1990: Starting from Baojia Street

Chapter 197 The conflict between this crew is deep

Do you have any ideas about the name of this collection? Shi Tiesheng asked.

Yu Hua thought for a while and said, This is really difficult to handle. It's better to call it Tree Hole. The publisher is mainly interested in the novel Tree Hole, so why not grant their wish.

Zhou Yan shook his head, This is not possible, we still have to reflect the nature of the collection.

Shi Tiesheng joked, It's better to call it Borrowing Cucumber.

Yu Hua pouted, It's not over, isn't it?

The key is that this song is quite famous in Neon now, and many people will think of the three of us together when they hear this song. This name is also very relevant.

I think the name they decided on before is quite good, Collection of Excellent Chinese Novels, Yu Hua said.

Isn't it a bit shameless to use this name?

Yu Hua said very seriously, I think the few articles they have included this time are all very good novels. This title is absolutely right.

In fact, most writers feel that their works are excellent, and Yu Hua just said what others are embarrassed to say.

Yu Hua has never been shy about saying that he considers himself to be one of the leading contemporary writers.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, It's better to just use the names of the three of us.

Just use your first name?

Well, just use the names, just call them Yu Hua, Shi Tiesheng, Zhou Yan. What do you think?

It's okay to use names, but this order is not easy to pronounce. It is better to call it Yu Hua, Zhou Yan, Shi Tiesheng, two, two, three. This is a normal seven-character sentence, which is very catchy to read. Shi Tiesheng said.

It's better to call it Zhou Yan, Yu Hua, Shi Tiesheng, in order of length, and it will be catchy to read.

Shi Tiesheng nodded, I think this name is okay. It's simple, clear, and not impetuous.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, That's okay. I'll communicate with Shueisha later. After the matter is settled, the three of us may need to write a preface separately.

That's no problem. I'll write it when I get back tonight.

Later, Zhou Yan contacted Chen Hongheng and told Chen Hongheng the title of the book they had planned. Chen Hongheng communicated with Shueisha. Shueisha had no objection to the title, and the matter was settled.

On June 4, when Zhou Yan went to Chang'an, the news that The Flying Piano Boy had exceeded US$26 million at the North American box office was published.

The movie's box office in North America is basically set at this position. Although there are still a few days until the movie is officially released, the box office is now only tens of thousands of dollars per day, so the data will basically not change much.

Zhou Yan couldn't help but sigh that the level of the data analysis structure was really good. They analyzed that the movie's box office could exceed 25 million. In the end, it really exceeded 25 million, and it was only less than 25 million. A million more than a million.

It can be said that it is very accurate.

In addition to the box office of 26 million U.S. dollars in North America, this movie also grossed more than 10 million U.S. dollars in several European countries. According to the current situation, the global box office of the follow-up film will exceed 40 million U.S. dollars. There is no difficulty at all. No matter how good the performance is, it should be no problem if it exceeds 50 million.

Fifty million worldwide is not a particularly high box office, but for a low-cost movie, it is very good, and it is also one of the higher box office movies related to piano in recent years.

If it weren't for The Piano Lesson, this might be the highest-grossing piano movie.

In fact, compared to Piano Lesson, Flying Piano Boy has a greater relationship with piano. Piano Lesson is mainly famous for its female themes.

The reason why the Palme d'Or awarded the Grand Prize to The Piano Lesson is of course not because of the piano, but because of its performance on female themes.

With the blessing of the Palme d'Or, coupled with the sensitive female subject matter, The Piano Lesson performed very well at the box office. As a film with a production cost similar to that of The Flying Piano Boy, it received more than 4,000 in North America. $10,000 in box office.

In addition to North America, Piano Lesson is also performing very well in other places. I heard that the box office has exceeded 100 million US dollars and is heading towards 150 million US dollars.

Due to the success of the movie, the sales of the album Piano Boy have also skyrocketed. Originally, the sales of this album were crushed by Mysterious Country, but now its global sales have almost surpassed Mysterious Country.

The album Mysterious Country was also released in the United States, but North American music fans still prefer Piano Boy, and without the blessing of the movie, the sales of Mysterious Country were far less than Piano Boy.

Zhou Yan met Zhou Xingchi and Zhu Yin, the heroine of Westward Journey at Yanjing Studio.

Although the early preparations for this drama did not require the presence of the heroine, now that Zhou Xingchi and Zhu Yin are still in love, they can be regarded as husband and wife.

Zhu Yin is shorter than Zhou Yan expected. Zhou Xingchi is not tall to begin with, but Zhu Yin is still half a head shorter than Zhou Xingchi wearing high heels, which is probably only about Zhou Yan's shoulders.

But watching it on TV, Zhu Yin seems to be pretty tall.

Director Zhou, this is Zhu Yin, the heroine of our movie.

Zhu Yin first greeted Zhou Yan, Hello, Director Zhou.

Zhou Yan nodded in response, Hello, Miss Zhu Yin.

After a few simple greetings, the three of them took their seats. Zhou Xingchi congratulated Zhou Yan, I saw the news that the foreign language version of The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly did very well at the box office in Europe and the United States. Congratulations.

Zhou Yan said modestly, It's mainly due to the director's credit. The original version's box office performance in Europe was average.

But the original performed well in Neon.

The higher Zhou Yan's popularity, the happier Stephen Chow naturally becomes. At the previous Academy Awards ceremony, Green Snake did not win the Best Soundtrack Award, and Stephen Chow was slightly disappointed.

If Zhou Yan can win the Best Score Award, it will definitely be a good thing for Westward Journey.

Director Zhou, when are you going to Yinchuan? Zhou Yan asked.

June 20th, there are some things that need to be coordinated with Chang'an Factory recently.

Have the staff at the Chang'an Factory participated in the filming not been decided yet?

There are too many people and it's a bit troublesome.

Zhou Yan nodded. He had also heard that the Chang'an Factory would have to invest eighty or ninety people this time, which was indeed quite troublesome.

As a director himself, he naturally knows how difficult it is to manage a crew of one to two hundred people.

These two hundred people do not include the group performers, the staff who maintained order on the scene, and various migrant workers who came to do odd jobs, as well as the post-production personnel.

Like Zhou Yan's previous filming of The Sixth Sense, the number of staff normally stationed on the set was only 40 or 50 people.

Is the director here? Zhou Yan asked.

Liu Zhenwei is coming tomorrow, but Cheng Xiaodong has already arrived early. I have already told Liu Zhenwei that you are coming to Chang'an Factory, and we will meet together then.

no problem.

Cheng Xiaodong is the martial arts director of the movie. This time the Chang'an Factory will produce many martial arts fighters, so Cheng Xiaodong must come earlier to communicate with the Chang'an Factory.

Because Liu Zhenwei would not arrive until tomorrow, Zhou Yan and Zhou Xingchi chatted for a while, then stood up and left, making an appointment to meet again tomorrow.

After that, he walked around Chang'an Factory first, saying hello to acquaintances, and his last stop was Liu Qing's dormitory.

Liu Qing was taking a day off today, and he was surprised to see Zhou Yan, Why are you here at this time?

Isn't Westward Journey about to be filmed? Let me take a look. I also have some other matters to go to my senior brother.

Oh, yes, you are still the soundtrack director of Westward Journey. Liu Qing moved a bench for Zhou Yan, looked outside the door, and then said, I'm afraid their movie will not go well.

How do you say it? Zhou Yan asked.

The movie hasn't even been made yet, and there are already conflicts between the two parties.

What contradiction?

On the issue of role allocation, the martial artists in the factory have great opinions on the action guidance team in Xiangjiang.

To Cheng Xiaodong?

The main thing is not Cheng Xiaodong, but the people under Cheng Xiaodong. If you ask me, I don't blame us. Those people in Xiangjiang all have their eyes turned to the sky and don't take our people seriously at all. And Zhou Xingchi, I heard Mengfei say that they speak Cantonese every day and people here can’t understand them.”

Is Mengfei also in their group?

Well, there are a lot of people going to our factory this time. Not only Mengfei is here, but Hong Xin and the others are also there. I don't want to join in the fun. You know that I don't have a very good temper and can easily have conflicts with them.

Zhou Yan was quite surprised. He didn't expect that the conflict between the two parties would be so deep before the filming of the movie started.

Liu Qing also said that Zhou Xingchi and the others always spoke Cantonese, which Zhou Yan himself did not feel at all, because although Zhou Xingchi was very poor in Mandarin, everyone spoke Mandarin to him, including the previous Yang Guohui, who never spoke Cantonese in front of him.

Who is the producer here at Chang'an Factory?

Ding Xiaopeng and the others.

If Ding Xiaopeng was here, there shouldn't be any conflicts.

Zhou Yan knows Ding Xiaopeng. Although he is not familiar with him, he still knows a little about Ding Xiaopeng. He is quite prestigious in the factory and should be able to control people.

Liu Qing lit a cigarette for himself and sneered, It's one thing to be able to control it, but it's another thing to want to control it. Ding Xiaopeng is a shrewd person. If there is a conflict between the two parties, he may not be willing to take charge.

Zhou Yan thought for a while, and Liu Qing was right. If it was just a general conflict, Ding Xiaopeng would just take care of it. But if core interests were involved and the conflict between the two parties reached an irreconcilable level, Ding Xiaopeng might not be willing to step forward.

The Westward Journey crew will leave sooner or later, but the staff at Chang'an Factory will always be there. If Ding Xiaopeng insists on suppressing these people, it will definitely affect his development in the factory.

Well, if I say this and you hear it, it has nothing to do with us anyway. Liu Qing waved his hand, You don't need to be on site every day to make movie soundtracks.

I'll ask Zhao Lao to follow the team later.

It's okay, just let Mengfei and the others take care of him. Zhao Gao is also familiar with them.

Because of his father, Zhao Xi often came to Chang'an Factory, so he had many acquaintances in Chang'an Factory. Jiang Mengfei knew Zhao Xi earlier than Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan actually doesn't care much about the gossip in the crew. As long as it doesn't affect his friends, he will definitely not get involved in these things.

I'll go find senior brother right away. Later, you can help me make an appointment with Hong Xin, Meng Fei and the others. Let's have dinner together in the evening.

No problem, I'll go find them right away. Liu Qing nodded, and then asked, When will The Sixth Sense be released elsewhere?

The Sixth Sense will be released in the mainland on June 17th. Liu Qing knows this, but when it will be released in other places, he doesn't know.

After it was released in the mainland, it was followed by Xiangjiang, Neon, and Taiwan. Each place was separated by a week.

Then Neon is July 1st, and Taiwan is July 8th. Liu Qing simply calculated the days, and then smiled, I'm still a little excited now, this is also the movie with the largest investment I have ever participated in.

If you participate in Westward Journey this time, it will be the movie with the largest investment you have ever participated in.

The investment in Westward Journey is too high, and it feels very dangerous.

Zhou Yan nodded slightly. The investment in Westward Journey is indeed a bit scary. When chatting with Yang Guohui before, Yang Guohui said that the upper limit of their investment this time is 60 million, which is more than four times that of The Sixth Sense.

Even if the cost is controlled, it will still cost 40 to 50 million.

With such a high cost, it is very difficult to make a profit and the risk is too great.

You know, the box office of Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance, which topped the Hong Kong movie rankings last year, was only 40 million.

Only if both Westward Journey and Westward Journey can be ranked among the top three in Hong Kong can the movie hope to make a profit. Even if the box office is good in mainland China, it can only earn a small amount of copy fees.

The ticket warehouse in Taiwan is shrinking now, and the ticket warehouse itself is not particularly large, so there is no possibility of an outbreak.

The main reason is that Stephen Chow's box office appeal in the past two years has been too terrible. The year before last was the most outrageous. In Hong Kong, Stephen Chow participated in the top five. Last year, Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance took the top spot, and Truy School Dragon: Dragon Celebrates the Year of the Rooster also entered the list. Top ten.

Today's Stephen Chow is basically a box office legend.

After looking for Zhao Jiping, Zhou Yan returned to Chang'an Factory and took Liu Qing and others to a dinner party.

While eating, he also heard more about the conflicts of the Westward Journey crew from Hong Xin and Jiang Mengfei.

Jiang Mengfei and the others are now among the crew and know more about the crew's situation.

What Liu Qing told Zhou Yan before was not only not exaggerated, but even reserved.

The conflict between the production team in Xiangjiang and the Chang'an Factory was more serious than Zhou Yan imagined. Two days ago, a martial arts master from the Chang'an Factory had a big quarrel with a person from the Xiangjiang Martial Arts School. If it hadn't been for the help of the people next to him, The two can start a fight on the spot.

It’s like this before the shooting. It’s hard to imagine what will happen during the official shooting.

The next afternoon, Zhou Yan met Liu Zhenwei.

When he saw Zhou Yan, Liu Zhenwei was very polite and took the initiative to greet him, Hello, Director Zhou. I heard that you were hired as the soundtrack director, and I was very happy.

Liu Zhenwei's Mandarin is better than Zhou Xingchi's. Although his accent is very strong, his communication is relatively smooth. Unlike Zhou Xingchi, Zhou Yan sometimes has to guess to understand.

Hello, Director Liu, it's nice to meet you. I'm also very honored to be the soundtrack for Westward Journey.

Liu Zhenwei smiled. He knew that Zhou Yan's words were purely polite. He had heard Yang Guohui say before that it was not easy to invite Zhou Yan.

Actually, our script is not particularly perfect. There are many things that have not been written, such as the lines in it. We have recently compiled a new version.

Liu Zhenwei quickly got into work mode and showed the latest version of the script to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan flipped through it and found that it was indeed a little better than the previous version, but it was just a little better. It was completely different from the finished version of Westward Journey.

The previous version was an outline, but this version can only be described as a slightly more detailed outline.

After reading it, Zhou Yan put down the script, Now this script has no reference significance for the soundtrack.

Understood. Liu Zhenwei nodded, But we hope that we can let you understand the core idea of ​​​​the film first, so that you can create a soundtrack for the film later.

Director Liu, your idea is fine. During the filming process, I will send my assistant to the scene to follow the team and keep an eye on your shooting trends. If you have any ideas about the soundtrack, you can call me to tell me, or you can directly contact me. My assistant said.

Then when will your assistant arrive?

It should be July 5th. He is my student. He will go back to Chang'an after the holiday. You can just have a car to take him there by then.

No problem, I'll let someone arrange it for him.

He is the son of my senior brother Zhao Jiping, and he is also very talented in scoring. He also participated in the previous soundtrack of Alive.

Zhou Yan was also worried that Zhao Zhang would be treated coldly when he went to the crew, so he told his background in advance so that Liu Zhenwei and the others would take it seriously.

Sure enough, Liu Zhenwei and Zhou Xingchi's eyes lit up when they heard that it was Zhao Jiping's son.

It turns out that Mr. Zhao's son is still your student. It's such a fate.

Well, I arrived just in time for this session.

While Liu Zhenwei and the others marveled at the ingenious fate, they also lamented that Zhou Yan's school was really amazing. Two of the most well-known music composers in the Mainland now came from this school.

In fact, Liu Zhenwei and the others don't know enough about Yangyin. If they didn't know enough, it would be impossible to express such emotion, because film and television soundtracks are really not within the scope of Yangin's attention.

Later, Liu Zhenwei asked Zhou Yan, I wonder if Director Zhou has any suggestions for our script? Because you are the director and screenwriter yourself, I would also like to know your thoughts.

It's pretty good, but the style is completely different from mine, and I can't comment.

Zhou Yan didn't want to comment casually, as it would easily offend others.

Liu Zhenwei saw that Zhou Yan didn't want to comment, so he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he discussed the script modifications with Zhou Xingchi in front of Zhou Yan without hesitation.

I've been thinking about it for the past two days. At the end of the movie, a swordsman and Fairy Zixia...

After listening to what Liu Zhenwei said, Zhou Xingchi nodded, After the Supreme Treasure possessed the swordsman, he shouted I love you to Fairy Zixia.

Since the Supreme Treasure is a monkey, when I say I love you, I should have the characteristics of a monkey, such as shaking my head and head, which is very exaggerated.

I don't think so. It's a bit exaggerated to say so. The Supreme Treasure is possessed, he must...

No, no, it should be like this...

At first, the two of them were still talking in Mandarin, but as they talked, Zhou Xingchi felt that his Mandarin skills were not as good as Liu Zhenwei's and he couldn't win an argument, so he anxiously spoke in Cantonese.

Although Zhou Yan doesn't speak Cantonese, he can probably understand it.

The issue they argued about was very simple, which was what kind of expression and body movements the swordsman should use when he said I love you after he was possessed.

Zhou Xingchi advocated normal shouting, but Liu Zhenwei believed that the characteristics of monkeys should be reflected.

Zhou Yan had seen the original film and knew that the one proposed by Liu Zhenwei was used in the end.

But it was quite interesting that these two people had an argument in front of him, and Zhu Yin was also there.

Zhu Yin looked at Zhou Xingchi for a while and Liu Zhenwei for a while. Her face was full of innocence, giving the impression that she was a mainlander and didn't understand what the two people were talking about.

The most outrageous thing is that after the two of them calmed down for a while, Zhu Yin actually said: I think Zhou Xingchi is right.

Zhou Yan was a little stunned when he heard Zhu Yin's words. Does this girl have no brains?

Why are you interrupting at this time? Besides, Liu Zhenwei's plan is obviously more reliable. Even Zhou Xingchi himself is about to be convinced by Liu Zhenwei.

But what surprised Zhou Yan even more was that Liu Zhenwei didn't care at all, as if he was used to it.

It seems that this is not the first time Zhu Yin has done such a thing.

Zhou Yan shook his head slightly, stood up and said to Liu Zhenwei and the others, Let's chat first while I go find my senior brother.

Yesterday Zhou Yan went to see Zhao Jiping, and Zhao Jiping invited him to dinner. However, he made an appointment with Liu Qing and they refused. However, Zhao Jiping was very enthusiastic and invited him to come over tonight.

After leaving the temporary office of Westward Journey, Zhou Yan just turned out of the editing building and suddenly saw a red figure escaping in the corner.

He frowned, walked to the corner and took a look, and found that it was Chen Hong hiding behind.

Chen Hong?

Chen Hong's face turned red and she forced out a smile, Director Zhou, you are also coming to Chang'an.

Zhou Yan looked at her up and down, Are you avoiding me?

Chen Hong shook her head repeatedly, No, I didn't see you.

This sounds like a lie.

Zhou Yan is also quite surprised. This girl used to come up to him when she saw him, and even clung to him a little, but now she started to avoid him.

Is it because I was embarrassed last time when I was drunk and saw my ugly appearance?

You came today?

I arrived yesterday, and I need to set my makeup during this time.

Zhou Yan found it quite interesting to see Chen Hong blushing. She was wearing a bright red dress today, and now her face was also red, from head to toe, like a cooked shrimp.

Although Zhou Yan likes sky blue very much, it has to be said that Chen Hong is more suitable for red. Her skin is white, and red makes her look more supple.

You have to be mentally prepared when it comes to setting your makeup. Your makeup will definitely not look too good, and it may even be ugly. Zhou Yan warned.

What do you mean? Chen Hong asked confused.

Zhou Yan stared at her face and said, You are so beautiful.


Chen Hong was stunned and her face became even redder. Was Director Zhou teasing her? But looking at Director Zhou's expression, he was obviously very serious.

Zhou Yan said very seriously, Mrs. Niu is a supporting role. She can't be more eye-catching than the two heroines. Moreover, the role of Mrs. Niu is an old love. She will definitely make you look old and ugly, so you You have to be mentally prepared, otherwise you will definitely feel disappointed when the time comes.”

Chen Hong understood now that this was what Zhou Yan meant.

Oh, okay, I understand.

Then go and set your makeup. Zhou Yan nodded, turned around and left without saying anything else.

After Zhou Yan left, Chen Hong patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time she was drunk, when she woke up, she saw Jiang Xia and learned from Jiang Xia that it was Zhou Yan who sent her home with Jiang Xia.

She also vomited at that time, and even vomited on Zhou Yan.

This was really embarrassing. When she thought of making a fool of herself in front of Zhou Yan, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

So when she saw Zhou Yan just now, she subconsciously wanted to hide, but she didn't expect to be discovered by Zhou Yan.

But she was very happy when she thought that Zhou Yan had just said that she was beautiful. Although it was because of the makeup, at least Zhou Yan did think that he was beautiful, didn't he?

She knew she was beautiful, but she lacked confidence in front of Zhou Yan.

For a person like Zhou Yan, beautiful women are nothing special to him, and Zhou Yan usually has a relatively calm attitude towards her, unlike other men who wish their eyes would pop out when they look at her.

When Zhou Yan arrived at Zhao Jiping's house, Sun Ling was watching TV. When she saw Zhou Yan, Sun Ling stood up with a smile and said hello, Zhou Yan is here.

Sun Ling used to be called Xiao Zhou, but now that Zhou Yan has become Zhao Yan's teacher, it is not easy for her to call her Xiao Zhou. If calling Teacher Zhou seems awkward, she will just call her by her first name.

After greeting Zhou Yan, Sun Ling shouted to the study, Old Zhao, Zhou Yan is here.

Okay, wait a minute, I'll come out as soon as I finish writing this paragraph. Zhao Jiping replied in the study.

Zhou Yan shouted through the door, Don't worry, senior brother, please write slowly.

He said he was not in a hurry, but Zhao Jiping was really not in a hurry and didn't come out for a while.

Sun Ling poured Zhou Yan a cup of tea and asked about Zhao Lin's situation. The questions she asked were the same as those asked by parents to teachers.

She was also very happy when Zhou Yan said that Zhao Lin was doing well in school.

The TV is showing news from a local TV station in Shaanxi Province, and it is currently broadcasting news about a band.

Not long ago, the Flying Band just accepted an interview with the neon magazine Voice. This program on the literary station is also the first time they have been interviewed by the mainland after being interviewed...

Zhou Yan was originally chatting with Sun Ling, but his attention was attracted by the news on TV.

This flying band sounds a bit familiar.

Then he heard the host introduce: As of today, the Flying Band has just celebrated its first anniversary, and its leader Xu Wei...

Zhou Yan suddenly remembered that this Fei band was a band formed by Xu Wei before, but it seemed that it did not last long and disbanded soon.

Seeing Xu Wei, Zhou Yan also became interested and focused more on the TV.

Seeing Zhou Yan's interest in Fei Band, Sun Ling said, Although this band has not been established for a long time, it is still quite famous in Chang'an. They seem to have done some kind of northwest rock.

The Fei Band's fame is probably limited to Chang'an, because Zhou Yan didn't hear any news about this band in Yanjing.

Even though their band was interviewed by Neon magazine, this doesn’t mean anything. There are many musicians interviewed by magazines like Voice, especially the special elements of Northwestern rock, which are very popular among them. favored by magazines.

A scene of a band performing appeared on TV, and Zhou Yan almost didn't recognize Xu Wei. Today, Xu Wei is still very immature and has long hair, which is very different from his later image.

After a while, Zhao Jiping came out and saw the news on the TV. He smiled and said, This band is good. It is more interesting than many rock bands nowadays.

Zhou Yan was quite surprised that Zhao Jiping would pay attention to this and even give a rock band a very positive evaluation. Yes, interesting is definitely Zhao Jiping's high evaluation of a pop band.

Senior brother, do you also know them?

Well, they are very famous in Chang'an now, and I know a little bit about them. Their music is quite good, and it has the flavor of China's own rock, rather than blindly pursuing Western rock.

The Chinese flavor that Zhao Jiping mentioned is actually the northwest flavor. A lot of Fei Band's music incorporates northwest folk music, which is somewhat similar to Zhao Muyang.

Maybe this is why Zhao Jiping is optimistic about this band.

In Zhao Jiping's soundtracks for many movies, you can find the shadow of northwest folk music. This music has been engraved in Zhao Jiping's bones since he was a child, and it is what he really wants to carry forward. (End of chapter)

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