1990: Starting from Baojia Street

Chapter 234 Have you ever offended Director Xie?

Zhou Yan was naturally familiar with the novel Sense and Sensibility, but he had never seen the movie version.

Therefore, the workload of An Li's job for Zhou Yan was definitely greater than that of other movies. He had to be familiar with movies first. Without the original film's soundtrack as a reference, he had no choice but to do it all by himself.

If it were shot in China, Zhou Yan wouldn't have to worry too much and it would be very convenient to work. However, if the filming takes place in the UK, it would be a lot more troublesome.

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Yan said, Director An, when I was filming, maybe I——

Just when Zhou Yan was halfway through his words, An Li suddenly spoke again, Director Zhou, the soundtrack is the only position I can decide.


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment. As a director, does An Li only have this authority?

Although the authority of directors in Hollywood is not as good as that of mainland China, it is not like this, and An Li is not a rookie. Colombia is so strong?

What Zhou Yan didn't know was that even the right to choose the soundtrack was something An Li had fought hard for.

When Columbia handed over the script for Sense and Sensibility to An Lee, most of the people had already been selected.

The main actors, screenwriters, photographers - it can be said that the filming team has been set up in advance, and then An Li was asked to be the butler to manage the team.

Hollywood major league movies are very industrialized. In the shooting process of many movies, the director does not play a big role. Sometimes if a big-name producer is hired, the director may only have an executive role.

Unlike in mainland China, in most movies, directors have very great power.

For ordinary directors, it's okay to say that any decision they make depends on the producer's face, but like Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou, and Zhou Yan himself, as long as they make a movie, the crew can be said to have their say.

Regardless of whether they are producers or supervisors, the most they can do is offer advice.

Even Xu Feng, when cooperating with Chen Kaige, had no way to influence Chen Kaige's decision. Chen Kaige listened to her opinion. Two scattered.

It was also the first time for An Li to make a movie with a major league, so he knew how difficult it was, so he had to strive to establish his authority among the crew.

If you want to establish authority, it's best to have someone help you.

He couldn't replace the rest of the production team even if he wanted to. If they were just ordinary staff, it would be of no use. After thinking about it, An Li set his goal on the soundtrack.

The reason why I think of Zhou Yan is because The Flying Piano Boy performed very well at the box office in Europe and the United States.

An Li didn't have any connections to be a very good composer, so Zhou Yan was a very good choice.

Columbia was able to agree to An Li's request because The Flying Piano Boy did well at the box office and its soundtrack was also very impressive.

Besides, as for the soundtrack, the work was mainly concentrated in post-production and had little impact on the filming.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, When your movie is being filmed, I can go there once or twice at most. When the movie is post-produced, I can go there at most once. No more, I will start filming my own movie next spring. made a bid.

Hearing what Zhou Yan said, An Li said with a smile, That's no problem, as long as you come three times. In fact, it still depends on the presentation of the work. If there are no other problems, I will let Columbia communicate with you about the remuneration and sharing. question.

Just ask them to find Tomson.

Understood. After the cooperation is finalized, I will have someone send you a script. By the way, have you read the novel Sense and Sensibility?

Well, I have. I have basically read all of Jane Austen's works. Sense and Sensibility is Austen's first novel, but the realistic creative techniques in the novel are already very mature.

An Li sighed, You are indeed very knowledgeable about literature. To be honest, I have not read any of Jane Austen's novels before. In my mind, Jane Austen is just a name.

This is normal. Many people have never even heard of her name. There are so many well-known books in the world that it is impossible to read them.

Thank you for your comfort, and I look forward to cooperating with you. I can't tell you too much else for the time being. There are many rules in major league filming. I will definitely not be able to go to China in the short term, so we may have to wait until you go to the UK to meet. ”

Zhou Yan nodded, I understand, then see you in England.

Okay, I won't disturb your rest. We'll talk later.

Okay, let's talk later.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yan recalled the plot of Sense and Sensibility.

To be honest, if he was given the choice, he would definitely not make this kind of movie, even if it is a masterpiece, but he is quite interested in the soundtrack.

And this is also his attempt to enter Europe and the United States. Olivier's previous remake of The Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly was a good attempt.

But such opportunities are rare. He has only made a few movies in total. Even if all of them are remade, it won't be much.

The soundtrack is different. If the soundtrack for Sense and Sensibility is done well this time, he should be able to receive soundtrack work for other European and American movies in the future.

Zhou Yan doesn't have the book Sense and Sensibility at home yet. He plans to go to the bookstore tomorrow to buy a copy and study it carefully when he goes back to make preparations in advance.

Just when Zhou Yan turned around to continue watching TV, he saw Kudo Shizuka leaning against the door frame of the living room, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Who called you?

A director came to talk to me about work. Zhou Yan smiled, Did I wake you up?

How long have I been sleeping?

About an hour.

Hearing that she had slept for more than an hour, Kudo Shizuka pouted and said, You didn't even wake me up.

I'm afraid you'll get angry and pinch my arm again. Zhou Yan teased.

You are so vindictive.

My arms are still hurting, so just say I hold a grudge.

Kudo Shizuka laughed, Ah, I have to take a shower.

After saying that, she took her clothes and went to the bathroom.

let me help you.

don't want--

Kudo Shizuka wanted to close the door, but Zhou Yan moved too quickly and had already ran in.


Early the next morning, when Zhou Yan woke up, he smelled a good smell.

This fragrance came from Shizuka Kudo's hair. Zhou Yan hugged Shizuka Kudo from behind, and the tip of his nose was buried in Shizuka's hair. (Revise)

It was so early in the morning that Xiao Zhou Yan was inevitably ready to make a move. (Revise)

Just when Zhou Yan was about to score twice, there was a knock on the door suddenly, followed by a burst of neon words. From the sound of the voice, it should be Nangong Songzi.

Kudo Shizuka was also awakened by Nangong Songzi's voice, and she replied in neon language, Here we come.

Then when she felt Xiao Zhou Yan pressing against her, he suddenly got excited and sat up.

She almost forgot that Zhou Yan spent the night at her place last night. It would be terrible if Song Zi discovered this.

Hurry up and hide.

Immediately, Shizuka Kudo pulled up Zhou Yan, who was naked, pushed him into the closet, and then threw Zhou Yan's clothes and shoes in together.

Zhou Yan stayed in the dark closet, completely confused.

He actually enjoyed the treatment given to him by Lao Wang next door.

Kudo Shizuka went to open the door for Nangong Songzi. The two chattered a few words, and then Zhou Yan heard the door closing.

After a while, Shizuka Kudo came and opened the closet door. Before she could speak, Zhou Yan pulled her into the closet.

Zhou Yan pressed Kudo Shizuka against the backboard of the wardrobe and blew hot breath into her ear, It's pretty good here.


Kudo Shizuka was going to record a program today, so Zhou Yan went to Yanjing Studio by himself.

He said yesterday that he was going to visit the Yanjing Factory, but the arrival of Shizuka Kudo disrupted his plan.

Originally, the preparation work for Spring of the Cowherd Class was proceeding in an orderly manner, but now Zhou Yan is likely to take over the soundtrack work for Sense and Emotion, so he wants to advance the preparation work so that he can Avoid being crowded together in later work.

After arriving at Yanjing Factory, Zhou Yan first went to Han Sanping's office.

The two got to know each other for a few words, and Han Sanping suddenly asked Zhou Yan, Have you offended Director Xie?

Zhou Yan was stunned, Which director is thanking you?

There are many directors named Xie, Xie Tielia, Xie Jin, Xie Fei, Xie Tian, ​​Xie Yan - just think about it, there are quite a few. Not to mention other places, the Yanjing Factory alone has several directors Xie.

Xie Fei.

Xie Fei? Zhou Yan frowned, I've never met him before. Third brother, why do you ask that?

Among the fourth generation directors, Xie Fei is definitely a representative figure, and he just won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival last year and has a high status in the domestic film industry.

However, Xie Fei was a teacher at Yanjing Film Academy and had no contact with Zhou Yan, so Zhou Yan was very surprised when he heard Han Sanping ask this question. He and Xie Fei had never met each other, how could he offend each other?

There was a seminar the day before yesterday, and it was related to film reform. Wang Junzheng mentioned you at the meeting, and Director Xie's evaluation was not very good.

What exactly did you say?

First, I affirmed your contribution to the soundtrack, and then said that your The Sixth Sense abused techniques, imitated Western shooting techniques too much, and told empty stories without core content.

What is the core content? Zhou Yan asked again.

Then he didn't say anything.

Zhou Yan smiled and said, I thought he was praising me. As a cross-industry director, it's not bad to be rated as 'abuse of techniques'. At least it shows that I have skills.

Han Sanping also laughed when he heard what Zhou Yan said, You are free and easy, but that's right, directing is not your main job.

Zhou Yan waved his hand, This has nothing to do with the main business or not. Now even if Schubert and Beethoven crawl out of the ground to criticize me, I won't be too sad. Although I don't agree with Xie Fei's words, But his entry point is correct. I am not their kind of director, and it is normal for them not to recognize me.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't approve of you, but saying it in public at the seminar will definitely have an impact on you. The reason why Wang Junzheng mentioned you is because the higher-ups have ideas to support young directors. People like you, Chen Kaige, and Zhang Yimou are all considering it. Inside.

Han Sanping lit a cigarette, took a puff, and continued, In this case, Xie Fei's evaluation will definitely affect the judgment of others. Have you really not offended Xie Fei?

Zhou Yan shook his head, Really not.

Hearing what Zhou Yan said, Han Sanping didn't dwell on it anymore, If you don't, then you won't. I'm telling you this to remind you to be more careful in the future. Sometimes you may offend others and you may not even know it.

Han Sanping didn't say much after that.

Zhou Yan's status is unusual, and he is really not afraid of offending Xie Fei.

It's also possible that Zhou Yan didn't offend Xie Fei, but Xie Fei was a bit loud-mouthed and liked to say a few words about everything.

There are also some old people who can't stand being too pushy, which is normal.

Zhou Yan is an outsider, and he is only in his twenties. He has made two movies, both of which were hits overseas. Some people will definitely be jealous.

Young people will definitely be harshly criticized when they are in the limelight. Many young directors have experienced this.

Regardless of the circle, there is always a situation of ranking based on seniority, but Zhou Yan is a special case. He does not squeeze into the circle at all. Some people will definitely criticize this in private.

Well, you are enjoying the movie but don't want to get closer to the organization. Isn't it too disrespectful?

After leaving Han Sanping's office, Zhou Yan went to the Springtime of the Cowherd Class crew office to discuss the details of the film's preparations with Xiao Can and the others.

When they were about to chat, Zhou Yan looked around the office and then said, In the next two days, you guys should clean up and move to the studio. The director's office over there has been set up.

Xiao Can smiled and said, We have been preparing to move. There is nothing to pack, just some information.

Zhou Yan had told them about moving to a studio some time ago.

A few days after building No. 3 was rented, Zhou Yan asked Hong Xin and others to move there first. Although Yanjing Factory arranged an office, the place was too small and the crew members were too crowded here.

However, the director's office hadn't been completed yet, so Xiao Can and the others were asked to transition here for a while.

Xiao Can and the others really hope to move there. After all, it is Zhou Yan's territory. The office area is large and the equipment is relatively new. Although the functions are not as complete as those at the Yanjing factory, all the equipment is only used by their crew, which is very convenient. .

Moreover, the food in the studio's cafeteria is very good. Xiao Can and the others have eaten there several times and have always praised it.

Although the canteen of the Yanjing factory is not bad, after all, there are so many people in the factory, and the cost must be considered. It cannot be arranged too well. Sometimes you have to go early, otherwise you will be at the back of the queue and there will be no good food.

It's different at Zhou Yan's studio. The cafeteria is very well done, with chicken, duck, meat and eggs available for every meal, and there's no limit.

The studio is not far from Yanjing Studio. Sometimes Huo Jianqi and the others would ride to the studio just to have a meal if they had time at noon. (End of chapter)

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