40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3436: Enemy of Iron Fist (3) Uncle

Gus wanted to vomit.

His face was pale, with cold sweat and humming in his ears, as if Qin Yi, who was **** and **** like a ghost, slapped the face one after another.

Gus and Qin Yi have no grievances and no grudges, and they can be regarded as good friends.

Because both of them are weak and have no power to bind chickens, they are wastes on the way of iron fist.

In the iron fist school, Gus is the last of the Wannian cranes, the unshakable last.

Qin Yi is the second to last, Gus's hard brother.

Moreover, it was indeed Qin Yi who rescued Gus yesterday.

——At noon yesterday, Gus went to practice on the Heifeng Mountain outside the town.

Because he didn't want to be ridiculed, he never practiced with others, and he always walked alone.

Heifeng Mountain is so close to Chijin Town, the birds of prey and beasts on the mountain have long been bombarded and killed by the strong in the town, and there was no danger in the first place.

Who knows, just arrived in the Col yesterday, but from nowhere came out a tiger with white forehead and hanging eyes, roaring at Gus.

At the moment, there was a sharp arrow, howling into the tiger's head, directly blasting the skull through and bursting out of the eye socket.

The tiger fell dead in front of Gus.

Gus looked at the nearby bushes in shock, and saw Qin Yi also stand up in shock.

Gus never knew that Qin Yi was such an excellent archer.

Bows and arrows, because of their simple structure, do not involve too many mechanical structures, so they can only be regarded as "tools" and do not belong to the category of "mechanics".

Therefore, it is only something that people despise and is considered to be used by women and children, but it is not forbidden by the Fist Temple, and has nothing to do with the "mechanical demon" or the "steam demon".

Gus had a hunting bow hanging from his waist, but his hands and feet were stiff just now, and there was no time to take it out.

Qin Yi's expression was very strange, even Gus didn't hear him thanking him, but he walked quickly to the front of the tiger corpse, exhausted all his strength, pulled out the arrow and hid it.

Moreover, Gus did not see that Qin Yi had a bow in his hand. Since this arrow can penetrate the tiger’s hardest skull, its strength is definitely not small. Where can I hide?

Qin Yi's weird expression, the disappearing strong bow and the arrows eager to hide left a deep impression on Gus.

It happened at night that Gus's uncle, the priest "Lei Lie" of Chijin Town Boxing Temple, asked Gus to eat at home. Seeing that he was sweating, worried, and there were many bruises on his body, he asked him what was going on.

As a priest of the Temple of Boxing, Lei Lie is the leading boxer with a radius of a hundred miles.

Once on par with Gus' father "Glen", known as the "two heroes" of Chijin Town.

Since the death of his parents, his uncle has become Gus's most respected and trusted elder.

In front of his uncle, Gus had no resistance, and he honestly told the story of going up the mountain to meet the tiger, especially Qin Yi's sudden and powerful arrow.

"I didn't expect that Qin Yi's arrow skills are so powerful. Maybe he consciously can't improve in the iron fist way, so he can only practice this kind of small carving skill, right?

"His bow is also mysterious, and he refused to let me see it. It seems that he also thinks that practicing archery is not a glorious thing. Uncle, don't tell his family, otherwise the family will scold him and he will reply. If you go too far, you should blame me."

Archery is a trail.

Only those who completely lose confidence in their fists can practice archery.

While on the mountain, Qin Yi also begged Gus not to talk about his use of bows and arrows, and Gus fully agreed.

But the uncle's momentum was irresistible, and Gus regretted it as soon as he said it, and could only remedy it.

Uncle's expression became very strange.

While comforting Gus gently and celebrating his escape from the mouth, he calmly asked Qin Yi about the details of the arrow, including the angle from which the arrow hit the tiger’s skull and how deep it went, sure. Is it going through the skull and coming out of the eye socket?

Gus was too frightened at the time, so many details were hard to remember, and his uncle didn't say anything. He only said that Gus was hurt and shocked today, so it is better not to go back and sleep at home for one night and let his two cousins ​​accompany him.

After the death of his parents, Gus often stayed overnight at his uncle's house, which is not surprising.

Unexpectedly, when I slept in the middle of the night, I heard the sound of "Sky Crack".

Then, news of uncle came from the temple of boxing.

Qin Yi caught it.

A very sophisticated crossbow arrow was also found under his bed.

The difference between bow and arrow and crossbow arrow is very different. The former is a "tool" and the latter is a "mechanical".

People get both stolen goods, and the iron case is like a mountain.

Think about it, just because of Qin Yi’s two arms that are almost the same as Gus, they have the same luchai stick, even if they really give them the best bow, tie up the tiger and let them shoot, I’m afraid they won’t be able to shoot through. The tiger's head couldn't even pull the bowstring.

Only the bow and crossbow that use the power of evil machinery can be shot instantly and headshot with one arrow.

"Gus, you have done meritorious service. The evildoers who believe in the power of machinery and steam just extended their vicious claws to our Chijin Town, and they were discovered in time.

"Look, the sky has been cracked, and it can be seen that the evil Taoists must be preparing to make big moves around Chijin Town, and they have made a smog, and the sky is angry and angry.

"Thanks to your vigilance and reporting to me as soon as possible, you may be able to avoid a catastrophe.

"Such a splash of credit is worth at least ten'casting pills' that are reborn and cleanse the sutras, and completely change your destiny.

"At the dawn of tomorrow, we will have a public trial and tell the townspeople your credit. At that time, even if you are my nephew, I will reward you with the cast body pill on behalf of the temple of Quan, and others will not be able to say a word of gossip! "

Uncle looked very happy.

Gus knew that his uncle broke his heart for his incompetent nephew. His physique was like a waste. Only the "cast body pill" could hope to change, but every cast body pill must condense hundreds of fierce beasts. The essence can be refined. It is extremely precious and belongs to the temple of boxing. Even as a priest, the uncle can't use it for private use.

This time, my uncle finally found a reason and bestowed himself a body pill. In his words, "I am finally worthy of your dad."

Gus dreamed of being reborn and truly embarking on the iron fist.

But not in this way... to betray a difficult brother and a life-saver.

No matter whether Qin Yi was an evildoer or not, he eventually saved his life. If Qin Yi really wanted to escape at the time, he had already threw down the tiger who had prepared Gus for a good meal. He might not want to go near and seek further to pursue Qin Yi, right?

Thinking of this, Gus, who was surrounded by people and pierced by Qin Yi's stern gaze, was about to cry.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was the sound of gongs and drums in the Temple of Fist.

Gus' uncle, Lei Lie, priest of the Fist Temple, has a shiny bald head, glaring eyebrows, and a black robe. He walks forward without any wind.

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