48 Hours a Day

Chapter 202

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late at night. Terence Manor.

Malcolm’s work schedule has always been very regular, which is the secret of his ability to keep his energy, especially in the preparation process of the Black Merchant Alliance, various situations emerge in endlessly, and Malcolm can always solve them in an orderly manner Exposed to fatigue, he is clearly in his 40s, but his body is still like a 20-year-old youngster.

In the past, he had been lying on the bed on time, but tonight he remained unprecedented in the study.

He pulled the book from the shelf and turned it over.

Several maids in the hallway did not dare to take a breath at this moment. Everyone knew Malcolm was not in a good mood at this time.

Malcolm was originally a reserved character. His expression usually looked extraordinarily old-fashioned, and when things on the beach came, his face became more serious, and he could feel a long distance apart. Horrible momentum.

Before eating breakfast, a maid who served him was scared of the plate in his hand. As a result, he was dragged out by the steward on the side and whipped. From then on, the slaves in the Terence manor were even more chilled .

Seeing that Malcolm had been staying in the study for more than an hour beyond the sleeping time, no one dared to remind, but he was afraid of being punished for not being reminded.

The maids were very entangled, and finally focused their attention on a short black maid named Leah, who was also the most popular among all maids. Unlike other maids, even if he made a mistake, Marco Mu almost never punish her, for this she has also been excluded by some people.

Leah didn’t say anything, turned around and walked downstairs to the kitchen, then returned to the study room with a cup of hot milk, sorted out her clothes, and gently knocked on the door twice.

Malcolm’s voice came inside, “Come in.”

The black maid hearing this pushed the door open, and Malcolm sat on the velvet sofa without looking up.

It wasn’t until Leah put the glass of milk on the table in front of him that Malcolm was snorted. “I have a heart, I will wait for a guest tonight and will sleep for a while.”

“Yes, Mr. Malcolm.” Leah smiled and put away her plate, preparing to leave, but next moment Malcolm’s voice rang again.

“Most recently, has anyone else entered my study?”

Leah was hearing this, and for a moment she thought that Malcolm had discovered that the letter had been stolen. She only took a letter from it and returned it on 2nd day. I do n’t know Malcolm. How to find the abnormal.

Was her luck so bad that it happened to catch up with Malcolm that day to re-examine the old letters and found that there was one missing, but that many letters there, how could Malcolm remember where each one was. And the most important thing is what should she do at this time?

Want to fabricate a non-existent thief? Turn Malcolm’s suspicion to the other person to make himself safe, or push things to other people.

At this moment, there were countless thoughts in Leah ’s mind, but it was only a momentary thing. When she turned around, there was just the right confusion on her face. At your request, I am the only person who comes in every time I clean the house. “

Malcolm sighed, “I just asked casually, most recently is not very peaceful, be careful, there is always no harm.” After he finished, he pointed to the chair in front of him, “If you come, don’t rush away, Chat with me. “

Leah relaxed in her heart, she knew she was gamble correctly, Malcolm did not at all discover the letter, she gathered her skirt and sat on a chair, said with a smile, “What do you want to talk about?”

Malcolm put down the book in his hand, “Just talk about the book, most recently what are you reading.”

“I am reading the Bible because many people around me are reading it after coming to World.”

“Well, the quickest way to integrate into a culture is to understand its religion and see the Exodus? Do you have any feelings that the Israelis could not withstand the slavery of the Egyptians and escaped Egypt under the guidance of Jehovah? After suffering, I finally came to the Promised Land where milk and honey flowed. Does this chapter have any revelation for you. “

Leah hearing this smile became a bit reluctant.

“Do you know what I like most about you? You seldom say anything against you. If it’s those guys outside, you will definitely tell me that they like the life they are now and will never run away and leave.” Malcolm I adjusted my sitting posture to make my waist more comfortable. “But in fact, no one likes to be enslaved.”

Leah was silent for a long while, “Will the suffering that my compatriots are suffering now be ended by Jehovah?”

“What do you think?” Malcolm asked back, “Those 1000 years ago, those Israelis believed in their Lord, so their Lord took them away from the evil pagan rule, but now you and I believe in the same Creator, do you think he will liberate you from us? “

“So where is our path? Will our children and grandchildren continue to be enslaved like us?”

“It depends on when you can really integrate into our world.”

The black maid wanted to say something, Malcolm put out a finger, “I’m not talking about language, food, clothing or etiquette, religion, etc. Although these things are also important, but the most important Here it is. “Malcolm pointed to his head.” You need to think like us, and only then will you really be accepted as our kind. “

“But will we still be us that day?” Leah asked.

“Good question, civilization, is the most brutal thing in this world, it has only one theme, that is conquest.” Malcolm said, “It will not stop until the goal is reached, if you insist on not being Assimilation, then there is only the road of destruction. “

The voice of Malcolm fell, the door of the study was knocked again, and Steward’s voice rang from outside, “Mr Malcolm, the guest is coming.”

“Okay, let’s talk here today, you go down.” Malcolm waved his hand, the black maid made a salute, opened the door of the study, she didn’t go out long, a man in a cloak came in from outside There was still light rain outside, and there was a humid air on his body.

When the book door closed again, he took off his cloak, and below was Frazier’s face.

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