Now there are some TV stations in Taiwan following the trend and talking about this matter, and what they say is true.

You can't really believe the directors of these TV stations, right?

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. It's mainly for the sake of ratings. If you don't do something fancy these days, how can you attract the audience to watch the news? Hou Xiaoxian smiled and asked about Zhou Yan's new movie, The preparation for The Sixth Sense How's it going? Has the script been reviewed?

Done. Zhou Yan said with a smile. The second modification was successful and the review process went relatively smoothly.

That's good. If I have time in the summer, I'll go visit your crew.

Of course you're welcome. Zhou Yan nodded, and then asked Hou Xiaoxian, Do you want to modify the soundtrack for the release version of A Dream of Life?

The later stage of A Dream of Life has been completed long ago, including the soundtrack. This is the easiest job for Zhou Yan, because most of the music used in the movie is sampled from traditional operas, and many of them were created before Hou Xiaoxian. It’s settled.

When writing the script, Hou Xiaoxian had already decided on the opera to be used for each scene, but later on when it came time to actually score the music, it was Zhou Yan who checked the samples.

These samples didn't require much modification, and they couldn't be played with any fancy features, so apart from the song If Love Is God's Will, Zhou Yan didn't write a few verses, and he also split If Love Is God's Will into several verses. In the movie.

After the soundtrack was completed last year, Hou Xiaoxian mentioned that the soundtrack might need some adjustments when it is released later, so Zhou Yan asked, so that if changes were to be made, he could prepare in advance.

Hou Xiaoxian laughed and said, Actually, there is nothing to modify. It's just that when it is released, I want to put the song from If Love Is God's Will at the end of the film and use it as the ending theme of the movie.

Put the song at the end? Sister Amei's version? Zhou Yan asked.

He was a little confused. Dream of Life is a dialect movie, and all the words in it are Hokkien. If Anita Mui's If Love Has God's Will is put in it, it will definitely be incongruous. Is it necessary to record a Hokkien version? Or the Mandarin version?

But whether it is the Hokkien version or the Mandarin version, it is definitely not as harmonious as using the pure music version.

Anita Mui's version is in Cantonese, so it definitely won't work. If I really want to do it, I want to record a Mandarin version.

Zhou Yan was very surprised to hear what Hou Xiaoxian said. Hou Xiaoxian's decision to add the ending theme felt like he was trying to compromise with the market. Could it be that he was afraid that no one would come to the cinema to watch the movie, so he wanted to use the ending theme to attract the audience?

This is not like Hou Xiaoxian’s style.

If Hou Xiaoxian could really compromise for the sake of the market, he wouldn't have made so many slow and mediocre boring films.

In addition, Zhou Yan believes that even if a song is put at the end of the film, it will not attract many viewers to go to the cinema. Even if Anita Mui's version is put on, people don't go to the cinema to listen to music.

Before Zhou Yan could ask, Hou Xiaoxian laughed again and said, It's just an idea, and it may not be implemented. Let's wait and see next month... By the way, will you go to Cannes with Chen Kaige and the others next month?

Zhou Yan smiled and said, I am a live music director, why should I join in the fun with them?

In the middle of next month, this year's Cannes International Film Festival will be held. Farewell My Concubine has been shortlisted. Xu Feng and Chen Kaige will definitely attend.

This matter has nothing to do with Zhou Yan at all, and the Cannes Film Festival does not have a soundtrack award.

It's okay. If you have time, you can come with me.

Dream Life has also been shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival, and Hou Xiaoxian will also be there by then.

Come with you, I'm still a music director. Zhou Yan laughed, I hope you all get big awards in the past, and I can get some credit at least.

Actually, it doesn't matter if I win an award or not. I mainly want to watch other movies.

Zhou Yan definitely didn't believe Hou Xiaoxian's words. Hou Xiaoxian's pursuit of the three majors was no less vigorous than Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou.

Zhou Yan himself, on the other hand, has no special interest in the three major film festivals. If he is asked to choose between the box office of a movie and the film festival award, he will definitely choose the box office.

Moreover, the types of movies he makes do not meet the standards of the three majors. Whether it is The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly or The Sixth Sense, there is no way to win awards in the three majors.

Previously, The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly was not submitted for selection because participating in the three major film festivals would have to premiere at a film festival, which would greatly affect the film's release plan.

After chatting with Hou Xiaoxian for a few more words, Zhou Yan hung up the phone and continued drawing the storyboard for The Sixth Sense.

After lunch, Zhou Yan asked Jiang Xia to send him to the crew office. Today he made an appointment with Wang Xiaoshuai and Dong Wenmiao to discuss costume design in the crew office.

When he arrived at the office, Zhou Yan found Wang Xiaoshuai sitting in front of the computer, typing quickly with his fingers flying.

Zhou Yan came closer and found that Wang Xiaoshuai was writing a shooting plan.

The shooting plan had been written before. Wang Xiaoshuai probably wanted to enter the shooting plan into the computer for easy saving and transmission in the future.

Although Wang Xiaoshuai's fingers are fast, his typing speed is not very fast, mainly because the efficiency value is a bit low. What he presses the most is the delete key.

Seeing Zhou Yan coming, Wang Xiaoshuai said with a bit of showoff, Look at my progress.

Zhou Yan also praised, It's really fast.

I feel like after a while, I'll be able to have you soon.

You're being humble. I can't compare to you in terms of speed. Zhou Yan smiled and then asked, Besides you, is there anyone else here today?

Wang Xiaoshuai nodded, Yes, Li Hong is here, he's next door.

Li Hong is from Yanjing Studio. He previously worked as a set manager in The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly. The young man is very discerning and has solid professional knowledge, so Zhou Yan asked him to come over again this time.

Although there are still more than two months until the filming of the movie, the crew needs to prepare in advance, so the crew will gradually start to be in place in the next period of time.

Li Hong is at Yanjing Studio, very close, so he comes over to take a look when he has nothing to do.

Is he the only one?

He's the only one.

Well, I'll go take a look.

Zhou Yan went to the office next door again. Li Hong was playing with the newly arrived computer in the office. When he saw Zhou Yan coming, Li Hong smiled and said hello, Director Zhou.

Is there something wrong with this new computer? Zhou Yan asked.

No, I just do some research. I usually like to study these machines.

Zhou Yan looked around the office and then asked, Isn't the factory busy lately?

I'm not busy, because I know I'm about to join the team, so I stopped assigning tasks a long time ago. Now I can join the team directly.

This is thanks to Chen Zhigu, because Zhou Yan was filming The Sixth Sense and was very generous to others.

Zhou Yan nodded, In a few days, some colleagues from Chang'an will come. Please help pick them up. I'll leave you their phone number later. You can contact them in advance in the next two days.

Li Hong responded very simply, No problem. Have their accommodation been arranged? Do you want me to help them find a place to live? There seems to be no room in the guest house at the entrance of our factory.

Zhou Yan smiled and waved his hand, No, Jiang Xia has already arranged a place for them to live. I will ask Jiang Xia to meet you later. Then you just need to pick them up and bring them here.

Okay, I'll go find Sister Xia later.

When they rented an office before, Jiang Xia rented accommodation for the staff so that Liu Qing and the others could move in directly.

This time, a lot of people are coming to Chang'an Studio, including Zhao Fei, Liu Qing, Lin Juan, Hong Xin... Zhou Yan asked Jiang Xia to rent a lot of rooms so that Zhao Fei and the others can live in a more spacious place.

Zhou Yan is not the kind of person who spends money lavishly, but he also doesn't engage in hard work. Within the normal range, he still hopes that everyone can be comfortable.

Besides, you won’t save much money on accommodation. With so many people staying for several months, the money spent may not be as much as the wasted film in one scene.

Some directors are unwilling to spend money on the lives of their staff, but they don't care at all about wasting film when filming, because in their view, the former is a waste and the latter is a sacrifice for art.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Hong and said with a smile, I remember that you, like Xiaoshuai and the seniors, are all from Yanjing Film Academy, right?

Li Hong nodded, Well, I'm from the 86 Photography Department, one year below Senior Brother Xiaoshuai and the others.

Oh, then you are Zhao Fei's direct junior brother.

Yes, Senior Brother Zhao Fei has always been our student.

In fact, Zhou Yan already knew that Li Hong and Zhao Fei were both majoring in photography. The reason why he asked this was to elicit the next words.

Li Hong, since you majored in photography, have you ever thought about becoming a director or continuing to do photography?

Li Hong's eyes lit up, Director Zhou, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I think about this every day, but our factory is not short of photographers and directors.

Yanjing Studio is highly competitive and ordinary people cannot get in. Those who are assigned to directly enter the director's office after graduation are those who are lucky or have good backgrounds.

There are many situations where people like Li Hong start taking notes when they enter the factory.

Whether Li Hong can become a director in the future depends on his own destiny. If he develops well, he can still climb up step by step starting from the script, then assistant director, director, and slowly shoot his own movies.

Seeing Li Hong's bright eyes, Zhou Yan said with a smile, Well, if you are willing, you will be the director's assistant from now on. You will be mainly responsible for assisting me and Xiaoshuai. After we get the colleagues from Chang'an Factory over, you will first follow They communicated well about the preparations for the shooting.”

Director's assistant...

Li Hong was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said with excitement, Thank you, Director Zhou, for giving me the opportunity. I will work hard and won't let you down.

Zhou Yan smiled and waved his hand, It's not about who gives whom a chance. I asked you to be a director's assistant because you have the ability and potential. The job of a director's assistant is not easy, and you can't be careless. And The Sixth Sense It's different from The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly. Although the script doesn't look more complicated than the latter, the shooting will be much more difficult. You'll know it later when you see the storyboard.

Don't worry, Director Zhou, I will definitely keep my spirits up.

Okay, go ahead and get busy, I'll be there.

Director Zhou, walk slowly.

When Zhou Yan walked out of their office, Li Hong couldn't help but clenched his fists with excitement on his face. If Zhou Yan's office hadn't been right next to him, he would have even screamed in the sky.

He had been working as a set clerk at Yanjing Factory for more than two years. He originally thought that as long as he could do his job conscientiously, he would be promoted to a director and eventually shoot his own work.

But in the past two years or so, the few movies and TV series he has participated in have been as set managers or recorders, and there is no hope of promotion.

This time Zhou Yan was going to shoot a new movie, and he came without saying a word. He was also very busy during this period. Whether it was his own work or not, he was very concerned about it.

The reason for this is because he felt that if he wanted to make his own movie, he would probably have to follow Zhou Yan.

Director Zhou himself is a young man, and he also likes to reuse young people. Senior Lu and Wang Xiaoshuai, two seniors, have also been reused by Director Zhou.

Now Huangtian has paid off, and Zhou Yan has finally raised his position.

The stage manager and the director's assistant may seem to be not far apart, but in fact they are worlds apart.

Although the director's assistant is an assistant, he actually belongs to the director's team. This position is exactly the same as the assistant director's sometimes work scope.

This feeling of hard work and finally being rewarded made Li Hong very excited.

Zhou Yan knew that Li Hong was very excited, and he also understood Li Hong's excitement. In a place like Yanjing Studio, it is not easy to move up. Even a second-generation director like Chen Kaige is a third-generation director. He made his first movie when he was twelve years old.

Xia Gang developed very quickly in the later period, but when he just graduated, there was no quota, so he went to the Municipal Engineering Bureau for a few years before being transferred to Yanjing Studio.

Back in the director's office, Zhou Yan also told Wang Xiaoshuai about Li Hong's transfer as director's assistant.

Li Hong will be the director's assistant from now on. You can arrange tasks for him.

Wang Xiaoshuai was not surprised at all that Li Hong was promoted to director's assistant. He smiled and said, It's good. Li Hong is hardworking and smart. Letting him be the director's assistant can save us a lot of things.

Wang Xiaoshuai himself is actually not as good as Li Hong in handling interpersonal relationships, so he knows that he needs Li Hong's complement.

You should also take good care of him. If you want to make a movie later, you don't have to worry about finding an assistant director.

Wang Xiaoshuai was quite moved when he heard what Zhou Yan said. Although Zhou Yan had never explicitly said that he wanted to make a movie for him, he had been helping him with practical actions, and even considered the matter of assistant director for him.

And what Zhou Yan said makes sense. If he wants to make a movie later, it will be difficult to find an assistant director. There are only a few people in the circle he knows. Some are not capable, and some are impossible to provide. He works as an assistant director.

Li Hong is indeed a good candidate. Take advantage of this filming of The Sixth Sense to cultivate him well. Li Hong can help him a lot later.

Director Zhou, thank you very much.

Zhou Yan said with a smile, Don't thank me in a hurry, you still have to cultivate people on your own.

Don't worry about this. Even if I don't ask him to be my assistant director in the future, I will definitely not be stingy.

I'm sure you can rest assured that you are not someone who hides your secrets.

After a brief chat, Zhou Yan took a newspaper and sat on the sofa to read it, while Wang Xiaoshuai was still busy entering the shooting plan into the computer.

About half an hour later, Dong Wenmiao came.

Seeing Dong Wenmiao, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank and his eyelashes trembled.

In mid-April, the weather in Yanjing was still a bit cool. Dong Wenmiao wore a pair of narrow-leg jeans, a black long-sleeved V-neck sweater, a light floral silk scarf tied around her neck, and a A small brown leather bag.

Teacher Dong is worthy of being a fashion designer. Every time she matches her clothes, they are just right. Moreover, Dong Wenmiao took off her glasses and put on makeup today, which surprised Zhou Yan.

Teacher Dong is here. Wang Xiaoshuai greeted him with a smile.

Dong Wenmiao nodded, It's not too late.

It's still early. Wang Xiaoshuai smiled and stood up, I'll call Li Hong over.

After Wang Xiaoshuai left, Zhou Yan smiled and said, Was the road going smoothly?

It's okay. Dong Wenmiao nodded, I rent it out.

It's okay, I'll reimburse you. Is the school busy these days? Zhou Yan said, walking to the tea table to pour water for Dong Wenmiao, You sit down.

It's not too busy. Don't worry, it won't delay your movie. Dong Wenmiao walked to the sofa and sat down. Then he took out a booklet from his bag, These are some sketches I drew recently. Look. look.

Zhou Yan handed the tea cup to Dong Wenmiao with one hand, took the booklet from Dong Wenmiao with the other hand, and then started to read it.

After only turning a few pages, his eyes were full of surprise.

To be honest, Zhou Yan didn't think the costume design of The Sixth Sense was very important before. After all, it is a modern drama, and the costumes do not need to be designed, as long as he can find similar clothes.

But in Dong Wenmiao's booklet, every page has a sketch of a piece of clothing, and it also indicates which character in which scene will be used.

This booklet is not big, about the size of a palm, with about twenty or thirty pages. The clothes on each page are different, the male protagonist's, the female protagonist's, the young male protagonist's, and the young male protagonist's mother's clothes.

These clothes are all fashionable, but they are quite unique. They are different from modern popular clothes. Dong Wenmiao also designed a set of school uniforms for the young male protagonist and his school. It is not Western-style, but based on the current popular school uniforms. Made some changes.

Zhou Yan frowned. He thought these clothes were very good and would definitely improve the movie image, but in terms of cost...

Seeing Zhou Yan frowning, Dong Wenmiao asked, What's wrong?

Nothing. Zhou Yan smiled and shook his head, Teacher Dong, how long does it take to make these clothes?

It won't take long. Won't the film's reading meeting be held at the end of May? When the actors are here, the costume team will measure their measurements and they will definitely be able to make them before finalizing the makeup.

Well, that's no problem.

These are just sketches. If you have any comments, you can put them forward today, otherwise it will be more troublesome to revise them later.

Zhou Yan nodded and looked at the sketches in his hand carefully.

After looking at it for a while, he walked over to sit next to Dong Wenmiao, pointed at one of the pictures and said, Does the hero's clothes need to be purple?

The clothes are not painted, but the colors are marked.

Dong Wenmiao stretched out his head to look at it, then took out a bunch of color cards from his bag, pointed at one of the color cards and said, This is it.

The color card she was referring to was a lilac that was a bit bluish, not quite the same as normal purple.

Well, this color is nice.

And this?

Dong Wenmiao pointed to one of the color cards and said, It's probably this color.

The two of them sat next to each other and discussed the brochure for more than ten minutes. Zhou Yan looked up at the door and asked with some confusion, Why can't Xiaoshuai call someone else?

Dong Wenmiao didn't pay attention and was still playing with the coloring cards.

Zhou Yan shouted toward the door, Wang Xiaoshuai, Li Hong.

Soon, two voices came from next door.

Hey, here we come.

In less than five seconds, two people came over.

Director Dong is here.

Li Hong greeted Dong Wenmiao, and Dong Wenmiao smiled and nodded in response.

Wang Xiaoshuai explained to Zhou Yan, There was something wrong with Li Hong's computer, and we were just messing around.

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes and said nothing, pointing to the chair next to him, Sit down, let's listen to Teacher Dong talk about the costume design. Before shooting, we must have an idea of ​​the specific scenery behind it. It also needs to be coordinated with the outfit.”

Understood. The two nodded.

Then Dong Wenmiao began to tell them the concept of this costume design.

This set of clothes is mainly to match the plot of the movie. Although they are all fashionable, the details are also very important. At the beginning of the male protagonist...

When Wang Xiaoshuai and others learned that Dong Wenmiao designed more than 30 sets of clothes for the movie, they were all very surprised. Teacher Dong was too meticulous. This is a fashion movie, not an ancient costume. The clothes are all made so meticulously.

According to what Wang Xiaoshuai and the others think, in modern movies, people are almost used to clothes. Sometimes it is okay to just use the actors' own clothes. This not only saves trouble, but also saves money.

Wang Xiaoshuai looked at Dong Wenmiao and then at Zhou Yan, with a smile on his lips. He felt that there was some confusion between Director Zhou and Teacher Dong.

Teacher Dong treats everyone the same, except when he looks at Zhou Yan, his eyes are different.

After Dong Wenmiao finished speaking, Zhou Yan said, You two have a look at these sketches drawn by Teacher Dong. If you have any opinions, you can put them forward now.

Li Hong said with a smile, If fashion design has reached this point, what else can we say? There is no choice.

Wang Xiaoshuai nodded, I think it's good too, but this will increase the workload of the clothing team a lot, and the cost may also increase.

Don't worry about this. The cost won't increase much. Just add one or two more people to the clothing team. Zhou Yan waved his hand.

Dong Wenmiao also smiled and said, I will ask a familiar tailor to help me make it. The price will not be high, and there is no need to add more people to the costume team. That is, the pre-production is troublesome. During the post-production, costume management will not cost much. .”

Teacher Dong has taken it into consideration, then I have no problem. Wang Xiaoshuai said.

If you don't have any questions, I will perfect it according to these sketches when I go back.

no problem.

After the serious chat, the few chatted for a while. Dong Wenmiao looked at his watch and said, I have something else to do, I'll leave first.

How about having dinner together?

Next time, it's still early before dinner, by the way. Dong Wenmiao took out two cassette tapes and two CD albums from his backpack.

They are Zhou Yan's music albums Piano Boy and Mysterious Country, each of which is a tape and a CD.

I have two friends who like your music and asked me to sign their autographs.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, It's a small thing.

Then he found a marker and signed his name on the four albums one by one. After signing, he asked, Would you like to write some blessings or something like that?

Dong Wenmiao thought for a while and said, How about you write something.

no problem.

Zhou Yan wrote Life is like a song and Graceful like this on the two CD albums. After writing, he returned the albums to Dong Wenmiao.

Dong Wenmiao took the album and smiled, I'm leaving first.

After Dong Wenmiao left, Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't help but sigh, Teacher Dong is really amazing. Can some of the clothes here be made and sold in clothing stores? I feel they are better-looking than the clothes sold in clothing stores now.

Zhou Yan teased him, When the clothes are made in the future, why don't you make a set for Xiaoxu too.

He was talking about Wang Xiaoshuai's girlfriend Chen Xiaoxu. When Wang Xiaoshuai went to see Zhou Yan for the first time, Chen Xiaoxu also went there, and Zhou Yan saw him. Later he found out it was Chen Xiaoxu.

I heard that the two almost broke up because Wang Xiaoshuai took on The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly.

Wang Xiaoshuai was a little moved by Zhou Yan's words, Is this appropriate?

Ask Teacher Dong later.


Zhou Yan stayed in the office until evening, and then ran to the Yanjing Factory opposite to have dinner.

As soon as the auntie who was cooking saw Zhou Yan, she smiled and waved to him, Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou, we still have the braised pork.

When Zhou Yan heard that there was braised pork, he went over, and then his aunt gave Zhou Yan a big spoonful of braised pork.

When Zhou Yan sat down opposite Chen Kaige with a plate, the guy's eyes widened, What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into Sister Xu? Your spoonful of meat is twice as much as mine.

If you praise others for nothing, won't you get some meat to eat?

Chen Kaige curled his lips, Being able to praise others is useful, but you also need a face like yours.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, There's nothing I can do about it, I'm born with it.

Why did you come to the factory for dinner today? The filming of a new movie is about to start? Chen Kaige asked curiously.

No, there will still be some time. I made an appointment with Teacher Dong today to talk about clothing, so I stopped by.

Chen Kaige raised his head and looked around, Where is Director Dong?

She went back earlier.

Oh, you don't leave anyone to eat either.

Didn't I tell you that she has something to do? What have you been busy with these two days? You are going to Cannes to accept the award in a while. Aren't you excited?

A smile appeared on Chen Kaige's face unconsciously, and then he said seriously, What's the point of accepting an award? There are so many shortlisted films, we may not have a chance, so don't talk nonsense.

It's rare for you to be so humble.

Look at what you said, I've always been quite modest. Chen Kaige smiled and suddenly lowered his voice and asked, Is there anything going on between you and Director Teng?

Zhou Yan's expression remained unchanged and he asked, Why do you say this suddenly?

I just kind of feel that way.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, You also have a sixth sense. Don't think nonsense. Director Teng is an old man. I respect him very much. How can there be any trouble? Don't say this. Director Teng has been transferred to your factory and will continue to work in the future. I have to take care of you, if he hears you talking about him behind his back, I will give you little shoes to wear.

Tsk, tsk, you said it's not a holiday. When did you say that to others? Don't mess with him. He is now the vice president of the Directors Guild.

The China Film Directors Association is an organization just established last year, and its members are all senior directors.

The first annual meeting of the Film Directors Guild has not actually been held yet, which means that the leadership structure has not been finalized, but Teng Wenji is considered the vice president, but has not been officially appointed.

It's hard to tell how powerful this Film Directors Guild is, but after all, they are an organization approved and registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and they are official.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, He is from the Directors Guild, but I am not, so he still can't control me.

You don't want to join the association? Chen Kaige asked.

I don't have that time. You know I'm very busy. How can I have so much time to join any association?

Your situation is still different from ours. Chen Kaige said with emotion.

Some time ago, someone from the Yanjing Writers' Association contacted me and invited me to join their Writers' Association, but I haven't even responded yet.

Chen Kaige rolled his eyes: So it's so irritating to say that people are more powerful than others. We don't have so many ways to go. We can only look at other people's faces every day.

Zhou Yan said with a smile, You are just complaining for no reason. In the Yanjing Factory, Teng Wenji would not dare to offend you.

Like Tian Zhuangzhuang, Chen Kaige grew up in a factory. Chen Kaige's father, Chen Huaikai, was a meritorious director in the factory, and Tian Zhuangzhuang's father, Tian Fang, was the first director of the factory.

Since the two of them were in the factory, no one dared to offend them.

Chen Kaige shook his head, It's not as easy as you think.

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