48 Hours a Day

Chapter 225

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When the wind and waves calm down completely, only the Jackdaw is left on the vast sea.

“Can’t believe we actually escaped!”

Dufferina looked around until she could no longer see the shadow of any enemy, and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief and sit on the deck.

After finding Harry and receiving the news of Jarvis’s betrayal, he was in a state of high nervousness and physical tension. He continued to stay in danger until now, and his body seemed to be completely drained, and he could not feel a trace of strength.

With the naval firepower occupying the absolute advantage and almost completely blocking the seaport, only a dozen of them, under the leadership of Zhang Heng, actually drove the Jackdaw out of the blockade, and then shook off the chase behind him. Bing, successfully carrying this terrifying rainstorm.

During this period, each step was full of danger, everyone tried their best, but even if you can go to this step, there are still a lot of luck, especially when the storm arrives at the right time, if the jackdaw is a little later It was sunk by the two armed ships, and it was even more incredible to be able to pass through the storm in a safe and sound state.

As the sky became brighter, and the distant sky became white, the drunken crew finally woke up from their sleep, and there were more people on the deck, but Di Freina’s eyes glanced around and finally Landed on the silent silhouette of the stern.

When the man said that he would lead everyone home, Di Freina thought he was only appeasing the mood of the sailors. After all, Zhang Heng, who was the captain under the circumstances, must first stabilize the situation, but he did n’t ‘t expect is that the other party has actually fulfilled his promise, and he just led the jackdaw escape alive in a desperate situation where there is no hope anymore.

What he did last night, it was impossible for anyone else to do in his place.

This is beyond the scope of manpower, which is enough to be called Gods Vestige, which can also be seen from the eyes of the surrounding sailor worship.

However, Zhang Heng’s face was not at all too much luscious, Dufferina rested for a while, regained some strength, got up and walked to Zhang Heng’s side, looking down the latter’s eyes, it should be Parrot Island Direction, but you can’t see anything when you drive so far.

“Do they … still have a chance?”

Zhang Heng shook the head, “The navy is well prepared this time, and Jarvis has this internal response. At this time, we suffered a big loss. Black Prince Sam wanted to survive. There was nothing other than retreating to the heart of the island. The choice, but this is in the navy ’s arms. The navy has nothing to do. As long as you wait for 2 weeks and then go to the island, the only thing you have to face is a group of frail pirates. “

Diverina hearing this is silent, in fact, he has already guessed this result, which is why Zhang Heng has to take the Jackdaw away anyway, the result of this battle was already doomed before the start of the fight.

Although the fighting sides are not far from each other in terms of number and firepower, this is not a fair contest at all. The pirates on the island were attacked by sneakers halfway through the carnival. They stayed away from their warships and did not have any preparations. The brain is also paralyzed by alcohol and forced to fight in such a state. The outcome is conceivable.

The two were while speaking and saw the newly recruited bookkeeper on the ship hurried over.

“Captain, Mr. De Freina, you better have a look.” The latter said nervously.

Zhang Heng and Dufreina hearing this and the bookkeeper went down to the warehouse. At this time, the sea water was almost pumped out, except that it was still a bit damp, it had basically returned to normal, but everyone’s expression looked But they are very serious, surrounded by a fresh water bucket.

Dufferina reached out and took the saliva from the inside and delivered it to her mouth, but soon after spitting out the salty taste, she spit it out again and asked, “How much?”

“We were out of luck. Two shells had landed in the area where we stored fresh water. About 2 7 barrels of fresh water were destroyed, and some of the wooden barrels were damaged. It was originally fine, but once the water entered the cabin, it was finished. In addition, there is not much rum left on the ship, because we took out 8 barrels at the previous party. “

“Is there anything else?” The quartermaster saw the bookkeeper swallow halfway, frowns saying.

“There are also biscuits stored here that have soaked in seawater. We rescued some of them, but some of them should not be eaten.”

“So now the food and freshwater reserves on board are enough for us to sail?”

“For food, it’s okay. There are no biscuits and potato bacon. You can also organize fishing on the boat. If you save some food, you should be able to reach Nassau. Enough for us to drink for another 4 days. “

“4 days?”

“At the current rate of consumption, yes.”

Dufferina immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. The Jackdaw departed from Nassau and sailed to Cockatoo Island for almost 2 weeks, and it was still in the wind.

And now the Jackdaw has just experienced a big battle. Fortunately, the mast has not been seriously damaged. As for the damaged sail, it has been repaired by the organization, but the current wind is not good for them. .

“Is there any island nearby that can supplement fresh water?” Zhang Heng, who has been silent, asked at the moment.

“If it’s nearby … there is a small island, only 1/4 of the size of Parrot Island, but there is no water source on the island.” A sailor said.

“Then we will begin to strictly control fresh water distribution from now on, and each person will be distributed according to the amount every day.” Dufferina said.

Zhang Heng hearing this indifferent expression, said to Harry on the side, “Go to the captain’s room and get my chart.”

The latter was eavesdropping on the conversation here with his ears raised, thinking of when Dufferina told Zhang Heng his credit, but he heard Zhang Heng talking, stunned, but he immediately thought of something, his face appeared With a touch of joy, he hurried towards the captain’s room.

As a result, Zhang Heng was planted in the captain’s room. Harry was unfamiliar with it, and it took him a long time to find the chart from the top of the bookcase and take it down.

Zhang Heng spread out the nautical chart, first found Parrot Island on it, and then found another island that was the closest, and then seemed to be calculating something.

Dufrenne was puzzled. “Isn’t that island without fresh water? What use are we going there for?”

“We have been chased and beaten by those guys for so long. It’s a little too cheap for them to leave without asking for interest. In addition, we want fresh water to fall on them.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.

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