Fusion, this is actually the ‘projection’ of thin line thinking.

Although it has a lot of thoughts about the accumulation of thin lines, it is actually not directly related to the thin line.

The fusion itself is like other manufacturing bodies… The manufacturing tower is constantly completing the neural structure in the body for it. Although these neural structures are similar to the thin lines, they are the same as Lin’s ‘zero’. A creature that is not directly related to the ontology.

So thin lines have been trying to bring their own thinking into the fusion.

They continue to make various attempts through miraculous sanctions, and later found out that… this requires the help of a piece of cloth.

Eat a lot of thin-line thinking cloth, it is possible to enter the way home, and arrive at the location of the fusion.

Then think of ways to let the thin wire nerve structure in this piece of cloth into the fusion.

However, it is still more difficult to do this, because the thin line does not know how to send the cloth back to the hometown.

At this time… White Star has had a significant impact on them.

Like other creatures, White Star was put into the way of returning home by thin lines to create a manufacturing body.

However, it is said that the thin line did not want to put a special creature like White Star into it, but I don’t know why it was put.

May be the impact of the task on them.

The task has always been to let the thin line research return to the home, but did not clearly tell them how to study.

When the thin line touches the way of returning home, it will occasionally produce some strong ‘impulse’, which will want them to do something that they didn’t want to do or didn’t even think about.

They think that this impulse is the impact of the task, but also put the white star into it.

After the white star went in, as Lin knew, it killed all the manufacturing bodies and found the location of the fusion.

The first thin line found the power of the white star, so I plan to let it directly assist the fusion…

That is to integrate it into the fusion body as part of the body of the fusion.

The thin lines input these commands onto the body of the white star, and the white star’s manufacturing body is still controlled by the ontology.

So the manufacturing experience will obey this command… let yourself merge.

As a result, the thin line did not expect that the white star’s manufacturing body actually had complicated thinking. After receiving the command, it not only failed to comply, but also planned to kill the fusion.

Because it doesn’t like it… give it a thin line of commands.

Then there is the battle between the white star and the fusion. The thin lines find that the white stars are too powerful. They try to control the fusion to open the entrance and exit of the passage and throw the white stars into it.

Then, the thin line continues to try to move his mind into the way home.

However, they have new discoveries.

Because they have always used the miraculous sanction of golden stones and the ‘communication’ of returning home.

Miracle Sanctions can observe all areas of the return road as if it were a surveillance lens, and can also control some signals from the manufacturing tower.

The information inside the miracle sanctions is constantly being updated.

There are mainly records and information about various miracles, and the miracle sanctions will continue to increase these materials.

Later, at some point, the thin line learned from the miracle sanctions… the miracle biorecovery plan.

There are quite a lot of miracle creatures’ recovery plans, almost all of which are unsuccessful and will start until they succeed.

And one of these plans is to bring together the ‘power’ of all miraculous sanctions.

That is, let miracle sanctions fight each other, and a miracle sanction can gain all the power of sanctions by destroying other miraculous sanctions.

After investigating here, the thin line has produced new ideas.

Because it is described in the data that miraculous sanctions will be very powerful.

This powerful feeling makes them enough to compete with the ‘question source’ that you felt before.

So, the thin line began to prepare for this plan.

After a long period of time, the thin line did not pay attention to things like fusion, and did not manage how to return home.

They have been studying things about miracle sanctions.

They found that miracle sanctions themselves have many powerful capabilities.

Including the control of the surrounding space, etc., they slowly learned to control this ability during the research process.

In fact, this is the function of the miracle sanction itself. All the miraculous sanctions that have occurred so far are similar. They themselves do not exercise on their own, but they need to control it by the nearby creatures.

The thin line is also becoming more and more understood through research on the control of miracle sanctions.

Before they fought, they used the troops to attack other miraculous sanctions. They also passed their own sanctions to adjust the space… As a result, they controlled the space around the space to move quickly, thus achieving a similar transmission effect.

It can be said that the thin line is the most controllable group of creatures that Lynn has encountered in controlling all miraculous sanctions.

Of course, they intended to gather the power of all miraculous sanctions and then use this power for their own purposes.

Because all the miracle sanctions have gathered, it is said that their role is to contact miracle creatures, to help open channels, and finally the miracle sanctions will remain, and will not be destroyed or out of control.

In this case, the thin line can continue to use miracle sanctions.

So… the thin line has been trying to complete this plan.

Later, because the task continued to cause serious interference to their thinking, they had to manage the way to return home.

In fact, it is just putting a batch of creatures in.

Then they continue to plan for miraculous sanctions.

As Lin sees, they are very successful in destroying several miraculous sanctions.

Even the most difficult phoenixes are attracted to them, bringing together the power of all miraculous sanctions.

But at this time, the power of the collection seems to be interrupted by…

When all miraculous sanctions are destroyed, they will send the ‘power’ to the winner.

But this is not sent immediately, and this ‘power’ will be in place, waiting for the winners who have destroyed enough miracle sanctions to concentrate on it.

In the process of concentration… I was interrupted, and it is precisely what is blocking the power from passing it back to the thin world.

The interrupter is the task source for the thin line task.

The changes that occur on the sea are what they cause.

The source of the mission, it is said that it is a very distant place… but before they suddenly rushed over.

They directly prevent the thin line from gathering the power of miraculous sanctions, while the thin lines have no way to fight them.

Or don’t dare to fight at all.

However, Lin wants to investigate and see where the source of this mission comes from.

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