40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 451: Hell of wind and rain


Along with these words, there was another mountain shaking in the Xingjun Temple, and the steel dome made a "creaking" metal cracking sound. A dozen steel pipes could no longer be supported and crashed down.

Li Yao’s pupils suddenly contracted into two pinpoints, and the muscles all over his body tightened in an instant. At first glance, it looked like the whole person had shrunk, but the clothes on his body were swollen as if they were inflated, even saying " "Hiss" cracking sound.

With two "pops", Li Yao's work shoes with steel plates on his feet did not change on the surface, but the reinforced rubber soles were exploded into powder, and even the loose trousers on his calves were torn into strands of rags. The shape suddenly turned into a streamer, shooting away at the place where the steel pipe fell!


Li Yao's arm turned into more than a dozen afterimages, like a leather whip, rolling fourteen steel pipes into his palm, only the last one fell out of no one, making a loud noise.

Although the steel pipe did not hit anyone, it really frightened many ordinary people. Just now, the calm crowd rioted again. Many old, weak, young and old fell to the ground under fierce shoving, and there was a faint voice not far away. The girl cried helplessly.


The few steel pipes in Li Yao's hand were instantly squeezed out of the handprint of the three-pointer of the wood.

Li Yao was expressionless, but his eyes burst into flames of rage.

He squinted his eyes and watched the battle intently.

Suddenly appearing in the starry sky is a crocodile-like starship with a length of more than one thousand meters. The huge turrets on the crocodile's "back" are continuously ejecting dazzling psychic light clusters towards the Xingjun Temple. Indiscriminate bombing.

However, the defensive strength of the Xingjun Temple clearly exceeded the expectations of the Star Thief.

The ring-shaped defensive circle quickly rotates, the psychic shield absorbs all the energy attacks, and the gravitational field interferes with the defense system, causing all physical attacks to deviate, and the howling projectiles pass by the Xingjun Temple one after another, shooting To the dark sea of ​​stars.

After a while, the star thief lowered the pace of the storm, spraying a large amount of crystal armor from the abdomen of the battleship, trying to force in.

The guards of the Xingjun Temple also flew into the starry sky. Hundreds of armor masters were entangled together. The cold starry sea seemed to boil, and the waves of psychic energy rippled like a flood, frantically stirring.

In terms of numbers, Star Pirates does not have the upper hand.

Without the protection of cultivating sects in this area of ​​poor mountains and rivers, almost every family of men would control the crystal armor and engage in simple fighting.

However, after all, most of the residents here are ordinary people. Even in the guard team of Xingjun Temple, there are only a handful of Qi-refining monks. Most of them are still old or disabled, so they went home to provide for the elderly. .

Star thief are all murderous desperadoes. Many people are high-ranking during the refining period, and even foundation-building monks. They have rich experience in fighting and are equipped with battle crystal armor armed to the teeth. Against these amateur players, It's as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

The guards of the Xingjun Temple can only rely on a strong defensive circle to support them hard and delay as much as possible.

Anyone can see that the defensive circle is broken, but it is a matter of time.

However, a trace of doubt appeared on Li Yao's face. He narrowed his eyes and carefully analyzed the crocodile battleship.

On the bow of this warship, three characters are engraved with teeth and claws, "Wind and Rain Hell"!

Li Yao quickly retrieved the latest information collected in his brain.

Wind and Rain Prison is a large-scale star thief group ranked in the top 20 in the flying star realm. It is notorious for its treacherous behavior and cruel style.

The leader Feng Yuzhong is a strong Jindan, and he is extremely agile. The Heavenly Saint League has organized several encirclement and suppression of Fengyu Hell, and even dispatched a monk at the peak of Jindan.

Every time the encirclement and suppression, the stormy prison is wiped out, but the storm is always able to escape the birth, and it will not take long to gather a group of people to make a comeback. The momentum is greater and greater, and the methods are more brutal!

It is estimated that Xingjun Temple also saw the name of the Storm Prison, so he immediately launched an active defense without hesitation, and had no intention of surrendering.

"Strange, the top 20 star thief group in the flying star realm, what are they doing in such a poor country?"

Studying the light curtain carefully, Li Yao thoughtfully.

He found that although the crocodile battleship in the Storm Hell was coming aggressively, there were many fragmented scars on the battleship, and even several turrets were blown up. Even the flame vents at the tail were intermittent, flashing and extinguishing, apparently power symbols. There are major problems in the array.

The star thief fighting in the starry sky is also relatively clumsy and anxious. It seems to lack psionic power and ammunition, and rarely uses long-range attacks. They mainly focus on close combat.

In a word, Xingjun Temple is certainly meat on the cutting board.

But the star thiefs of Wind and Rain Hell wield a blunt knife. Even if they can cut into the meat, they still have to spend a lot of hands and feet if they want to smoothly chop them into meat.

"They have just gone through a fierce battle, and they are running out of ammunition and food."

Li Yao came to the conclusion, "Xingjun Temple is just a miscellaneous army composed of ordinary people and low-level monks, in other words, peasants in armor."

"Using the wind and rain hell, it stands to reason that even if it is disturbed by the defensive circle, it should be easy to solve the battle. How can it be stalemate for so long?"

"The boss of the Storm Prison, the golden core is strong, either he is not on this battleship, or he is seriously injured, so serious that he can't get up at all, otherwise, just relying on his cultivation in the pill formation period, he will only have one hand and one hand. With feet, they can sway through the defensive circle."

"Flying Star Realm is really interesting, dignified cultivator, it doesn't matter if you don't protect ordinary people, you turn into star thief, and kill ordinary people?"

Li Yao recalled in the information database, the streaks and crimes of the Storm and Rain Star Pirates group, and his eyes burst out with a sharper light than the ice cone, and swept towards deck one.

Deck one has been messed up.

Without the protection and guidance of the cultivating sect, ordinary people and low-level casual cultivators are just a pile of scattered sand, relying solely on the courage of blood, after screaming, put on the crystal armor and rush to the stars.

Li Yao couldn't help grinning.

If his various abilities are digitized, and the combat power is counted as 60, then the command ability... is close to 0, and it is impossible to organize these stragglers.

With a sigh, Li Yao could only summon a rock soldier, jumped and rushed into the starry sky.

But he didn't enter the battle group in a hurry like everyone else.

He calmly observed the battlefield and found that several star thief had very sharp methods, which seemed to be at least at the base-building level.

He may be able to deal with two or three, but if three or five besieged, he will be entangled.

The guns of the opposing Crocodile battleship were not vegetarian. Even if they couldn't break through the ring defensive circle of Xingjun Temple, it would still be easy to explode him.

"Li Yao, what's the situation now? I have sensed a very powerful psychic energy fluctuation in the Xingjun Temple area. Do we need to get closer?"

In the communication channel, Mo Xuan's anxious voice came.

"No need to."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, "We are being attacked by Star Pirates. The opponent has a powerful warship. The Spark is a multi-functional expedition ship. Now only a few secondary guns have been repaired, and it is not cheap to attack."

"The situation is chaotic right now. I don't know if the opponent still has backup. The Spark must not be exposed."

"You continue to pretend to drift, keep the psionic communication silent, and when it is safe, I will initiate the communication."

"As for this battleship... I will solve it!"

Until today, Li Yao seldom fights in a vacuum and weightless environment, and has long been accustomed to the omnipresent gravity restraint.

While slowly rotating the power talisman formation, moving his hands and feet, he calmly observed and thought about battle plans one after another.

"Don't talk about this rock soldier, even if it is a black bone battle armor, it is difficult to break the crocodile battleship from the outside, so we still have to find a way to sneak in."

"How to do?"

"Although the shell of the Crocodile battleship is riddled with holes, it is obvious that the star thief on the battleship has also noticed this. All the damages are taken care of by the anti-aircraft guns. Once an enemy approaches, they will be greeted by intense firepower. "

"Even if it can penetrate the fire web, it will be noticed by the enemy inside the battleship and lose the meaning of sneaking."

"From where can I sneak into the Crocodile battleship without knowing it?"

The starlight in Li Yao's eyes trembled with high frequency, his calculation power reached his limit, he was thinking about countermeasures, and occasionally he observed a rather strange phenomenon, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

At the tail of the crocodile battleship, there are a total of two rows of ten sets of flame vents, and ten hot fires gush out, providing continuous power for the battleship.

However, due to heavy damage, the flames from the four sets of nozzles were intermittent.

The group with the longest interval erupts once every nineteen seconds, and each eruption lasts for five seconds.

According to preliminary estimates, the diameter of each pipe in each group of nozzles is more than three meters.

"This seems to be available."

Although Li Yao has never seen a warship of this shape in the past, the internal structure of this spar warship with the power system on the tail should be similar.

The pipeline that ejects the spiritual flame will extend to the bottom of the power cabin in the rear of the battleship, and for heat dissipation, there will be a lot of gaps next to it, and there are even several cooling pools filled with special coolant.

Even if there are people in the power cabin, as long as these cooling pools do not malfunction, few people will guard them.

"This is it!"

"Wind and rain **** appeared in such a poor country for no apparent reason, and eagerly launched an attack on a barren town with no oil and water, and was unable to attack it for a while. To them, it was a shame."

"If they still have spare capacity, they must have put it out a long time ago to destroy the ring defensive circle."

"So, what appears on the battlefield now should be most of their power."

"There are definitely not too many masters in the battleship!"

In Li Yao's brain, everything he could see was transformed into a translucent phantom, and immediately turned into billions of figures. He frantically calculated the distance, speed, and angle. After a while, he waved the four arms of the rock soldier. , Slightly awkwardly entered the battle group!

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