2,832 chapters engagement

“Do you know the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors?”

“There are some creatures that will show some ancestors.” “Characteristics or structure.”

“If you perform some ‘actions’, you can completely return the creature to its original state.”


‘咔——’The sharp blade left a trace on the scales of the dragon, but did not cause real damage.

“This thing is quite difficult to deal with!”

After a circle in the air, he fell back to the ground and worked with Veronica and Novo. Look at the huge creature in front of you.

This avatar is a creature of the spiny dragon, and its fighting style is also very similar to the real… spiny dragon.

It made a scream and slammed into it with a slender, jagged mouth, and Veronica and Bile immediately jumped away and dragged away.

Connaught has always been in a state of ‘disconnected’, which is often into a coma.

This is mainly because of the ‘thornback dragon’… and the whole environment is full of special energy.

This energy can interfere with the connection of the promise through some adjustments, making it impossible for Ershi to control the body.


“Be careful, Veronica, it’s going to use that trick!”

A bite-bitped spine The dragon opened his mouth at this time, and he could see that there was a lot of black… The black is gathering quickly.

‘嘭——! In the next second, this group of blacks was launched like a ball, and instantly hit Lin and Bilu’s position.

So Lin and Bilu had to jump again to escape, and the black ball was also blasted at the same time. A lot of gravel-like material splashed like a shrapnel.

These splashing gravel will “啪” a huge crack on that object, so any object will be touched at the moment of contact. Flat cut.

After the sphere explodes, you can see everything around it seems to have been cut by a sharp propeller… all plants and rocks leave only a flat section.

This also includes one of Veronica’s arms. When a small piece touches Veronica’s hand, Lin also feels that it bounces off in an instant.

“Vironica classmates, it’s a lot of damage.”

Veronica and Bilu fell to the ground, and Lin also broke the one. The arm is picked up… and then look at the creature in front of you.

This ‘back-to-back dragon’ is not so good… it can force special transmission energy to transmit other objects.

The same is true of the ball that it just spit out. The debris that broke out inside is actually made of the organ of Ershi.

is also the organ fragments that store special energy.

After being touched, the contact position is instantly cut.

Accurately speaking, it will send the contacted objects instantaneously…

But this also consumes the energy on these fragments, so they can’t cut objects indefinitely.

And it’s similar to this.

The skin of the ‘backbone dragon’ is covered with a tiny ‘space storm’.

That is, the substance that comes into contact with its skin may be transmitted. The closer the effect is to the inside, the stronger it is. So it is temporarily impossible to invade it with the micro force.


At this time, the other party rushed over again.

Lin found that it has obvious disadvantages, that is, the ball just… it can’t be put continuously.

It mainly fights through melee attacks. Of course, its contact is the same as the ball, and it can directly cut any contact material.

‘咔——! Now, Lin saw a tree bursting into eight segments when it touched the spiny dragon, and these cracked woods were also affected by a wonderful force.

‘BANG! ‘A few kicks of the flying wood, Lin saw the giant mouth of the spiny dragon bite in front of him, immediately leaped vigorously, and at the same time into his mouth Lost a piece… stone.

‘Hey! ‘When the stone is about to enter the throat, it bursts into debris just like a burst. At this time, Lin, who has jumped into the sky, said: “Is there a smoke bomb? Use it to fight it.”

< p> “I know! Veronica classmates!” Bilu took out a piece of things from his pocket and smashed it to the spiny dragon. The large amount of smoke that blasted in the moment obscured the shape of the spiny dragon. .

However, this piece of smoke is being reduced at an abnormal rate, and it quickly disappears without a trace.

And Lin also feels…the special energy of the spiny dragon’s body…and the reduction is very powerful.

As Lin thinks, anything close to it consumes its transmitted energy, including soot.

In addition to not transmitting the ground on the foot, the whole body is protected with special energy.

However, this protection is easily exhausted with subtle but large quantities of material.

Generally, the dust that it splashes itself will not be transmitted to avoid wasting energy, but the attack launched by Lin… It does not dare not transmit, it should be afraid that there is a micro force mixed in the smoke.

So it delivers smoke close to it… it consumes a lot of energy.

“Hey…” At this point, the Spinosaurus stopped the attack, but turned and ran to the distance.

“Vironica classmates! It’s going to run! We’re going to win!” Bilu said, trying to chase, but was stopped by Lin.

Lin looks at the direction of the spiny dragon… It really runs to the exposed bus organ.

It is now because it consumes too much energy… so I need to add some.

It should be supplemented by a small portion of the organ.

So it becomes the shape of the spiny dragon, which is more suitable for scraping debris from the organ.

Now, Lin feels very good at killing it.

Thinking, Lin’s Veronica raised a sniper rifle.

This gun was made by Lin and some of the chairs on the plane. It was the same as the one originally in the base of the annihilation ship.

It has an interference effect that allows the other party…especially bus creatures to perceive attacks.

Now its body’s transmission energy is weakened, and Lin is aiming at its feet.


After a roar, the bullets of the sniper rifle directly hit the heel of the spiny dragon. Under the powerful power, the flesh and blood of the spiny dragon also swelled with the impact.

Sure enough, there is no way to defend it at this time.

But it didn’t move at all. It was still crawling on the ground with the remaining limbs and crawling beside the spike-like organ, and bit it on it.

‘kā lā ! With this movement, this small part of the organ also shattered, and its whole body…

was once again filled with special energy.

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