48 Hours a Day

Chapter 187

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Tonight everyone’s eyes were attracted by what was happening on the beach, so that no one noticed the Jackdaw and Vida who had just returned to Hong Kong.

Zhang Heng also saw the fire and the crowd on the beach on the deck, but he didn’t pay much attention to at first. When the Jackdaw was parked, he took Anne and Billy to the pier by boat, but then he also noticed To the strange location of Breeze, and the two strange three-masted sailboats in the port.

Zhang Heng realized what might have happened. Before the boat docked, he saw the crew of the breeze and the tragic death of Booker.

Zhang Heng frowned, Billy said a few words, the latter was nodded, and when Zhang Heng and Annie got off the boat, he immediately took the other 2 pirates back to the Jackdaw.

After Zhang Heng stepped on the soft sand and walked ashore, the crowd of people saw him consciously giving way.

Wilton hearing this, looking back, eyebrows raised, “Sorry, who are you?”

“Zhang Heng, the captain of the Jackdaw.”

“So,” Wilton spread his hand. “Does this matter have anything to do with you?”

“Miss Karina is a partner of the Jackdaw on the island and a friend of mine.”

“Oh, I see.” Wilton nodded. “Then I’m afraid you have to find a partner again, because this Miss Karina has neither a boat nor a person, and owes me a debt. I plan to give us a guide and stay with us and let me spare her life. “

Karina hearing this could no longer control her anger and slapped Wilton in the face.

The latter reached out and touched the place where it was beaten, and looked at the businesswoman. Karina stepped back 2 steps in shock, but then saw a smile on Wilton’s face.

Only that smile did not let Karina relax, but let her heart burst into a chill.

Wilton turned his head and rushed behind, “It seems that Miss Karina does not yet have a clear understanding of her situation.”

Immediately after he finished speaking, someone removed Booker’s body from the wooden slats and dragged the second captive past.

Karina’s breath was quick, she looked at Zhang Heng with help, but she didn’t know what else the latter could do at this time. Although Zhang Heng had returned, he was only the first to go ashore on the Jackdaw Two people with Anne, and more than half of Wilton’s crew are on this beach.

There is a huge power gap between the two parties, and in this case no one can do anything.

Wilton walked to the second prey with his pocket knife, during which he also looked at Zhang Heng with a provocative look. The latter was really similar to what he expected, but he could only keep silent when he saw this scene.

Wilton chose the chest this time. He tapped twice with the tip of the knife, fully admiring the horrified expression of the prey, and then raised the knife in his hand again.

However, next moment he suddenly heard 2 cannons in his ears.

Wilton frowned, “Who is tm firing again? We are here to do business, not to find trouble. There are still some ruthless characters in this place. In addition to Honig just now, there are 2 black Princes. And the guy with the black beard, we still have to be polite on other people ’s sites. “

As a result, after he finished speaking, he saw a group of men looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, someone opened the mouth and said, “Captain, it’s not the gun we fired, okay … it seems that someone is attacking our ship.”

Wilton expression changed and looked in the direction of the port. Sure enough, he saw that his flagship Skull was being bombarded. Although there were many people left on his ship, he did n’t expect himself to be attacked. In any preparation, they hadn’t even had time to open the gun windows after the first round of the opposite ship was shelled.

“Return the Breeze and the cargo above, release all the crew, and I will stop the attack.” Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said.

“if not?”

“Otherwise I will sink your flagship.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

Wilton hearing this face dull, “I have never been threatened by me as a pirate for so long.”

“Then congratulations, now you have it.” Zhang Heng expression remains unchanged, “you can continue to hesitate, but I can’t guarantee that your ship will still be there in 5 minutes.”

“Aren’t you afraid to violate the rules of the island by doing this? Attacking ships parked in the port is prohibited in any city.”

“You are not a pirate on the island, so I don’t seem to have any problems doing this.”

Wilton’s fingers hit the back of the knife, the speed became faster and faster, as if thinking about something.

“By the way, if you expect to delay the time for another ship to attack, I advise you to dispel this idea, because I can guarantee that your other ship can’t move at all.”

Wilton didn’t quite believe it, but when he saw the Veda parked not far away and the densely packed barrel above, he knew that the other party was not talking big, and his other ship saw him. Sure enough not to act blindly without thinking again.

Wilton looked at Zhang Heng’s eyes, the fierce light flashing in his eyes, “Are you sure you want to be against me?”

“What about you?” Zhang Heng’s eyes did not dodge, and Wilton kept a direct look, and the latter finally chose to give in and waved, “Release.”

Wilton’s men cut the ropes of the captives. After the Breeze sailor was free, 2 people immediately ran to Karina, and the remaining middle age person walked to the cloth that had died before. Ke Qian, howling and crying holding the latter’s body.

He was Booker ’s uncle and the person who brought Booker to the boat. Did n’t expect led his nephew to a dead end.

Wilton looked at Zhang Heng, who was indifferent.

Wilton gritted his teeth, “Notify the brother on the ship, put the rest of them away, and return the ship and the cargo to them.” Afterwards he said to Zhang Heng, “Are you satisfied?”

Zhang Heng finally got a move this time. He raised his hand and made a gesture. The Jackie Jack held Telescope’s observation watch, which was in charge of observation, and immediately notified Billy.

The Jackdaw stopped attacking after half a minute, but at this time the Skeleton was already scarred. Although it did not sink, it had basically lost its ability to fight back.

The firepower of the Jackdaw is far more than that of an ordinary pirate ship. The artillery on board is a warship configuration, and at such a short distance, basically no artillery missed.

After knowing the damage to the Skull, Wilton had a complexion ashen, but this time he did n’t say anything, but just took a deep look at Zhang Heng, and hurried back to the boat.

Annie frowned. “We really just let them go? This guy doesn’t look like someone who is easy to deal with.”

“After all, there are so many of them on the shore. He is really urgent. He will do it for us.” Zhang Heng paused. “But you are right. When he repairs the ship, he will definitely come back to us and take revenge. We will resolve this trouble later and notify the crew on board to prepare for battle. “

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